Pink Lady case study

Pink Lady Case Study
Pink Lady® is the leading apple brand with 8% share (by value) of UK apple sales and
one of the most instantly recognizable fresh produce brands in our supermarkets.
Positioned by Coregeo as a premium product with stringent quality control procedures to
ensure a consistent eating experience, has allowed Pink Lady® to command a premium
significantly above mainstream apple varieties (Cox, Gala, Granny Smith etc.).
In the last 5 years a number of copycat competitor products have come to market all
looking for a share of the branded premium end of the apple market – these include Jazz,
Cameo and Kanzi.
Coregeo has responded to their arrival by working hard to ensure the Pink Lady® brand
proposition remains differentiated and to promote the product unique story to
consumers, the trade audience and other stakeholders.
Background – 1992 - 2006
Pink Lady® was introduced to the UK in 1992. The initial few boxes of this tasty new pink
apple were quickly snapped up by a leading retailer and it would be easy to say that the
rest is history.
Over the next decade as increased volumes became available to the UK market each
year, Pink Lady® gained a devout following amongst UK consumers and also attracted a
broader selection of retailers as a result.
Following some spectacular sponsorship and public relations successes with a transAtlantic rowing team and an all female team expedition to the North Pole, Pink Lady®
apples and the Pink Lady® brand itself achieved high levels of recognition amongst UK
By 2006 this recognition had translated into significant sales with Pink Lady® apples
reaching number 6 in UK apple sales by value (TNS 2006).
2006 – the present
The simplicity of what an apple has to offer can be a blessing (taste, texture, looks).
However, when it comes to adding value, Pink Lady® must use the brand and its
intangible characteristics to differentiate itself in the minds of its target audiences.
The objectives for Pink Lady® are:
To differentiate itself from the competition in the minds of key stakeholders
(growers, importers, retailers, trade media and consumers)
To encourage all its stakeholders to support the brand actively against competitor
products and benefit from its improved sales and continued market leadership
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Pink Lady should always:
Behave as a brand not as a variety – e.g. Apple varieties (Cox, Braeburn etc.)
come from many different countries with different logos, packaging etc. Pink
Lady® should be consistent in the way it presents itself and communicates key
messages to stakeholders
To engage in marketing and communications activity that differentiates the brand
To engage in activity that most competitors do not have the resource to imitate
The recent past has seen Pink Lady® make significant steps in its efforts to maintain its
differentiated positioning. The arrival of a number of high quality competitors into the UK
market, including home grown branded varieties, has meant that Coregeo has redoubled
its efforts to maintain Pink Lady’s position at the head of the branded apple market.
Coregeo’s focus on a clear set of objectives delivered through a differentiation strategy
that targets a segmented audience using a variety of carefully chosen marketing
channels has paid dividends.
Recent consumer research has shown the effectiveness of Coregeo’s approach.
Consumers’ spontaneous recall of Pink Lady® as top of mind has doubled since since
2006. Unprompted awareness of the brand has increased by 50% and prompted
awareness by over 25%.
Serving stakeholders
The range of different Pink Lady® stakeholders in different companies and countries
means that their demands for and of the brand are extremely varied
Retail buyers running an offer want to see what marketing activity is in place to
promote the brand at key times.
Importers and growers want to know what marketing is planned to ensure
sufficient fruit will be available.
The brand owner wants to know what marketing activities are being done and
how effective they have been.
Coregeo’s central role ensures that sales and brand objectives are delivered and provides
the conduit for information about the product performance to be measured, collated and
disseminated to each of the interested parties.
Recent activity
Faced with the challenge of the most serious economic downturn since it arrived in the
UK , the Pink Lady® marketing campaign strategy has been to keep this premium brand
at the forefront of consumers’ and trade minds, leading the top fruit market in creative
and integrated use of selected marketing channels to maintain market share.
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Based on a substantial investment in quantitative and qualitative research two learnings
have driven the campaign forward:
1) That loyal Pink Lady® buyers and non-buyers understand that Pink Lady® is a
premium product through the eating experience and price point, and they are
interested to know more about the product and its origins.
2) That the primary target market is 35 – 55 year old women with children and
disposable income. The secondary target audience is Golden Oldies 55 – 65+.
Understanding consumer attitudes to Pink Lady® apples produced a simple question for
the brand to answer, Why Pink Lady®?
Why Pink Lady®? Strategy
In order to retain loyal consumers and to attract new converts the marketing plan has
been devised to answer this question.
Following the introduction of new brand furniture and guidelines at the start of 2009, five
marketing channels are being used and offer a unique combination of creative
opportunity, reach, brand engagement and communication of the brand’s key messages
Experience marketing – to take the product & story to the people – To taste is to
PR – to tell the story to the media and have them relay it to consumers. In
addition social media channels provide an opportunity to engage in the existing
consumer dialogue about the brand
Brand partnerships – to associate the brand with high quality partners so that
Pink Lady® can benefit by association.
Web/Online – to provide a constant presence and information resource.
Brand advertising
Coregeo’s campaign for Pink Lady® apples continues to be a success because, based on
its latest full year figures, and with premium brands usually the first casualties, the brand
has maintained its 8% market share in the toughest trading conditions and the worst
recession since Pink Lady® arrived in the UK.
In addition to the sales performance, each element of the campaign delivered great
results in driving and reinforcing consumer behaviour which is the most powerful kind of
The eye catching Pink Lady® Mini Clubman and the Pink Lady® brand
ambassadors ensured that the brand painted the high street pink wherever it
went with over 108,000 apples sampled
50,000 conversations about Pink Lady® greater than 1 minute
Over 70,000 people engaged with the team
Where present all local retail Pink Lady® stockists sold out on the days the Mini
was in town.
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Web traffic increased 10% in 2010 to almost 34,000 unique visitors who have
viewed over 125,000 pages of content
Retail coupon redemptions were up 50% on previous couponing activity as
consumers were encouraged to trial the product.
To date the Pink Lady® club has over 7,000 members from the first 12 months
As the UK emerges tentatively from recession Coregeo Ltd. has ensured that Pink Lady®
is well placed to take advantage of any upturn in consumer spending having
strengthened its presence in the market during the bad times. Figures for 2010 already
show sales ahead of 2009 and there is good reason to be confident that this trend will
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