
Følgende kursusbeskrivelser mangler:
Humanistic and Social Scientific Theories and Methods
English Communication
Semester Description LISE 2nd Semester spring 2015
Semester details
School: The School of Culture and Global Studies
Study board: The Study Board of Language and International Studies
Study regulations: The Bachelor Programme in Language and International Studies,
English, September 2014
Semester framework theme: Discourse Studies
The second semester of LISE is focused on Discourse Studies. You will acquire the
necessary theoretical and methodological background for critical investigations of contemporary and historical discourses. The political and social aspects of language will be
in focus. A critical and analytical approach to language use and language policies will be
established as an important part of your international studies profile. Simultaneously,
you’ll continue improving your knowledge of and skills in English grammar and communication. Your knowledge of central theoretical and methodological approaches to scholarly work across the humanities and social sciences will be strengthened through a
course in Humanistic and Social Theories and Methods.
Semester organisation and time schedule
The semester project is written within the area of: Discourse Studies. The two courses:
Discourse Studies: Theories and Methods and ‘Contemporary Social and Political Discourses’ will provide the theoretical background for your project writing and introduce
you to various discourse analytical methods that you may apply in your project. In order
to pass the course in Discourse Studies: Theories and Methods, you have to complete
an exam portfolio consisting of a number of short papers that you write as part of your
participation in the course. The course Contemporary Social and Political Discourses
consists of a lecture series and a number of workshops connected to the lectures. You
have to participate actively in lectures and workshops in order to pass the course. You
have to pass the course Contemporary Social and Political Discourses and hand in the
portfolio in Discourse Studies: Theories and Methods in order to proceed to the project
exam and complete the project module. The module English Grammar and Communication consists of two courses: a grammar course and a communication course and a takehome exam covering both courses. Finally, a course in Humanistic and Social Theories
and Methods is offered. In order to pass this course, you write an 8 p. exam paper.
Semester coordinator and secretariat assistance
Semester coordinator: Ben Dorfman
Project coordinator Paul McIlvenny
Secretariat: Inga Ernst Andersen
Course Descriptions LISE 2nd semester Spring 2015
Title, ECTS credits
Discourse Studies: Theories and Methods
LISE study programme
2 semester
Kirsten Jæger
Course Instructor
Paul McIlvenny
Knowledge and understanding of:
pragmatic, sociolinguistic, conversation analytical and discourse analytical
methods as regards the English language
discourse analytic methods and theories as regards the English language.
Skills in:
analyzing and understanding spoken and written communication in everyday
use and in organizations and the media
analyzing and understanding the social and cultural varieties of the English language.
Competences in:
working with relevant theories and methods for analyzing complex discursive issues pertaining to the English language
communicating ideas, arguments and research results concerning complex discursive issues in English language in a well-argued and articulate academic
spoken and written language.
Course Activities
Lectures, exercises, 3 assignments for the portfolio
Academic Content and Conjunction with Other Courses/Semesters
This course provides students with valuable, practical experience in using a range of
methods for analysing power and ideology in text, talk and social interaction appropriate
for undertaking a group project in the field of discourse studies relevant for English language/international studies students.
Scope and Expected Performance (1 ECTS corresponds to 27 work hours for the
The expected scope of the course in terms of ECTS load. This comprises number of
teaching hours, preparation time, exercises, exam preparation and exam attendance etc.
5 ECTS = a total of 135 hours for the entire course (27 hours per ECTS credit)
Teaching hours: 16 hours
Preparation time before class: 5 hours (50 pages per class is a likely amount. Depending
on the level of difficulty, the students will typically be able to read 50 pages in 5 hours
(reading pace: 10 pages per hour).
Exercises: 60 hours (e.g. preparation before exercises, assignments, portfolio assignments)
Exam (preparation and attendance): 14 hours
Applied and Recommended Readings
Simpson, Paul & Mayr, Andrea (2010). Language and Power: A Resource Book for Students. Abingdon: Routledge.
Baker, Paul & Ellece, Sibonile (2011). Key Terms in Discourse Analysis. London:
This course is assessed by means of a portfolio exam of 6 pages (6 x 2400 characters)
maximum to be submitted in 2 paper copies to the SIS secretary. The portfolio must
comprise the following three assignments, which will be given out during the course.
