EASTERN MEDITERRANEAN UNIVERSITY COURSE OUTLINE COURSE LEVEL Undergraduate SEMESTER OFFERED COURSE CODE PSYC360 COURSE TITLE Ethical Development: Theory and Empirical Evidence COURSE TYPE Area Elective LECTURER(S) Mehmet M. Erginel Office: AS 217 Office phone: 2416 Office Hours: Wed. 13:30-14:20, Thurs. 14:30-15:20, Fri. 14:30-15:20 E-mail: mehmet.erginel@emu.edu.tr CREDIT VALUE 3 PREREQUISITES None ECTS VALUE 2014-2015 Fall Semester 6 COREQUISITES None DURATION OF COURSE One Semester WEB LINK My website: http://brahms.emu.edu.tr/merginel/ Facebook for my students: http://www.facebook.com/phil.emu EMU Open Courseware: http://opencourses.emu.edu.tr/ AIMS This is an interdisciplinary course that brings together Ethics (a branch of Philosophy), Developmental Psychology (a branch of Psychology), and other disciplines that may be considered relevant. It aims to examine critically the theories of ethical development that philosophers put forward as parts of their ethical theories. We will examine the ethical and developmental theories of such philosophers as Plato and Aristotle and contemporary discussions of their views. We will then examine the evidence for, or against various empirical claims and/or assumptions made within these theories. Students will be expected to play an active role in identifying empirical claims and/or assumptions in theories of ethical development, and investigating the relevant empirical evidence. GENERAL LEARNING OUTCOMES (COMPETENCES) On successful completion of this course, students will be able to: Explain some of the main views in ethical development Identify psychological claims/assumptions within theories of ethical development Discuss the empirical evidence that is relevant to theories of ethical development Apply critical thinking, by showing that they can respond critically to issues, form and articulate opinions as well as justify them in both the written and spoken medium Exhibit academic honesty and avoid plagiarism of all sorts RELATIONSHIP WITH OTHER COURSES This course is meant to provide the students with philosophical and theoretical tools that can be applied in their other courses as well. The ability to argue for their views in a clear way will also benefit them throughout their undergraduate education. Students are also expected to develop the ability to consider the ethical implications of issues raised in other courses LEARNING / TEACHING METHOD This course will be conducted primarily through a combination of lectures and classroom discussion. Students will also be expected to engage in self-directed learning through homework requiring research. ASSIGNMENTS Homework/projects requiring research METHOD OF ASSESSMENT Quiz: 10% Project/Presentation: 20% Midterm: 30% Final: 40% There will also be 5 points of extra credit for classroom participation. ATTENDANCE According to EMU Regulations for Education, Examinations, and Success, students who fail to meet the required level of attendance and/or do not fulfill the requirements for the evaluation of the course are given the “NG” grade by the course Instructor. For further information please refer to EMU Rules and Regulations http://mevzuat.emu.edu.tr/. TEXTBOOK/S A course packet will be made available. 1 EXTENDED READING LIST Further reading materials may be assigned during the semester. TENTATIVE CONTENT & SCHEDULE Group 1: Mon. 14:30-16:20, Wed. 14:30-15:20 WEEK 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9-10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17-18 DATE Oct. 13 Oct. 20 Oct. 27 Nov. 3 Nov. 10 Nov. 17 Nov. 11 Nov. 24 Nov. 28-Dec. 9 Dec. 10 Dec. 15 Dec. 22 Dec. 29 Jan. 5 Jan. 12 19-31 Jan. TOPICS Introduction and orientation Virtue Ethics and character education Alternative approaches to moral education Plato, Republic II & III Research on music and literature in education Plato, Republic IV Research on well-being and psychological health Plato, Republic V, VII Midterm Exam Period Research on attachment, communal living, and male/female abilities Aristotle, Nicomachean Ethics I Research on constituents of well-being Aristotle, Nicomachean Ethics II Research on habituation and conditioning Research on character Final Exam Period ACADEMIC DISHONESTY Academic dishonesty refers to any form of misrepresentation of student abilities, including, but not limited to, cheating on exams, plagiarism, and submitting work that has been composed, translated and/or substantially edited by someone else. Please refer to the Eastern Mediterranean University web site for a complete description of the Regulations for Student Discipline (http://mevzuat.emu.edu.tr/). MAKE-UP POLICY There will be no make-up options for the in-class assignments. There will be no make-up options for the quizzes. After the final exam there will be a make-up exam, for people who missed either the midterm exam or the final exam with legitimate and documented excuses. In order to be able to take the cumulative make-up exam, valid documentation should be provided to the Psychology Department Administration within 3 days of the scheduled exam that is missed. It is students’ responsibility to check with the Psychology department for the make-up schedule. ASSIGNMENT DEADLINES No extensions will be granted on assignment deadlines. Late work will not be accepted. CLASSROOM POLICIES Students must come to class on time – coming in late is disruptive and will not be tolerated. All requests for grade re-evaluations on exams, quizzes and class assignments must be made within three days after grades are announced. No grade changes will be made based on personal reasons. Please refer to the Psychology Department web site for a complete description of classroom policies. 2