bridges over time KENT U3A STUDY DAY

KENT U3A study DAY- bridges over time
KENT U3A STUDY DAY: bridges over time
Derek Flippance - Royal Engineers Museum
Having served his apprenticeship with British Rail,
Derek joined the Royal Engineers in1962, serving for
24 years and rising to the rank of Warrant Officer2.
He then worked for some years with the Police and,
following early retirement, became a volunteer at the
Royal Engineers Museum. He is now responsible for
the new Bridge Study Centre with its model bridges
and engineer vehicles. He is particularly interested
in the Italian campaign of WW2 and visits the battle
area at least twice a year with various groups.
Sue Threader - Rochester Bridge Trust
Sue is a Chartered Civil Engineer, graduating with a
B.Eng. in Civil and Structural Engineering from the
University of Sheffield in 1988. Sue held senior posts
in the private and public sector before being
appointed as the Bridge Clerk (Chief Executive) of
the Rochester Bridge Trust in January 2006.
Apart from her work with the Trust, Sue was a
member of Employment Tribunals for several years
and occasionally carries out freelance management
consultancy work. She regularly gives talks to
schools and interested groups on civil engineering or
the work and fascinating history of the Bridge Trust.
9.15am Registration and coffee on arrival
9.50am Welcome
10.00 - 11.10am Derek Flippance
A Story of Five Bridges
11.10 - 11.35am Tea and Coffee Break
11.35am - 12.45pm Derek Flippance
Bridges in WW1
12.45pm Questions
1.00 - 2.00pm Lunch Break
We wish to apply for 1 / 2 places for the Kent U3A
Study Day on Bridges over Time
3.30pm Close
Strood Academy
Carnation Road, ME2 2SX
Monday 27th July 2015
Organiser Angela Howe 01634 724365
(Medway U3A)
Kent U3A Study Day
c/o 57 Romsey Close, Strood
Rochester ME2 3TJ
2.00 - 3.10pm Sue Threader
Rochester Bridge
Crossing the Medway for 2000 years
3.10pm Questions
the A2 about one mile on
Strood Academy, Carnation Road,
town centre. It is on the
Strood, Rochester, ME2 2SX
opposite side of the road to the Texaco filling
9.15am to 3.30pm approximately
station, near traffic lights and has a wind turbine.
£12.50 includes 3 lectures and coffee
Parking is available within school grounds
Numbers Limited to 120
– entrance in Carnation Road.
Please bring a packed lunch. Seated
areas available for eating lunch indoors or out.
This Study Day is open to all
Coffee, tea and soft drinks will be available.
How to Apply:
Fill in this part
of the form
indicating how
many tickets at
£12.50 per
person you
require and
make your cheque payable to Kent U3A Study
Days. Include a stamped self-addressed envelope
(9" x 4") in order to receive your ticket(s) and
send to
members of a U3A in Kent
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Bookings Angela Howe
  01634 724365