Northern Clinical Networks & Senate Terms of Reference NORTHERN TRAUMA SYSTEM EXECUTIVE GROUP Purpose of the Northern Trauma System (NTS) Executive Group To improve the quality of care and equity of service provision for people experiencing trauma across the North East and Cumbria. Main aims and objectives of the group These are to: Work across the whole pathway: prevention; immediate treatment; secondary treatment; and rehabilitation Provide leadership and innovation in trauma services delivery Promote equity across the NTS Define the specific objectives to which the NTS should work Ensure Major Trauma Centres and Trauma Units are validated through a selfassessment and peer review process Work closely with partner organisations on strategic issues relating to the trauma workforce, training and education Compare performance against agreed standards to monitor and evaluate service provision. Undertake service reviews of existing services, in particular where indicators show that performance on outcomes is below average Work closely with other clinical networks and modernisation streams that may have common ground in terms of reviewing patient pathways, and resolving bottlenecks in the pathway, to achieve continuous service improvement Identify research and educational needs and opportunities Membership Chair – Dr Dave Bramley Deputy Chair – Dr Jackie Gregson Deputy Chair – Karen Portas Consultant with lead role for trauma in North Trauma Network Manager with lead role for trauma in North Trauma Network Exec Director Lead in North Trauma Network Consultant with lead role for trauma in South Trauma Network Manager with lead role for trauma in South Trauma Network Exec Director Lead in South Trauma Network Medical Director NEAS Service Lead NEAS Specialist Commissioning Manager NTS Exec Group December 2013 1 Rehab Clinical Advisory Group Chair NTS Clinical Advisory Group Chair Northern Trauma System Network Manager Other individuals to be co-opted onto the group when necessary: CCG Commissioning Lead Clinical Networks Information Analyst Role of members: Members of the Group should be accountable and responsible for implementing changes and service development within their own organisations/areas and teams. It is therefore expected that members of the Group should be of sufficiently senior level to be accountable and responsible for ensuring any actions that need to be implemented by them and/or their teams are carried out. Members must ensure that representation and communication is maintained between the NTS Executive Group, local operational teams and the Network Oversight Group. It is the responsibility of all members of the NTS Executive Group to communicate discussions and outcomes agreed at the meetings to and from any relevant groups, teams, front line and other staff in their own organisations. It is expected that members attend at least 75% of meetings Tenure for chair of this group will be 3 years Frequency of meetings: Meetings will take place on a quarterly basis. Action points will be taken at each meeting and will be shared prior to the following meeting. The action points will be agreed and matters arising discussed at each subsequent meeting. The meeting will be quorate with attendance from more than half of its constituent organisations and at least 1 representative from each trauma network. Reporting/communication arrangements The NTS Executive Group will report to the: Northern Clinical Networks and Senate Oversight Group The NTS Executive Group will link closely with other Network groups including: NTS Clinical Advisory Group NTS Trauma Rehab Group – group to be convened Other groups as necessary depending on work programme General: Task and finish groups will be established if required Meetings will be conducted in an informal manner encouraging discussion and debate Members will respect other colleague’s views and opinions at all times NTS Exec Group December 2013 2