1 Chapter 1 SOURCES OF WATER AND IMPURITIES The sources of water for any industry are ponds, river, well, ground water and sea. Water available from any source contains some level of impurities and should not be used directly into industry. If we analyze water cycle, we can understand how impurities are introduced into water. Water from the earth, river, sea and other reservoirs evaporate and become moisture in the atmosphere. Mostly it is free from impurities. Now as it condenses and become due, rain, snow or hailstone, these forms of water have to travel from atmosphere. During this contact with atmosphere, they caches dust, gases (carbon dioxide, sulfur dioxide, nitrogen and similar polluting gases.), and ammonium salts, and become polluted. As water fails on the ground impurities like soil, bio-logical waste and other salts introduced into water. Common of list of impurities in water sources include: solids, gases, oil particles, chemicals & ions, mineral-salts, bacteria and other microbodies [16] [17] [18]. Some of the properties of water must be known before it is utilized for industrial purpose. Consequences of water without specific properties are described in later section. Color of the water shows presence of any organic impurities in water. Hard water contains higher amount of dissolved minerals. Generally, hardness of water is defined as soap forming ability in water. In case of drinking water, it does not given much importance but, for industrial use it is critical information. In industrial point of view it describes calcium 2 and magnesium ions contents in the water. These ions can react with other ions and make insoluble scum. Additionally, ions of metals like iron, manganese, aluminum, barium etc. can react in similar way and contribute towards hardness of the water. Alkalinity is measure of metal carbonates, bi-carbonates and hydroxides. Dissolved solid contents are one of very crucial information and it can actually determine whether water can be used as boiler feed water. It also affects the quality of steam produced in the boiler. Higher the degree of carry over, more steam contamination. Figure1 shows results from an experiment which was illustrated by Hamer, Jacksom and Thurston in their book, was made on a boiler to measure effect of dissolved solids [17]. conductivity of de-gassed condensed steam microohm / cm 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 4500 5000 5500 6000 6500 Graph 1 DS in boiler water ppm Graph 1 Experimental Result to Decide Limit for Dissolved Solids in Water [2] 3 The limiting value must be calibrated for safe and efficient operation of boiler. The limiting value for allowed dissolved solids in water depends on boiled design and other specification related to boiler system [16] [17]. 1.1 Effects of Impurities In power plants, water is used to generate steam, which drives turbine to produce electricity. Impurities in water can affect the efficiency, compatibility and functionality of the whole control system. Micro organisms grow faster in humid environment. Even small amount of them can disturb the control system and decrease its efficiency. Algae and Fungi can block the tubes; solid waste can plug into parts process vessels and make them useless. Deposition of minerals and salts can eventually plug the pipes. Dissolved gases can change pH (can make water acidic) and increase corrosion speed. Higher amount of dissolved solids can increase rater of carry over and contaminate steam. Contaminated steam degrades boiler, super heater, turbine and cooling system. There are several industrial accidents which were caused by adverse impurities, resulted in casualties, destruction and economical loss [16][17][18]. 4 Figure1 Corrosion due to presence of oxygen [16]. Figure 2 Reduced flow channel due to deposits [16]. Engineering and technical staff of BETZ laboratories have tasted natural water and listed common impurities in water, their effects and possible solutions and prepared the table1[16]. 5 Figure 3 Destruction After Boiler Explosion [16]. 6 Constituent Chemical Difficulties Caused Means of treatment None- Imparts unsightly Coagulation, settling expressed in appearance to water. And filtration. analysis as Deposits in water lines, units. process equipment, etc. Formula Turbidity Interferes with most process uses. Color None- May cause foaming in Coagulation and expressed in boilers. Can stain product filtration. analysis as in process use. Chlorination, units. Adsorption by activated carbon Hardness Calcium and Chief source of scale in Softening. magnesium heat exchange equipment, Demineralization. salts boilers, pipes, etc. Forms Internal boiler water expressed as curds with soap. interferes treatment. Surface- CaCO3 with dyeing, etc. active agents. 7 Alkalinity Bicarbonate Foaming and carryover of Lime and lime-soda (HCO3). solids with steam. softening. Acid carbonate Embrittlement of boiler treatment. Hydrogen (CO3), and steel. Bicarbonate and zeolite softening. hydrate(OH) carbonate produce CO, in Demineralization. expressed as steam, a source of De-alkalization by CaCO3 corrosion in condensate anion exchange. lines Free H4SO4, HCI, Mineral etc. expressed acid as CaCO3 Carbon CO2 Corrosion Neutralization with alkalies Corrosion Dioxide Aeration, De-aeration and Neutralization with alkalies pH concentration pH depends on acidic or pH can be increased of H+ Ion, alka-line solids in water. by alkalies and Most natural waters have a decreased by acids. pH= Log 1 H+ pH of 6.0-8.0. Sulfate SO4-- Increase solid contents in Demineralization water Chloride CI- Adds to solids content and Demineralization 8 increases corrosive character of water. Nitrate (NO3-) Usually significant Demineralization industrially. High concentrations cause methemoglobinemia in infants. Useful for control of boiler metal embrittlement. Fluoride F- Cause of mottled enamel in Adsorption with teeth. Also used for control magnesium of dental decay. Not hydroxide, calcium usually significant phosphate, or bone industrially. black. Alum coagulation. Silica SiO2 Scaling in boilers & Hot process removal cooling water systems, with source of Turbine blade Magnesium salts. deposits. Adsorption by highly basic anion exchange resins, in conjunction 9 with demineralization Iron Fe ++ (ferrous) Discolors water on Aeration. Fe+++ (ferric) precipitation. Source of Coagulation and deposits in water lines, filtration. Lime boilers, etc. Interferes with softening. Cation dyeing, tanning, and Exchange. Contact