Academic Senate Committees Self-Evaluation Form Name of Committee: Academic Year: Academic Policy Committee 2014-2015 1. List dates of all meetings that were held, and post agendas and approved minutes of these meetings on the committee’s Web site. Dates: 2014--July 22, August 26, September 23, October 28, November 25 2015--January 22, February 26, April 23, May 28, June 25 Meeting agendas and minutes may be found: x#/SitePages/Home.aspx Total number of meetings held: Frequency of meetings: Average attendance of voting members per meeting : Number of meetings in which a quorum was attained: 10 Monthly 20—80% 10—100% 2. What were the main accomplishments/tasks achieved this academic year? Provided a forum for chairs to share their ideas, concerns, and suggestions for improving the departmental operations of the college. Provided feedback to the college administration on regulations and procedures that affected the academic environment. Participated extensively on the Faculty Position Priority Committee to recommend 30 new instructors to the college president. Developed and communicated ideas to streamline the duties and tasks performed by department chairs. 3. List the tasks/goals that are in progress, modified, or incomplete. Department chairs handbook 3a. List the factors or barriers that inhibited completion of the goals/tasks. Response: APC requires the impetus and funding to print such a handbook. Its contents can be derived from the listing of duties and tasks provided by the Office of 2 Academic Affairs annually 3b. If resources are needed, list them and justify how they would allow the committee to achieve goals or complete tasks. Response: APC would need to create a task force to work on such a project. The task force should be comprised of department chairs and academic deans. It should provide a timeline and a description of procedures to complete regular duties and tasks assigned to department chairs. Funds would need to be made available to print the handbook in a format that would permit pages to be removed and inserted. 4. List the committee’s prioritized goals for the 2015–2016 academic year. Please include the goal or the objective: Develop a department chair handbook in conjunction with deans from the Office of Academic Affairs. Analyze academic policies and procedures to enhance processes and college-wide outcomes, as needed. Examine the role of the department chair and develop professional development and training opportunities to support the successful implementation of chair duties. Work collaboratively with the college administration to evaluate and improve the academic environment. 5. Does the committee have any suggestions to improve participatory governance processes or make them more efficient? The committee expressed concern that the voice of the chairs has not been heard as part of the participatory governance process. Examples include the slow processing of key requests, student parking in faculty parking areas, requiring complicated paper processing for moving a class from its assigned classroom to the library for a single session, canceling early low-enrollment classes without collaboration with the department chair. The committee needs to address how it can become more effective in participatory governance. 6. Explain how the committee addressed recommendations from the prior year. Recommendations from last year’s self-evaluation follow: None were received since Senate Committees did not validate the 20132014 self-evaluations. 2 of 4 3 Recommendation Remediation Responsible Party Date for Completion 1. None received 2. None received 7. Complete the chart below to update the committee’s membership for 2014– 2015. Please identify Chair and/or Co-chair. All committee members are department chairs. The chair of the committee is the first vice president of the Senate. Terms continue for all until a member is no longer department chair. Department Chairperson Agriculture & N.R. Leland Shapiro Anthropology/Geog. Science Adrian Youhanna Art & Architecture Melody Cooper Business Administration David Braun Chemistry Child Development & Education Isadore Goodman Communication Studies Jennifer Rosenberg Computer Applications & OT Lyn Clark Comp Science & Inform Tech David Schamus Counseling Rudy Dompe English Donna Accardo History & Humanities Richard McMillan Industrial Technology Mike Van Dyke Kinesiology Shilo Nelson Library Paula Paggi Life Science Larry Thouin Mathematics Bob Martinez Joleen Voss-Rodriguez 3 of 4 4 Department Chairperson Media Arts Jill Connelly Modern Language Fernando Oleas Music Wayne Perkins (Skip) Nursing Joan Schneider Philosophy/Sociology James McKeever Physics & Planetary Science Dale Fields Political Science/Economics Kathy Oborn Psychology Chad Snow Theatre Arts Michael Gend Chair Signature: Chair Name: Date: Lyn Clark June 27, 2015 4 of 4