Culinary Arts Club Constitution Atlanta Technical College Purpose The purpose of the Culinary Arts Club is to serve and represent the students in the program, provide a channel through which student may exhibit leadership, recommend activities that enhance students life outside the classroom, and provide constructive discussion leading to the improvement of the Culinary program at Atlanta Technical College. Article I –Name: The name of the association shall be The Culinary Arts Club of Atlanta Technical College hereafter referred to as CAC. Article II – General Governing Guidelines; The Culinary Arts Club will be compose of six (6) elected officers; President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary, Historian Reporter and the Parliamentarian. Article III – Major Functions 1. Receive student’s suggestions for improvement and present them to administration. 2. Participate in the planning process of selected ceremonies and schoolsponsored activities. 3. Identify student concerns and duly present them to administration. 4. Assist with selected public relation activities. 5. Participate on committees that are directly related to the students in the CAC. Examples {Sub committees/clubs: vegetarian, cake decorating, and baking, etc.} 6. Assist and/or participate in other activities as approved by the administration. Revised: 10/27/2011 Article IV – CAC Officers Section I – Election Process, Applications for CAC Officers are available May 1 of each year. Completed applications are due by the last week-day of May. A slate of officer candidates will be announced the last weeks of Spring Semester. Candidates will campaign the first two weeks of Fall Semester and the election will be held October. Installation and swearing in ceremony will be held during the month of January. Section II – Officers Qualifications, The membership of CAC shall be composed of student representatives who are enrolled in the Culinary Arts Program of Atlanta Technical College. The member must maintain an academic grade point average of 3.0 or better, Ethical grade of 2 or better and have demonstrated a record of above average attendance. Section III – Numbers of Officers, The number of officers shall be limited to six officers. Section IV – Term of Officers, Members shall be elected for 18 months and are eligible for re-election to a second term. In the case of change of status where members become ineligible to serve, member replacement may be appointed by the CAC President with the approval of the Vice-President. Section V – Characteristics of CAC Officers, Enthusiasm: CAC members shall demonstrate a zeal for involvement and inspire similar feeling among peers. 1. Character: CAC members shall demonstrate a value system based on a sense of personal worth, integrity, empathy and compassion for others, good moral character, responsibility, and cooperativeness. 2. Representation of the Culinary Arts Club: CAC members shall demonstrate a willingness to defer their personal wishes to the needs of the group at large and represent the student body as objectively as possible. Revised: 10/27/2011 3. Dedication and Commitment: CAC members shall demonstrate consistent attendance, punctuality, responsibility, dependability, and involvement with committee activities. Section VI – Meetings, Quorum, and Attendance, CAC officers shall meet at regularly scheduled times and be available for meetings called by the CAC President when notified at least two (2) weeks in advance. A quorum shall constitute one-third of the current membership. All CAC officers are required to attend all regular and special CAC meetings. a. No more than two (2) unexcused or three (3) total absences per semester shall be allowed. b. Absences caused by illness, death in the family, class attendance, and necessary club activities shall be considered excused absences. c. All officers are required to attend CAC sponsored events, with no more than ten percent (10%) unexcused absences per semester. d. Any absence from meeting or CAC sponsored function/events must be cleared with CAC President, Vice President, or Secretary no later than twenty four (24) hours prior to the meeting or function/event, except for emergency circumstances. Article V – Internal Affairs Procedures: A CAC officer may be removed from office for any of the following causes by a two-thirds vote of the body: a. b. c. d. e. Failure to attend regular meetings as stated in Article IV. Failure to maintain academic standards as stated in Article IV. Failure to maintain CAC officer status as defined in Article IV. Failure to perform assigned duties. Willful violation of other provisions in this constitution. An officer resignation must be in writing 30 days out with stipulations of board approval. Personal circumstances will be taken in consideration. Article VI – CAC Officers: Revised: 10/27/2011 Section I - A President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Historian Recorder, and Parliamentarian shall be elected every 18 months in the Culinary Program. Section II – Officer Duties President – The president shall preside at all CAC meetings. The elected President shall represent the CAC to the institution concerning issues that cannot be resolved through the CAC general sessions. Vice President – The Vice President shall assume the duties of the president in the president’s absence. The Vice President shall attend functions/events designated by the CAC advisors. Secretary – The Secretary shall take minutes at all council meetings and provide copies at the next meeting. Minutes shall be posted on the Atlanta Technical College website within two weeks of the meeting. The Secretary shall keep a file of all minutes and a roll is to be kept from year to year. The Secretary shall post notices for all meetings on the website. Treasurer – The Treasurer, in conjunction with the Business Office, shall maintain a record of expenditures from all receipts to the CAC accounts. A finance report shall be given at each regularly scheduled meeting. Historian Recorder – Will maintain the historical files of the CAC, and keep material produced by the CAC throughout the year, for example, workshop brochures and publicity flyers. The CAC achievements will be documented throughout the year such as awards and recognitions. Provide historical information to members as needed such as the newsletter awards won by the CAC members. Prepare a budget of estimated income and expenses for the annual board meeting. This will also include donations. (An extra copy of the budget will be provided to pass on to the successor.) Every Semester there will be an update of the CAC history to be downloaded on the web site. Parliamentarian – Maintain the order of meetings according to the latest edition of Robert’s Rules of Order. ( Revised: 10/27/2011 Section III – Subcommittees. Student Leadership Subcommittee is composed of Culinary of Arts Officers. All student organizations and any student interested in promoting school spirit, loyalty, improving communications among student, faculty and staff and planning and participation in activities on campus. Other subcommittees may be formed at the discretion of the CAC Vice President. Sub-Committees: Finance Advisory Board The Finance Advisory Board will consist of 5-6 members. The purpose for the committee is to oversee the financial revenues received from events, the disbursement of revenues, monthly auditing, checks and balances of financial transaction. Guidelines for disbursement of Revenue 1. A monthly auditing will be conducted by the Treasurer, Vice President, and one member of the Financial Advisory Committee. 2. No Culinary Arts Club Officer or member is allowed to withdraw cash from any CAC account. 3. The Treasurer must give a detailed account of all financial transactions. 4. Four signatures are needed for signing all checks (CAC Treasurer, CAC Vice-President, Advisor of the Financial Committee Board, and a CAC Advisor). Article VII – Minutes of Meetings: The Secretary shall disseminate copies of minutes of the meetings via email only to all CAC officers, the faculty advisors, the Vice President of Academic Affairs, Vice President of Student Affairs, Director of Career Planner & Student Activities, SGA President and the Dean of the Department. All hard copies of minutes will be located in the Culinary Arts Department Chairperson office. Revised: 10/27/2011 Article VIII – Amendments to Constitution: The members of the Culinary Arts Club may recommend changes to the constitution. The recommended changes will be submitted to the following for approval/disapproval: Vice President of Student Services, CAC Advisor, CAC President, Vice president, Historian within 30 days written notice before any amendments to the Constitution. Article IX – Budget CAC will submit an annual budget request to the Vice President of student services that will be reviewed for approval /revision by the President of the college. Article X CAC Members Culinary Students interested in becoming an active member in the Culinary Arts Club is required to pay annual dues of $20.00. Membership will include: Students to be considered to participate in Local, State, and National competitions Information on Community Events (Local and State) American Culinary Federation Events and Meetings Social Networking, CAC Monthly Newsletter, ATC sites Volunteer Opportunities in the Culinary Field Industry Updates, Career Opportunities Culinary Arts Club members interest to represent Atlanta Technical College. Students must meet the following guidelines: Membership dues must be paid for present school year. Two letters of recommendation from a Culinary Arts instructor GPA of 3.0 or better Ethics grade of 2.0 or better Revised: 10/27/2011 ___________________________________ CAC President Date Atlanta Technical College Administration ____________________________________ President Date ____________________________________ Vice President Date Student Affairs _____________________________________ CAC Advisor Date _____________________________________ CAC Advisor Date Revised: 10/27/2011