papermaking. filtration. Surfaceactive agents for iron retention. Manganese Mn++ Same as iron. Same as iron. Oxygen O2 Corrosion of water lines, Deaeration. Sodium heat exchange equipment, sulfite. boilers, return lines, etc. Cause of "rotten egg" odor. Corrosion inhibitors. Aeration. Corrosion. Chlorination. Highly Corrosion of copper and zinc alloys by formation of basic anion Cation exchange with exchange. hydrogen zeolite. complex soluble ion. Chlorination. Hydrogen H2S sulfide Ammonia NH3 10 Dissolved "Dissolved Solids" is Various softening solids measure of total amount of process, such as lime dissolved matter, softening and cation determined by evaporation. exchange by High concentrations of hydrogen zeolite, will dissolved solids are reduce dissolved Subsidence. solids. DemmFiltration, usually eralization preceded by Suspended "Suspended Solids" is the objectionable because of solids measure of un-dissolved process interference and as matter, determined a cause of foaming in gravimetrically Suspended boilers. coagulation and solids cause deposits in settling. heat exchange equipment, boilers, water lines, etc. Table 1 Water Impurities, Issues and Solution [16] [18]. 11 Chapter 2 TYPES OF WATER PURIFICATION 2.1 Filtration Here series of filters are used and water is passed through these filters. These filters consist of tank, filter media and flow controller such as pumps. By doing so solid particles will get removed. There are various types of filter technique used. Some of them are discussed below:- 2.2 Sand Filtration Here we use sand as a filtration medium. This technique is very simple, frequently used and very robust method. In this technique we can remove solids suspended particles from water. Here sand bed is created and water is passed through this bed, the suspended solids precipitate in sand and pure water will come out of sand. Still some minute solid particles will pass through this filter; also water purified from this system is not so pure, it contains other kinds of impurity and this water is not suitable as Electro dialysis feed water. So we need second stage of filtration [19]. 2.3 Cross Flow Filtration This technique is used for removal of salts and dissolved particles which are very small. Here special filter called membrane filter is used. Here feed water is passed through membrane filter. The impurity particles can not pass through membrane. So we get pure 12 water on other side of membrane and impurity on the other side. There are several different membrane filtration techniques; selection of these techniques depends on raw water impurity that is to be removed and particle size. Various techniques are micro filtration, ultra filtration, nano filtration and Reversed Osmosis (RO). Few membrane filtration techniques are discussed below [19]. 2.4 Micro Filtration This technique is used to remove suspended solids, bacteria and different types of other impurities. This is a membrane separation technique in which very fine particles or other suspended matters, with a particle size in the range of 0.1 to 10 microns, are separated from a liquid [19]. 2.5 Ultra Filtration In this technique minute impurities such as salts or protein are removed. Here particle size of the range of 0.005 to 0.1 microns is separated from water. Ultra filtration technique can remove particles of size 0.0025 to 0.1 microns. Here operating principle is same as that of microfiltration only difference is in pore size of membrane [25]. 13 2.6 Nano Filtration This is same as Micro and Ultra filtration process, only difference is pore size of membrane. This technique is used when we have virus and pesticides as impurity in water. Here we can remove particle of size 0.0001 to 0.005 microns [19]. 2.7 Reverse Osmosis Reverse Osmosis, or RO, is the best available membrane separation technique. Here we can separate particles of the range 0.001 microns. It can remove metal ions and aqueous salts. The only disadvantage is operating cost, which is a way high then other membrane filtration technique [19]. 2.8 UV Radiation In this technique water is passed through Ultra Violet radioactive rays in presence of sunlight. This technique is basically for killing bacteria and fungi in water. If we use UV radiation in a controlled way then this natural disinfection process can be utilized most effectively [19]. 14 2.9 Distillation In this technique we use a principle of water vaporization. Here water is heated until it gets vaporized and then that vapor is collected and cooled down in condenser. Most of the contaminants do not vaporize. So when vapor gets cool down we can get purified water. Though this technique is very effective it is not practically possible. The drawbacks are it takes a lot of time to purify water and operating cost is too high because of the use of heater and condenser [19]. 2.10 pH Adjustment pH value is a scale to decide whether water is acidic or basic. Here 7 is neutral value on the scale of 0 to 14. Where 0 to 7 represents water is acidic and 7 to 14 represents water is basic. pH value of water is adjusted to avoid corrosion of pipes and to prevent dissolution of lead into water supplies. The pH is brought up or down through addition of hydrogen chloride, in case of a basic liquid, or natrium hydroxide, in case of an acidic liquid. The pH will be converted to approximately 7 to 7.5, after addition of certain concentrations of these substances [19]. 15 2.11 Electrodialysis In this technique special membranes and electrical current is used. The basic principle is based on separation of ions based on their charge. There are two types of Membranes, Membranes that permeate cat ions and membranes that permeate anions. These Membranes are placed alternatively and electrodes are placed on each side of the membranes. In our project we are going to use Electro dialysis process because it consumes very low power, it is environment friendly, non chemical in nature and cost wise economical [25]. In our system we are planning to use Electro Dialysis as our main water purification system. The reason behind this is almost no use of chemicals, low operating cost, less maintenance. But there are some requirements of feed water supplied to this system and they are as follow. Electro dialysis can remove only charged particles and there are some particles which do not carry any charge that cannot be removed from Electro dialysis. Any solid particles greater than 10um can create fouling . pH range of feed water should be from 2 to 11. Large organic anions, colloids and manganese oxides can change behavior of Electro dialysis process. 