Ebola - Donning and Dolffing Checklists


Ebola PPE Donning Checklist

Trained Observer: Should be knowledgeable in the donning and doffing process and should monitor for correct technique.

 Gather Equipment

 Remove personal items (jewelry, cell phones, radios/pagers, badges)

 Tie back hair, if necessary.

 Wash hands or use alcohol-based hand sanitizer

 Put on inner layer of gloves

 Put on N95 Mask, ensure correct fit

 Put on eye glasses or goggles

 Put on full body suit.

 Put on booties (if not included in suit)

 Put on hood (if not included on suit)

 Put on fluid shield

 Put on outer gloves. Make sure the gloves extend far up onto the forearm as to not expose skin during a full range of motion.

 Bend down, raise hands above head, etc, and monitor for any exposed skin.

Tape with duct tape as necessary. (Be sure to make a pull-tab for easier removal.)

Ebola PPE Doffing (Removal) Checklist

Trained Observer: Should be knowledgeable in the donning and doffing process and should monitor for correct technique. The trained observer should be in booties, gown, double gloves, and fluid shield.

 Enter Designated Doffing area. The area should be set up with proper biohazard bags open, ready to have trash dropped in. There should also be alcohol hand sanitizer and/or a hand washing station.

 The provider should be sprayed off with a bleach solution or other recommended disinfectant capable of killing a wide spectrum of viruses

(HIV, Hepatitis, Norovirus, influenza, etc.) o At minimum, the arms, hands, and front of gown should be sprayed.

Allow to sit for 2 minutes before continuing with doffing.

 Decontaminate outer gloves with spray, wipe, or alcohol hand sanitizer.

Allow to dry.

 Remove outer gloves being sure not to contaminate inner gloves or wrists.

 Decontaminate inner gloves with spray, wipe, or alcohol hand sanitizer.

Allow to dry.

 Remove fluid shield by grasping edges and pull down and away. Make sure not to touch face during movement.

 Decontaminate inner gloves with spray, wipe, or alcohol hand sanitizer.

Allow to dry.

 Remove hood by carefully rolling it off of head. Care should be taken not to touch face during movement.

 Decontaminate inner gloves with spray, wipe, or alcohol hand sanitizer.

Allow to dry.

 Unzip suit and being to roll off, careful not to touch clothes or skin with


 As suit is being removed, pull off booties. Roll up suit and booties as a whole.

 Remove inner gloves. Use alcohol hand sanitizer or soap and water to clean hands and forearms.

 Don a new pair of gloves.

 Remove eye wear by reaching back behind ears and grasping ear pieces or band.

 Remove N95 mask by using straps. Care should be taken not to touch face during removal process.

 Remove gloves, with using care not to touch skin with outside of gloves.

 Wash hands with soap and water. Wash face.

 Provider should be given change of clothes. Old clothes should be placed in a plastic bag.

 Take shower for at least 5 minutes, making sure to shampoo hair and clean ears, face, neck, hands, and arms.

 Allow clothes to sit for 48 hours before removing. The virus should die within 24 hours. Wash in hot water.
