Huntsville City Schools - Instructional Guide 2015 – 2016 Course: Algebraic Connections Grades: 10th – 11th Math Practices Online Resources The Standards for Mathematical Practice describe varieties of expertise that mathematics educators at all levels should seek to develop in their students. These practices rest on important “processes and proficiencies” with longstanding importance in mathematics education. The first of these are the NCTM process standards of problem solving, reasoning and proof, communication, representation, and connections. The second are the strands of mathematical proficiency specified in the National Research Council’s report Adding It Up: adaptive reasoning, strategic competence, conceptual understanding (comprehension of mathematical concepts, operations and relations), procedural fluency (skill in carrying out procedures flexibly, accurately, efficiently and appropriately), and productive disposition (habitual inclination to see mathematics as sensible, useful, and worthwhile, coupled with a belief in diligence and one’s own efficacy). Dan Meyer’s Ted Talk about teaching math: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Links to his 3-act activities, sorted by standard: EhtR3BJMmdBWnM2YWxWYVM1UWowTEE#gid=0 Granite City Math Vocabulary: Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them. Reason abstractly and quantitatively. Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others. Model with mathematics Use appropriate tools strategically. Attend to precision. Look for and make use of structure. Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning . For more: Other online resources 1 Elaboration on each practice from the Common Core website: is a website that curates activities from all over the web, sorted by standard. Kid-friendly language: has great formative assessments and group activities, searchable by standard. Online tools is a free online calculator. Excellent for working with linear equations, scatterplots, and best-fit lines. has some great activities for introducing and working with functions. is a free online geometry tool. It is great for working with transformations. First Nine Weeks Standard 1.) Create algebraic models for application-based problems by developing and solving equations and inequalities, including those involving direct, inverse, and joint variation. “I Can” Statements (unwrapped by school teams) 1. I can solve a linear equation, including application-based problems. 2. I can solve a linear inequality, including application-based problems. 3. I can solve a direct variation problem, including application-based problems. 4. I can solve an inverse variation problem, including application-based problems. Resources (by school teams) Math For Your World (Blitzer) All of Chapter 4 Pacing Recommendation / Date(s) Taught 9 days ALEX website Lesson(s) Standard #1 “Creating a Payroll Spreadsheet”, “Rates and Taxes” Project Ideas: Oil Spills on Land 2 5. I can solve a joint variation problem, including application-based problems. 5.) Determine approximate rates of change of nonlinear relationships from graphical and numerical data. 2.) Solve application-based problems by developing and solving systems of linear equations and inequalities. 1. I can approximate rates of change of nonlinear relationships of graphical data 2. I can approximate rates of change of nonlinear relationships from numerical data 1. I can solve a system of linear equations. 2. I can solve a system of linear inequalities. 3. I can apply systems of linear equations and inequalities to application-based problems. Direct Variation Mini Project Web Pages: Direct, Inverse, and Joint Variation Inverse Variation Project Adjusting Recipe Lesson Plan Math For Your World (Blitzer) Chapter 5.1,5.2,5.3 9 days ALEX website Lesson(s) Standard #5 “What’s the Real cost of the Car?”,”Predicting Your Financial Future”, “Make a Conjecture” Web Sites: Non-constant rates of change Chapter 4 Linear and Nonlinear Relationships Math For Your World (Blitzer) Chapter 5.4 and 5.5 9 days ALEX website Lesson(s) Project Ideas: Systems of Linear Equations Project Making the Band Project Project Ideas 3 3.) Use formulas or equations of functions to calculate outcomes of exponential growth or decay. 1. I can use formulas to calculate outcomes of growth and decay. 2. I can use equations of functions to calculate outcomes of exponential growth and decay. ALEX website Lesson(s) “Retirement: Show Me the Money!” “Liquidity for Success” “Exponential Growth and Decay” “Rags to Riches or Riches to Rags?” “The National Debt Wars” “Predicting Your Financial Future” 9 days Projects: Exponential Growth and Decay in the Real World M&M Lab Rhinos and M&Ms 4 Huntsville City Schools - Instructional Guide 2015 – 2016 Course: Algebraic Connections Grades: 10th – 11th Second Nine Weeks Standard “I Can” Statements (unwrapped by school teams) Resources (by school teams) Pacing Recommendation / Date(s) Taught 12.) Create a model of a set of data by estimating the equation of a curve of best fit from tables of values or scatter plots. 