CONTRIBUTORS 1. INTRODUCTION References 2. PHYSIOGRAPHIC SETTING OF THE GOSTYNIŃSKIE LAKE DISTRICT 2.1. Location of Lake Gościąż and the Gostynińskie Lake District (Z. Churski) 2.2. The geological structure of the Lake Gościąż region (T. Madeyska) 2.3. Present-day climatic conditions of the Lake Gościąż region (G. Wójcik & R. Przybylak) 2.4. Hydrological conditions of the Gostynińskie Lake District (Z. Churski) 2.5. Soils in the vicinity of the Na Jazach lakes (B. Wicik) 2.6. Vegetation of the Gostynińskie Lake District (K. Kępczyński† & A. Noryśkiewicz) References 3. RECENT ENVIRONMENT OF LAKE GOŚCIĄŻ AND CONNECTED LAKES 3.1. Geological structure and relief in the surroundings of the Na Jazach lake system (B. Wicik) 3.2. Bathymetry and morphometry of Lake Gościąż (Z. Churski) 3.3. Hydrology and sedimentation conditions in Lake Gościąż (Z. Churski & W. Marszelewski) 3.4. Chemistry of groundwaters in the Na Jazach lakes area (B. Wicik) 3.5. Hydrobiological characteristics and modern sedimentation of Lake Gościąż (A. Giziński, A. Kentzer, T. Mieszczankin, J. Żbikowski & R. Żytkowicz†) 3.5.1. Hydrobiology 3.5.2. Modern sedimentation 3.6. Isotopic composition of calcite deposited in Lake Gościąż under present climatic conditions (P. Wachniew & K. Różański) 3.7. Macrophyte vegetation of Na Jazach lakes and the distribution of the surrounding plant communities (K. Kępczyński† & A. Noryśkiewicz) References 4. FIELD AND LABORATORY METHODS 4.1. Sampling techniques 4.1.1. Piston coring (K. Więckowski) 4.1.2. Sediment freezing in situ (A. Walanus) 4.1.3. Sediment subsampling (M. Ralska-Jasiewiczowa, T. Goslar & A. Walanus) 4.2. Chronological methods (T. Goslar) 4.2.1. Radiocarbon dating 4.2.2. Varve counting 4.3. Analysis of main sediment components (B. Wicik) 4.4. Stable isotope analysis (T. Kuc, K. Różański, M. Duliński & P. Wachniew) 4.5. Mineralogical and geochemical methods (B. Łącka & E. Starnawska) 4.6. Palaeobotanical analyses 4.6.1. Palynological analysis (pollen and extra-palynomorphs) (M. Ralska-Jasiewiczowa & B. van Geel) 4.6.2. Plant-macrofossil analysis (D. Demske) 4.7. Cladocera analysis (K. Szeroczyńska) 4.8. Diatom analysis (B. Marciniak) 4.9. Statistical methods in the interpretation of the analytic results (A. Walanus) References 5. LITHOLOGY, ORIGIN AND AGE OF THE SEDIMENTS IN THE NA JAZACH LAKES 5.1. Lithology and age of the sediments in the Na Jazach lakes and adjacent areas (K. Więckowski, L. Starkel, A. Pazdur, M. F. Pazdur† & T. Goslar) 5.1.1. Radiocarbon age of the sediments in the Na Jazach lakes and adjacent areas (A. Pazdur, M. F. Pazdur† & T. Goslar) 5.1.2. Sediments of Lake Gościąż (K. Więckowski) 5.1.3. Sediments of the neighbouring lakes (K. Więckowski) 5.1.4. Sediments of the shore zone of Lake Gościąż (L. Starkel) 5.1.5. Sediments in the Ruda valley floor (L. Starkel) 5.1.6. Deposits of small depressions without outflow (L. Starkel) 5.2. Chemical composition of the sediments of Na Jazach lakes (B. Wicik) References 6. CHRONOLOGY OF THE LAKE GOŚCIĄŻ SEDIMENTS 6.1. Floating varve chronology of Lake Gościąż (T. Goslar) 6.2. Correlation of radiocarbon and varve chronologies of Lake Gościąż (T. Goslar, A. Pazdur, M. F. Pazdur†, M. Arnold & I. Hajdas) 6.3. Record of laminae thickness of the Lake Gościąż sediments, and its correlation with absolutely dated tree-ring width sequences (T. Goslar) 6.4. Absolute age of floating varve chronology of Lake Gościąż (T. Goslar) 6.5. Statistical analysis of the sequence of laminae thickness (A. Walanus) References 7. LAKE GOŚCIĄŻ : STRATIGRAPHY AND ENVIRONMENTAL HISTORY OF THE LATE-GLACIAL 7.1. Formation and evolution of the Na Jazach lakes in the Late Vistulian (L. Starkel, B. Wicik & K. Więckowski) 7.2. Late-Glacial sediments of Lake Gościąż – chronological background (T. Goslar) 7.3. Mineralogy and geochemistry of the Younger Dryas sediments from Lake Gościąż (B. Łącka, E. Starnawska & M. Kuźniarski) 7.4. Late-Glacial vegetation history recorded in the Lake Gościąż sediments (M. RalskaJasiewiczowa, D. Demske & B. van Geel) 7.5. Development of the Lake Gościąż biota during the Late-Glacial 7.5.1. Younger Dryas diatom assemblages of Lake Gościąż (B. Marciniak) 7.5.2. Cladocera analysis in the Late-Glacial sediments of Lake Gościąż (K. Szeroczyńska) 7.6. Isotopic indicators of the Late-Glacial/Holocene transition recorded in the sediments of Lake Gościąż (T. Kuc, K. Różański & M. Duliński) 7.7. Variations of atmospheric 14C concentrations at the Pleistocene/Holocene transition, reconstructed from the Lake Gościąż sediments (T. Goslar, M. Arnold & M. F. Pazdur†) 7.8. Discussion of the Late-Glacial recorded in the Lake Gościąż sediments (T. Goslar, M. Ralska-Jasiewiczowa, L. Starkel, D. Demske, T. Kuc, B. Łącka, K. Szeroczyńska, B. Wicik & K. Więckowski) 7.9. A comparative study on the Late-Glacial/early Holocene climatic changes recorded in laminated sediments of Lake Perespilno – introductory data (K. Bałaga, T. Goslar & T. Kuc) References 8. LAKE GOŚCIĄŻ : PALAEOGEOGRAPHY OF THE HOLOCENE 8.1. Holocene sediments of Lake Gościąż – chronological background (T. Goslar) 8.2. Mineralogy and geochemistry of the Lake Gościąż Holocene sediments (B. Łącka, E. Starnawska, M. Kuźniarski & L. Chróst) 8.3. Holocene regional vegetation history recorded in the Lake Gościąż sediments (M. RalskaJasiewiczowa, B. van Geel & D. Demske) 8.4. The Holocene cladoceran succession in the laminated sediments of Lake Gościąż (K. Szeroczyńska) 8.5. Lake-level changes and palaeohydrological reconstructions during the Holocene (L. Starkel, A. Pazdur, M. F. Pazdur†, B. Wicik & K. Więckowski) 8.6. Oxygen and carbon isotope composition of authigenic carbonates in the Holocene part of the Lake Gościąż sediments (K. Różański, T. Kuc, M. Duliński & P. Wachniew) 8.7. Spectral analysis of pollen influxes from varved sediments of Lake Gościąż, Poland (R. Young, A. Walanus, R. Lingeman, E. T. H. Ran, B. van Geel, T. Goslar & M. RalskaJasiewiczowa) 8.8. Discussion of the Holocene events recorded in the Lake Gościąż sediments (L. Starkel, T. Goslar, M. Ralska-Jasiewiczowa, D. Demske, K. Różański, B. Łącka, A. Pelisiak, K. Szeroczyńska, B. Wicik & K. Więckowski) References 9. LAKE GOŚCIĄŻ : RECORD OF HUMAN IMPACT ON NATURAL ENVIRONMENT SINCE MESOLITHIC TILL TODAY 9.1. Prehistoric and early historic anthropogenic changes recorded in the Lake Gościąż sediments 9.1.1. Archaeologic evidence of prehistoric settlement in the area near Lake Gościąż (A. Pelisiak & M. Rybicka) 9.1.2. Settlement and the economy in the Lake Gościąż area shown in printed documents from AD 1300 till 1700 (M. Rybicka & A. Pelisiak) 9.1.3. Human impact on the vegetation of the Lake Gościąż surroundings in prehistoric and early-historic times (M. Ralska-Jasiewiczowa & B. van Geel) 9.1.4. Correlation between human activity and trophic stages in Lake Gościąż development based on cladoceran analysis (K. Szeroczyńska) 9.2. Record of human impact from AD 1660 till recent times in the Lake Gościąż sediments 9.2.1. Archive data and economic-social background to the anthropogenic changes in the Lake Gościąż region from AD 1700 until today (T. Goslar) 9.2.2. Chronological base and reconstruction of yearly cycles in the Lake Gościąż youngest sediments (T. Goslar) 9.2.3. Anthropogenic changes in the chemical composition of the Lake Gościąż sediments (T. Goslar) 9.2.4. Pollen record of anthropogenic changes of vegetation in the Lake Gościąż region from AD 1660 until recent times (M. Ralska-Jasiewiczowa & B. van Geel) 9.2.5. Discussion and conclusions of the human impact during the last 330 years (M. RalskaJasiewiczowa, T. Goslar, B. van Geel & K. Szeroczyńska) References APPENDIX. CALENDAR AND RADIOCARBON AGES OF SAMPLES COLLECTED FROM THE LAKE GOŚCIĄŻ SEDIMENTS