16 Name of process Driving force Separation size range Microfiltration Pressure gradient 10- 0.1 um Ultrafiltration Pressure gradient <0.1um – 5nm Nanofiltration Pressure gradient ~1 nm Reverse osmosis Pressure gradient <1nm Examples of materials separated Small particles, large colloids, microbial cells Emulsions, Colloids, macromolecules, proteins Dissolved salts, organics Dissolved salts, small organics Electric field Dissolved salts gradient < 5nm Electro Dialysis Treatment of renal Concentration <5nm failure gradient Table 2 Classification of Membrane Separation Processes for Water Purification [25]. Feed water has to be free from all these impurities. There are several pre treatment techniques to remove such kind of impurities, they are as follow. Sand Filtration and Micro Filtration pH Adjustment Flocculation Active carbon filtration 17 2.12 Sand filtration As we have discussed earlier sand filtration is robust filtration technique. It is basically divided into two categories. 1) Slow sand filtration 2) Rapid sand filtration 2.13 Slow sand filter Slow sand filters are used in water purification for purifying raw water. They are used to treat surface water and usually in rectangular or cylindrical in shape. It is generally 1 to 2 meter deep. The water loading rate depends on length and breadth of tank. The efficiency of this type of filter is based on three parameters they are particle size distribution of sand, ratio of surface area of filter to the depth of filter and flow rate of water. The chart below shows volume of water filtered in a 24 hour period by filters of varying size surface area. From this chart we can say that as the surface area increases flow rate increases [23]. When we compare with other purification system purification rate is very low and it depends on type of impurity present in raw water. Also cleaning cycle period varies depending upon impurity. Advantages of this technique are Low power consumption, Low maintenance, Easy to install, when compared with other purification system cost of building and running is low. 18 Figure 4 shows construction of slow sand filter system. This is very simple system. It has one tank which consists of filter bed made up of sand. Raw water is fed from top of tank and it is filtered in sand filter. Filtered water is collected from the bottom of tank and the whole process is controlled with the help of control valve [23]. Figure 4 Construction of Slow Sand Filter [23]. M2 surface area 0.75 Flow rate Flow rate 100 M2 surface area 4.0 Flow rate 1200 M2 surface area 7.75 Flow rate 7200 M2 surface area 12.5 1.25 200 4.75 2400 8.5 4800 14 48000 1.75 300 5.50 3600 9.25 9600 15 72000 2.50 600 6.25 2400 10 14400 3.25 1000 7.0 4800 10.75 12000 24000 Table 3 Volume of Water Filtered in a 24 Hour Period by Filters of Varying Size Surface Area [23]. 19 2.14 Rapid Sand Filter This technique uses Flocculation. Here we use chemicals such as iron or aluminium salts for water purification. These types of filters are usually made from coarse sand. These flocs and water flows through sand under natural gravity pressure or pumped pressure depending upon type of purity required. The impurity is trapped in sand bed. Figure below shows simplified block diagram of whole system and photos of actual experimental setup (a) General view (b) Front view [24]. Figure 5 Basic Block Diagram of Rapid Sand Filter [24]. Advantages of this system are it requires relatively small area; operation is very less dependent of type of impurity and much higher flow rate, about 150 to 200 million gallons of water per acre per day. Disadvantages are higher maintenance as compare to slow sand filters, higher investment [24]. 20 In this project water flow rate depends on requirement of Electro dialysis process and as far as our research we think that slow sand filter is enough. Also cost is important factor. If we consider purity of water then it’s ok if we go for slow sand filters because we don’t need high purification rate. Figure 6 Actual Experimental Setup General View [24]. 21 Figure 7 Actual Experimental Setup Front View [24]. So our conclusion is we are in favor of slow sand filter as a first stage of water filtration process to remove large solid particles. The water filtered from slow sand filter is not as pure as requirement of Electro dialysis process. So we have decided to use another stage of filtration process which is more efficient. In this stage we are going to use one of the techniques of cross flow filtration that is discussed below. 22 2.15 Micro Filtration Micro Filtration is very simple technique for water purification. Following figure describes operation of microfiltration. This is cross section of rectangular or tubular membrane. The water coming from sand filter will be passed through these membranes with velocity of 1-8 m/s. This force will be parallel to the membrane and pressure difference will be 0.1 – 0.5 MN/m2. Now impurity particle will not pass through membrane and only pure water having impurity 10 um to 0.1 um will be available. All impurities will be collected in more concentrated form at exit of module [25]. Figure 8 Cross Flow Microfiltration Technique [25]. 23 2.16 Membrane Filters for Water Purification Membrane technology is gaining importance in past 10 years. The basic principle is very simple, Membrane acts like a barrier and it won’t allow specific particles during filtrating process. Still some particles passes through Membrane which are smaller in size as compare to pores of membrane. The main advantage of membrane technology is it works without the addition of chemicals which makes it environment friendly, with a relatively low energy use [20]. There are basically four different processes in Membrane filtration. They are divided into two parts. One is Micro and Ultra filtrations, on the other end Nano filtration and Reverse Osmosis (RO or hyper filtration). These categories are made based on the type of impurity they remove. When membrane filtration is used for the removal of larger particles, micro filtration and ultra filtration are used. The reason is pore size of the membrane is bigger which gives higher productivity [20]. On the other end Nano filtration and Reverse Osmosis are used when salts need to be removed from water. Here operating principle is little bit different then Micro and Ultra filtration techniques. Here productivity is very low while the pressure that is required to perform nano filtration and Reverse Osmosis is much higher than the pressure required for micro and ultra filtration [20]. 