Title: Checklist for the Critical Area of Mathematics * Grades K

Facilitator’s Guide
Math 6-8
Going Deeper with
Content and Practice
Session Description
Participants will engage in activities and discussion as they develop and refine strategies to create a
classroom culture that encourages mathematical discourse. A dice game will be introduced to
develop students’ ability to create viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others.
Participants will have an opportunity to create their own content centered games.
Goal of the Session
To develop strategies to incorporate the Standards for Mathematical Practice.
To experience a math activity that blends content and practice standards.
Poster paper, 8.5”x11” paper, markers, dice, internet connection, projector and speakers
Standards for Mathematical Practice
CCSSM pages 39-56 (optional) from http://www.corestandards.org/the-standards
Middle School Roll a Fraction Directions
Pre-session Preparation
Review the Power Point and Facilitator’s Guide.
Review the Standards for Mathematical Practice.
Play the Dice Game.
Decide if you need to provide copies or access to the CCSSM 6-8 standards or ask participants to
bring their own.
5. Check Internet capability or pre-load the video.
5 min
Introduction and Objectives
Slides 1-2
5 min
The diagram on the introduction slide is a Wordle
(www.wordle.net) emphasizing the key terms of
Mathematical Practice 3. This standard is provided in
the notes section of slide 1.
Why can’t we be friends?
Slide 3
Poster paper
Say, “We will be doing some math together today so
we need to set some norms for our session.”
Pose the questions and chart the answers. Post
prominently and refer to Norms chart throughout.
Note: Throughout the session the facilitator will model
strategies for creating a discourse rich classroom.
5 min
Standards for Mathematical Practice
Slide 4
Standards for Mathematical
Distribute the Standards for Mathematical Practice
Discuss what teachers know of Math Practices.
Explain that the Practices are for all students K-12.
They indicate what proficient math students should be
able to do.
Have them glance over the standards.
6-8 Going Deeper with Content and Practice
10 min
Standard for Mathematical Practice 3
Slide 5
Then ask them to read SMP 3 and follow the directions on
the slide.
Model “Think – Ink – Pair – Share” strategy.
Think – First ask participants to consider the questions
Ink – Then write their thoughts on paper
Pair – Then share with a shoulder partner
Share – Then share with the larger group
Facilitator Background information:
This quote is the first paragraph on the SMP page of the
CCSSM page 6
“The Standards for Mathematical Practice describe varieties
of expertise that mathematics educators at all levels should
seek to develop in their students. These practices rest on
important “processes and proficiencies” with longstanding
importance in mathematics education. The first of these are
the NCTM process standards of problem solving, reasoning
and proof, communication, representation, and connections.
The second are the strands of mathematical proficiency
specified in the National Research Council’s report Adding It
Up: adaptive reasoning, strategic competence, conceptual
understanding (comprehension of mathematical concepts,
operations and relations), procedural fluency (skill in carrying
out procedures flexibly, accurately, efficiently and
appropriately), and productive disposition (habitual
inclination to see mathematics as sensible, useful, and
worthwhile, coupled with a belief in diligence and one’s own
6-8 Going Deeper with Content and Practice
10 min
Envision a Common Core Math Class
Slide 6
Introduce the video.
This is an 8-minute video of a teacher building a
discourse based classroom environment.
The blue sentence on the slide is a link to the video.
It’s a good idea to pre-load the video to be sure it runs
You will need speakers.
10 min
Slide 7
5 min
Lead a discussion about the video.
How does what Mr. Optiz is doing in Alaska relate to
Practice Standard 3 here in Illinois?
Discuss being intentional about creating a class where
Math Practices can happen.
What’s Next?
Slide 8
Ask: Once we have established norms, how do you set up a
lesson to promote student explanation and justification?
Let’s do some math!!!
(5 min)
An optional video about fractions is below.
6-8 Going Deeper with Content and Practice
Internet connection or
downloaded video and
10 min
Roll A Fraction Expression
Slide 9 – 11
Ask participants to sit next to a partner.
Distribute one piece of blank paper and a die to each
pair of players. Have them set up their paper as
illustrated on the slide.
 Go to slide 9-10 and explain the game
 Ask participants to play at least 4 rounds.
They should be able to justify why their fraction is greater
with word, pictures or symbols.
5 min
Distribute Dice game handout
Instruct participants to use black line master provided
in handout.
The directions are on the handout
Reflect and Connect
Slide 12
10 minutes
Ask participants to think about the questions on the
o Write your strategy for winning.
o How did you decide which fraction was greater?
o Who could play this game?
o What Mathematical Practice Standard(s) were
Looking at Strategies
Slide 13
This is to model looking at student work through a whole
group summary that emphasizes SMP3
Pick two strategies that approach the game differently
to highlight critiquing the work of others with the
whole group.
Have participants share and explain their strategies.
Invite others to compare participants’ strategies.
Some people might write a strategy that requires
common denominators.
6-8 Going Deeper with Content and Practice
Dice (one die per 2 players)
8.5”x11” paper
Dice game directions handout
15 min
Differentiate the Game
Slide 14
10 min
Ask participants to follow directions on the slide.
This requires copies of the 6-8 content standards.
Participants should work in groups to create other
partner games that would encourage discourse.
Allow time for participants to share the new games.
Share and Compare
Slide 15
Engage teachers in discussion
How could they modify this activity to other content
Ask participants to share their ideas and type them on
this screen
Here are some ideas from previous sessions:
o All- use sticker dots to create the exact
practice each child needs
o K- Roll a dice to start and end counting
o 1st- Adding one digit and two digit numbers
o 2nd- Add and compare whole numbers
o 3rd- Compare fractions,
o 1st-4th Place value practice
o 4th – Add and compare fractions
o 5th- Multiply and compare fractions
o 6th-8th Operations on real numbers, Rules of
o Inequalities
Discuss the advantage of having a discourse around
Partner work means all kids are talking not just a few
talking and following directions.
6-8 Going Deeper with Content and Practice
CCSSM for 6-8 Content
5 min
Making Practice 3 Happen
Slide 16
What are the “teacher moves” that we modeled today to
facilitate Practice 3 in this session?
Be sure they noticed:
• Setting norms for discourse safe classroom
• Partner work
• Private think time
• Think Ink Pair Share
5 min
Slides 17
Direct participants to more CCSSM resources on the
ISBE website under Common Core.
Do evaluations as necessary.
6-8 Going Deeper with Content and Practice