Understanding your products
Chapter 3:'Weight Management. /
• I
1. Aloe Vera Plus : ' _ ^. . ._
• Requirement: 50 to 100ml per day
Relieves tension, stress, RM.S
It is pain relieving, calming, healing and helps for ulcers and mouth sores Helps indigestion and heartburn Is excellent for the relief of stress during exams
Excellent for:
° Depression '
0 Insomnia
° Headaches "~S
0 Ulcers -.,.;'■ ;• :■ ". %-
0 Acne and skin problems 0
Upset stomachs
0 Hair loss ...
2. Ami-Tone
• Natural muscle toner l r V
. ,^.
• Excellent for weight loss
• Take 3 or more tablets 3 hours after your last meal (with water)
• Not recommended for growing children
• Amino acid-fibre toner, working while you are sleeping by activating your hormones to convert excess fat into soluble energy.
• Muscle builder-good for body builders as it is a natural product
• No appetite depressants and thus safe for use
• Avoid white sugar, chocolates and fatty foods when using Ami-Tone
• For weight loss-see the weight management programme
• Has a herb content, it promotes good sleep
• Amino acid content results in a positive mental attitude: for mood-swings use Vi tablet 3 times per day
-, *^"
3. Beta-Guard
• Our daily diet does not make provision to protect us against harmful substances and against air pollution to which we are all exposed to
• Oxidation and toxic pollution are the main causes of cancer formation
• Beta-Guard is an anti-oxidant and detoxifier
Detoxification Program :1 month per year ~ . ■ "■ ft
• Beta-Guard 2 x 3 per day (2 bottles needed) ■
• Stage 6 determines your requirement for a daily soft bowel movement (L,bottle needed)
2x3 per day
This is not a medical prescription to replace a doctors prescribed treatment - we do not diagnose ailments and we do not claim cures as these products are not medicine but natural food supplements. (This document is compiled independently from GNLD).
23 i.
Understanding your products --------------------------------------------
Chapter 3: Weight Management *
• Multi mineral plus alfalfa, 2 x 3 per day (3 bottles needed)
• Fibre tablets, 2x3 per day (2 bottles needed)
• Garlic Allium complex, 2x3perday(lbottleneeded)
• Wide spectrum formulation making Beta Guard very versatile providing protection against free radicals, oxidation and toxic pollution
• Strengthen tissues and membrane; this increases resistance against sickness and diseases
• Counteracts the influence of toxic metals
• Kidneys remove e.g. toxic colourants in food and therefore kidneys must be "cleaned"
• Protects the soft body tissues ' " * - n
• Heals mucous membranes and increases the resistance of these membranes against infection
• Protects the lungs against infections
• Beta Guard alleviates Metal poisoning:
° Lead: damages the lungs; causes bone marrow cancer
° Mercury: causes arthritis; damages bone and body tissue; blocks pancreas
° Aluminium: Main cause for Alzheimer's disease and memory loss
° Excellent for treatment of all oxidation- related disease e.g. removal of cataracts
4. Cal-Mag
• Essential for good strong bones and teeth >
• Promotes breathing
• Improves heart beet and muscle activities
• Calms the nerves
• Needed for transfer of nerve impulses
• Helps in blood coagulation
• Keeps theveins and cell membranes healthy for a free transportation of nutrients/wastes
• Osteoporosis results from an inadequate supply of calcium in your daily diet, (this deficiency results in the extraction of calcium from the bones. The bones become soft and brittle, and once osteoporosis has set in, it cannot be cured-prevention is the only answer)
• Child birth is easier for mothers
• Prevents brittle nails, eczema, muscle cramps and tooth decay a>
• Helps with metabolism of carbohydrates, fats protein, phosphorus and potassium
• Prevents dizziness from a lack of carbohydrates
• Controls high cholesterol levels and formation of kidney stones
• Controls acid-alkaline balance and helps to control body temperature
• Cal-Mag and vitamin b complex is excellent for relief of stress during exams
• Ladies need 1500mg calcium per day and supplementation is essential
• Men need 900mg per day and also need supplementation
• Improves long term memory
This is not a medical prescription to replace a doctors prescribed treatment- we do not diagnose ailments and we do not claim cures as these products are not mecScine but natural food supplements. (This document is compiled independently from GNLD).