24 There is one more terminology in membrane filtration process which is called membrane fouling. We will discuss this term in following topics. The types and amounts of fouling are dependent on many different factors, such as feed water quality, membrane type, membrane materials and process design and control [20]. Membrane systems are made densely to provide large membrane surface in smallest volume. They are never used as one plate; in doing so it increases cost. Also choice of membrane depends on lots of factors such as types of impurity present in water, cost of operation and installation, risks of plugging of membranes, packaging density and cleaning opportunities [20]. 2.17 Classification of Membrane Membranes are classified according to different criteria such as 1) Classification based on Separation Mechanism. 2) Classification based on Morphology. 3) Classification based on Geometry [22]. 25 2.18 Classification Based on Separation Mechanism If we classify on basis of separation mechanism, there are three main types under this classification. A) Porous membrane B) Non porous membrane C) Electrically charged membrane [22] 2.19 Porous/ Non Porous Membranes Porous Membrane is made of fixed pores. There are three types of pores. Macropores are larger than 50nm. Mesopores are from 2 to 50 nm Micropores are smaller than 2nm Micro filtration, nano filtration and ultra filtration uses porous membrane. So we can say that Micro Filtration uses macropores and nano filtration uses micropores [22]. Figure 9 Schematic representation of isotropic porous membranes: (a) macropores>50nm; (b) mesopores >50nm ; (c) micropores <2nm [22]. 26 2.20 Ion Exchange Membrane These types of membranes are divided into anion exchange membrane and cat ion exchange membrane. This division is based on the charge applied to them. These are nonporous membrane. It consists of highly swollen gels that contain Ionic charge. A membrane with positive charge is called anion-exchange membrane and membrane with negative charge is called cat ion exchange membrane [22]. 2.21 Classification Based on Morphology For pressure driven and permeation membrane operations, the flux of permeate is inversely proportional to the thickness of membrane. There is one type called anisotropic membrane which is widely used in industry. The structure of these types of membrane is divided into two parts, one is very thin top layer called skin and other is thicker and more porous supporting sub layer. The thickness of skin layer is almost 1 percent of that of supporting sub layer. The overall flux and selectivity depends only on the structure of the skin on the other hand supporting sub layer is only for mechanical support. Membranes of these designs are normally produced on a porous substrate material [22]. 2.22 Composite Membranes These are anisotropic membranes. Here the top layer and sub layer are made from different materials. Each layer is independent and can be optimized independently. Generally, the porous layer is an asymmetric membrane. [22] 27 Figure 10 Schematic Drawing of Asymmetric Membrane [22]. Figure 11 Schematic Drawing of Composite Membrane [22]. 2.23 Classification Based on Geometry Here membranes can be divided into two geometries flat and cylindrical. There are two types of cylindrical membrane. Tubular membranes. Hollow fiber membranes Tubular membrane has internal diameter larger then 3mm while Hollow fiber membranes has internal diameter smaller then 3mm and external diameter of 80 to 500um. With larger diameter, they are used in ultra filtration and micro filtration; they are also called as capillary membranes [22]. 28 2.24 Membrane Cleaning As we discussed earlier about the term called membrane fouling. There are a number of cleaning techniques used for the removal of membrane fouling. Some of them are forward flushing, backward flushing, air flushing and chemical cleaning. 2.25 Forward Flushing Here feed water is applied in forward direction. The only difference is feed water flows more rapidly then compare to normal flow. Because of this turbulence, particles that are absorbed to the membrane are released. This technique has one major drawback, the particles that are absorbed to membrane pores are not released. These particles can be removed by backward flushing. Here very high turbulence is created which removes constructed layer of contaminants [29]. Figure 12 Forward Flush Cleaning Technique [29]. 29 2.26 Backward Flushing As name says backward flush means feed water is passed in reverse direction to the flow of water. Here we apply double pressure as compare to that during normal production hours. Impurity is collected at the feed water side of the system under pressure. Sometimes impurity is so deep that backward flushing is not sufficient. In this case we can go for Chemical cleaning process [29]. Figure 13 shows schematic of backward flush. Here pressure is almost 2.5 times more than the production pressure. When backward flush is given the pores of a membrane are flushed inside out. A problem in backward flush is a decrease in recovery of the process. Because of this, a backward flush must take the smallest possible amount of time. However, the flush must be maintained long enough to fully flush the membrane. [29]. Figure 13 Backward Flush Cleaning Technique [29]. 30 2.27 Air Flush As name suggest here we use Air as a cleaning medium. Here Air is used with water to clean membrane. The use of Air with water creates Air bubble and which will generate high turbulence. Air flush concept was developed by Nuon in cooperation with DHV and X-flow. The only advantage of air flush over forward flush is it needs low pressure during cleaning [29]. Figure 14 Air Flush Cleaning Technique [29]. 