south derbyshire locality commissioning committee

Southern Derbyshire
Clinical Commissioning Group
Thursday 17th January 2013
1pm – 3pm
Gresleydale Healthcare Centre
Dr. Buk Dhadda
Emma Barradell
Locality Manager,
Dr. Roger Follows
Swadlincote Surgery
Dr. Tirugulla
Dr. Bob Jamison
Newhall Surgery
Jenny Wainwright
PM, Gresleydale
Pauline Holmes
Alison Wright
Debra Fearn
PM – Swadlincote
PM, Overseal
Paula Sharpe
PM, Newhall
Dr. Mark Rooney
PM, Woodville
Chair of PPG
Dr Hendriksen
Chris Jackson
Swadlincote Surgery
PPG Representative
Helen Dillistone
Debbie Dodge
Pharmacist Lead Heartwood
Andrew Colclough
South Derbyshire Locality Development Session
Welcome and Introductions
Dr Dhadda welcomed everyone to the development session which is aimed at establishing the future
functions, aims and workings of the Locality. The session covered general group discussions and
small group exercises. An additional paper documenting flip charts created on the day accompanies
these notes.
General Points
Doing Practical Work - It would be good to do practical things and it would boost morale of
the group.
Communication – This could be improved generally. Issues to work on include greater
communication on Locality / CCG issues in individual practices, wider communication with
patients / public and other Localities. Lead GPs have a responsibility to feedback information
from the locality group to their own practices.
Information – Should be shared across the Locality and CCG. Should be accessible to all.
The Sub Groups work very well – they are more task orientated, more focused.
A Leadership Role - The Locality should demonstrate a leadership role.
Links Between Groups - To build on the links between the CCG and locality Planned, Urgent
and Prescribing Groups.
Work needs to be developed on the issue of GPs / Practices / Localities being providers of
Clinical Leadership – is required to make projects and work happen. Money is available to
support this.
Actions and Issues for Future Development
Emma to put together a list of successes that the Locality has had over the last year.
How do the Locality Sub Groups link in with the CCG and other Localities? What is the role of
Localities within the CCG?
A clinical lead for DCHS work is required. Please could a GP volunteer for this work?
To develop a Locality Commissioning Plan for 2013 / 2014 that is based on the health needs
of the population.
Date of Next Meeting – 28th February 1pm 2013, Gresleydale.