-------------------------------------------- Understanding your products -----------------------------------------------------
Chapter 3: Weight Management
• • ■ ■ *'
5. Carotenoid Complex
• Food rich in Carotenoid: tomatoes, carrots, spinach, red pepper, strawberries, apricots and peaches
• Carotenoid in capsule preserved in pure olive oil. Every person needs5-9 helpings of Carotenoid containing fruits and vegetables per day. There are 600 different types of beta-carotene in each
Carotenoid Complex -which is known as super anti-oxidant
• Prevents cancer formation
• Helps body to recover from sickness
• Protection of cells against free radicals
• The cells stay younger for longer, retarding the ageing process
• Promotes hair growth and stops hair loss
■ • Enhances the immune system by 3 7% in 20 days as proven in the research done by the united states department of agriculture (USD A)
• Boosts imune fighting cells by 20%
• Curbs oxidation damage to cell by 44%
• 5 times more protection to avoid "bad" cholesterol leading to heart disease
• Proven absorption into the blood stream
• Created by an eminent scientific development team, under the direction of Dr. Arinna Carughi and
Dr. Fred Hooper, including internationally recognized Cancer researcher and toxologist, Dr Arthur
6. Chelated Iron
• Iron is needed for metabolism of amino acids
• Improves the functioning of the lungs
• Improves protein metabolism
• Improves resistance against stress and infections
• Dosage-Children 4-11 years: 1/3-1/2 tablets daily-adults 1 tabletdaily
• Iron is a trace element and is present in every living cell and is thus essential for health
• Prevents Anaemia
• Iron controls the oxygen capacity in the blood " 8 * ft ™ t*Sffl^^
^fcs "^
Symptoms of iron deficiency
• Counteract tiredness, listlessness, and depression
° Depression
° Total exhaustion and tiredness
° Pale complexion
• :,
Hill CHM^
° Lack of stamina • '
° (athletes) insomnia • Statistics show that 50 % of all RSA woman and 30% of children from needy homes have an iron deficiency. The main causes are: refined foods and aluminium cooking utensils
Caution: Do not take iron if you have an infection, because bacteria require iron for growth. The body "hides" iron in the liver and other storage sites when an infection is present. Taking extra iron at such times encourages the proliferation of bacteria in the body.
• **
This is not a medical prescription to replace a doctors prescribed treatment - we do not diagnose ailments and we do not claim cures as these products are not medicine but natural food supplements. (This document is compiled independently from GNLD).
Understanding your products --------------------------------------------
Chapter 3: Weight Management r'
7. Chelated Zink
• Promotes digestion
• Keeps the functioning of prostrate gland normal when used with omega-3
• Strong healing activity for wounds and acne
• Increases mental alertness
• Zink and vitamin B S/R controls nerve balance and brain functions (e.g. epileptic attack)
• Essential in treating infertility .■ -.„ ■ .<..,,.
• Controls the degeneration of muscles
Caution: do not take more than lOOmg of Zink daily - while daily dosages under lOOmg enhances the immune system, dosages of more than 1 OOmg can depress the immune system.
8. Cruciferous Plus
• Foods in cruciferous family: broccoli, cabbage, Brussels sprouts, mustard seeds, kale radishes, watercress, turnips and cauliflower. The "plus" refers to limolene from oranges, chalcones from liquorice root & isoflavones from soybeans to strengthen the biological activity.
