Appendix S1 Studies included in the meta-analyses 1. Allen LH, Jr., Vu JCV, Valle RR, Boote KJ, Jones PH (1998) Nonstructural carbohydrates and nitrogen of soybean grown under carbon dioxide enrichment. Crop Science, 28, 84–94. 2. Almeida JPF, Hartwig UA, Frehner M, Nösberger J, Lüscher A (2000) Evidence that P deficiency induces N feedback regulation of symbiotic N2 fixation in white clover (Trifolium repens L.). Journal of Experimental Botany, 51, 1289–1297. 3. Aranjuelo I, Irigoyen JJ, Nogué S, Sáchez-Díaz M (2009) Elevated CO2 and water-availability effect on gas exchange and nodule development in N2-fixing alfalfa plants. Environmental and Experimental Botany, 65, 18–26. 4. Aranjuelo I, Irigoyen JJ, Perez P, Martinez-Carrasco R, Sanchez-Díaz M (2005) The use of temperature gradient tunnels for studying the combined effect of CO2, temperature and water availability in N2 fixing alfalfa plants. Annals of Applied Biology, 146, 51–60. 5. Aranjuelo I, Irigoyen JJ, Sanchez-Díaz M, Nogues S (2008) Carbon partitioning in N2 fixing Medicago sativa plants exposed to different CO2 and temperature conditions. Functional Plant Biology, 35, 306–317. 6. Armstrong R, Lam R, Jin J et al. (2011) How will the impact of elevated carbon dioxide on grain production vary with different soils? In: The National Climate Change Research Strategy for Primary Industries (CCRSPI) Conference 2011. Melbourne. 7. Baggs EM, Richter M, Hartwig UA, Cadisch G (2003) Nitrous oxide emissions from grass swards during the eighth year of elevated atmospheric pCO2 (Swiss FACE). Global Change Biology, 9, 1214–1222. 8. Bai Y, Tischler CR, Booth DT, Taylor EM, Jr. (2003) Variations in germination and grain quality within a rust resistant common wheat germplasm as affected by parental CO2 conditions. Environmental and Experimental Botany, 50, 159–168. 9. Bencze S, Veisz O, Bedo Z (2004) Effects of high atmospheric CO2 and heat stress on phytomass, yield and grain quality of winter wheat. Cereal Research Communications 32, 75–82. 10. Bertrand A, Prévost D, Bigras FJ, Lalande R, Tremblay GF, Castonguay Y, Bélanger G (2007) Alfalfa response to elevated atmospheric CO2 varies with the symbiotic rhizobial strain. Plant and Soil, 301, 173–187. 11. Bertrand A, Prévost D, Juge C, Chalifour F-P (2011) Impact of elevated CO2 on carbohydrate and ureide concentrations in soybean inoculated with different strains of Bradyrhizobium japonicum. Botany, 89, 481–490. 12. Blumenthal C, Rawson HM, McKenzie E, Gras PW, Barlow EWR, Wrigley CW (1996) Changes in wheat grain quality due to doubling the level of atmospheric CO2. Cereal Chemistry, 73, 762–766. 13. Booker FL, Prior SA, Torbert HA, Fiscus EL, Pursley WA, Hu S (2005) Decomposition of soybean grown under elevated concentrations of CO2 and O3. Global Change Biology, 11, 685–698. 14. Burkey KO, Booker FL, Pursley WA, Heagle AS (2007) Elevated carbon dioxide and ozone effects on peanut: II. Seed yield and quality. Crop Science, 47, 1488–1497. 15. Cabrerizo PM, González EM, Aparicio-Tejo PM, Arrese-Igor C (2001) Continuous CO2 enrichment leads to increased nodule biomass, carbon availability to nodules and activity of carbon-metabolising enzymes but does not enhance specific nitrogen fixation in pea. Physiologia Plantarum, 113, 33–40. 16. Cen Y-P, Layzell DB (2004) Does oxygen limit nitrogenase activity in soybean exposed to elevated CO2? Plant, Cell and Environment, 27, 1229–1238. 17. Cheng L, Booker FL, Burkey KO et al. (2011) Soil microbial responses to elevated CO2 and O3 in a nitrogen-aggrading agroecosystem. PLoS ONE, 6, e21377. 18. Cheng W, Inubushi K, Yagi K, Sakai H, Kobayashi K (2001) Effects of elevated carbon dioxide concentration on biological nitrogen fixation, nitrogen mineralization and carbon decomposition in submerged rice soil. Biology and Fertility of Soils, 34, 7–13. 19. Cheng W, Sakai H, Yagi K, Hasegawa T (2010) Combined effects of elevated [CO2] and high night temperature on carbon assimilation, nitrogen absorption, and the allocations of C and N by rice (Oryza sativa L.). Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 150, 1174–1181. 20. Cheng W, Yagi K, Sakai H, Kobayashi K (2006) Effects of elevated atmospheric CO2 concentrations on CH4 and N2O emission from rice soil: An experiment in controlled-environment chambers. Biogeochemistry, 77, 351–373. 21. Das S, Bhattacharyya P, Adhya TK (2011) Impact of elevated CO2, flooding, and temperature interaction on heterotrophic nitrogen fixation in tropical rice soils. Biology and Fertility of Soils, 47, 25–30. 22. de Graaff M-A, Schadt CW, Rula K, Six J, Schweitzer JA, Classen AT (2011) Elevated CO2 and plant species diversity interact to slow root decomposition. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 43, 2347–2354. 23. de la Puente LS, Pérez P, Martínez-Carrasco R, Morcuende RM, del Molino IM (2000) Action of elevated CO2 and high temperatures on the mineral chemical composition of two varieties of wheat. Agrochimica, 44, 221–230. 24. Dijkstra P, Schapendonk AHMC, Groenwold K, Jansen M, van de Geijn SC (1999) Seasonal changes in the response of winter wheat to elevated atmospheric CO2 concentration grown in open-top chambers and field tracking enclosures. Global Change Biology, 5, 563–576. 25. Edwards EJ, McCaffery S, Evans JR (2006) Phosphorus availability and elevated CO2 affect biological nitrogen fixation and nutrient fluxes in a clover-dominated sward. New Phytologist, 169, 157–167. 26. Erbs M, Manderscheid R, Jansen G, Seddig S, Pacholski A, Weigel HJ (2010) Effects of free-air CO2 enrichment and nitrogen supply on grain quality parameters and elemental composition of wheat and barley grown in a crop rotation. 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