Scientific Committee Chair: 1st International Congress on Psychic Trauma: Prenatal, Perinatal & Postnatal Aspects(PTPPPA 2015) Grigori Brekhman (Israel) May 15–16, 2015 ● Belgrade, Serbia Co-Chairs: Mirjana Sovilj (Serbia) Dejan Raković (Serbia) Members: E. Ailamazjan (Russia) S. Bardsley (USA) H.Blazy (Germany) P. Fedor-Freybergh (Slovakia) M. Dunjić (Serbia) D. Djordjević (Serbia) O. Gouni ( Greece) J Gurbanova (Azerbaijan) Č. Hadži Nikolić (Serbia) S.Hildebrandt (Germany) S. House (Great Britain) S.Janjatovic (Italy) L. Janus, (Germany). V. Jerotić (Serbia) N.Kovalenko (Russia) D. Karabeg (Norway) Lj. Klisić (Serbia) I. Kononenko (Slovenia) R. Linder (Germany) A. Ljubić (Serbia) L Nasarenko (Ukraine) N. Nedeljković (Serbia) D. Mandić (Serbia) S. Milenković (Serbia) B. Milovanović (Serbia) P. Ognjenović (Great Britain) Lj. Rakić (Serbia) M. Subotić (Serbia) R. Radulović (Serbia) J. Rhodes (USA) V. Stambolović (Serbia) O. Škarić (Macedonia) S. Tashaev (Russia) J&T Turners (Holland) R.Yahav (Israel) S Zhuk (Ukraine) Organizing Committee Chairs: S. Maksimović (Serbia) V. Kljajević Members: T.Adamović(Serbia) S. Arandjelović (Serbia) Lj. Dobrijević (Serbia) V. Ilić (Serbia) S. Janković-Ražnatović (Serbia) J. Jovanović (Serbia) M. Mićović (Serbia) Ž. Mihajlović (Serbia) D. Pavlović (Serbia) L. Trifunović (Serbia) O. Vulićević (Serbia) M. Vujović (Serbia) Secretariat: Lj. Dobrijević (Serbia) V. J. Bojović(Serbia) Dear Colleague, You are kindly invited to participate to the forthcoming Congress entitled: PSYCHIC TRAUMA: PRENATAL PERINATAL & POSTNATAL ASPECTS - Origins,Consequences, Diagnostics, Therapy & Prophilactics, to beheld in Belgrade, Serbia, May 15–16, 2015. The Congress will be organized by the Institute of Experimental Phonetics and Speech Pathology (IEPSP), Belgrade, Life Activities Advancement Center (LAAC), Belgrade, and International Society of Prenatal & Perinatal Psychology & Medicine (ISPPM)/Germany, under the auspices of Serbian Ministry of Education, Science & Technological Development, Association for Prenatal and Perinatal Psychology and Health(USA),Prenatal & Life Sciences, Athens, and DRFFund for Promoting Holistic Research & Ecology of Consciousness, Belgrade. The Congresswill focus on the modern trends in theory of Psychic Traumaand applied problems of its Diagnostics, Therapy & Prophylaxis. The aim of the Congress is to summarize modern knowledge in psychology, including prenatal and perinatal, biology,medicine, and other natural sciences in order to give the impulse for the intensification of research of psychic trauma and its consequences. It is necessary for the best understanding of this phenomenon and giving us the opportunity to find the more effective approaches and techniquesof its therapy and prophylaxis. The main topics of interest for submissions include but are not limited to: ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ prenatal aspects of psychic trauma perinatal aspects of psychic trauma postnatal aspects of psychic trauma consciousness, cognition and psychosomatics integrative medicine approaches & techniques transpersonal psychology approaches & techniques transpersonal harmonization in human relationships ABSTRACT SUBMISSION: Prospective authors are invited to submit a one-page abstract (up to 300 words) to before March 31, 2015. PAPER SUBMISSION: After acceptance, a camera-ready full paper (up to 10 pages) will be published in the Proceedings after the Congress. The papers should be sent to the Organizing Committee by email until April 15, 2015. LANGUAGE: The official languages of the Congress are English, Russian and Serbian. Slide presentations and posters must be in English. REGISTRATION FEE: 50 € / 100 € ACCOMODATION: The Congress Secretariat will offer assistance in making hotel reservations. Hotel rates vary from 40 € to 150 € for single rooms, and from 50 € to 200 € for double rooms. Important Deadlines Abstract Submission March 31, 2015 Submission of Camera-Ready Papers April 15, 2015 Author's Registration Deadline April 15, 2015 Congress Venue: Hotel CROWNE PLAZA, Vladimira Popovica 10, Belgrade CONTACT INFORMATION: Organizing Committee, IEPSP Secretariat, Gospodar Jovanova 35, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia. Tel : +381 11 3208-518 Fax: +381 11 2624-168, 2625-232 Web: Email: We are looking forward to seeing you in Belgrade. Best regards. Organizing Committee of PTPPPA 2015 1st International Congress on Psychic Trauma: Prenatal, Perinatal & Postnatal Aspects(PTPPPAC 2015) May 15–16, 2015 ● Belgrade, Serbia This is the first Congress devoted to the comparative analysis of prenatal, perinatal and postnatal psychic traumas and their interaction. The main goal of this event is to give the impulse for development of doctrine of psychic trauma, and its fundamental and applied aspects. During the Congress we plan to discuss: origins of prenatal, perinatal and postnatal psychic traumas, conditions of their occurrence, mechanisms of their formation and saving in memory, their transformation into psychic syndromes, mental illnesses or psychosomatic disorders, clinical manifestations of prenatal, perinatal and postnatal psychic traumas, pathogenesis, diagnostics, therapy, prophylactics, prognosis, and prospects for further study of the issue. A special attention will be given to: a) possibilities of diagnostics of