Aristotle for four fundamental criticisms of the

Aristotle was born in 384. C. in the city of Stagira today not far from
Mount Athos in Chalkidiki peninsula, then part of the Kingdom of
Macedonia. His father, Nicomachus, was physician to King Amyntas III of
Macedonia, 7, which explains its relationship with the royal court of
Macedonia, which would have an important influence in his life.
At 367. BC when Aristotle was 17, his father died and his tutor Proxenus
of Atarneus sent him to Athens, for to study at the Academy of
Platón.Allí remained for twenty years.
After the death of Plato in 347. BC, Aristotle left Athens and traveled to
Atarneus and Aso, in Asia Minor, where he lived for about three years
under the protection of his friend and former fellow of the Academy,
Hermias, who was governor of the city.
When Hermias was murdered, Aristotle traveled to the city of Mytilene,
on the island of Lesbos, where he remained for two años.Allí continued
his research by Theophrastus, a native of Lesbos, focusing on zoology
and biology marina.7 also married Pythias, the niece of Hermias, who
had a daughter the same name.
At 343. C., King Philip II of Macedonia called Aristotle to tutor his son
was 13, which later became known as Alexander the Great. Aristotle
then traveled to Pella, then the capital of the Macedonian empire, and
Alejandro taught for at least two years until he started his military
At 335. BC, Aristotle returned to Athens and founded his own school, the
Lyceum Unlike the Academy, the Lyceum was not a private school and
many of the classes were public and free. Throughout his life Aristotle
gathered a vast library and a number of followers and researchers,
known as the Peripatetics.
Aristotle for four fundamental criticisms of the
theory of Plato's ideas:
He criticizes both worlds the sensible and intelligible world: for
Aristotle is one; support two worlds complicates the explanation
unnecessarily reduplicating realities.
Plato does not offer a rational explanation when talking about the
two worlds. Limited to use myths and metaphors, rather than
conceptually clarify their proposals.
There is no clear causal relationship of the ideal world about the
sensible world. It explains how ideas are cause of sensible and
mutable. It follows that an idea derived object.
April. Third Man Argument: Plato, the similarity between two things
is because both share the same idea. According to Aristotle, a
third party is required to explain the similarity between two things,
and one quarter to explain the three, and so on. An infinite regress
is therefore not explained at all. This argument had already been
picked up by Plato himself in the Parmenides dialogue entitled.
Aristotle was an empiricist spirit thinker, he tried to base human
knowledge on experience. One of the first concerns was to find a
rational explanation for the world around him.
• The pre-Socratic realized that what surrounds us is a different reality
that is in continuous and perpetual transformation.
• Heraclitus of Ephesus believes that everything is in constant change
and transformation, the movement is the law of the universe.
• Parmenides, on the contrary, believes that motion is impossible, since
the change is the transition from being to not-being or vice versa, from
not being to being. This is unacceptable, since there is not and nothing
can come of it.
• Plato, is a kind of synthesis, is a union or sum of these two opposing
concepts: that of Heraclitus and Parmenides. On the one hand we have
the sensible world, characterized by a constant process of
transformation and, on the other, we have the perfect abstract world of
ideas, characterized by eternity and incorruptibility.
Aristotle understood the change and movement as "the way of what is
potentially reduced to act" by the action of causes. There are four
causes: formal is the essence and form of the substance, material and
support form and formlessness is pure power to be (properly, having no
determination, nothing); efficient, producing the movement, the end that
directs the movement to an end, the perfection of form. Nature therefore
explained by a teleology of the way towards the perfection of its
It was a polymath: philosopher, logician, and scientist of
ancient Greece whose ideas have had an enormous influence
on Western intellectual history for more than two millennia.
Aristotle wrote about 200 treaties of which only 31 have
come on a huge variety of topics, including logic,
metaphysics, philosophy of science, ethics, political
philosophy, aesthetics, rhetoric, physics, astronomy and
biology. Aristotle transformed many, if not all, areas of
knowledge he touched. It is recognized as the founding father
of logic and biology, because although there are reflections
and previous writings on both subjects, is in the work of
Aristotle where the first systematic investigations on the
Among many other contributions, Aristotle formulated the
theory of spontaneous generation, the principle of
contradiction, the notions of class, substance, act, power,
etc.. Some of his ideas, which were new to the philosophy of
his time, now part of the common sense of many people.
•Spontaneous generation of organisms. He observed flies coming
out from cow dung even after he carefully excluded other flies of
laying down their eggs on the dung. That the eggs already were in
the abdomen of the animal he did not consider. It took again
almost 2000 years to revise this wrong opinion.
•He considered sponges to be animals an idea that was revised in
•Aristotle was a , a great mistake, believing that the heart is the
seat of the soul and reason, whereas for Hippocrates a century
before it was the brain. And for what do we need the brain?
According to Aristotle for reducing the heat of the body!
Every art and every inquiry and similarly every action and pursuit is
thought to aim at some good, and for this reason the good has
been declared to be that at which all things aim.
If there is some end in the things we do, which we desire for its
own sake, clearly this must be the chief good. Knowing this will
have a great influence on how we live our lives.
Politics appears to be the master art for it includes so many others
and its purpose is the good of man. While it is worthy to perfect
one man, it is finer and more godlike to perfect a nation.
It is the mark of an educated man to look for precision in each
class of thing in so far as its nature admits.
Each man judges well the things he knows.
If there is an end for all we do, it will be the good achievable by
Is happiness to be acquired by learning, by habit, or some other
form of training? It seems to come as a result of virtue and some
process of learning and to be among the godlike things since its
end is godlike and blessed.
The man who fears the right things for the right motives in the
right way at the right time and feels confidence is brave.
We think young people should be prone to shame because they live
by feeling and commit many errors and are restrained by shame.
When was Aristotle born?
Who was one of the first students of Aristotle?
How were the followers of Aristotle called?
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Aristotle is recognized as the founding father of ?
Aristotle base the knowledge in what ?