Textbook Fair Seller`s Terms and Conditions Selling Books If you

Textbook Fair Seller’s Terms and Conditions
Selling Books
If you would like to sell your books at the FUSA Textbook Fair they need to be brought into
the FUSA Office by 3pm Friday 31 July 2015. Sellers will also need to bring with them a
completed Sellers’ Form.
Sellers must write their Student ID and the Price of the book on the inside cover, in pencil.
This helps FUSA cashiers track the book. Prices are set by the seller and cannot be
changed once the books have been submitted. If you are unsure how to price your books,
see our Hints and Tips section below.
FUSA accepts books on consignment, which means that you will be reimbursed if your book
is sold. Students who surrender books for sale will be asked to provide a range of details
including payment preference and banking information. All information provided will be
protected under strict privacy guidelines. It is the responsibility of the book owner to ensure
that their details are up to date.
The Textbook Fair is not just for Students at Flinders University; Staff can also buy and
sell textbooks from the Fair.
Unsold Books
FUSA is unable to guarantee that books will sell and the likelihood depends on the individual
books that you hand in. Out of date and older editions are less likely to sell. First semester
books are unlikely to sell in second semester and vice versa.
Books handed into FUSA for sale that are not sold will be returned to the student. Upon
notification from FUSA unsold books must be collected within 10 working days. If books are
not collected within 10 working days from email notification the seller forfeits ownership of
the book/s without compensation.
Lost / Damaged Books
FUSA takes no responsibility for lost / damaged books. FUSA will attempt to find or replace
the damaged or missing books/. If a replacement (or the lost book) is not found after one
month (30 days from the date of the Fair) FUSA will reimburse the seller in cash (the amount
listed on the Seller’s Form).
In the event a book becomes damaged beyond repair or is lost/misplaced during the Fair,
the seller will be informed at the completion of the Fair.
Sellers who fail to read and reply to the FUSA email correspondence within seven (7) days,
or who fail to collect the books/monies at the agreed time/date will forfeit any and all rights to
the books/monies.
Hints and Tips
To increase your chances of selling, FUSA recommend sellers’ list textbooks, which are the
current edition and in good condition at around 60% off the recommended retail price (RRP).
For textbooks which are not the current edition FUSA recommends 40% off the RRP.
For example if the RRP of your book is $100 FUSA recommends selling it for $60 if it’s the
current edition and $40 if it’s not the current edition.
Sellers Agreement (must be completed)
I agree to be bound by the FUSA Textbook Fair Seller’s Terms and Conditions.
Seller’s full name (please print): ________________________________________________
Seller’s Signature: __________________________________________________________
Date: ___/___/___
Sellers must read and sign this document or textbooks will not be accepted for sale. If you
have more books to sell, complete a second Sellers’ Form. If selling two or more books as a
set, write “sold as set”, Student ID and price (for the set) must be put inside both books and
the books tied together.
Sellers’ Student ID: _________________________________________________________
Sellers’ Full Name: __________________________________________________________
Sellers’ Mobile: _____________________________________________________________
Sellers’ Email: _____________________________________________________________
Seller can collect money/books before: _____________
Seller can nominate a representative to collect the money/books if they are unable to
Representative’s Full Name: __________________________________________________
Representative’s Student ID: __________________________________________________
Textbooks for Sale (must be completed)