Children`s Product Certificate (CPC) Word

Product Description (include fabric / material content):
Style #:
Purchase Order #:
Importer of Record:
Product Manufacturer, Location, & Date of Manufacture
Contact name / Tel. & E-mail.:
Date of Manufacture:
Contact information for the person maintaining record of test results (name, address, tel, email) :
The product described above complies with all applicable U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission rules. This
certification is based on a reasonable testing program conducted by the supplier through a CPSC-Accepted Laboratory
using samples representative of the production lot.
CPSC Children’s Product Safety Requirements
☐ Subject to Flammability standard of textiles & apparel
Exempt from flammability standard of textiles and apparel
☐ (1) Exempt from test: Plain surface fabrics, regardless of fiber content, weighing
2.6 ounces per square yard or more
☐ (2) Exempt from test: All fabrics, both plain surface & raised-fiber surface,
regardless of weight, made entirely from the following fibers or entirely from
combination of the following: acrylic, modacrylic, nylon, olefin, polyester, wool
☐ Flammability of children's sleepwear
☐ Lead for accessible surface coatings
☐ Lead for accessible substrates
☐ Phthalates
☐ Small Parts / Choking Hazard
☐ Sharp Points & Sharp Edges
☐ Attachment strength of components – Pull tests
☐ Attachment strength of components – Torque tests
☐ Toy Safety Standard
☐ Other
Lab Testing Information
CSPC Accepted Testing Laboratory:
Tel. # & Email:
Testing Date:
Report #:
Vendor / Company Name:
Date CPC completed:
Print name & title:
Phone & e-mail:
Regulation Citation
16 CFR 1610
16 CFR 1610.37(d)(1)
16 CFR 1610.37(d)(1)
16 CFR 1615, 1616
CPSC-CH-E1001.08.3 / E1002.08.3
CPSC / 16 CFR 1501
16CFR 1500.48 & 49
16 CFR 1500.51-53 Part F
16 CFR 1500.51-53 Part E
ASTM F963-11
Study collections