Wastewater Additives 409-2 Draft 2 2013-11-20

Tracking number 409-2i1r2.2
© 2014 NSF International
New Standard NSF 409-2 Wastewater Additives
Draft 2.2 (November 20 2013)
Not for publication. This draft text is for circulation for approval by the Joint Committee and has not been
published or otherwise officially promulgated. All rights reserved. This document may be reproduced for
informational purposes only.
NSF Wastewater Technology Standard for
Wastewater Additives
Safe and effective, Large (<20,000 gpd) systems
General ..................................................................................................................... 3
Purpose .......................................................................................................................... 3
Scope ............................................................................................................................. 3
General ................................................................................ Error! Bookmark not defined.
Normative References ............................................................................................ 3
Definitions ................................................................................................................ 3
Active ingredient(s): ........................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
Approved substance: ......................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
Batch or lot: ................................................................................................................... 4
Contaminant: ................................................................................................................. 4
Finished product: .......................................................................................................... 4
Measure of uncertainty: ................................................................................................ 4
Raw material: ................................................................................................................. 4
Restricted substance: ................................................................................................... 4
Assessment of product safety ............................................................................... 4
General ........................................................................................................................... 4
Formulation submission ............................................................................................... 4
Determination of environmental and health risk acceptability................................... 5
Failure to submit formulation information ................................................................... 5
Toxicity of the formulation as a whole ......................................................................... 5
Assessment of additive effectiveness for BOD and TSS ..................................... 5
Test facility .................................................................................................................... 5
Pre-conditioning ............................................................................................................ 5
Challenge water ............................................................................................................. 6
Test procedure .............................................................................................................. 7
Hydraulic loading .......................................................................................................... 7
Application of the Additive ........................................................................................... 8
Duration of the test........................................................................................................ 8
Effluent quality .............................................................................................................. 8
Assessment of effectiveness for solids and sludge reduction ........................... 9
General ........................................................................................................................... 9
Challenge water ............................................................................................................. 9
Hydraulic loading ............................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
Effluent Quality and Solids and Sludge levels ................. Error! Bookmark not defined.
Assessment of effectiveness for FOG reduction ................................................. 9
General ........................................................................................................................... 9
Challenge water ............................................................................................................. 9
Hydraulic loading .......................................................................................................... 9
Effluent quality .............................................................................................................. 9
Product control........................................................................................................ 9
Tracking number 409-2i1r2.2
© 2014 NSF International
New Standard NSF 409-2 Wastewater Additives
Draft 2.2 (November 20 2013)
Not for publication. This draft text is for circulation for approval by the Joint Committee and has not been
published or otherwise officially promulgated. All rights reserved. This document may be reproduced for
informational purposes only.
Formulation control....................................................................................................... 9
Product traceability ......................................................................................................10
Labeling and literature .......................................................................................... 10
Labels ............................................................................................................................10
Annex A........................................................................................................................ 11
List of Approved and Restricted Ingredients ............................................................ 11
Part 1 - List of restricted chemicals or criteria for restriction ..............................................11
Part 2 - List of restricted microorganisms substances or criteria for restriction ...............12
Part 3 - List of restricted enzymes or criteria for restriction ................................................12
Tracking number 409-2i1r2.2
© 2014 NSF International
New Standard NSF 409-2 Wastewater Additives
Draft 2.2 (November 20 2013)
Not for publication. This draft text is for circulation for approval by the Joint Committee and has not been
published or otherwise officially promulgated. All rights reserved. This document may be reproduced for
informational purposes only.
This Standard provides evaluation criteria and test methods for wastewater additives to allow for the
determination that the product is:
safe to use, and
effective in its use as claimed by the manufacturer.
A wastewater additive is a product used to measurably supplement or promote the natural biological
reactions taking place within an on-site wastewater treatment unit treating residential wastewater.
