Estimated Time: Rationale: Big Idea Related Concepts Integrated Unit of Work weeks Level 1 Cycle A Term 2 2009 The focus of this unit is the exploration of different types of animals in our world and their significance to our lives. The unit also provides opportunities to clarify the roles and responsibilities of people in caring for animals and our environment. Environment Complex Question Inquiry Questions Areas of Integration Outcomes and Indicators Conservation Impact Interdependence Rights and Responsibilities Shelter What role do animals play in our environment? 1. What types of animal are there? 2. How are animals the same and different? 3. How do people care for animals in our environment? Science: Living Things - animals Technology: Home for an animal ICT: Word Processing English: Report writing, labelling, lists Art: Explore patterns, colours and lines in different kinds of animals, camouflage Science 1.02 Identify some basic features of living things including their fundamental needs 1.05 Undertake simple observations to answer posed questions and make simple reports on their finding English EO 1.01 Develop an awareness of the need to listen in different contexts EO 1.02 Develop an awareness of the use of oral language in different contexts EW 1.03 Develop an understanding of the nature of reading and the skills to read some simple texts EW 1.04 Write and revise simple texts using a growing knowledge of words and basic conventions in response to models EV 1.05 Recognise and begin to use basic conventions of punctuation, spelling and grammar EV 1.06 View and discuss a range of visual presentations and respond to ideas EV 1.07 Create simple visual presentations using electronic and non-electronic tools to present personal ideas or messages Technology 1.01 The student engages in the technology process using familiar materials 1.02 The student engages in the technology process to identify simple systems and follow instructions to create one ICT 1.03 The student engages in the technology process producing information using sound and graphics through electronic media. Visual Arts VA 1.04 Begin to use a small range of visual art skills, technique and tools to reflect experiences and feelings UNDERSTANDINGS That some things are living, some are non-living. That the features of living things are reproduction, breathing, growing, movement, need for food, shelter. That there are many different types of animals. That animals have specific needs in order to survive. That animals adapt to their environment in order to survive. That humans play a role in caring for and in the survival of animals. That there are special organizations to care for animals, and the environment in which they live. That animals provide us with food, clothing, companionship, work and entertainment. That some animals need special care because they are endangered. KEY SKILLS Research Solving problems Thinking critically Co-operation Technology Task Management Communication KEY VOCABULARY Names of animals, features, descriptions, needs, environment, habitats, behaviour, etc…. . Vocab. linked with filling in Retrieval Charts and Scaffolds UNIT PREPARATION PREPARING THE LEARNING ENVIRONMENT display complex and inquiry questions prepare word banks display key skills prepare scaffolds search for a collection of non-fiction books, DVDs INTITIATING THE UNIT Introduce complex and inquiry questions Ask, record and display what the students already know Display what the students would like to find out Introduce word bank. Encourage students to add to Organise co-operative groups (partners) Introduce complex and inquiry questions Ask, record and display what the students already know Display what the students would like to find out Practise co-operative group skills through activities Read picture books about animals Watch DVDs about animals and discuss INQUIRY QUESTION 1: Teaching & Learning Experiences Tuning In Identify living and non-living things in class, then outside How do you know if it’s a living thing? Duration: 3 weeks Key Questions What is a living thing? What is a non-living thing? What are the features of living things? Find and identify a picture of a living thing Assessment Product Does the child complete activity to distinguish living from nonliving things? List features of living things Make a non-living thing eg: robot SE 1.04 SCI 1.02 SCI 1.05 TE 1.02 Resources Learning About Animals Res. Book LAA p. 1, 2 DVD Colour and distinguish living / non-living things in a picture (P.2) Watch DVD of animals – real or animation Babe/ Madagascar Outcomes and Generic Skills Books, magazines, pictures, photos What is an animal? List animals Easiteach Yr 1 Science – Is it alive? (IWB) Can living things be animated Kid Pix Select animals from groups of living things Using Kid Pix make a slideshow of living and INQUIRY QUESTION 1: Teaching & Learning Experiences Duration: 3 weeks Key Questions Assessment Product Outcomes and Generic Skills Resources another on non-living things Finding Out Tell about and /or bring photos of pets Sort pictures of animals and identify groupings – fur-covered, live in water, etc. Read a book about nocturnal animals What animals do we have in our homes? What do they need: special home etc…? How can we group animals? What are the different features