Title: Contemporary Social and Political Discourses
Course is described in § 16 of the programme curricula and is attached to the "Contemporary social
and political discourses" module.
Modulets placering: 2. semester.
Modulets omfang: 5 ECTS-point.
Modulet udgøres af et projektkursus inden for området nutidige sociale og politiske diskurser. Projektkurset
består af en forelæsningsrække samt tilknyttede diskussionssessioner.
Viden om og forståelse af
· sprogets rolle i forhold til nutidige sociale og politiske problemstillinger som fx køns-, etnicitets- og
racemæssige relationer og inden for sociale og politiske områder så som institutioner, medier, migration og
· forholdet imellem sprog, kultur, identitet og magt i samfundet i forhold til det engelske sprog.
Færdigheder i:
· at analysere og forstå social og kulturel identitet som diskursiv praksis
· at analysere og forstå forholdet imellem sprog og magt i samfundet.
Kompetencer til:
· på baggrund af relevant viden at bidrage til belysning og diskussion af forholdet imellem sprog, identitet og
Modulet gennemføres på 2. semester med:
Prøve 8
For at bestå modulet Nutidige sociale og politiske diskurser (Contemporary Social and Political Discourses)
kræves aktiv deltagelse i modulets forelæsningsrække samt diskussions-sessioner. Aktiv deltagelse er
defineret som læsning af opgivet litteratur, tilstedeværelse ved mindst 80 % af modulets forelæsningsrække
samt at bidrage til modulets diskussionssessioner gennem mundtlige oplæg og aktiv diskussionsdeltagelse.
Hvis den studerende ikke opfylder kravene til aktiv deltagelse, gennemføres i stedet nedenstående prøve:
En intern skriftlig prøve på engelsk i: Nutidige sociale og politiske diskurser (Contemporary Social and
Political Discourses). Prøven har form af en bunden hjemmeopgave. Besvarelsen skal være på mindst 6 sider
og højst 8 sider. Besvarelsen bedømmes af eksaminator; besvarelser, som eksaminator vurderer til ikke
bestået, bedømmes tillige af en censor.
Bedømmelsesform: Der gives bedømmelsen bestået/ikke bestået.
Omfang: 5 ECTS-point.
Title, ECTS credits
English Communication and Grammar (§ 18 in the Curriculum)
5 ECTS (combined exam in English Grammar and Academic Writing)
BA English LISE
2nd semester
Marie Jensen
Course Instructor
Marina Porto
Knowledge and understanding of:
- selected areas of English grammar of particular importance to spoken and written
communication in English.
- the role of grammatical structures in meaning making and their importance to written
and spoken communication.
Skills in:
- explaining grammatical phenomena in concrete English texts by using appropriate and
correct terminology.
- using grammatical knowledge in actual language production and development of oral
and written proficiency.
- communicating specialized subject matter in clear and communicatively fluent English.
Competences in:
- using methods and concepts for analyzing grammatical structures with a view to improving communication, for example as regards language efficiency and precision.
- analyzing English texts particularly with a view to describing grammatical structures
and phenomena.
- assessing the quality of texts in English, including students' own written texts.
Course Activities
Lectures: 8 2hr sessions
Assignments: 2 written assignments
Academic Content and Conjunction with Other Courses/Semesters
English Grammar (LISE) is combined with Academic Writing to form the module English
Communication and Grammar.
The course builds on the first semester course, and has direct influence on the other
courses of the BA program since it improves the students' language skills and awareness.
Scope and Expected Performance (1 ECTS corresponds to 27 work hours for the
5 ECTS = a total of 135 hours for the entire course (27 hours per ECTS credit)
The expected scope of the course in terms of ECTS load. This comprises number of
teaching hours, preparation time, exercises, exam preparation and exam attendance etc.
Applied and Recommended Readings
Bache, C. (2000). Essentials of Mastering English. A Concise Grammar. New York, NY:
Mouton de Gruyter.
The module is completed on the 2nd semester by passing the following exam:
An external written exam in English Communication and Grammar. The exam is a 48hour take-home assignment on the most important grammatical areas covered in the
course. The assignment paper must comprise grammatical analysis and textual assessment.
Evaluation: grading according to the 7-point scale.
Credits: 5 ECTS
The assignment paper must demonstrate that the student fulfills the objectives for the
module stated above.