Dalhousie Post-doctoral Fellowship Offer Letter

Day Month Year
Principal Investigator’s Name
Principal Investigator’s Department
PDF’s Name and Address
Dear Dr. Name:
It is my pleasure to offer you a renewal of your/a Post-doctoral Fellowship at Dalhousie University. Please
find below detailed information pertaining to this appointment.
This Post-doctoral Fellowship (PDF) is a limited-term appointment in the Department of Boxology in the
Faculty of Containers. Acceptance of this offer requires that you have your PhD in hand.
During the term of your engagement you will be expected, under my supervision, to:
 develop your research skills by participating in research directed by me;
 discuss your knowledge and research with interested faculty and graduate students;
 publish results obtained during your tenure in appropriate journals and other recognized media; and
 attend approved scientific conferences, subject to the availability of travel funds.
The Fellowship will begin on Day, Month, Year and terminate on Day, Month, Year, unless extended by a
new, mutually approved, written agreement. In the event that employment is terminated, notice consistent
with the relevant provincial employment standards and legislation will be given, other than when dismissal
is for just cause. The terms of this agreement are also subject to continued funding. In the unlikely event
that funding ceases, as much notice as possible, above the minimum required, will be given
You will be paid a salary of $XXXX Canadian per month, equivalent to an annual salary of $YYYYY
Canadian, less mandatory deductions such as income tax, CPP and EI.
As of October 2014, Post-doctoral Fellows who are employed at Dalhousie University are represented by
the Public Service Alliance of Canada (PSAC). There is no Collective Agreement in place at this time, but
updates on the bargaining process will be posted at www.dal.ca/labour. Please note that Post-doctoral
Fellowships at Dalhousie can be held for a maximum of 6 years following the completion of a
PhD. As you completed your PhD in insert year, you are eligible to be considered for a renewal of
your fellowship until December insert year. Eligibility does not guarantee a renewal of your postdoctoral fellow position.
If you are not a Canadian Citizen or Permanent Resident of Canada, please note that this offer is conditional
on you obtaining and maintaining the appropriate immigration status to work in Canada. See Appendix B
for important information on applying for your work permit.
If you qualify for provincial health coverage, you will be entitled to Blue Cross supplementary medical
coverage on a 50/50 cost-shared basis with your supervisor. These benefits are extendable to your
Department of Boxology  Halifax, NS B3H 1A1 Canada
Tel: 902.494.0000  Fax: 902.494.1111  Email: A.Smithex@dal.ca  www.boxology.dal.ca
immediate family, again on a 50/50 cost-shared basis. Optional Blue Cross dental coverage is also
available to you and your family, on a 100% employee-paid basis.
Please note that you and your family members must hold provincial health coverage in order to qualify for
this supplementary coverage. To find out if you qualify for provincial health coverage, visit:
[NOTE to Principal Investigators – if your Postdoc will be located in New Brunswick, please
replace the link above with the following: http://www.gnb.ca/0394/eligibility-e.asp]
If you have questions about your benefits, please contact Human Resources by email at benefits@dal.ca or
by phone at (902)494-1122.
As a PDF you are entitled to no less than three weeks of paid vacation during a given calendar year at a time
or times to be agreed between you and your supervisor. This vacation is in addition to official University
holidays. The policy for intellectual property in my group is outlined in an attachment to this letter.
To indicate your acceptance of these arrangements, please sign a copy of this letter and return it to me as
soon as possible. If you have any questions regarding this offer, please do not hesitate to contact me. We
look forward to having you with us.
Principal Investigator’s Name
Principal Investigator’s Department
Faculty Confirmation:
Dean’s Name, Dean, Faculty
I have read, understood and accept the offer of engagement as outlined above.
PDF’s Signature
Principal Investigator’s Department
Dean’s Name, Dean, Faculty
Associate Dean, Faculty of Graduate Studies
Department of Boxology  Halifax, NS B3H 1A1 Canada
Tel: 902.494.0000  Fax: 902.494.1111  Email: A.Smithex@dal.ca  www.boxology.dal.ca
Appendix B
If not applicable, then this section may be deleted.
Immigration Information for Foreign Post-doctoral Fellows
Foreign Post-doctoral Fellows are required to obtain a temporary work permit in order to take up their
fellowship at Dalhousie University. This document contains important information about how to apply for
your work permit, and other related issues.
STEP 1: Determine whether you require a Temporary Resident Visa (TRV) to enter Canada. Visit the
following Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC) website to determine whether you need a visa:
STEP 2: Obtain the IMM5802 Form (and accompanying E-Receipt) from your supervisor. You will need a
copy of this form (which is filled out by Dalhousie), and the proof of payment, to include with your work
permit application.