31 2.28 Chemical Cleaning As name suggest in this technique we use different chemicals to clean membrane. Here membranes are soaked in chemical for good amount of time which dissolves impurities in the pores of membrane. The various chemicals used are chlorine bleach, hydrochloric acid or hydrogen peroxide depending upon the type of impurity present in water. After soaking is over rinsing is carried out to remove chemical on the surface of membrane and forward flush or backward flush is used for this operation [29]. After using all techniques still membrane is not clean then we can combine two or more techniques to get better results. For example, we can use a backward flush for the removal of pore fouling, followed by a forward flush or air flush. The cleaning method that is used is dependent on many factors. In practice, the most suitable methods are determined by trial and error (practice tests). Membrane cleaning experiment was carried out in Northeastern Agriculture University, China by Shuyan Ma, Jing Li, Xinran Peng, Zhao Jiang, Zhuo Diao, Ying Zhang. They used different cleaning mechanism for membrane cleaning. This experiment was divided into two categories, Membrane of short term experiment and membrane of long term experiment. Figure below shows graphical representation of membrane cleaning effect in both cases after doing different kind of treatment [21]. 32 Figure 15 Membrane Cleaning Effect of Short Term Experiment [21]. 33 Figure 16 Membrane Cleaning Effect of Long Term Experiment [21]. As we can see from the figure above the short term experiment was carried out when membrane was used for 22 days. Initial flux was 124ml/min. After 22 days when membrane was take out from process it was found that there is a formation of bio membrane on membrane surface. Then membrane was cleaned with cold water and flux was 26ml/min. Then different processes were carried out on membrane to recover membrane flux. Finally after all processes the flux is restored to 99.4% [21]. 34 In long term experiment membrane was kept in use for 210 days. After that flux of membrane was 12mL/min and initial flux was 138mL/min. Different cleaning operations were carried out for cleaning that membrane which is as shown in figure. After doing all that cleaning the flux of 97mL/min, only 70.3% of original flux was recovered. In this case it is difficult to restore high flux even with the use of chemical cleaning. The reason is some inorganic pollutants difficult to be cleaned up had deposited in the holes of the membrane [21]. From this experiment our suggestion is if water is less impure then it is better to use long term cleaning process and if it has more impurity then it’s better to go for long term cleaning process. The reason is if water is less impure then there are less chances of bio membrane formation in surface of membrane and we can save cleaning cycle cost and time. On the other hand if water is more impure then we have to go for short term cleaning process. In this way we can extend membrane life though we have to compromise on cleaning cycle cost and time. 2.29 General membrane equation Usually it is not possible to describe behavior of membrane in any equation form. Because the behavior of membrane totally depends on types of impurity present in water to be purified, type of cleaning mechanism, types of filters stages used before membrane filter. However the equation below states the important factors responsible in determining membrane permeation rate. It is as follows: 35 J= (1440 * Q) / Am …………. (1) Where J = Membrane Flux (gallons/ft2/day). Q= Filtrate Flow (Gallons/minute) Am = Effective Membrane Area (ft2) [31]. 2.30 pH Adjustment pH adjustment is very commonly used in water treatment. pH is scale for water that decides whether water is acidic or basic. On this scale 7 is neutral. If water is below 7 it means it is acidic. If water is above 7 it means basic. If water is acidic then lime, soda ash or sodium hydroxide is added to increase pH value. Acids such as HCl or H2SO4 are added in water which is basic in nature to lower the pH value. If we are using coagulation and flocculation techniques then it is better to keep water little bit basic [26]. 2.31 Flocculation Flocculation is used to remove turbidity or color. This can be achieved by creating precipitate in water. Here water is stirred which makes small particles to stick together to make bigger particle. In this way small suspended particles forms one big precipitate and then this water is filtered using normal filtration technique. Flocculating agents are iron hydroxide, aluminum hydroxide, and artificially produced polymer called poly DADMAC [27]. 36 2.32 Active Carbon Filtration Active carbon filtration is used to remove chlorine, harmful organic pollutants and other chemicals. The basic principle is based on absorption. Here filter material has huge absorption area which attracts and traps undesirable pollutants. These filters are made up of carbonaceous materials such as charred coconut shells, coal and wood. These filters have limited life span and after certain amount of time they should be replaced with new ones. To determine effectiveness of filter, free chlorine in chlorinated water is passed through filter [28]. 37 Chapter 3 ELECTRODIALYSIS Electrodialysis is an advanced technology, which can be used to purify water, without using any chemicals. In this process water is fed into a cell, having cation and anion ion selective membranes placed one by one. Minerals and other ingredients in water are separated by electric field. The ions in water are guided through membranes by DC power to move in specific compartments. These ion selective membranes only allow specific ions to pass through, and block the other type of ions. Electrodialysis can be adjusted to get certain quality of water. The electrical charge input can be tuned to achieve required purification level. By 1970 Electrodialysis and its advanced version were totally developed to meet low power requirements for water processing and ready to be used in industries [1] [3] [5] [10] [13] [15]. 38 Figure 17 Typical Electrodialysis Cell [5]. 3.1 Electrodialysis principle When cathode and anode of Electrodialysis cell is connected to power supply, the direct current field makes influence on the flow of ions in water solution. Anions are negative charged and attract towards anode, cations are positive charged and attract toward cathode. The membranes which allow cations to pass are polyelectrolytes. In process they are biased with negatively charged terminal, and reject anions. Anion-selective membranes are made of polystyrene with quaternary ammonia. In process they are biased with positively charged terminal and reject cations. These ion selective membranes are place one after another. The number of such stack depends upon requirements, and design criteria [3][11]. 39 Figure 18 Ion Separation During Electrodialysis. (CM - Cation Exchange Membrane, D diluate Chamber, e1, e2 - Electrode Chambers, AM - Anion Exchange Membrane, K Concentrate Chamber)[11]. 40 Figure 19 Close Look Into Electrodialysis Process [7]. 