MC-S NINA ELIZABETH NILSSEN SCHOLARSHIP FUND APPLICATION FOR MUSIC COMPOSITION AWARD FOR ART STUDENTS AWARDS Awards are in the form of grants, scholarships and fellowships that range between $1,500- $3,000 per year. The scholarships are onetime awards. WHO MAY APPLY You may apply if you are: Over 15 years of age, and are focusing on art as your goal or career. Being home-schooled or enrolled in high school, art school, college, university, or other accredited school and are focusing on art as your goal or career. ART CATEGORIES In 2014 we consider applications related to Classical Music composition $2,500.00 SUBMISSION DETAILS: The length of the work must be between five and ten minutes long, and completed within the last two years. Compositions may be for any combination of forces. Limit of one work per applicant may be submitted. Complete the application form and attach required documentation as described in the application section below. DEADLINES Applications must be postmarked no later than December 15, 2014. NOTIFICATION: All applicants will receive confirmation of application receipt, and will be notified of our decision no later than February 15, 2015. No applications or portfolios will be returned. MC-S The Nina Elizabeth Nilssen Scholarship Fund will not sell, market, copy, copyright or use in any other way your work, other than to determine your eligibility for an award. INSTRUCTIONS. Please print or type. If a question does not apply to you, write N/A for “not applicable.” Questions? : TO ENTER, SUBMIT: • APPLICANT INFORMATION Name, last, middle initial, first: Date of birth: Mailing address: Phones: Email: • Current student status (check one) Home-schooled High School Art School College/University Other. Please explain. • Name, mailing address, phone of school you are enrolled in: • Title of Composition and instrumentation: MC-S • ARTIST’S STATEMENT. (Maximum 300 words.) The Artist’s Statement should include: • General statements about your interest in, and involvement in the arts. • Description of the submitted composition, and why you chose to submit that particular composition. •Include any special achievements / honors / recognitions and any extracurricular activities that you think might bear on this application. •Your resume, please limit to two pages •Two copies of fully notated score to the original composition. • A mp3 or mp4 file of the composition. Email to:, (file name must contain applicant’s name) or submit a copy of the recording on two clearly labeled CDs. • A letter of recommendation from a current or recent past instructor familiar with your artistic qualifications. Please submit letter and one copy. Mail the entire application package to: Nina Elizabeth Nilssen Scholarship Fund Po Box 3318 Taos, NM 87571 SIGNATURE: I hereby certify that the information in this application is true and accurate and that all of the art I have submitted in my portfolio is my original work. I understand that if any part of my submitted composition/project is subject to copyrights held by others, proof of permission of use must be provided. Print or type applicant’s name: ________________________________________________________ Signature: __________________Date signed____________