• Lower risk of cancer, especially hormonally related cancers such as breast, prostrate and lining of the uterus (also cancers of the lungs and digestive tract)
• Lowers cholesterol levels
• Regulates immune system , ,
• Relieves hot flushes
9. Daily Vitality Pack
• Contains 30 sachets of: 1 x Vitamin C S/R, 1 x Multi Mineral plus A lfalfa,lx vitamin BC S/R, 2 x Formula IV. Ideally suited for busy and active people due to its balanced nutrient content and convenient package - simply slip a sachet in your briefcase/purse/j acket/for use du
• Popular with sportsmen
• Convenient package for 1 month supply
10. Fibre Tablets
• Modern diets don't supply enough fibre because of our refined and processed foods.
Recommended daily intake is 3 to 6 tablets per day about water.
Vi hour before meals with lots of v
• Reduced blood sugar levels are suitable for diabetic persons
• Enough daily fibre is essential for prevention of colon cancer
• Prevents constipation
• Prevents colon related problems
• Contains various fibre-soluble and non-water soluble
11. Flavonoid Complex
• Foods rich in Flavonoid: grape fruit, oranges, lemons, berries (blue berries, currants, cranberries, strawberries), beets, red onions and cherries
• Potent water-soluble super antioxidant and free radical scavenger ' w
This is not a medical prescription to replace a doctors prescribed treatment - we do not diagnose ailments and we do not claim cures as these products are not medicine but natural food supplements. (This document is compiled independently from GNLD).
Understanding your products
Chapter 3: Weight Management
• Prevents oxidative cell damage and ageing
• Has strong anti-cancer activity
• Protects against all stages carcinogenesis
• Prevents carcinogen formation in intestinal tract
• Lowers the risk of heart disease
• Provides anti-inflammatory action; e.g. arthritis
• Flavonoids are very effective when used with vitamin C as it enhances the absorption of vitamin C
• Improvement of immune-cell function
12. Formula IV Capsules
• Adults: Boys 12 to 20 years, girls 12 years to menopause: 1 Cap x 2 p/d
• Unique five fold food supplement, containing vitamins, minerals, protein, lipid, sterols and enzymes -
• Lipids and sterols provide critical support for the healthy cellular uptake of nutrients and cellular export of wastes and metabolites
• Free from preservatives
• Balanced food supplement in capsule form, which breaks down easily and effectively, resulting in the maximum availability of the supplements
• Supplies nutrients often lacking in a diet '♦ *
• Counteracts the draining (exhaustion) effect of stress
• Builds up resistance against sickness and viruses
• Balances your hormones - supplies emotional stability
• Supplies energy and vitality - you stay healthy, feel better and are more positive about life
• Enhances the effective functioning of the kidneys and liver
13. Formula IV Plus Sachets
• Men 20 years plus; Menopausal ladies: 1 sachetp/d f
• Same as Formula IV capsules, plus the following:
• Contains 50% more Tre-En-En Grain concentrates from wheat germ, rice bran and soya beans, all rich sources of essential lipids and sterols important for cellular health
• Iron free, for those who already obtain sufficient iron from their diet
• Available in individual sachets for take - anywhere convenience
• Tre-En-En Grain Concentrates: 675mg of lipid and sterol extracts from wheat germ, rice bran and Soya beans. Replace trace minerals food processing strips away, selenium, chromium and molybdenum
14. Garlic Allium Complex
• Natural antibiotic that fights infection
• Lowers level of "bad cholesterol" (LB L) while increasing levels of "good cholesterol"
This is not a medical prescription to replace adoctors prescribed treatment - we do not diagnose ailments and we do not claim cures as these products are not medicine but natural food supplements. (This document is compiled independently from GNLD).
