Archaeology Resume

Professional Archaeologist
Established and served as President of the Oak Ridge Archaeological Research Institute (ORARI), a small
scientific research, public advocacy, and general advisement organization in Oak Ridge, Tennessee. This
organization is dedicated to performing original archaeological research; advocating for cultural resource
protection and preservation; promoting public archaeology; improving education in K-12 science, math,
and social studies; and engaging in public service. Defined the overall scope and purposes of the new
organization and its operations. Developed organizational policy. Determined the geographic service
areas of the organization. Led creation of the ORARI logo, letterhead stationery, business cards, and
standard format for reporting the results of research. Created the ORARI website, wrote all of its on-line
contents, and served as web editor. Identified eight initial archaeological projects for the organization and
began work on these projects. Prepared the first research report for the organization.
Managed a rapidly growing corporate environmental research group with projects involving numerous
United States military installations nationwide. Responsible for all aspects of group operations from
routine administrative activities to strategic planning. Participated actively in business development
efforts. Coordinated the planning, costing, and scheduling of new projects. Conducted staffing efforts to
simultaneously satisfy short-term project needs and build the capabilities of the group to meet long-term
objectives. Guided the start-up of new projects and assured successful completion of ongoing projects.
Developed and maintained strong relationships with customers. Secured the group's most ambitious
project. Increased staff by 100 percent. Received a letter of commendation and a substantial pay increase
for outstanding administrative effort.
Oversaw and coordinated implementation of the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966 (NHPA)
Section 106 review process for nuclear power plant projects nationwide (2005-2009). Determined the
applicability of NHPA, 36 CFR 800, and other federal/state cultural resource management (CRM)
requirements to each project. Identified competent firms to perform Phase I intensive surveys of the
designated areas of potential effect. Developed written statements of work and solicited competitive bids
from firms. Selected and hired firms on the basis of proposal quality, cost proposals, and potential for
excellent performance. Maintained responsibility for all activities of the hired firms from project kickoff
to final project clearance by the State Historic Preservation Officer (SHPO). Performed reviews of
submitted archaeological reports and assisted firms with responding to SHPO review comments.
Archaeological Research and Investigation
Conducting a long-term research project on portable petroglyph stones (limestone slabs) from
Mississippian period sites in the Middle Cumberland region of Tennessee. These slabs exhibit various
iconographic elements and motifs that were engraved into their surfaces between 1000 and 1450 A.D.
Many of these slabs have disappeared over the past 90 years. In addition to searching for the missing
slabs, the overall study examines the historical circumstances of their discovery, the locations where they
were found, the persons involved in their discovery, and the original archaeological contexts of the slabs.
It also involves a detailed description of each slab, an in-depth study of the observed iconography, and an
assessment of interregional Mississippian iconographic affinities. Research efforts have received
coverage in metropolitan and local newspapers, in archaeological society newsletters, and on Internet
archaeology websites.
Performing multiyear archaeological surveys to identify and record prehistoric and historic archaeological
sites in Anderson County and Sumner County, Tennessee. Work in Anderson County is focused on the
Poplar Creek Basin. This survey is an attempt to relocate archaeological sites mentioned in the William
E. Myer papers (National Anthropological Archives, Suitland, Maryland), and it is also focused on the
identification of new archaeological sites. The survey work in Sumner County is focused on the PortlandBethpage-Castalian Springs area. Relocated archaeological sites and newly identified sites are recorded
in detail on electronic Archaeological Site Survey Record forms, which are submitted to the Tennessee
Department of Environment and Conservation, Division of Archaeology, for archiving in the official
Tennessee Register of Archaeological Sites.
Performing the laboratory processing and analysis of lithic artifacts from the Hart site (40DV34) in
Davidson County, Tennessee. These artifacts were collected from the plowed ground surface of the site
on August 17, 1972.
In consultation with two academic archaeologists at the University of Oklahoma and the University of
Akron, developed and implemented a long-term research project that uses a social media blog to collect
information and data for defining the full scope of the existing nationwide disagreements between
professional archaeologists and artifact collectors. Archaeologists will use the collected information and
data to support an ongoing effort to move these two long-alienated parties toward more future
cooperation, consultation, and collaboration in the performance of professional archaeological research
throughout North America. Created the new research blog, wrote all of its on-line content, edited the
content, and revised the content in response to peer review comments. The new blog was recommended
to professional archaeologists throughout the Western Hemisphere in the November 2015 edition of The
SAA Archaeological Record, a bimonthly periodical published by the Society for American Archaeology,
which is the lead professional organization for all archeologists in North America and South America.
