Resource Extraction Foldable

Resource Extraction Foldable
Page 1: Title Page: Resource Extraction
Page 2: Wood Harvesting
 Explain what deforestation is (Page 205)
 Name 3 things that wood is used for (Page 205)
 Define Selective Cutting and Clear Cutting (Page 205-206)
 How does the amount of wood used by US citizens compare to the amount used by average
world citizens (Page 205)
 If deforestation continues how is this likely to affect the environment (Notes)
 Draw a picture
Page 3: Peat Harvesting
 Give a definition of peat (Notes)
 What is peat used for? (Notes)
 What environmental problem does peat harvesting cause? (Notes)
 Draw a picture
Page 4: Coal Mining
 Explain how coal forms (Notes)
 Define the following types of mining (Page 210):
o Strip Mining
o Open Pit Mining
 What is the most detrimental environmental impact from mining? (Page 211)
 What is one way miners can mine for resources responsibly? (Page 212)
 Draw a picture
Page 5: Uranium/Plutonium Mining
 Explain what Nuclear Fission is (Page 283)
 Name 3 methods of mining for uranium and plutonium (Notes)
 Why is nuclear energy not commonly used? (Page 285)
 What happened at Chernobyl? (Page 285)
 Draw a picture
Page 6: Oil Drilling
 Explain how oil forms (Page 281)
 How is oil extracted from the Earth’s crust? (Notes)
 What is the main concern about oil drilling? (Notes)
 Draw a picture of an oil rig (Page 281)
Page 7: Natural Gas Drilling
 Give a definition of natural gas (Notes)
 How is natural gas extracted from the Earth? (Notes)
 How does hydrofracking help increase the amount of natural gas obtained? (Notes)
 What concerns are there about hydrofracking? (Notes)
 Draw a picture
Page 8: Conclusion
 Give a definition of a fossil fuel (Page 281)
 Name 3 examples of fossil fuels (Page 281)
 How can the burning of fossil fuels have a detrimental impact on the Earth’s climate? (Page 281)
Resource Extraction Foldable
Page 1: Title Page: Resource Extraction
Page 2: Wood Harvesting
 Explain what deforestation is (Page 205)
 Name 3 things that wood is used for (Page 205)
 Define Selective Cutting and Clear Cutting (Page 205-206)
 How does the amount of wood used by US citizens compare to the amount used by average
world citizens (Page 205)
 If deforestation continues how is this likely to affect the environment (Notes)
 Draw a picture
Page 3: Peat Harvesting
 Give a definition of peat (Notes)
 What is peat used for? (Notes)
 What environmental problem does peat harvesting cause? (Notes)
 Draw a picture
Page 4: Coal Mining
 Explain how coal forms (Notes)
 Define the following types of mining (Page 210):
o Strip Mining
o Open Pit Mining
 What is the most detrimental environmental impact from mining? (Page 211)
 What is one way miners can mine for resources responsibly? (Page 212)
 Draw a picture
Page 5: Uranium/Plutonium Mining
 Explain what Nuclear Fission is (Page 283)
 Name 3 methods of mining for uranium and plutonium (Notes)
 Why is nuclear energy not commonly used? (Page 285)
 What happened at Chernobyl? (Page 285)
 Draw a picture
Page 6: Oil Drilling
 Explain how oil forms (Page 281)
 How is oil extracted from the Earth’s crust? (Notes)
 What is the main concern about oil drilling? (Notes)
 Draw a picture of an oil rig (Page 281)
Page 7: Natural Gas Drilling
 Give a definition of natural gas (Notes)
 How is natural gas extracted from the Earth? (Notes)
 How does hydrofracking help increase the amount of natural gas obtained? (Notes)
 What concerns are there about hydrofracking? (Notes)
 Draw a picture
Page 8: Conclusion
 Give a definition of a fossil fuel (Page 281)
 Name 3 examples of fossil fuels (Page 281)
 How can the burning of fossil fuels have a detrimental impact on the Earth’s climate? (Page 281)