41 While moving towards the Anode, anions can pass through anion exchange membranes but, they are stopped by the cation exchange membranes. Cations moving towards the cathode can pass through the cation exchange membrane but anion exchange membranes prevent them. With proper placement cations and anions can be collected in specific chambers as concentrate and drained. Other chambers contain purified water they are sent to next stage of control system [11]. 3.2 Elements of Electrodialysis DC supply: Main energy source for ion migration during Electrodialysis process. Electrodes: Metal plated or rods connected with power supply. Produce electrical field in ED cell, and they are responsible for oxidation/reduction. Oxidation and reduction are chemical reactions which enables ion / electron conduction Ion Exchange Membranes: The most important elements for electro dialysis process. They manage ion movement. They pass or block ions (depends on their selectivity) and separate salts & impurities from raw water. Solvent: Usually it is a concentrated salt solution. It fills space between electrodes and membranes, provides field for ion transfer. Electrolytes: Electrolytes help current flow between cathode and anode [5]. Electrodialyzer: Total control equipment comprising tightening boards, electrodes, membranes, solvent, spacers and other needed thing for ED or EDR [12]. 42 Figure 20 Electrodialyzer Made by Zhejiang Feiying Enviro-nmental Technology Engineering Co., LTD [12]. Working conditions for this Electrodialyzer from Zhejiang Feiying Environmental Technology Engineering Co.,LTD are as under [12]. Water temperature 5- 40°C Dissociated chlorine < 0.2mg/l Mn < 0.1mg/l Contamination index SDI≤5 Oxygen consumption < 3mg/l Fe < 0.3mg/l Turbidity < 0.3UTU [12] Table 4 Working Condition for Electrodialyzer Made by Zhejiang Feiying Environmental Technology Engineering Co., LTD [12]. 43 Pre-treatment is necessary before the electro dialysis. Electrodialysis can be useful to remove only charged ions from water as they carry positive or negative charge. Some solid particles may not carry an electrical charge and cannot be removed by electro dialysis. Any suspended solid particles wider than10 µm are dangerous for membranes as they are capable of plugging the membrane pores. It can result in reduced life time of the membranes, reduced efficiency, and higher energy consumption. Sometimes raw water can contain charged particles, organic ions and oxides of metals, which are capable to neutralize and change the characteristics of membranes. Active carbon filtration, flocculation, filtration techniques etc. are capable of removing such particles [3]. 3.3 Power Consumption The total current required for electrodialysis can be calculated with help of Faraday`s law of farad electricity. According to the law the change in mass at electrode during electric process is directly in proportional to total electric charge supplied [9]. For, our process, gram equivalent / unit time = Q (Ninf – Neff) = Q∆N [13] where gram/eq = Mass of solute Equivalent wieght of solute Q = Product Flow rate Liters / second Ninf = Normality of influent (feed water) grams-eq / liter 44 Neff = Normality of effluent (dilute water) grams-eq / liter ∆N = Change in normality between the influent and effluent grams-eq / liter Current calculation for a stack of membrane can be done by I= F Q (Ninf – Neff) n Ec = F Q ∆N n Ec …………. (2) [13] Where, I = current in ampere F = Faraday`s constant = 96,485 Amp*second / gram-eq n = number of cell pairs in the stack and Ec = current efficiency. [13] Key parameters for Electrodialysis power consumption are current density, operating voltage, current efficiency, current density, total removed salts and impurities, design of the ED cell and temperature (here temperature introduce negligible effect ). Current density can be defined as unit current flow perpendicular to unit area of membranes in the direction of current flow [8][13]. It is the actuating force on ions, which actually make ions to transfer across the membranes. Higher current density is always desirable, but it also rise voltage and increase total power consumption. When current density is increased, the rate of ion transfer through membrane increase, if it reaches above the rate of ion injection into cell from electrodes than polarization occurs. It increases power consumption very quickly. To avoid polarization, for every ED system, limiting current 45 must be decided and kept below safety line every time. Limiting current varies for every ED system and depends on cell size, impurity level in water, cell temperature etc [8][4]. Membrane gets contaminated by the impurities in the water. Also activeness of membranes decreases with time. This degradation leads to gradual increase in voltage, even if all other parameters like, current density, temperature, impurity levels are constant. Lower current efficiency, and higher power consumption power consumption can be signals to change the membranes. Nowadays, electrodialysis reversal (EDR) is used to extend membrane life up to ten years. EDR is explained later in this paper [13][8]. High level of purification is always desired; however it must be economical with the purpose of utilization. ED can purify water up to the highest level, but it consumes power to remove each gram of impurities. Higher the removal, higher the power consumption. When we are treating water so that, it can be used to steam generation and eventually in power generation, we don’t need to meet drinking water standards. Few amounts of impurities are tolerable [13][8]. These amounts depend upon boiler design and maximum boiler pressure. 