animals have? What different types of animal are there? List pets Match pets to homes TE 1.01 TE 1.03 SCI 1.02 SCI 1.05 Books, magazines, pictures, photos of animals Categorise animals according to body covering, habitat, movement, species, etc… LAA p.22 Identify features of nocturnal animals Story on animals p. 12 & 13 – LAA p. 14, 15, 16, 17, 18 Which animals are nocturnal? Sorting Out Allow children in small groups to select and classify own groups of animals according to their environment Each group gives an oral presentation of their groupings using photos/ pictures As a class, record the different ways animals were sorted and classified As a class, place the pictures of animals into their relevant environment into Retrieval Chart 1 How have you grouped the animals? Oral presentation on different categories of animals SCI 1.02 SCI 1.05 EV 1.06 EV 1.07 EO 1.02 EW 1.03 EW 1.04 Books, magazines, pictures, photos LAAp. 19, 20, 21, 23, 24 Retrieval Chart 1 INQUIRY QUESTION 1: Duration: 3 weeks Teaching & Learning Experiences Key Questions Assessment Product Outcomes and Generic Skills Resources Farm Ice Water Bush Jungle Home Retrieval Chart 1: Animal Environments Making Connections Intro to Excursion: Safeguards re: transport, animals and their environment for the visit to the Botanical Gardens Excursion: Children visit Botanical Gardens to observe animals and their habitats. Using a student scaffold, children gather information about their favourite PNG animals. Take photos and Display. What types of animals are there in PNG (features)? What types of habitats do the animals live in? How does the weather affect where they live? How have the Caretakers provided for their needs? Photo Display of Botanical Gardens Visit Student Scaffold: My favourite PNG animal Excursion form to fill (Office) Camera for pictures Factual Recount Model Sample questions for graph Graphs of favourite animal As a class, graph favourite PNG animals Generalisations Teacher models a factual recount Excursion letter to Botanical Gardens + Parents Graph Student Scaffold: My favourite PNG Animal Pose questions and develop generalisations about graphs eg. Why are Cassowaries more popular? (Display). SCI 1.02 SC 1.03 SCI 1.05 EW 1.04 EW 1.03 Modelled Factual Recount Writing books/ sheets for individual factual recount INQUIRY QUESTION 1: Teaching & Learning Experiences Duration: 3 weeks Key Questions Assessment Product Outcomes and Generic Skills Resources As a class, jointly construct a factual recount Joint Factual Recount Individually, children recall what happened on the excursion and write a factual recount Individual Factual Recount Going Further As a class, use picture books and non- fiction texts to explore patterns colours and lines in different kinds of animals. What does an animal look like? VA 1.04 Art – paper, etc… Individually, children create an artwork to depict how animals camouflage themselves Reflecting & Acting Individually, children reflect on animals discussed and complete the following scaffold: Student Scaffold: Favourite Animal Individual Art Work Books, magazines, pictures, photos Animal puppets and camouflage What are the features of your chosen animal? Individual scaffold LAA p. 6 SCI 1.02 SCI 1.05 EW 1.04 EW 1.03 EV 1.06 Scaffold layout DVD My Favourite animal is ……. It lives in the …. Draw a picture As a class, watch DVD: Happy Feet ICT Fact File EVALUATION INQUIRY QUESTION 1 ICT Fact file INQUIRY QUESTION 1: Teaching & Learning Experiences Duration: 3 weeks Key Questions Assessment Product Outcomes and Generic Skills INQUIRY QUESTION 2: How are animals the same and different? Teaching & Learning Experiences Tuning In As a class, explore the concept of same and different Play games to reinforce children’s understandings by playing games to sort and classify different objects Eg: Some baby animals resemble their parents from birth and others do not Finding Out Teacher Input: model how to find information about specific features of one animal. Model how to record on a scaffold. In cooperative groups, children are given one animal from Retrieval Chart 1 to investigate. Children record findings on a group scaffold. Key Questions Which objects/ animals are the same? Which are different? How / why are they different? What can you tell about this animal? Resources Duration: Assessment Product Matching baby animals to parents, sequencing lifecycles Sorting for a variety of similarities and differences Modelled Scaffold research notes on 1 animal Group Scaffold: research notes on 1 animal 3 weeks Outcomes and Generic Skills SCI 1.02 SCI 1.05 EW 1.04 EW 1.03 Resources Animal models/ picture cards / other equipment LAA p. 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35 EO 1.01 EW 1.04 SE 1.04 SCI 1.02 SCI 1.05 Teach models use of Encarta Books Scaffold Sample Retrieval Chart 1 INQUIRY QUESTION 2: How are animals the same and different? Teaching & Learning Experiences Key Questions Duration: Assessment Product Sorting Out Each group orally presents information about animal using scaffold as a prop Outcomes and Generic Skills EO 1.01 EO 1.02 SC 1.02 SC 1.03 SC 1.05 Teacher displays scaffolds as a Retrieval Chart 2. 