Managing Hayfever

What is hayfever?
Hayfever is an allergy. An allergy is a disorder of the immune system in which it decides
that harmless substances such as pollen, animal hair, certain foods, mould spores and
dust mites are dangerous. Mast cells and basophils (white blood cells) are activated by
an antigen known as IgE resulting in an inflammatory response. Common allergic
reactions include eczema, hayfever, hives, asthma, food allergies and reactions to bee
and wasp venom.
This inflammatory response can lead to skin rashes, excess mucous, streaming and
itching eyes and nose, even diarrhoea and vomiting as the body tries to flush the
allergen out.
Hayfever is a specific type of allergic reaction to pollen. Different people can be allergic
to different types of pollen. Common culprits include; rye, grass, rape, ragweed, birch
and juniper.
*** It is best to start the following recommendations around three months before
symptoms usually start to occur. It will however still be of benefit to begin straight away
in preparation for next year.
Foods to increase
Beta-Carotene rich foods help to reduce inflammation and promote health of
the mucus membranes throughout the respiratory system. The following foods
are rich in beta-carotene:
sweet potatoes
Dark green leafy vegetables not only contain beta-carotene, but they also help
to eliminate excess toxins from the body.
Garlic helps to reduce catarrh and is antimicrobial, killing bacteria which may
reside in mucous. It is best eaten raw. Crush the cloves with either a garlic
crusher or the edge of a knife to release the important oils.
Vitamin C acts as a natural anti-histamine. The following foods are rich in
vitamin C:
Wild Oats Wholefoods, 9-11 Lower Redland Road, Bristol BS6 6TB
Tel 44 (0)117 973 1967, Fax 44 (0)117 923 7871, Web
Vitamin E is also a natural anti-histamine and is found in the following foods:
egg yolk
pumpkin seeds
Local honey, produced by bees from near where you live, can help if eaten
regularly. (Our Talking with Bees honey is made from bees in the Redland
Allotment area.) Try eating a spoonful every day, ideally 3 months prior to the
appearance of symptoms. It is best eaten raw so avoid heating it by adding to hot
food or drinks etc. You may be allergic to specific pollen from plants growing in a
particular area. If the honey contains minute quantities of that pollen, eating the
honey little and often may help to desensitise the body.
Foods to decrease
Dairy is mucous forming so is best avoided. Alternatives include rice, oat, soy
and nut milks.
Wheat allergy and intolerance is common. The gluten in wheat can be mistaken
for an allergen by a hyper-sensitive immune system. The symptoms of wheat
allergy are similar to those of hayfever. People with hayfever often react to the
gluten in wheat. Try replacing it with rye, oats, barley, quinoa, millet and
buckwheat (which is actually from the rhubarb family, and not related to wheat!).
Refined and processed foods, colourings and additives place an added
strain on the liver as it has to filter the extra toxins from the body.
Alcohol, black tea and coffee deplete the absorption of minerals and also
strain the liver. If you drink alcohol, make sure you are drinking a good amount
of water. Alternatives to tea include green tea, rooibos and herbal teas, such as
nettle and chamomile. Dandelion coffee is a tasty alternative to coffee.
Vitamin C is a natural anti-histamine. Histamines are inflammatory compounds
which cause allergic reactions such as a blocked or runny nose.
Quercetin supports healthy histamine levels, acts as an antioxidant and antiinflammatory, and strengthens the action of vitamin C.
Bromelain is an enzyme derived from pineapple. It is an anti-inflammatory and
helps to support healthy nasal and respiratory airways.
We have several complexes at Wild Oats which contain Vitamin C, quercetin and
bromelain. Ask in store for more information.
Bioflavonoids strengthen the antioxidant potential of vitamin C and support the
strength and integrity of capillaries.
Luffa Complex by Bioforce is a combination of herbs which helps to reverse the
effect of hayfever symptoms. The effect should be felt within 20 minutes. It also
comes in a nasal spray for easy delivery.
Wild Oats Wholefoods, 9-11 Lower Redland Road, Bristol BS6 6TB
Tel 44 (0)117 973 1967, Fax 44 (0)117 923 7871, Web
Euphrasia (eyebright). Allergens can cause itchiness and redness of the eyes.
Euphrasia can help by acting as an anti-inflammatory on the mucous membranes
and can also benefit the nose and throat.
Weleda Mixed Pollen contains a mixture of grasses, cereals, and early and mid
tree blossom. Homeopathic remedies work on the theory that by introducing a
small amount of a particular substance which causes symptoms in large doses
can be used in small amounts to treat those same symptoms. Small amounts can
assist your body in learning to fight against it.
Weleda Rhinodron Spray can be used to clear blocked nasal passages.
Potters Allerclear nasal spray and tablets contain garlic which is antimicrobial and helps to loosen phlegm. It also contains echinacea which acts
against infections and is anti-inflammatory. They can both be used for a runny
nose, nasal congestion and catarrh.
Haymax nasal balms act as a pollen barrier when applied to the base of the
Lifestyle advice
Avoidance of allergens is helpful but not always practical. Here are some other things
you can try:
Pollen levels are at their highest during the morning and the evening. Try keeping
the doors and windows closed to keep airborne pollens out.
Splash your face regularly with cool water and bathe the eyes to help wash away
irritants. You can also try using a neti pot to cleanse your nasal passages.
At the end of the day remove your clothes outside of the bedroom and do not
keep them in your room at night as you sleep. They may have gathered pollen
during the day.
Consider showering at the end of the day to wash the pollen from your hair.
Produced by nutritional therapist, Sarah Kellett (dip CNM, NCTT) for Wild Oats
Tel 077 888 32 889
Wild Oats Wholefoods, 9-11 Lower Redland Road, Bristol BS6 6TB
Tel 44 (0)117 973 1967, Fax 44 (0)117 923 7871, Web