Pastoral Council Minutes March, 2014

Epiphany Cathedral
Pastoral Council Meeting
Tuesday, March 4, 2014, 7:00 p.m.
Soy Building, Rm 109
Present: Fr. Joseph Gates, Judy Huth, Presider, Kristin Berkery, Kris Ciernial, Fred Englert, Carol George,
Jenny Holaday, Monica Hunek, Ann Keohan, Peggy Lewis, Carol Lippert, Dr. Sergio Selva and Gabriel Unger,
Absent: Fr. Jack Costello, Milly Collins, Dr. Julio Gonzalez, Dave Morley, Deirdre Scott, Kelly Tate, Frank
Viola and Jerry Woelfel
Call to Prayer and Reflection: Carol George, Peggy Lewis and Carol Lippert
Recitation of the Mission Statement
Approval of February 2014 Minutes: Minutes approved.
Committee Reports:
Building Report: Committee member not present to report.
By Laws: Carol G. reported on behalf of Milly Collins who was absent. Carol summarized what had been
discussed at the February Pastoral Council Meeting concerning three bylaw proposals that would be voted
on at this meeting. These were:
1) Article II, Section II, General – proposed wording change to “at least 15 members”.
Members voted to change the wording of the bylaws to read “at least 15 members”.
2) Article II, Section IV, proposed wording change “to consist of 10 to 20 members”.
Member voted to change the wording of the bylaws to read “consist of 10 to 20 members”.
3) Article IV, Meetings, Part A, General – proposed wording change to read, “there will be at least 6
meetings during the Council year. Members voted to change the wording to read “there will be
at least 6 meeting during the Council year.
4) In addition, the members voted to keep the Mission Statement in the bylaws.
Communications: Kristin reported that the committee members were fortunate to attend Parish Bulletin
Training Seminars offered by the diocese. The seminars were promoted as bulletin training but they were
really all encompassing. The diocese is looking at providing different classes of communications training
for the whole diocese on a regular basis.
With regard to Flocknote there are some administrative logistics that need to be worked out, but it should
start soon.
Emergency: Judy reported in Jerry Woelfel’s absence. Jerry had a meeting with the lawyer branch of the
organization to discuss the procedure and has spoken with someone concerning Magi Hall and the Parish
Center. This should be accomplished by next week and the end of the month.
GEM: Carol G. reported that GEM collected 4.3 tons of food and 1,999.00. Later in the week they received
an additional $1,041.00. Total monetary collection was $3,040.00. Fred submitted an article to the
bulletin editor on the Soup Kitchen which is run by the Guadalupe Social Services.
Hispanic: Committee member not present to report.
Polish: Chris – reported that they have received a donation for a chalice and paten. Fr. Zenon will order
these items.
Religious Education: Ann reported that at the beginning of this council year it was recommended to their
committee to look into all religious education groups. That included Adult Ed, Religious Ed in the school
and religious education of children in the Sunday and Wednesday programs. They had already done this
the year before, but they are concentrating on it again. The other programs are pretty firm and doing
The Religious Education for the children is in the mist of revision and really needs a lot of support. The
committee recommended strongly, and after their first year of review, for Sr. Frances to form a religious
education program committee and to choose those who will participate in it, i.e., teachers and parents.
The goal of this group would be to implement more fully the program of family catechesis this coming
school year 2014/2015. Ann went on to outline what is needed to implement this program and to make
it successful i.e., training of teachers, planning for monthly Liturgy, family gatherings, improved
communications with parents to improve attendance and better publicity about the program
Spirituality Peggy reported that the committee is continuing to meet with each of the different prayer
groups in the parish. They are condensing their information to present at a future meeting.
Stewardship Jenny reported that the Stewardship Council has been very busy the past few months. She
added, in order to be a successful stewardship parish, stewardship must permeate all areas of the church
and school campus. It should be mentioned in Religious Ed, Life Teen, in the school, in homilies, prayers
of the faithful, bulletin, and the website. It should also be noted in the literature of our 90 plus ministries
and our Welcome Packets. These are only a few examples. The Stewardship Council is working towards
that goal through the work of the four committees, Hospitality, Prayer, Formation and Service.
Projects they are working on:
 Mission Statement – There are three proposals still under consideration for a revised Stewardship
Mission Statement.
 Stewardship Logo – With input from the members, Chris Coviello is working with a graphics
designer to create a stewardship logo.
 The Hospitality Committee held a Wine and Cheese Reception Jan 11 – over 100 people attended.
 Another committee under the Formation Committee scheduled a Living Your Strengths workshop,
Wed, Feb. 26 @ 6:30p and another on Thurs. Feb. 27 after the 8:30 a.m. Mass.
 Last Friday, Feb. 28 the second of three Rectory Gatherings was held, 23 people attended.
 The Parish Mission is scheduled the middle of March. Fr. O’Madagain will give the Mission.
 Joe Vuono and Jenny are still researching Adoration Chapels. They will have more to report in
Fred Englert added that he’s involved with the Stewardship Formation Committee. This
committee has two components: education and communications. They have primarily
concentrated on the education side. The committee has already started a series or Stewardship
Educational Workshops. The first was held on Tues., Feb. 18 at 6:30p. A second one is planned
for March 13.
Youth and Young Adults: Gabriel reported that they are in the middle of learning theology of the body a
series of lessons created by Pope John Paul II. On Friday, April 4-6 they will be on the Net Retreat at OLPH.
Thirty teens will attend. Net stands for National Evangelization Team.
Transition Team: Carol reported that she’s on the transition team. Their responsibility is to put together
a format for bringing on new candidates for the next council year. Carol gave a review of how the selection
process took place three years ago, at that time people were invited to join the council. However, last
year candidates made a concentrated effort to get information on what the position involved, to pray on
it and then discern.
Carol asked everyone to take a copy of the paperwork that was put together by the transition team. She
asked that all members read the materials and email her with their input. See attachment.
Carol commented that she plans to place announcements in the bulletin and the website inviting people
to serve on the pastoral council.
Please refer to the handout for schedule of dates for the discernment and welcoming process:
 bulletin notices
 informational session for interested candidates
 prayer session for discerning Pastoral Council Leader
 Willingness to Serve Forms, signed and
 Welcome to new Pastoral Council Members
Carol added that the announcements are not an invitation to be on the council rather they are invitations
for people to obtain information on it and discern if they would like to serve. New candidates will be
welcomed before the council retires for the summer in June.
Parish Advocate Report for March: Carol L. reported she had one call which was referred to Fr. Jack
Rector’s Issues for the Council:
 To all who helped with the Wedding Anniversary Mass, Sat., Feb. 15,
Especially, Barbara Koehler, Helen Flynn, Tom Altman and Vee Chiulli
 Susan Rohman, Chairwomen of the Meet and Greet Team for her work with the committee,
especially the lasagna dinner for the newcomers.
 Jenny Holaday for work with Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament.
Other Business
 Per Judy the t-coil system has been completed but is not operational.
 On April 10th at 10:00a the diocese will be taping the Easter Sunday Mass for the Homebound in
the Cathedral. Bishop Dewane is the Celebrant. Fr. Jack extended an invitation to the Finance,
Pastoral and Stewardship Councils and the School Board and their families. Invitations will be
sent to everyone by Jenny.
Next Meeting Day – Tuesday, May 6, 2014 at 7:00p (There is no meeting date in April)