This Standard contains requirements for assessing the environmental and health risks of wastewater
additives intended for use in conventional on-site wastewater treatment systems having a capacity of
20,000 Lpd (5000 gpd) or less and for determining if the additive performs as the manufacturer claims.
Conventional systems, for purposes of this Standard, are septic tank systems.
This standard sets out the criteria and requirements for assessing the environmental and health risks of
chemical, micro-organisms or enzyme ingredients commonly found in wastewater additives.
This standard sets out the protocols for testing the effectiveness of additives sold and claimed to
supplement or promote the natural biological reactions taking place within an on-site wastewater
treatment unit to reduce BOD, TSS, Solids and Sludge or FOG.
Products containing ingredients deemed hazardous to public health, safety, plant-soil system, or to the
aquatic environment by a regulatory agency having jurisdiction shall be excluded from the scope of this
Manufacturers shall exercise due diligence to ensure compliance with all applicable regulatory
requirements, but compliance with this Standard in itself does not imply that all regulatory requirements
have been met.
Normative References
[to be completed - add list of testing methods, screen tools, etc.]
active ingredient: any ingredient or mixture of ingredients from which an additive derives all or part of its
value or effectiveness.
Tracking number 409-2i1r2.2
© 2014 NSF International
New Standard NSF 409-2 Wastewater Additives
Draft 2.2 (November 20 2013)
Not for publication. This draft text is for circulation for approval by the Joint Committee and has not been
published or otherwise officially promulgated. All rights reserved. This document may be reproduced for
informational purposes only.
batch or lot: A specific quantity of a finished product or other material that is intended to have uniform
character and quality, within specified limits, and/or is produced according to a single manufacturing order
during the same cycle of manufacture.
contaminant: A substance not defined or declared in the formulation.
finished product: A product requiring no further processing prior to sale to the consumer.
inert ingredients: all ingredients that are not active ingredients.
measure of uncertainty: An estimation of the variability in an analytical result that is reasonably
expected based on the methodology employed. The estimate is based in part on parameters such as
reproducibility, reference materials, and sample effects including matrix spike recoveries and scientific
raw material: An ingredient intended for use in the manufacture of a wastewater additive, including those
that do not appear in such finished product.
residential wastewater (wastewater): Human body waste and liquid waste typically generated by the
occupants of a residence. It is also found as effluent from small business establishments such as bed and
breakfast facilities, highway rest stops, small restaurants.
restricted substance: An ingredient known to cause harm to human health or to the health of an
ecosystem.[See: Annex 1, Part 2, Part 4 and Part 6.]
wastewater additive: a product designed to supplement or promote the natural biological reactions
taking place within an on-site treatment unit a residential wastewater treatment system.
Assessment of product safety
All wastewater additives including their ingredients shall meet all applicable regulatory requirements.
Formulation submission
The manufacturer shall submit, at a minimum, the complete formulation information for each wastewater
additive, which includes the following:
1) the complete product composition including all intentionally added ingredients. The composition
shall be reported in percent or parts by weight for each ingredient in the formulation including
excipients. Reported compositions shall be within 3% of actual percentage or parts by weight;
2) the reaction process, if applicable;
3) bacterial genus, species, strain accession number (if available);
4) synonyms, common names, and superseded names;
5) the raw material ID number (e.g., Chemical Abstract Number), chemical/material name, trade
name and supplier(s) for each chemical present in the formulation;
Tracking number 409-2i1r2.2
© 2014 NSF International
New Standard NSF 409-2 Wastewater Additives
Draft 2.2 (November 20 2013)
Not for publication. This draft text is for circulation for approval by the Joint Committee and has not been
published or otherwise officially promulgated. All rights reserved. This document may be reproduced for
informational purposes only.
6) known residuals or suspected impurities if present at greater than [0.01] percent by weight in the
product as sold.
MSDSs with 100% disclosure of materials shall be considered sufficient to confirm the absence of
chemicals, micro-organism or enzyme ingredients.