Understanding your products
Chapter 3: Weight Management
• Protects against cardiovascular disease
• Anti-inflammatory action combats arthritis
• Stimulates growth and activity of cells
• Prevents the onset of colds
• Strengthens the immune-system, promotes formation of anti-bodies
• Anatural stimulants-causing increased physiological activity
• Carminative properties-able to relieve flatulence (intestinal gas)
• Diuretic properties-increases urine flow
• Antiseptic - fights against infection
• Antibiotic - restores insulin function needed for sugar metabolism
• Antibacterial- capable of destroying bacterial micro-organisms
• Antifungal - fights against fungi such as Candida Albicans
• Anti-yeast-fights against certain bad single cell fungi
• Anti-inflammatory - reducing redness, swelling and pain of tissue
, I
15. Multi
• The tablets in Formula IV Plus is called Multi and contains the same nutrients
• Unique comprehensive formula delivers a broad spectrum of key vitamins, minerals and trace minerals
• Replaces trace minerals that food processing strips away: selenium, chromium and molybdenum
• Convenient once-daily regimen
• Iron-free for those who already obtain sufficient iron from their diet
• Convenient one month supply
• Preservative free
. /^
16. Multi Mineral plus Alfalfa
I • Promotes the functioning of thyroid gland due to Iodine and Calcium content
• Strengthens nervous system
• Promotes growth
• Increases absorption of vitamin's A,B,C,E and calcium
• Skin and hair colour is enhanced
• Accelerates healing of wounds
• Promotes bones formation
• Excellent for metabolism of blood sugar
• Prevents anemia and promotes the formation of red blood cells
• Good for treating diarrhea
17. Nutrishake
• Flavours: Vanilla, strawberry and chocolate. Two scoops of nutrishake (mixed with milk or fruit juice)+2 capsules of Food Supplements or 1 Sachet formula IV Plus, replace 1 meal per day
This is not a medical prescription to replace a doctors prescribed treatment- we do not diagnose ailments and we do not claim cures as these products are not medicine but natural food supplements. (This document is compiled independently from GNLD).
Understanding your products
Chapter 3: Weight Management
Convenient meal for elderly people and children
Is a complete protein, containing all 22 amino acids in balanced proportion
Nutrishake is low in fat and cholesterol
Supplies much needed fibre to help digestion
Low in kilojoules - sweetened with fructose
Rich in vitamins and minerals
Contains linoleic acid - helps with metabolism of cholesterol
18. Omega-3
Pure salmon oil, pressed from the flesh of cold water salmon
Recommended for healing and protection of cardiovascular system
Promotes the functioning of the pancreas
Controls the levels of all the essential blood components
Does not contain vitamin A or other fish oils
Relieves body pains/aches
Omega-3 keeps prostrate healthy
Breaks down cholesterol and cleans arteries
Reduces high blood pressure
Improves blood circulation and concentration
Relieves migraine/headaches *
Supplements brain fluids; protects and increases brain power
Helps for rheumatism, arthritis and gout
Regulates sperm level
Controls skin rash
Prevents heart attack and strokes
19. Phyto Defence
• in
See Carotfcnoid complex, Flavonoid complex and cruciferous Plus, conveniently packed sachet form: 3 x Carotenoids, 2 x Flavonoids, 1 x Cruciferous Plus, provides your daily need of Phytonutrient intake
20. Protein Powder
• Two scoops with 200ml milk/fruit juice
• Protein rich nutrient for the whole family
• Supplies all 22 Amino acids, a complete protein
• Easy, economical and tasty way to take protein for the building of your cells and tissues
• Contains digestive enzymes to promote the assimilation of food
• Sweetened with fructose, which prevents the rapid rise in blood sugar
• Low fat and cholesterol content %
• Easily digested
This is not a medical prescription to replace a doctors prescribed treatment - we do not diagnose ailments and we do not claim cures'as these products are not medicine but natural food supplements. (This document is compiled independently from GNLD).
Understanding your products
Chapter 3: Weight Management f
21. Stage-6
• Herbal laxative-no chemicals or drug added
• Won't disturb the natural elimination of body
• Prevents constipation
• Provides purification throughoutthe body
• Only a herbal mixture -no chemicals/drugs added
• Not habit forming, no cramps when taken with adequate amounts of water
• Every persons metabolism differs, therefore the quantity you would need is determined by you e.g. for a slow metabolism - 2 tablets after each meal 2 start with and adjust as needed.