Developed strong research and investigation skills on archaeological and environmental protection
projects. Served as Graduate Research Assistant in the Department of Anthropology, University of
Tennessee, Knoxville. Performed an intensive review, analysis, and interpretation of field and laboratory
records on the Parks Site (40CF5B), which was the largest and most complex prehistoric site excavated
during the Normandy Archaeological Project, Coffee County, Tennessee. Prepared a massive final report
on archaeological investigations at 40CF5B. Led and participated in numerous environmental
investigation and protection projects for U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) and U.S. Department of
Defense (DOD) installations.
Human Osteology and Prehistoric Mortuary Practices
Conducted osteological analyses of the prehistoric human skeletal remains from the Jernigan II Site
(40CF37) in the Normandy Reservoir. The results were published in the final site report on 40CF37.
Analyzed the human skeletal remains from Fort Loudoun (40MR1) in Loudon County, Tennessee.
Prepared a detailed written report on the osteological and paleopathological analyses of the human
skeletal remains from Burial 1 at the Twin Caves site (40SU24) in Portland, Tennessee. Performed a
detailed diachronic study of prehistoric human mortuary practices (Late Archaic-Mississippian) in the
upper Duck River Valley of Middle Tennessee. The results were reported in my M.A. thesis entitled
Prehistoric Mortuary Patterning and Change in the Normandy Reservoir, Coffee County, Tennessee.
Cultural Resource Management
Worked in depth with the challenging and complex archaeological/architectural resource management
efforts at the 3,777-acre Portsmouth Gaseous Diffusion Plant (PORTS) in Piketon, Ohio. This included
providing technical advice, integrating the past and real-time results of cultural resource surveys and
inventories into ongoing Remedial Investigation/Feasibility Study reports, and updating detailed
archaeological survey summaries to support consultations with Native American tribal representatives
and other interested parties. Learned how to effectively and responsibly manage cultural resources
through the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act of 1980 and its
applicable, relevant, and appropriate requirements (ARARs) rather than through the typical NHPA
Section 106 review process.
Assisted with NHPA and 36 CFR 800 compliance activities for a Manhattan Project facility on the Oak
Ridge Reservation (ORR) in Oak Ridge, Tennessee. This included reviewing the Phase I survey report
and related correspondence to assist with answering specific compliance-related questions.
For Duke Energy Carolinas LLC and the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC), prepared in-depth
Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) support documentation on cultural resources for inclusion in the
Environmental Report (ER) portion of the combined license application (COLA) for the William States
Lee III Nuclear Station in Cherokee County, South Carolina. Researched and described the existing
cultural resources environment, assessed potential plant construction and operations impacts on cultural
resources, and wrote the related environmental impact assessment sections in the ER. Provided CRM
support to regional electrical utility companies under the NRC license renewal process for operating
nuclear power plants.
Prepared Section 106 consultation letters and map attachments for federal agency officials, SHPOs, and
Tribal Historic Preservation Officers (THPO). Continued the consultation process with the SHPO,
THPO, and other interested parties. Conducted background archival research using libraries, map
collections, state records on historic sites, and state archaeological survey files. Led and participated in
pedestrian reconnaissance surveys and Phase I intensive surveys to identify and record archaeological
sites. Performed Phase II testing of archaeological sites and recommended potentially eligible sites for
listing on the National Register of Historic Places. Participated in Phase III data recovery excavations at
prehistoric and historic archaeological sites.
Prepared National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 documentation for proposed federal actions at DOE
and DOD installations nationwide. Under the EIS for the Spallation Neutron Source, assessed the
potential impacts of the proposed action and alternatives on cultural resources in Tennessee, New Mexico,
Illinois, and New York. Contributed a comprehensive CRM summary to a large environmental
information document designed to support preparation of the site-wide EIS for the Pantex Plant in
Amarillo, Texas. This summary resulted in a Battelle Key Contributor Award for Customer Satisfaction.