Determination of environmental and health risk acceptability
The formulation review shall take place in respect to each chemical, microbiological or enzyme ingredient
by referencing the lists of restricted chemicals, micro-organisms or enzyme ingredients or criteria for
exclusion of chemicals, micro-organism or enzyme ingredients in Annex A.
Additives containing one or more of the chemicals, micro-organisms or enzyme ingredients listed or
meeting the criteria for exclusion in Annex A, part 1, 2, 3, shall be declared unsafe.
Additives containing ingredients declared not safe shall not be certified to this standard.
Failure to submit formulation information
Formulation information shall be regarded as proprietary information and shall not be disclosed.
Failure to submit complete formulation information on the product shall result in either:
1) toxicity testing (at the manufacturer’s cost) conforming to OECD toxicity test guidelines or
equivalent to determine its safety; or
2) non-certification.
Toxicity of the formulation as a whole
Where the additive contains a mixture of chemicals, micro-organisms or enzymes, the mixture as a whole
shall be “Not Classified” under the Globally Harmonized System for classification or labeling (GHS) as
having acute or chronic aquatic toxicity provided this has been confirmed via toxicity testing on the
product for daphnia, fish and algae that conforms to OECD toxicity test guidelines or equivalent or
applying the mixing rules per GHS.
Assessment of additive effectiveness for BOD and TSS
Test facility
The test facility shall comprise four 3,785 L (1,000 gallons) concrete two-chambered septic tanks
conforming to ASTM C1227 - 12 Standard Specification for Precast Concrete Septic Tanks.
The first chamber shall be 2/3 and 1/3 chamber conforming to applicable standards.
All septic tanks shall be installed in parallel and be fed from the same source of challenge water.
Backup pumps shall be readily available to minimize the impact of pump failures.
5.2 Performance classification
Tracking number 409-2i1r2.2
© 2014 NSF International
New Standard NSF 409-2 Wastewater Additives
Draft 2.2 (November 20 2013)
Not for publication. This draft text is for circulation for approval by the Joint Committee and has not been
published or otherwise officially promulgated. All rights reserved. This document may be reproduced for
informational purposes only.
For the purpose of this Standard, systems are classified according to the chemical, biological, and
physical characteristics of their effluents as determined by the performance testing and evaluations
described herein.
All systems within a manufacturer's model series is classified according to the performance testing and
evaluation of the system with the smallest hydraulic capacity within the series. Performance testing and
evaluation of larger systems within the series (having hydraulic treatment capacities within the scope of
this Standard) should not be necessary provided that the dimensions, hydraulics, mixing and filtering
capabilities, and other applicable design characteristics are proportionately equivalent to the evaluated
system. The hydraulic load shall be scaled proportional to the tank size.
5.3 Design loading
The system shall be dosed 7 days a week with 500 gpd wastewater volume of the system. The following
schedule shall be adhered to for dosing:
Time frame
6:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m.
11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.
5:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.
% rated daily hydraulic capacity
approximately 35
approximately 25
approximately 40
NOTE – The individual dosage shall be no more than 10 gallons per dose, unless the dosage system is
based on a continuous flow, and be uniformly applied over the dosing periods.
Prior to commencing a test series, the four tanks shall be cleaned and purged following a previous test,
and then pre-conditioned using the challenge water set out in 5.5.
Beginning after the first month of septic tank pre-conditioning, tank sludge and scum accumulations shall
be measured through the tank riser closest to the introduction of the challenge water.
The septic tank pre-conditioning period shall last until a 5 cm (2 in) sludge layer and 2.5 cm (1 in) scum
layer is developed in all tanks or six months, whichever occurs first.
[Comment: this implies that the test procedure could extend for up to 12 months if the test procedure itself
is for 6 months after pre-conditioning.]
Influent BOD5 and TSS shall be collected once every two weeks during septic tank pre-conditioning. The
purpose of these samples is to ensure that the supply provides challenge water that in the aggregate
meets the BOD5 and TSS requirements of this standard.