Water intake is very important: 1 glass (or more) of water when taking the tablets and
2 glasses of water early morning (to prevent cramps)
• Avoid taking Stage-6 when you have appendicitis or when you have stomach cramps, or when you are feeling nauseous, expecting, a breast feeding mother, or when having an obstruction in the colon.
22. Vitamin A and D
• Promotes the growth of visual purple which is essential for night vision
• Promotes the growth and healing of the body tissue for healthy, clean and smooth skin v
• Promotes bone and teeth formation
• Beneficial for:
° Night Blindness
° Dry skin
' #t - ./"
° Lack of appetite o Boils
^ .j
° Prevention of colds « r ° Nervousness :. °
Emphysema ° Provention of sunburn 0 Prevention of diarrhea
• Caution: Vitamin A: If you have a liver disease or you are pregnant, do not exceed the daily doseof 10,000IU's. Children should not take more than 18,000IU'sofvitaminAonadaily basis for more than a month.
• Vitamin D: Do not take vitamin D without calcium. Toxicity may result from taking amounts over 65,000 IU's over a period of years
23. Vitamin B Complex, Sustained release
• Contains Vitamin Bl, B2, B6, B12 and other nutrients which increases the absorption and functioning of vitamin B complex
• Helps with proper functioning of the nervous system '
• Enhances normal appetite and digestion
• Prevents tiredness and listlessness
\^ „ ■
*• *
This is not a medical prescription to replace a doctors prescribed treatment - we do not diagnose ailments and we do not claim cur^Ss these products are notmedicinebutnaturalfoodsupplements. (ThisdocumentiscornpiledindependentlyfromGNLD).
-------------------------------------------- Understanding your products --------------------- —---------------------
Chapter 3: Weight Management ,r-
• Good for normal skin, hair and nails, prevent skin-sore and acne
• Needed for pregnant mothers and breast feeding mothers (folic acid)
• Helps with absorption of carbohydrates to supply the body with energy
• Counteracts stress and prevents nervousness ■
Promotes elimination of water
• Prevents and helps watery eyes (light sensitive eyes)
24. Vitamins CS/R
• Natural vitamin C forms up to 2000% more collagen than synthetic. Vitamin C - (in synthetic
Vitamin C, 85% is passed through urine as unused Vitamin C within an hour of intake)
• Vitamin C deficiency leads to calcium deficiency - collagen levels are lowered, bones are weakened and break easier.
• Essential for smokers-builds and protects cell
• Regular bruises and injuries call for additional Vitamin C e.g. sportsmen, construction workers, industrial workers etc
• Builds healthy collagen and assures firm skin ' " - ■ ' .
• Strengthens blood vessels and veins
• Prevents colds, bleeding gums, bleeding noses, bad digestion, and stress
• Caution: If you are pregnant do not take more than 5,00mg of vitamin C daily. Unborn babies may become dependant on this supplement and develop scurvy when deprived of the accustomed high dosages after birth
25. Vitamin E
• Body metabolizes natural Vitamin E is 5 times more effective than synthetic Vitamin E
• Natural Vitamin E is 49% more potent than synthetic Vitamin E. GNLD's Vitamin E complex contains the whole spectrum of E's. All eight of them.