46 Pressure Dissolved Suspended Total alka- linity Silica (psi) solids (ppm) solids (ppm) (ppm) (ppm) 100 5000 500 900 250 200 4000 350 800 200 300 3500 300 700 175 500 3000 60 600 40 600 2500 50 500 35 750 2000 40 300 30 900 1000 20 200 20 1000 500 10 50 10 1500 150 3 0 3 2000 50 1 0 1 Table 5 Allowed Impurities in Boiler Water [30]. In general observations power consumption for the Electrodialysis is about of 1.2 to 2.5 kwh / m3, and almost 1kw power can remove 1 kilogram of salt. [14] 47 3.4 Advantages of Electrodialysis Variability in operation to achieve desired purity. Low power consumption. Easy operation. Almost no use of chemicals. Low operating pressure, no needs of high pressure pump to feed water. Less maintenance compare to RO system [1] [3] [5] [8] [11] [13]. RO Electrodialysis Pretreatment Obligatory Possible Suspended solids content in water supplying 3 40-100 to the system,systems mg/1 Pretreatment Multi-stage, cartridge None Power consumption at 2g/l TDS, kW/m3 1.5-1.85 1.1-1.35 Salt content before treatment, g/1 2 Capacity, 1/h 2-5 4-50 Work with residual chlorine Impossible Possible Attack by bacteria Affected Not Affected Influence of high temperature Special solutions are Not Affected 45 Membranes stability necessary and storage temperature control for storage 48 Membrane life, in years 1-3 7-10 Impossible Possible all time Water recovery range, % 65-70 80-90 Pure water cost in case of brackish water 0.13 0.022 0.13 desalination, $ Treatment reserve without replacement of After treatment of 10 After treatment After treatment of 10 m3 of water the m3 of entire cartridge of 870 m3 of elements should be replaced water 5-10% of Manual membrane regeneration in domestic conditions water the membranes Table 6 Comparison between RO & ED by Boris Pilat [14]. should be replaced 3.5 Issues With Electrodialysis Electrodialysis is capable of removing ions or impurities with sufficient charge on them. Ions or suspended solid particles with weak charge cannot be removed efficiently [6]. As described earlier polarization is one of the issues with Electrodialysis. This results in increase in voltage and total power consumption. When limiting current exceeds safety line, ion concentration at membrane surface becomes zero due to polarization effect and ion transfer is now diffusion limited. This situation manifests itself in a sharp increase in total resistance of the cell. Higher resistance causes higher power consumption and decrease the efficiency of the system [4]. 49 For typical water treatment facility in power plant, large amount of water is continuously needed for steam generation. To meet such large water requirements huge ED cells are required. Bigger cells need bigger membranes which require frequent cleaning, and proper handling. Also severity of polarization, back emf , ohmic resistance, and fouling is higher with bigger sized. These problems increase power consumption and therefore coast for the process [4][6][10][14]. ED releases some amount of hydrogen gas and produce caustic soda. Caustic soda increase scaling and impact on heat transfer. Higher amount of hydrogen gas can create very hazardous situation. Serious amount of hydrogen gas cause severe explosion resulting in big loss for the entire plant [6]. It requires more electricity to purify water above certain level. However, in our case for steam generation we don’t require drinkable level so ED implementation will be not much costlier [6] [10]. Highly skilled operator and staff are needed for routine maintenance [6]. Capital cost for electrodialysis is higher than traditional water purification processes [10]. 50 3.6 Electrodialysis Reversal (EDR) One of the big issues of Electrodialysis is fouling of membranes, for efficient and improved power consumption, effective cleaning of membranes is necessary after certain period of time. During this time the Electrodialysis cell cannot purify the water. When we are thinking about a power plant, this down time is not favorable. To extend the life of membranes up to ten years, Electrodialysis reversal is used. The ions selectivity of the membranes can be changed by changing the polarity of DC power applied. The flow of ions will be reversed. By 1970, this method was a very popular form of electrodialysis used, as; it has improved water recovery capability, life time of membrane, and introduced self cleaning feature. This process is known as Electrodialysis Reversal or EDR. EDR is an improved ED process, in which the polarity of the DC power to the membranes is periodically altered (usually 15 to 20 minutes) [1][13][15]. Figure 21 Change in Polarity and Product Outlate in EDR [1]. 51 Electrodialysis reversal works on same principle as Electodialysis. In EDR when polarity of electrodes are alterd after certain time cycle, ions flow are also reversed, waste and purified water now switch compartmernts. Due to reverse force acting from membranes and change in ion selectivity, waste particles which are plugged and dipposited at membranes are removed. Previous compartment where impurities were collected now, purify water take its place and vice versa. This process is a key advantage of EDR, as it self cleans the membrames periodically. It take out most deposits, slimes and prevent fouling of membrane. After every change in polarity, pure water stream is not available for a short time, however it’s a betters option as the cell just pause working for sometime and does not need much time to get back [1][13][15]. Figure 22 Self Cleaning During Electrodialysis Reversal [1]. 52 3.7 Advantages of EDR Here are the feature of EDR which makes it better option than RO. No need of high feed water quality, It can be operated with SLIT index 12 or lower. It means no need of expensive membranes or filter. Additionally, chemical treatment of water is not necessary anymore. In RO system higher feed water purity is required, which lead all expensive and chemical pretreatment of water. [14] EDR system is less sensitive to presence of chlorine in raw water. This is an advantage as; it helps to prevent growth of bacteria and other micro bodies, which reduce possibilities of membrane fouling [14]. The EDR system gives higher water recovery, reducing need of raw water. Also waste water maintenance, discharge and treatment need fewer resources, reducing total operating coast [1][13][14]. The EDR membranes can work on wide range of temperature. So there is no need of temperature maintaining system. There is no need of special storage and transportation facilities. Cleaning of these membranes is rare and easy. There is no need of special chemicals for cleaning, which is environmentally safe [14]. The reversal DC power cycle reduce membrane scaling and increase membrane life time. It is normally 7 to 10 years before membrane needs to be replaced. EDR membranes can be cleaned manually, without any affecting their characteristics [1][14]. 