Challenge water
Wastewater availability should be of sufficiently high volume so that studies are carried out year-round.
The challenge water shall have the following physical, chemical and organic qualities:
1) The 30-d average BOD5 concentration of the wastewater delivered to the system shall be
between 100 mg/L and 300 mg/L.
Tracking number 409-2i1r2.2
© 2014 NSF International
New Standard NSF 409-2 Wastewater Additives
Draft 2.2 (November 20 2013)
Not for publication. This draft text is for circulation for approval by the Joint Committee and has not been
published or otherwise officially promulgated. All rights reserved. This document may be reproduced for
informational purposes only.
2) The 30-d average TSS concentration of the wastewater delivered to the system shall be between
100 mg/L and 350 mg/L.
Any holding tank or wet well providing challenge water to these tanks shall be thoroughly mixed
immediately prior to each dosing of the septic tanks in order to prevent the basin itself from acting as a
primary clarifier.
Test procedure
At least one of the tanks shall be randomly used as a “control” tank. The control tank shall be fed with the
challenge water identically to the other tanks, but shall never receive an additive dose.
The challenge water shall be dosed via sewage-handling pump to all septic tanks equally. The discharge
from these tanks shall be routed through a sampling device and then into a sewer downstream from the
challenge water supply source.
Effluent BOD5 and TSS shall be collected once every two weeks during the test via 24-hour time
composite sampler. The purpose of these samples is to ensure that a significant difference between the
three treated tanks (to each other) and the control tanks (to each other) for either parameter is not
significant at a p=0.05 using ANOVA or nonparametric methods as appropriate.
Hydraulic and design loading
5.6.1 Hydraulic loading and schedules
The performance of the system shall be evaluated for 26 consecutive wk. During the testing and
evaluation period, the system shall be subjected to 16 wk of design loading, followed by 7.5 wk (52 days)
of stress loading, and then an additional 2.5 wk (18 days) of design loading.
Design loading
The system shall be dosed 7 days a week with a wastewater volume equivalent to the daily hydraulic
capacity of the system. The following schedule shall be adhered to for dosing:
Time frame
6:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m.
11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.
5:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.
% rated daily hydraulic capacity
approximately 35
approximately 25
approximately 40
NOTE – The individual dosage shall be no more than 10 gallons per dose, unless the dosage system is
based on a continuous flow, and be uniformly applied over the dosing periods.
{comment – adjust total number of weeks since removed power failure test}
5.6.3 Stress loading
Stress loading is designed to evaluate a system's performance under four non-ideal conditions. Systems
shall be subjected to each stress condition once during the 6-month testing and evaluation period, and
each of the four stress conditions shall be separated by 7 days of design loading (see
Wash-day stress
The wash day stress shall consist of 3 wash days in a 5-day period. Each wash day shall be separated by
a 24-h period. During a wash-day, the system shall be loaded at times and capacities similar to those
Tracking number 409-2i1r2.2
© 2014 NSF International
New Standard NSF 409-2 Wastewater Additives
Draft 2.2 (November 20 2013)
Not for publication. This draft text is for circulation for approval by the Joint Committee and has not been
published or otherwise officially promulgated. All rights reserved. This document may be reproduced for
informational purposes only.
delivered during design loading (see, however during the first two dosing periods per day, the
design loading shall include 3 wash loads (3 wash cycles and 6 rinse cycles).
Working-parent stress
For 5 consecutive days, the system shall be subjected to a working-parent stress. During this stress, the
system shall be dosed with 40% of its daily hydraulic capacity between 6:00 a.m. and 9:00 a.m. Between
5:00 p.m. and 8:00 p.m., the system shall be dosed with the remaining 60% of its daily hydraulic capacity,
which shall include 1 wash load (1 wash cycle and 2 rinse cycles).
