QUARTERLY PROGRESS REPORT A. Describe the past quarter’s accomplishments and the current status of this Action Project. From the English Department as submitted by Jack Bennett, chair: efforts this past quarter have been to improve pedagogy faculty have been mainstays in the Center for Teaching and Learning. Prof Adrienne Cassel presented a workshop on "Problem Based Learning and 21st Century Literacies” with Lisa Mahle-Grisez crafting a outcomes based rubric for assessing essays faculty members have begun sharing and studying ways to apply what we call "The Personal Touch" to addressing our student writing issues. Having become aware of the comparative data that shows a slight rise in the student success rates between 2007 and 2008 Spring and Fall Quarters, faculty summarized that the most significant tool in reaching higher goals was to give more personal attention to student development in their course work. For example, Professor Caroline has initiated a program called "Dear Caroline" which features personal letters between students and teachers that address their needs, and issues with English 111 Instructor Aaron Moyer has developed a "catch-up day". This day is designed for his students who have fallen behind in class coursework to literary come to class and catch-up with teacher assisted tutoring and much forgiveness. Other students are exempt from this once a quarter offering. The age-old practice of personal conferencing is now an intergal part of our teaching arsenal. From the Academic Foundations Department as submitted by Teresa Prosser, chair: Implemented more concentrated retention strategies to increase student engagement and reduce number of withdrawals Continued to use common exit assessment rubric to determine in the aggregate student mastery of course outcomes; used results to make improvement in instruction Increased discussion with students regarding student success skills in terms of academic honesty Increased discussion with students about the importance of continuing their writing sequence in terms of their success Reviewed supplemental course materials to increase effectiveness Increased in-depth mentoring of new adjuncts as a way of providing instructional consistency across sections Working to develop modules over all segments of the department’s writing curriculum to provide students with opportunities for refreshing and/or reinforcing skills Assessed and revised master teaching syllabus template Increased number of learning communities with student success course Involved with the Center for Teaching and Learning in terms of workshops and providing resources for helping at-risk student succeed Collaborated with local ABLE providers to address learning options and opportunities for severely at-risk students and developed College Readiness courses to replace lowest levels of DEV Dialoged often with others across campus concerning writing requirements in other programs B. Describe how the institution involved people in work on this Action Project. Discussion f2f and online through email….formally and informally C. Describe your planned next steps for this Action Project. Continuation and scale up of what works D. Describe any “effective practice(s)” that resulted from your work on this Action Project. Collaboration with local ABLE providers shows great promise Increased mentoring of adjuncts Data driven decisions Creating high expectations of faculty to take greater responsibility for student success E. What challenges, if any, are you still facing in regards to this Action Project? Just time….