Assessed potential impacts of the proposed Hazardous Waste Treatment and Processing Facility on
cultural resources at the Pantex Plant. As part of the Environmental Assessment (EA) process, assessed
the potential impacts of proposed Resource Conservation and Recovery Act of 1976 corrective actions
and white space response actions on archaeological and architectural resources at PORTS. In another EA,
determined the potential impacts of the proposed action and alternatives on cultural resources at Andrews
Air Force Base, Camp Springs, Maryland, and the DOE Pantex Plant. Reviewed CRM sections in the EA
for a proposed federal action on the ORR.
Museums and Curation of Collections
Under a contract with the National Park Service, served as Assistant Curator of Collections for the Owl
Hollow Archaeological Project at the Department of Anthropology, University of Tennessee, Knoxville.
Worked in the archaeology laboratory at the Frank H. McClung Museum of Natural History and Culture.
Served as a volunteer at The Trousdale Place, a large house museum that was once the early 19th century
home of Governor William Trousdale in Gallatin, Tennessee.
Acquired extensive experience with museum operations at The Parthenon, which is the metropolitan
museum of art in Nashville, Tennessee. Curated a large collection of out-of-context prehistoric artifacts
from the southeastern United States, Mesoamerica, and Peru. Assisted with the setup of contemporary art
exhibitions in four major galleries. Participated in the care and periodic exhibition of the James M.
Cowan Collection, a large and permanently housed group of original paintings by famous 18th and 19th
century American artists such as Benjamin West, Winslow Homer, Thomas Moran, and Frederick
Church. Conducted museum tours and fielded numerous archaeological, historical, and architectural
questions about the museum collections and the building—the world's only full-sized replica of The
Parthenon as it existed in Athens, Greece, from 432 B.C. to 1687 A.D. Assisted with all gift shop
operations, including customer service, taking inventories, and keeping sales records. Performed frequent
security walkdowns of the museum.
Technical Communications
Authored and coauthored more than 115 scientific reports, journal articles, and manuals. Wrote public
relations articles for publication in a daily newspaper and a corporate newsletter. Prepared and revised
organizational capabilities guides and brochures. Participated in writing proposals. Consistently
recognized by employers and colleagues as the best writer on staff. This resulted in a dual role as
Technical Editor for seven environmental firms. Received customer commendations for delivering the
best-written research documents.
Reviews of Archaeological Manuscripts
Conducted reviews of draft archaeological manuscripts. Recent author-acknowledged reviews include the
Ball, Donald B. and John C. Waggoner, Jr.
2012 “Megaliths in the Upland South: Imposing Stones of Uncertain Function.” Journal of Alabama
Archaeology, Volume 56, No.1, Alabama Archaeological Society.
Steponaitis, Vincas P., Vernon J. Knight, Jr., George E. Lankford, Robert V. Sharp, and David H. Dye
2011 "Iconography of the Thruston Tablet." In Visualizing the Sacred: Cosmic Visions, Regionalism,
and the Art of the Mississippian World, edited by George E. Lankford, F. Kent Reilly III, and
James F. Garber, pp. 137-176. University of Texas Press, Austin.
Public Education and Outreach
Developed and administered the Archaeology in Tennessee blog, a publicly accessible Internet blogspot
devoted to original posts on Tennessee archaeology, history, and related topics. Engaged in background
research, discussions, and planning for establishment of the Oak Ridge Archaeological Society in Oak
Ridge, Tennessee. Performed as an on-the-air member of the broadcast team for a weekly WUOT (91.9
FM) radio course in cultural anthropology at the University of Tennessee. Functioned as Geology
Teaching Assistant in the Department of Geology at Austin Peay State University in Clarksville,
Tennessee. Taught General Educational Development Test courses for federal job training programs.
Counseled and instructed adolescents in a summer jobs program sponsored by the East Tennessee Human
Resource Agency.
Archaeological and Historical Interests
Major areas of interest include interdisciplinary research, North American prehistory, human cultural
ecology, material deposition and site formation, settlement/community patterning, Mississippian
iconography, prehistoric sociopolitical organization, ancient mortuary practices, human osteology,
forensic medicine, paleopathology, and restoration of historic buildings.