53 3.8 Cost Consideration Generally to have a water treatment facility land, vessels, control system elements, construction, and maintenance are apparent factors for calculating total coast. Requirements for and, vessels, and control system elements depends on how much water production in desired. Higher amount of water need bigger plant and higher pumps, valves and sensors. Also bigger foot print required more land. These all factors are basic factors affecting capital cost for the plant. While having EDR system as a water treatment, raw water quality directly impacts on total cost. Pretreatment is decided on basis of raw water composition and its quality. Water hardness, organic solvent, pH etc decides size, stage and type of water pretreatment method. Energy consumption during operation directly depends on level of impurities and required quality of processed water. EDR system has higher water recovery and also to use steam for power generation, we don’t required water to be purified up to drinking level. With reduced waste output, waste treatment cost is very low [15]. In 1993 Howard R. Green Company has successfully completed, construction of first Electrodialysis reversal water treatment plant in Iowa. The plant was designed to treat water from wells and other reservoir and convert it to drinkable water. Initially established plant was unable to reduce radium contamination from raw water. Three EDR units were established to meet daily water requirements, each was capable to produce 261 gallons per minute, and combine capacity was almost 800 gallons per minute. In a day they produce 1.1 million gallons together. From table we can determine that EDR has reduced level of almost all kinds of impurities to half [10]. 54 Jordan wells EDR treated Radium, pCi/L 7 3.3 pH 7.3 8.05 Total dissolved solids, mg/L 1,200 628 Silica, mg/L 9.5 10 Potassium, mg/L 22 9.2 Sodium, mg/L 200 140 Calcium, mg/L 110 42 Iron, mg/L 0.8 0.6 Manganese, mg/L 0.04 <0.02 Magnesium, mg/L 47 19 Nitrate, mg/L <0.1 <0.1 Fluoride, mg/L 1.3 1.2 Chloride, mg/L 60 46 Sulfate, mg/L 600 230 Bicarbonate, mg/L 290 221 Carbonate, mg/L — — Hardness as CaC03, mg/L 480 183 Temperature, °F 72 72 Table 7 Water Content Difference before and after Electrodialysis Treatment [10]. 55 Operating cost $ / 1000g Capital cost Deep well pumping 0.05 Capital costs Waste disposal 0.00 $ Process equipment 1,212,600 0.12 Building 280,000 High service pumping 0.04 Related work 315,000 Membrane costs 0.25 Total capital 1,807,600 Labor 0.04 Annual payment 152,900 Anti-sealant 0.01 Annual total capital 1,960,500 Acid, chlorine, 0.01 Capital costs cost/1000 gal phosphate Cartridge filters 0.04 Total cost of Plant power $/1000g 0.52 1.11 Maintenance 0.03 O&M cost/1000 g 0.59 production/1000 gal Table 8 Costing for Electrodialysis Plant Established by Howard R Green Company [10]. 56 The cost of producing 1000 gallons was 1.11$ for this facility. These tables provide good reference to estimate cost of EDR treatment facility for steam power generation. While estimating total cost from these tables following points must be considered. The EDR plant in Iowa is designed to produce drinkable water and for power generation, this level of purity is suitable but not required. The listed costing is as per market price during 80`s and 90`s. Current market price may differ. Water production rate for Iowa based EDR plant was 1.1million gallons per day. Water requirement for power generation depends on total electricity production [10]. 57 Chapter 4 MATLAB CODE FOR SIMULATION 4.1 Simulation Code for Equation 1 J= (1440 * Q) / Am ………….(1) Where J = Membrane Flux (gallons/ft2/day). Q= Filtrate Flow (Gallons/minute) Am = Effective Membrane Area (ft2) [31] clc; clear all; Am = 0 : 0.25 : 5; Q = 4000; j = (1/1440) .* (Am/Q); J = 1./j plot(J, Am ,'--') Q1 = 0 : 200 :4000; Am1 = 5; J1 = 1440 * Q1 / Am1 plot (J1, Q1 , 'x') xlabel ('J') ylabel ('Q') 58 J Where J = Membrane Flux (gallons/ft2/day). Q= Filtrate Flow (Gallons/minute) Am = Effective Membrane Area (ft2) [31] 59 Where J = Membrane Flux (gallons/ft2/day). Q= Filtrate Flow (Gallons/minute) Am = Effective Membrane Area (ft2) [31]. 60 3.2 Simulation Code for Equation 2 I= F Q (Ninf – Neff) n Ec = F Q ∆N n Ec …………. (2) [13] Where, I = current in ampere F = Faraday`s constant = 26.80Amp*hr/ gram-eq n = number of cell pairs in the stac and Ec = current effieciency. [13] Q = Product Flow rate Liters / hr ∆N = Change in normality between the influent and effluent grams-eq / liter clc; clear all; F = 26.80; % Farday's constant in Amp * sec / gram-eq. Q = 4; % Product flow rate Liters / second. n = 50; % Number of cell pairs in the stack. Ec = 0.85; % Current Efficiency. DN = 0: 0.05 :2.4; %Change in normality between the influent and effluent gram-eq / liter I = (F * Q * DN) / (n * Ec) plot (DN,I) xlabel('DN (impurities removed in grams)') ylabel('I (current in Amp)') clc; clear all; F = 26.80; % Farday's constant in Amp * sec / gram-eq. Q = 4; % Product flow rate Liters / second. n = 50; % Number of cell pairs in the stack. Ec = 0.85; % Current Efficiency. DN = 0: 0.05 :0.6; %Change in normality between the influent and effluent gram-eq / liter 61 I = (F * Q * DN) / (n * Ec) plot (DN,I) xlabel('DN (impurities removed in grams)') ylabel('I (current in Amp)') Where, I = current in ampere DN = Change in normality between the influent and effluent grams-eq / liter 62 Where, I = current in ampere DN = Change in normality between the influent and effluent grams-eq / liter 63 Chapter 5 CONCLUSION We have studied several efficient systems for water pretreatment, each system has its own pros and cons, and final selection of treatment method depends on quality of raw water. To meet all requirements for electrodialysis feed water by single stage of filtration is almost impossible. At least two or three stages of filtration are needed. For impurities like suspended solids and biological impurities, we suggest use of slow sand filter as a first stage of cleaning process. This is raw filter which removes big particles. Also cost and maintenance of this filter is low and water flow is enough for Electro Dialysis system. For micro impurities and some chemical impurities then we can propose Membrane Filtration technique. Cross Flow Filtration (Microfiltration) technique is good for such kind of impurities. Water coming out of this process is pure enough which can be used for Electro Dialysis. If water is acidic or basic then we have to set its pH value anywhere between 2 to 11 which is suitable for Electro Dialysis. In order to do this we can use pH adjustment technique. If water has color and small floating particles which is harmful to Electro Dialysis then we have to do Flocculation process. If water contains chlorine, harmful organic pollutants and other chemicals then we can do Active Carbon Filtration process. 64 BIBLIOGRAPHY [1] Robert P. 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