Litter Policy - Mill O`Forest Primary School

Litter Policy
What is litter?
Litter is waste that is in the wrong place.
Why should we keep our school free of litter?
It there is litter around:
It makes the school look untidy
It can be dangerous to us and wildlife
It shows that we don’t care about the environment
What should we do to keep our school free from litter?
Put your litter into the nearest bin
If you can’t see a bin, keep hold of the litter until you find bin
Where will we find bins?
In the playground
In each class area
In the toilets
In the courtyard
In the dining hall
How can we encourage others not to litter?
Be a litter monitor – litter monitors wear a bib and use a picker. Remember
to wash your hands after you have been a litter monitor
Talk to any friends that drop litter and remind them of why it’s important
to keep our school grounds tidy
Know our Eco Code – Find a bin to put it in!
If you see any dangerous litter, tell an adult. Do not pick it up!