• Increases oxygen content in the blood
• It helps for healthy blood circulation and controls blood thickness-prevents blood clots (a cause of stroke) and varicose veins
• Prevents body pollution
• Promotes muscle strength, gives power, stamina and speed
• Essential for fertility-both men and woman
• It is a natural anti-oxidant
• Promotes internal and external healing
• Retards the ageing process
• Wounds and cuts heal quicker, leaving less scars
• Helps eliminating headaches v
• Good for people suffering from asthma and emphysema
• Protects body against air and environmental pollution and harmful substances formed during metabolism
• Vitamin E is essential for a healthy cardiovascular system-400-800IUperday
• Vitamin E is actually a complex of 8 Vitamin E's of which alpha-di-toco pherol is the most abundant
• Synthetic Vitamin E contains only alpha-di-tocopherol
• Caution: ifyou are taking an anti-coaguant (blood thinner) do not rake more than the recommended dosage if you have high blood pressure, start with a small amount such as 200
IU's daily and increase slowly to desired amount
This is not a medical prescription to replace a doctors prescribed treatment - we do not diagnose ailments and we do not claim cures as these products are not medicine but naturalfood supplements. (This document is compiled independently from GNLD).
Understanding your products
Chapter 3: Weight Management
26. VitaGuard
• Provides total anti-oxidant protection for growing children
• Each chewable tablet contains water soluble Flavonoids and lipid soluble Carotenoids, plus the anti-oxidants Vitamin A, C, and E and the key mineral such as Zink and Selenium.
• Most children do not eat the suggested 5-9 helpings of fresh fruit and vegetables per day making Vita Guard essential for children's optimal development and protection against sickness
• Contains no Artificial Flavonoids colourants or sweeteners
27. Vita Squares
• Balance mineral, vitamin, lipid, and sterol formula (from whole grain concentrates), proving a broad spectrum of anti-oxidants in chewable tablet form
• Optimal mineral supplementation
• Sweetened only with fructose, oranges, apples, grapes, and flavored with berry essences
• The iron used in predigested
• Contains no sucrose, preservatives, or artificial colourants
• Low allergy formula • Nutrients are easily digested and absorbed
• Prevents boils, listlessness, bad appetite, and herpes
• Provides optimal cellular nutrition (often lacking in their diet) to support a child's physical and mental growth and development as well as emotional well being
• Use of white sugar should be avoided, it depletes the body ofVitamin C and Calcium
• Additional supplementation ofVitamin C and Cal-Mag is important for children especially those eating lots of sweets and cookies
28. Wheat Germ Oil
• Each capsule contains 730 mg Wheat germ oil and 60IU Vitamin E
• Rich in unsaturated fatty acidy and Vitamin E
• Needed for supplementation of unsaturated fatty acids
• Benefits as for vitamin E
• Needed for healthy skin, hair, nails and supplies energy
29. Feminine Herbal Complex
• 10 herbs in Feminine Herbal Complex * Wild yam *Red S age * St John's wort * Vitex *Lady 's
Mantle *Chinese angelica *skullcap*Ginger*Dandelion*Liquorice ;/
• Provides the following benefits:
° Reduce inflammation
° Relaxes muscle spasms
° Promotes vitality
° Supports normal female function
° Reduces excessive sweating
° Reduces menstrual cycle irregularities
° Relieves mild depression
° Overcomes heavy menstrual flow
° Relieves irritability and anxiety
■ _ . - . , .
. ' ' " ' ' ' \». -*■ '
This Is not a medical prescription to replace a doctors prescribed treatment - we do not diagnose ailments and we do not claim cures as these products are not medicine but natural food supplements. (This document is compiled independently from GNLD).
-------------------------------------------- Understanding your products ———— --------------------------------
Chapter 3: Weight Management
° Assists in excretion of excess fluid
, ° Reduces nervous tension
0 Relieves urine retention
30. Masculine Herbal Complex
• 9 herbs in Masculine Herbal Complex *Saw Palmetto *Oats *Celery *Daminiana * Yarrow
*St, Johns wort *Skullcap * Astragalus *Chillies.
