Example of language checklist Language feature Formal style What to look for Uses Standard English, impersonal tone, third person Possible effect on reader May suggest more serious topic Informal style Uses slang, nonstandard, contractions More personal in tone Comparisons Similies/metaphors Create imagery Increases interest Extended metaphor A metaphor that is continued or developed over several lines of text First person (viewpoint) Personal pronoun I, me, mine Is descriptive and makes the writing interesting Conveys thoughts and feelings Second person You, your, yours Address reader directly, gets them involved Third person He, she, it, they Impersonal Emotive language Words or phrases that are dramatic or shocking e.g. ‘millions of innocent, starving, helpless children.’ Alliteration Words starting with the same letter or sound e.g. Waynes Winter Wonderland Imagery Vivid images Exaggeration/h yperbole Repetition Overstaning something e.g. he was the worst person she had ever met in her life The same word or phrase repeated Makes the reader feel something e.g. guilt/sadness or simply empathise with the writer Catchy, memorable, interesting Impact Creates a visual image, brings the writing to life Emphasis, can be used for humour Emphasis List of three Impact Humour Three phrases or words separated by commas Puns, rhyme, double meaning, entendre etc. Pun A joke/play on words Facts Statistics Something that can be proven to be true (e.g. dates, names, places) Numbers and figures Quotes Quotation marks Opinions Someone’s personal point of view (Can’t be proved) Rhetorical question Jargon A question that doesn’t require an answer Can be humourous/ thought provoking Makes you believe it is true adds gravitas Makes something more believable Makes something more believable When mixed with fact makes something more believable Gets the reader involved and thinking Involved particular audience Adds interest Adjectives/adv erbs Language relating to a specific topic e.g. scientific/medical etc. Descriptive words Makes you laugh Type of writing/purpose Inform Instruct Explain Tabloid newspaper Inform Describe Argue Entertain Describe Autobiography Describe Complain Persuasive Argue Advise Instruct Describe Report Persuade Describe Headlines Describe Argue Describe Persuade Argue Persuade Argue Persuade Argue Entertain Argue Headlines Argue Persuade Persuade Inform Persuade Persuade Argue Persuade Argue Persuade Argue Describe