Name___________________________________ Weekly Spelling Contract You are responsible for selecting the activities that will help you learn your spelling words each week. Below is a list of activities that you may select. You must complete 6 points worth of assignments. No extra credit will be given for additional points. Write your words in reverse ABC order. (1 points) Draw pictures to illustrate 10 of your words and write the word neatly beside your picture. (1 points) Write sentences using your spelling words. The goal is to use as many of your words in as few sentences as possible. (2 points) Write a story using all of your spelling words. (3 points) Write your words using this pattern: write vowels in blue and consonants in red. (1 points) Use a dictionary to look up the definition of 10 of your spelling words. You may handwrite or use a computer to write the definitions. (2 points) Use a thesaurus to find at least 2 synonyms for 10 of your spelling words. (2 points) Create a word search for your spelling words. Circle the words (1 points) Make flashcards for your words with the word on one side and the definition on the other. Return to teacher in a baggie. (3 points) Write each spelling word 3 times each. (3 points) Put spelling words in ABC order. (1 points) Have someone at home give you a practice spelling test. (1 points) Use a dictionary to divide your words into syllables. (2 points) Write your spelling words and a word that rhymes with each one. (1 points). Create a comic strip using your spelling words. (3 points) Cut out letters from old magazines and newspapers to spell each of your spelling words. Glue the words onto your paper (3 points) Weekly Contract Grading Rubric Did you complete 6 points of spelling assignments? Is your name on all of the papers? Did you write in your neatest handwriting? Are your papers stapled (or taped) neatly?