3 weeks Resources Scaffold Chart 2 Retrieval Chart 2 Retrieval Chart 2: Animal Research (Scaffold 2 – Favourite Animal) As a class, analyse the information found on all animals and discuss similarities and differences Which animals fly, etc…? Would weather affect where an animal lived? As a class, develop some generalisations about animals, eg: all animals make a noise; all animals have a home; some animals have a tail Making Connections Teacher models and explains how to write an Information Report on one animal using a scaffold. As a class, jointly construct an Information Report using the scaffold below. Individually, children write an Information What can you tell us about your animal? Modelled Information Report EW 1.04 SC 1.02 SC 1.05 Jointly constructed Information Report Information Report Sample INQUIRY QUESTION 2: How are animals the same and different? Teaching & Learning Experiences Report on one animal using the student scaffold to guide their writing Key Questions Duration: Assessment Product 3 weeks Outcomes and Generic Skills Resources Children’s individual Information Report Student Scaffold: Information Report Animal Name: It eats ……. It says …. It has …. It lives ……. Going Further Individually, children design and make a new animal and its home. Children need to specify: a name for the animal where it lives what it eats physical attributes of animal Children’s Individual Design and Make task: New animal TE 1.01 SC 1.02 SC 1.05 SE 1.04 EW 1.04 EW 1.03 Construction and art/ craft materials Oral Presentation Individually, children orally present their new animal to class Reflecting and Acting Watch Bindi Irwin video on animals. Role Play EV 1.06 DVD INQUIRY QUESTION 2: How are animals the same and different? Teaching & Learning Experiences Duration: Key Questions Assessment Product Outcomes and Generic Skills 3 weeks Resources Question 2 Evaluation INQUIRY QUESTION 3: How do people care for animals in our environment? Teaching & Learning Experiences Key Questions Duration: 3 weeks Assessment Product Outcomes and Generic Skills Resources Tuning In Children bring in a photo of their pets and describe its features How do you care for your pet? Oral Presentation SC 1.02 SC 1.05 EW 1.02 Photos/ pictures of pets Children’s response to question Individually, children orally present information on pets As a class, pose the questions: “What does your pet need to survive?” Brainstorm and record responses What do our pets need to survive? Brainstorm and discuss the different people and organisations that care for animals, eg … the vet, zoo keeper, RSPCA, etc… How do some people care for animals? Finding Out Brainstorm and discuss the different people and oganisations that care for animals eg. RSPCA, zoo keeper.. How do some people care for animals? Can children id some people or organisations that care for animals? Encarta RSPCA Books Posters Can ch’n ID some people or organisations that care for Encarta RSPCA Posters INQUIRY QUESTION 3: How do people care for animals in our environment? Teaching & Learning Experiences Key Questions Teacher input: using a variety of resources, photos, nonfiction books, picture books, posters, identify and discuss the specific needs of pets: food shelter water exercise grooming love Sorting Out Teacher introduces Retrieval Chart 6. Duration: 3 weeks Assessment Product What do our pets need to survive? Class list of pets and what they need? Grooming Love Exercise Water Shelter Food Pet What pets need Dog As a class, list the different types of pets and indicate what each pet needs for survival. Resources animals? Retrieval Chart 6: Retrieval Chart 6: What Pets Need Outcomes and Generic Skills Class Generalisations SC 1.02 EW 1.03 EW 1.03 EW 1.04 SC 1.02 SC 1.05 Non- fiction books Magazines Pictures photos Retrieval Chart 6 INQUIRY QUESTION 3: How do people care for animals in our environment? Teaching & Learning Experiences Key Questions Duration: 3 weeks Assessment Product Outcomes and Generic Skills Resources As a class, develop Generalisations Making Connections As a class, pose ‘What If’ scenarios and discuss. Record responses. What If no one took care of an animal at the farm? What If all animals had the same needs? Going Further Teacher Input: provide input on endangered animals. Discuss why they are scarce. Use Ice animals as an example What if….? Questions What are endangered animals? Why are they scarce? How can we protect them? Children’s Responses Modelled/Shared/Guided Exposition SC 1.02 SC 1.05 EV 1.06 SC 1.05 SC 1.02 EW 1.04 ‘What if…’ Questions Student Scaffold Exposition sample Teacher models and explains how to express an opinion using a scaffold Make pictures of endangered animals Individually, children write an exposition using the student scaffold to guide their writing Student Scaffold: Exposition I think …………. Should be protected because ………………………… Reflecting and Acting Individually, children revisit Retrieval Chart 6 to determine what they are doing to care for their pets Student Scaffold: Reflections SC 1.05 SC 1.02 EW 1.04 Retrieval Chart 6 Reflections sheet INQUIRY QUESTION 3: How do people care for animals in our environment? Teaching & Learning Experiences and what they should be doing. Children record reflections onto a Student Scaffold Student Scaffold: Reflections I care for my ……. By I need to ……….. EVALUATION INQUIRY QUESTION 3 Key Questions Duration: 3 weeks Assessment Product Outcomes and Generic Skills Resources