Vacation stress
On the day that the vacation stress is initiated, the system shall be dosed at 35% of its daily hydraulic
capacity between 6:00 a.m. and 9:00 a.m. and at 25% between 11:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. Dosing shall
then be discontinued for 8 consecutive days (power shall continue to be supplied to the system). Between
5:00 p.m. and 8:00 p.m. of the ninth day, the system shall be dosed with 60% of its daily hydraulic
capacity, which shall include 3 wash loads (3 wash cycles and 6 rinse cycles).
Dosing volumes
The 30-d average volume of the wastewater delivered to the system shall be within 100% ± 10% of the
system's rated hydraulic capacity.
NOTE – All dosing days, except those with dosing requirements less than the daily hydraulic capacity, shall
be included in the 30-d average calculation.
The performance of the system shall be evaluated for 26 consecutive wk. During the testing and
evaluation period, the system shall be subjected to 16 wk of design loading, followed by 7.5 wk (52 days)
of stress loading, and then an additional 2.5 wk (18 days) of design loading.
Application of the Additive
The additive shall be inserted in the influent flow at the frequency and in the quantity recommended by
the manufacturer.
Duration of the test
The test period shall commence when the pre-conditioning period is concluded. The test shall be
conducted over a period of 6 months.
Effluent quality
The quality of the water shall be sampled daily (grab samples) in the injection pipe, in the first tank, the
second tank and at the discharge point. The samples shall be 25 hours apart such that all sampling
occurs during normal business hours.
The effluent quality of the effluent shall be compared to the challenge water quality.
The 30-d average BOD5 concentration of the wastewater effluent from the system shall be less than that
of the challenge water.
Tracking number 409-2i1r2.2
© 2014 NSF International
New Standard NSF 409-2 Wastewater Additives
Draft 2.2 (November 20 2013)
Not for publication. This draft text is for circulation for approval by the Joint Committee and has not been
published or otherwise officially promulgated. All rights reserved. This document may be reproduced for
informational purposes only.
The 30-d average TSS concentration of the wastewater effluent from the system shall be less than that of
the challenge water.
Assessment of effectiveness for solids and sludge reduction
The provisions of 5 shall apply to the assessment of effectiveness for solids and sludge reduction except
as otherwise specified below.
Challenge water
The challenge water shall be supplemented by … [need to add some sludge]
Assessment of effectiveness for FOG reduction
The provisions of 5 shall apply to the assessment of effectiveness for FOG reduction except as otherwise
specified below.
Challenge water
The influent water shall be supplemented with 500 milligrams of olive oil per day. The olive oil shall be
introduced into the test tank in an amount proportional to the amount of the total daily loading at each
loading event.
Hydraulic loading
Every fifth dose shall be of the challenge water supplemented by one mg of olive oil gets added to each
gallon of water.
Effluent quality
The effluent quality in respect to BOD, TSS and FOG shall not increase above the influent qualities.
The level of scum shall be reduced from the pre-conditioning level of 2.5 cm (1 in).
Product control
Formulation control
The manufacturer shall have practices in place to ensure that the product is manufactured according to
the approved formulation, and to ensure that no changes in the manufacturing processes, product
composition, or raw materials occurs without prior authorization by the certification body. The practices
shall ensure that not contamination is introduced by product packaging, transfer and storage equipment,
or dilution water. Containers shall either be dedicated to one category of chemical, or written records of
Tracking number 409-2i1r2.2
© 2014 NSF International
New Standard NSF 409-2 Wastewater Additives
Draft 2.2 (November 20 2013)
Not for publication. This draft text is for circulation for approval by the Joint Committee and has not been
published or otherwise officially promulgated. All rights reserved. This document may be reproduced for
informational purposes only.
cleaning (e.g., wash tickets) shall be available for review. Documentation of these practices shall be
available for review.