prenatal, perinatal and postnatal psychic trauma – separately and/or by their combination, b) therapy of patients with suchpsychic traumas, c)the transgeneration passing of suchpsychic traumas, d)eliminating or reducing the impact of the distorted information onthepsychosomatic condition and functioningof person. We will focus on the high topicality of prophylactics of the prenatal, perinatal and postnatal traumas in which the whole civilized human society should be involved. In the framework of the Congress we expect to discuss some fundamental key questions: Origins, conditions and mechanisms of formation of prenatal, perinatal and postnatalpsychictraumas in a man. The conditions and mechanisms of transfer the psychic trauma from mother to her unborn child. The possible mechanisms and significance of wave energo-informative exchange between unborn child, his mother and social and ecological environment What are morphological, genetic, hormonal and other correlates of mental injuries that control unconscious motives, thinking, and behavior of a person in postnatal stage? Psychiatric disorders such as schizophrenia, delirium, suddenly emerging psychosis, panics, anxiety, communication disorders, predisposition to aggression and violence, and others. Are they echoes of prenatal, perinatal psychictraumasor it is a postnatal acquisition only? Prenatal, perinatal and postnatalmental traumas and their psychotherapy and prevention on different levels: mother, nuclear family, extended family, religious community, society, state with its social and economic programs. Can the prenatal conditionsto cause them or it is genetic information only? Modern reproductive philosophy and technology and psychic traumas in unborn children.Assisted reproductive technologies (such as surrogacy, IVF, cloning), and birth technologies (Caesarean section, monitoring, labor induction, and anesthetic methods, oth.)and their influence on the individual's postnatal life; changes in the ethics, morals and in the paradigm of human significance in the society. Besides, we plan to discuss some specific questions: For psychiatrists, psychologists, and psychotherapists: Significance of events of pre-perinatal periods as one of the sources of mental disorders. The origin of habits and syndromes such as fears, phobias, autism, ADHD, neurosis, increased aggression and auto-aggression, psychosis (bipolar disorders, schizophrenia, oth.). The modernization of diagnostics and differential diagnostics taking into account the prenatal, perinatal and postnataltraumas. For specialists in the field of psychosomatics: Psychosomatic disorders as a consequence of prenatal, perinatal and postnataltraumas: Disorders of breath, circulation, gastric diseases, skin problems, others. Differential diagnosis, differentiated therapy, prophylactics. For obstetricians, midwifes, pediatricians, nurses and future parents: Prevention of traumas in the early human life cycle, including prenatal care; medical and psychological support of unborn children and their parents from the beginning of pregnancy. Fortherapists:Is there no danger to undergo destructive information from mother to child during prenatal psychoanalysis?Should there be psychotherapy during pregnancy, to prevent the passing of destructive information from the maternal memory to the prenatal child? What is a role of energo-informative technology in diagnostics and correction people receiving the psychic trauma? Do there ways to protect future generations from getting destructive information and prenatal and perinatal traumas which can distort the development of the children and then adults or we are “doomed”? Organizing Committee of PTPPPA 2015 1st International Congress on Psychic Trauma Prenatal, Perinatal & Postnatal Aspects(PTPPPA 2015) May 15–16, 2015 ● Belgrade, Serbia APPLICATION FOR REGISTRATION TITLE: ………………………………………………………………………………… FIRST NAME: ………………………………………………………………………… LAST NAME: ………………………………………………………………………… SPECIALITY:………………………………………………………………………… INSTITUTION: ……………………………………………………………………… DEPARTMENT:……………………………………………………………………… ADRESS: …………………………………………………………….………………… PHONE: …………………………………………………………………………………… MOBILE: ……………………………………………………………………………… EMAIL:…………………………………………………………………………………… COMMENTS: Registration Fees: FOR PAYMENTS RECEIVED BEFORE FORPAYMENTS AFTER April 15, 2015 April 15, 2015 50 € 100 € INSTRUCTION FOR CUSTOMER TRANSFERS IN EUR Intermediary: DEUTDEFF DEUTSCHE BANK AG FRANKFURT AM MAIN, GERMANY Account with institution: DBDBRSBG BANCA INTESA AD, BEOGRAD MILENTIJA POPOVIĆA 7B BEOGRAD, REPUBLIKA SRBIJA Beneficiary: /RS35160005390000001019 UNAPREĐENJE ŽIVOTA DOO BEOGRAD Gospodar Jovanova 35 Beograd Republic of Serbia 6.000,00 din 12.000,00 din ZA PLAĆANJE IZ SRBIJE Centarzaunapređenježivotnihaktivnosti tekućiračun: 160-355830-71 BancaIntesa ; PIB 105116122 matičnibroj: 20317957 ; šifradelatnosti: 7219 1st International Congress on Psychic Trauma Prenatal, Perinatal & Postnatal Aspects(PTPPPA 2015) May 15–16, 2015 ● Belgrade, Serbia Abstract form FULL TITLE OF THE PAPER name(s) and title(s) of author(s) institution(s) email addresses Please enter your abstract here abstracts are to be submitted as an email attachment abstracts must not exceed a maximum of 300 words key words must be in English abstracts are to be in Microsoft Word format, Times New Roman 12 (bold for titles) Email to: