Coordinating Commission Minutes May 14, 2014 Attendees: Donna

Coordinating Commission
May 14, 2014
Attendees: Donna Brauer, Tom Fauchald, Karen LaPlant, Jason Fossom, Elsbeth Howe, Barbara
McDonald, Mike Lopez, John O’Brien, Lynda Milne, Brent Glass, Jon Eichten, Mary Rothchild
The Coordinating Commission (CC) reviewed the agenda for the meeting. The CC will move to 1 ½ hour
meetings in fall.
Action: Add each council’s agenda to the minutes of the CC meeting.
Academic Affairs Council (AAC) members discussed the issue of diversity, which is seen as relevant to
each of the councils. State university students would like a formal diversity council through MnSCU with
diversity staff from colleges and universities as representatives. John O’Brien mentioned that at an ASA
leadership team meeting, Vice Chancellor Leon Rodrigues mentioned that he would be engaging in
outreach, but made no commitment to forming a committee.
Action item: Elsbeth will forward position of students to both John and Leon.
Action item: Each council will include diversity as a discussion item and report back to the CC. Option to
have either or both a separate council or diversity issues be a standing item for each council.
Discussion of meeting dates:
Each of the three councils should meet before Policy Council (PC). PC needs to advise other
councils about what policies it is considering.
Add earlier date for Coordinating Commission in early September to gage where we are and
what should be addressed during the year.
First CC meeting will provide update on Charting the Future meetings/teams that met over the
Will revise these dates and get out to folks ASAP.
Academic Affairs Council (AAC)
Donna Brauer reviewed the AAC meeting held on May 13, 2014.
Metro baccalaureate retreat: Todd Harmening, system director for planning, reviewed the information
presented and the discussion at the metro baccalaureate retreat held on April 21, 2014.
AAC recommended a clear concept analysis of baccalaureate education. There were concerns
about “production of degrees” vs. “education of students.”
Need to clarify the framing goals for the metro baccalaureate plan, which would permit clearer
feedback on proposals by each of respective councils.
At the AAC meeting, Lynda Milne led a discussion of the multi-state collaborative and the other learning
outcomes assessment initiatives, including the LEAP initiative, AACU news article, degree qualifications
profiles and signature assignments. Discussion included documenting and evaluating student outcomes,
particularly for assessment of prior learning, transfer, and the process of assessing actual learning as
opposed to awarding credits for courses.
AAC will consider proposal for a single transfer policy and/or consolidation of the policies and make a
recommendation from AAC to PC.
Elections for chair and co-chair for AAC will be held in the fall when AAC appointments are in place.
Each bargaining unit may determine the length of terms for its members. IFO appointees are all
appointed for two year terms. MSCF has decided to make their appointments annual.
Action: CC has discussed member appointments in the past and concluded that each council may work on
appointment lengths for other positions. Each council should also review their charters annually.
Student Affairs Council (SAC)
Mike Lopez reviewed SAC meeting of April 3, 2014 (agenda attached).
SAC reviewed issues related to student health insurance. Students need to be treated like regular
employees with estimated weekly average for insurance coverage. MnSCU HR is working on plans for
implementation. Bill Brady will join the next SAC meeting to discuss details.
Enrollment management is a sub-committee of SAC (approved by CC).
The group discussed fees for orientation, similar to special event fees, but there is no MnSCU
policy in place to address this issue. Finance will consider ways to address the issue.
Recommendation re: policy 7.6.2. The $30 hold threshold is too low and a barrier to students.
Propose a change to $100. Motion made and passed to raise limit. Recommendation will be
forwarded to John O’Brien to work with Finance on this policy change.
Transfer Oversight Committee (TOC) provided an update and discussed the process for addressing TOC
review of various issues. SAC expects to be consulted regularly on transfer issues.
SAC meeting included an update on Charting the Future. Students requested that issues regarding credit
for prior learning for military, a diversity committee, veteran priority in registration, preferred name vs
given name, demographic questions on admission to track LBGT students be considered.
MSUSA provided information on their survey of academic advising. They found differences between
advising for transfer students and “first entry” students into programs. The survey also found that peer
advising is effective. There is interest in a grad planning tool, but they acknowledge this may not be
feasible, although the idea of options for different licensed products that colleges and universities could
choose from was discussed.
Diversity. Vice Chancellor Leon Rodrigues will be invited to the next SAC meeting.
SAC recognized Jessica Medearis, who is attending her last meeting, for her contributions and service.
Technology Council (TC)
Karen LaPlant reviewed the TC meeting of April 8, 2014.
Beth McMahon was elected chair for next year.
D2L subgroup discussed timing of D2L upgrades for next several years; preferred timing is between end
of spring and before beginning of summer classes. Also discussed access for students with disabilities.
The subgroup’s goal is to have CAOs more involved in decision-making and consultation about D2L.
Discussion of Smarthinking and that it is not utilized as broadly as would be desirable.
Todd Digby presented on Kaltura, which provides video/lecture capture. There was a survey of
campuses re: lecture capture that found it varies by institution.
Jon Eichten provided an update on Transferology (, which has now been launched and is
available to all campuses.
SAC approved its annual report and heard an update on Charting the Future.
Policy Council (PC)
Elsbeth provided a review of the PC meeting on April 17, 2014 (agenda attached).
Convened executive session (no staff).
PAC approved its policy work plan and chart of policies for 1 year and 5 year reviews.
Action: Policy work plan to be distributed to the CC.
Elected Adam Klepetar and Elsbeth Howe as co-chairs.
Transfer policy needs to go to TOC first and then comes back to policy at next meeting.
Charting the Future
John O’Brien provided an update on Charting the Future (CTF). He noted that CTF does not supplant the
work of existing consultation, especially policy, but may impact the meeting times and topics of councils.
There was a discussion of how to make sure there is clear communication about CTF work team
deliberations with the four councils, especially some that are not as ASA focused, such as Rewards and
Incentive team.
Coordination of meeting dates between CTF and councils; would like a system-level calendar that
ensures that conflicts are considered.
Notes by Mary Rothchild, CC staff