1. I can create a model of given a set of data. 2. I can create a table of values then estimate Math For Your World (Blitzer) Chapter 12.1,12.2 and 12.3 ALEX website Lesson(s) Standard #12 “National Debt and Wars” “Ballistic Statistics” 10 days 7.) Use analytical, numerical, and graphical methods to make financial and economic decisions, including those involving banking and investments, insurance, personal budgets, credit purchases, recreation, and deceptive and fraudulent pricing and advertising.. 1. I can use analytical methods to make financial and economic decisions. 2. I can use numerical methods to make financial and economic decisions. 3. I can use graphical methods to make financial and economic decisions. Math For Your World (Blitzer) Chapter 7 and 8 ALEX website Lesson(s) Standard #7 “Let’s Move to College” “My Future Life: Let’s Get Real” “My First Apartment” “FAFSA can be Taxing!” “What’s the Real Cost of That Car?” 30 days 5 Huntsville City Schools - Instructional Guide 2015 – 2016 Course: Algebraic Connections Grades: 10th – 11th Third Nine Weeks Standard 8. Determine missing information in an application-based situation using properties of right triangles, including trigonometric ratios and the Pythagorean Theorem. 9. Analyze aesthetics of physical models for line symmetry, rotational symmetry, or the golden ratio. “I Can” Statements (unwrapped by school teams) Resources 1. Use properties of right triangles to solve application-based problems. 2. Use trigonometric ratios to solve application-based problems. 3. Use the Pythagorean Theorem to solve application-based problems. Math For Your World 10.2, 10.6 Additional topics include: angle of elevation, angle of depression, inverse trig functions, 1. Analyze physical models for line symmetry. 2. Analyze physical models for rotational symmetry. 3. Analyze physical models for the golden ratio. Project Ideas: Urban Art Project Project Home Right Triangle Sports ALEX: Fibonacci Poetry; Symmetry: Theory, Reality and Art!; Let’s Tessellate; Golden Ratios of the Body, Architecture, and Nature Pacing Recommendation / Date(s) Taught 12 days ALEX: Proofs into Practice: The Pythagorean Theorem in the Real World; I Can Determine The Height Of A Rocket!; The Clock Tower 10 days Illuminations: Golden Ratio Additional topics include: tessellations, regular polygons, vertices, and angles; identify lines of symmetry Project Ideas: The Fibonacci Sequence in Visual Arts Investigating Beauty with the Golden Ratio Design an Urban Garden Web Page: try-rotational.html Aesthetics of Symmetry 6 1. 10. Critique measurements in terms of precision, accuracy, and approximate error. 11. Use ratios of perimeters, areas, and volumes of similar figures to solve applied problems. Critique measurements in terms of precision. 2. Critique measurements in terms of accuracy. 3. Critique measurements in terms of approximate error. Additional topics include: how to specify measurement with its unit of greatest precision, how to interpret a measurement with the unit of greatest precision, finding the range of values given a measurement and its units of greatest precision, calculating percent error given measurements. 1. Use ratios of perimeters of similar figures to solve applied problems. 2. Use ratios of areas of similar figures to solve applied problems. 3. Use ratios of volumes of similar figures to solve applied problems. Additional topics include: Using proportions to solve applied problems. Culture, History, and individual differences in aesthetic appreciation ALEX: Cosmic Measurements; How tall is the school's flagpole? 7 days Web Page: s/lessons/significant/ ; sson=111 Significant What? Precision and Accuracy Close Enough? Math For Your World 10.2 ALEX: Wildlife Math; Water Tank Creations Part I; Creating a Water Tank - Part II "Selling the Tank"; Area and Perimeter of Various Polygons; Scale Drawings; Swimming Pool Math 12 days Web Pages: Area Ratios of Similar Figures 7 Huntsville City Schools - Instructional Guide 2015 – 2016 Course: Algebraic Connections Grades: 10th – 11th Fourth Nine Weeks Standard 4. Determine maximum and minimum values of a function using linear programming procedures. 6. Use the extreme value of a given quadratic function to solve applied problems. “I Can” Statements (unwrapped by school teams) Resources (by school teams) 1. Determine the maximum values of a function using linear programming. 2. Determine minimum values of a function using linear programming procedures. Web Page: Linear Programming Using Linear Programming Gizmo Activity Real World Linear Programming Using Linear Programming in Real Life 1. Use maximum or minimum value of a quadratic function to solve applied problems. Review quadratics and factoring: Math For Your World 6.5 Pacing Recommendation / Date(s) Taught 10 days 10 days ALEX: Now, where did THAT come from? Deriving the Quadratic Formula Family Ties: Parabolas 8