• Provides the following benefits:
° Excellent for prostrate
° Boost vitality
° Reduces inflammation
0 Relieves nervous stress and mild anxiety
0 Promotes normal male function
° Supports circulatory system ..-■
° Relieves mild depression
° Overcomes muscle spasms
0 Promotes kidney functions
31. Herbal Respiratory formula
• * 7 Herbs in Herbal Respiratory Formula *Elecampane *Nettle 8 elder* Aniseed *Liquorice
*Bayberry *Thyme
• Provides the following benefits:
° Promotes and supports the functioning of the respiratory system
° Relieves coughing
° Promotes kidney function
° Promotes vitality
° Protects against recurrent respiratory infections
° Overcomes minor allergies and hay fever
° Reduces inflammation
° Soothes respiratory mucous
° Formulated to keep and to prevent mi Id upper respiratory problems
° Supports and calms the function of the digestive system
32. Herbal Digestive Complex
• 1 x 2 p.d morning and evening
• 8 herbs in herbal digestive Complex *dandelion *Caraway *German Chamomile *Gentian
*Mint *Aloe Vera Tiquorice
• Provides the following benefits:
° Supports digestive function
• Helps lazy bowels
° Relieves constipation
° Promotes appetite and digestion
° Relieves flatulence and gastrointestinal spasms
■ '■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ''-.
° Reduces inflammation in and soothing of gastric mucous membranes
° Supports liver function *
. ° Promotes circulatory system
This is not a medical prescription to replace a doctors prescribed treatment - we do not diagnose ailments and we do not claim cures as these products are not medicine but natural food supplements. (This document is compiled independently from GNLD).
Understanding your products
Chapter 3: Weight Management #
' ■ 4'
33. Herbal Rest and Relax ■
• lx2p.d morning and evening
• 8 herbs in herbal rest andrelax: *damiana *lemon Balm *Skullcap *Schisandra *Vervain *St.
John's wort *Passion lower *German chamomile , r
• Provides the following benefits:
0 Promotes healthy blood flow to the brain
° Promotes cerebro-vascular health
° Supports alertness, memory and concentration
° Prevents cell damage by pro-oxidant free radicals
° Promotes healthy functioning of circulatory system
° Enhances focused concentration, clear thinking and accurate recall
° Protects delicate cells and supports mental longevity
0 Protects brain from stroke damage
° Promotes overall cognitive health by improving microcirculation
Man was placed on an unpolluted, chemical, preservative and additive-free world. In these circumstances his liver and kidneys could perform the task of the daily detoxifying of the body adequately. Today however, we live in a highly polluted world, exhaust gasses of vehicles, colourants and preservatives in our food, chlorine in the water, polluting gasses from standing water in open gutters, litter in the streets etc... this places an exceptional high load on the detoxifying actions of our detoxifying organs, kidneys and liver. In fact the inflow of toxins into these organs are at a rate at which they cannot cope with the excretion of these toxins and they need assistance in the detoxifying of our bodies. Toxins staying in the body too long will have a negative influence on our health. If you have frequent headaches, lack of energy, your hair dull, your eyes are dull, your skin is not looking well.. .then most probably you can benefit from detoxifying your system.
When customers come to you with physical problems, we always have to make the proper legal warning and ethics comment that we have to refer anybody with a sickness to a licensed practitioner, to do the diagnosis and treatment. We are to keep ourselves postured and positioned as nutritional support for better health. When people come into nutrition anew, it's good to start with aDetox programme.
The Detox program is built around Beta-Guard, and the other products are supporters to the Beta-Guard. When a person has accumulated a toxic level of either preservatives in the food chain or chemical exposure to the environment from its industry or sprays or poisons, those are accumulative. There are also the heavy metals: mercury and lead and on the go problems that can dwell in you. The life of some of these items are 300 years, so they will be gassing off into your metabolism longer than you're going to live, and they need to come out, so that you can be free and have a new life and a new start. Beta-Guard releases heavy metal poisons, and neutralizes carcinogens, and take them where they can be escorted out of the system, and clean and detoxify the body.
This is not a medical prescription to replace a doctors prescribed treatment - we do not diagnose ailments and we do not claim cures as these products are not medicine but natural food supplements. (This document is compiled independently fromGNLD).