Product traceability
The manufacturer shall establish and maintain practices that ensure all products are uniquely labeled
according to 9.1. These practices shall provide traceability from raw materials to finished products.
Labeling and literature
Product labels shall declare the identity of the active ingredients within wastewater additive included in
the product. Labels of products other than proprietary ingredients shall declare the quantity of each
ingredient and/or constituent (i.e., percentage of total). The amount of active or desired ingredient shall be
listed in addition to the total amount of the ingredient. Labels shall comply with appropriate regulatory
The Standard name and numeric designation to which the product has been certified shall be included on
the label.
1) Product literature should also include information set out in 9.1.
2) The product literature shall specify recommended dosages and frequency of application.
3) Where applicable, the manufacturer shall specify any special precautions for proper handling,
appropriate storage and intended use.
4) The manufacturer’s name, mailing address, contact information including phone number and
email shall be included for complaint purposes.
Tracking number 409-2i1r2.2
© 2014 NSF International
New Standard NSF 409-2 Wastewater Additives
Draft 2.2 (November 20 2013)
Not for publication. This draft text is for circulation for approval by the Joint Committee and has not been
published or otherwise officially promulgated. All rights reserved. This document may be reproduced for
informational purposes only.
Annex A
List of Restricted Ingredients
Part 1 - List of restricted chemicals or criteria for restriction
1. Carcinogens
Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) – Regulated Toxic Metal or
Substances included in the US EPA Integrated Risk Information System (EPA IRIS)
weight-of-evidence classifications A - carcinogenic; B1 - known/likely to be a human
carcinogen; B2 - likely to be carcinogenic to humans; or C - having suggestive evidence of
carcinogenicity or carcinogen potential;
c) Substances included in the Carcinogenicity Hazard Category 1A and 1B under the Globally
Harmonized System for Classification and Labeling of Chemicals (GHS);
2. Persistent, bio accumulative, and toxic substances
USEPA Toxic Release Inventory (TRI) persistent, bioaccumulative, and toxic (PBT)
chemicals– Known persistent, bioaccumulative, and toxic chemicals and compounds (a
subset of the EPA TRI list of chemicals and compounds).
1. Pesticides banned or exceeding USFDA and USEPA regulated limits.
5. Toxic substances
a) Substances included in the National Toxicology Program (NTP) Groups 1 and 2;
6. Reproductively toxic
a) California Proposition 65 (Title 27, Section 27001, California Code of Regulations) – Known to
cause cancer or reproductive toxicity;
b) Substances listed as a reproductive toxin (including developmental, female, and male toxins)
by the State of California under the Safe Drinking Water and Toxic Enforcement Act of 1986
(California Code of Regulations, Title 22, Division 2, Subdivision 1, Chapter 3, Sections 1200,
et. Seq., also known as Proposition 651);
c) Globally Harmonized System for Classification and Labeling of Chemicals (GHS)
1. Substances designated as Category 1 (H360), known or presumed reproductive
1. Substances designated as Category 2 (H361), suspected human reproductive toxicant;
California Proposition 65, http://www.oehha.ca.gov/prop65/prop65_list/Newlist.html
California Proposition 65, http://www.oehha.ca.gov/prop65/prop65_list/Newlist.html
Tracking number 409-2i1r2.2
© 2014 NSF International
New Standard NSF 409-2 Wastewater Additives
Draft 2.2 (November 20 2013)
Not for publication. This draft text is for circulation for approval by the Joint Committee and has not been
published or otherwise officially promulgated. All rights reserved. This document may be reproduced for
informational purposes only.
2. Substances having adverse effects on or via lactation (H362), under the GHS;
3. Substances having a mutagenicity hazard in categories 1 and 2 (H340 and 341) under
the GHS;
Part 2 - List of restricted microorganisms substances or criteria for restriction
Microorganisms known to be pathogenic to humans, animals and/or plants.
Part 3 - List of restricted enzymes or criteria for restriction
Restricted enzyme lists should be included once available.