For post-doctoral fellows who REQUIRE a TRV
to enter Canada:
1. Apply for a work permit at the nearest Canadian
visa office responsible for your country of residence
or nationality. If you are already in Canada and hold
a work permit, you can apply to a CIC processing
centre in Canada. The following CIC website offers
detailed information about how to apply:
2. Citizens of certain countries are required to give
their biometrics (fingerprints and photograph)
when they apply for a work permit. Find out if you
are required to give biometrics here:
If you are required to give biometrics, do not mail
in your application. Submit your application online
or in person. In either case, you will need to go to
the visa office in person to give your biometrics,
and an additional fee will apply.
3. When your temporary work permit and TRV
application is approved, you will receive a letter
approving the issuance of a work permit and a
TRV counterfoil will be pasted in your passport.
Travel and moving arrangements can now be
For post-doctoral fellows who DO NOT
REQUIRE a Temporary Resident Visa to
enter Canada:
1. As a post-doctoral fellow who does
not require a TRV to enter Canada,
you may apply for and receive your work
permit at a port of entry
(international airport or land
border crossing) as you enter
Canada. When you arrive at a port
of entry, you should tell the border
officer who inspects your passport
that you wish to apply for a work
permit. You should have the following
items with you:
- Your letter of offer from Dalhousie,
including this Appendix B;
- The completed IMM5802 Form and
accompanying E-Receipt;
- Your passport;*
- A copy of your CV;
- Proof of your credentials for the
position (ie. a copy of your PhD, or a
letter from your school confirming
that you have completed it); and
- The work permit application fee of
Department of Boxology  Halifax, NS B3H 1A1 Canada
Tel: 902.494.0000  Fax: 902.494.1111  Email: A.Smithex@dal.ca  www.boxology.dal.ca
finalized. Your work permit will actually be issued at
the port of entry as you enter Canada.
4. When you arrive at a port of entry, you should
have the following items with you:
- The letter from the Visa Office approving the
issuance of your work permit;
- Your letter of offer from Dalhousie, including this
Appendix A;
- Your passport;*
- A copy of your CV; and
- Proof of your credentials for the position (ie. a
copy of your PhD, or a letter from your school
confirming that you have completed it).
$155. This fee is payable by: cash (in
Canadian or American currency only);
or credit card (Visa, Mastercard or
American Express).
*A work permit will normally be issued with an expiry consistent with either the end date in your offer
letter OR with the expiry of your passport, usually whichever is earlier.
NOTE: Post-doctoral fellows are exempt from the requirement for a Labour Market Impact
Assessment/ESDC Confirmation under LMIA exemption code C44 and pursuant to R205(c)(ii).
Spouses and accompanying children: If applicable, a spousal work permit and/or visitor records and/or
study permits for any accompanying dependent children may be applied for at the same time that you
apply for your work permit. Additional fees will apply, and additional documents will be required
depending on your circumstances. These may include: marriage certificate or Statutory Declaration of
Common Law Union (form available at: http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/pdf/kits/forms/IMM5409E.pdf);
birth certificates for accompanying dependent children; a copy of your work permit (if already issued);
proof of your postdoctoral fellowship at Dalhousie (such as the letter of offer, or a letter from your
supervisor); and/or other documents as required by CIC.
Once you arrive, you must apply in person for a Social Insurance Number (SIN) at a Service Canada
Centre. Please review the following website with information about how to apply for a SIN:
A copy of your SIN card and a copy of your work permit must be supplied to your Department at
Dalhousie. Please note that you are not allowed to begin working until the effective date of your work
permit. For example, if you were hired effective July 1 but your work permit is not effective until August
15, your start date will now be August 15.
You are encouraged to review the information on the following website, which includes information
about living in Halifax, the details of your benefits package, instructions for getting your Dalhousie ID
Card (DalCard), and other important items: http://www.dal.ca/dept/hr/new-employees.html
Please note that a work permit of at least one year in duration is required in order to be eligible for
medical coverage under the Nova Scotia Health Insurance program (also referred to as MSI). For
information about MSI eligibility, or to apply: http://novascotia.ca/DHW/msi/eligibility.asp
Department of Boxology  Halifax, NS B3H 1A1 Canada
Tel: 902.494.0000  Fax: 902.494.1111  Email: A.Smithex@dal.ca  www.boxology.dal.ca
As a Temporary Foreign Worker in Canada, it is your responsibility to ensure that you maintain a valid
work permit. If you intend to continue working beyond the expiry of your current work permit, you must
apply to renew your work permit BEFORE it expires. Please visit the following website for information
about how to renew your work permit: http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/work/extend-stay.asp
Department of Boxology  Halifax, NS B3H 1A1 Canada
Tel: 902.494.0000  Fax: 902.494.1111  Email: A.Smithex@dal.ca  www.boxology.dal.ca