Cultural Resource Surveys
Project Name:
Project Location:
Project Type:
Site Designation:
Site Description:
Principal Investigator:
Project Director
Cumberland Mountains Survey
Anderson County, Tennessee
Stream Basin Survey
Not Applicable
Oak Ridge Archaeological Research Institute
Private Cultural Resources Consultant
Tracy C. Brown
Project Name:
Project Location:
Project Type:
Site Designation:
Site Description:
Principal Investigator:
Project Director
Survey of the Cannon Ridge Farms & Stables and Deshler Farm
Castalian Springs, Tennessee
Focused Site-Specific Survey
Mississippian Period and 19th–20th Century Buildings
Ron Dunn and Charles Deshler
Private Cultural Resources Consultant
Tracy C. Brown
Project Name:
Project Location:
Project Type:
Site Designation:
Site Description:
Project Director
Survey of Proposed Industrial Site
Tennessee Industrial Park, Greene County, Tennessee
Phase I Intensive Survey
Not Applicable
Barge, Waggoner, Sumner, and Cannon
University of Tennessee, Knoxville (Cultural Resources Committee)
Principal Investigator:
Tracy C. Brown
Project Name:
Project Location:
Project Type:
Site Designation:
Site Description:
Principal Investigator:
Project Assistant
Survey of a Proposed Housing Development Site
Newport, Tennessee
Phase I Reconnaissance Survey
Not Applicable
Holston Valley Investment Company
University of Tennessee, Knoxville (Cultural Resources Committee)
Dr. Patricia A. Cridlebaugh
Archaeological Testing and Site Excavations
Project Name:
Project Location:
Project Type:
Site Designation:
Site Description:
Principal Investigator:
Field Technician (Volunteer)
Archaeological Excavations at the Nicholas Gibbs House
Knox County, Tennessee
Site Excavation
Historic Period (Late 18th Century Log Home Site)
Nicholas Gibbs Historical Association
University of Tennessee, Knoxville
Dr. Charles H. Faulkner
Project Name:
Project Location:
Project Type:
Site Designation:
Site Description:
Principal Investigator:
Assistant Field Director
State Route 705 Right-of-Way
Hamblen County, Tennessee
Phase II Testing
Marshall Site (40HB9)
Late-Terminal Archaic and Mississippian Periods
Tennessee Department of Transportation
University of Tennessee, Knoxville
Dr. Charles H. Faulkner
Project Name:
Project Location:
Project Type:
Site Designation:
Site Description:
Principal Investigator:
Field Technician
Weaver Pottery Site
Knoxville, Tennessee
Phase III Data Recovery
Historic Period (Late 19th Century Ceramics Manufacturing Shop)
Tennessee Department of Transportation
University of Tennessee, Knoxville
Dr. Charles H. Faulkner
Project Name:
Project Location:
Project Type:
Site Designation:
Site Description:
Principal Investigator:
Field Technician
Tellico Archaeological Project
Vonore, Tennessee
Phase III Data Recovery
Icehouse Bottom Site (40MR23)
Middle Woodland Period
National Park Service/Tennessee Valley Authority
University of Tennessee, Knoxville
Dr. Jefferson Chapman
Project Name:
Project Location:
Project Type:
Site Designation:
Site Description:
Principal Investigator:
Field Technician
Tellico Archaeological Project
Vonore, Tennessee
Phase III Data Recovery
Bacon Bend Site (40MR25)
Late Archaic Period
National Park Service/Tennessee Valley Authority
University of Tennessee, Knoxville
Dr. Jefferson Chapman
Project Name:
Project Location:
Project Type:
Site Designation:
Site Description:
Principal Investigator:
Field Technician
Tellico Archaeological Project
Vonore, Tennessee
Phase III Data Recovery
Early Woodland Period
National Park Service/Tennessee Valley Authority
University of Tennessee, Knoxville
Dr. Jefferson Chapman
Project Name:
Project Location:
Project Type:
Site Designation:
Site Description:
Principal Investigator:
Field Technician
Tellico Archaeological Project
Vonore, Tennessee
Phase III Data Recovery
Bacon Farm Site (40LD35)
Early Archaic Period (Deep Stratified Kirk Component)
National Park Service/Tennessee Valley Authority
University of Tennessee, Knoxville
Dr. Jefferson Chapman
Project Name:
Project Location:
Project Type:
Site Designation:
Site Description:
Field Technician
Jersey Miniere Zinc Company (Transmission Line Corridor)
Clarksville, Tennessee
Phase II Testing
Late Archaic Period
Tennessee Valley Authority
Principal Investigator:
Mr. Danny Olinger
Mr. Danny Olinger
Project Name:
Project Location:
Project Type:
Site Designation:
Site Description:
Principal Investigator:
Field Technician
Tellico Archaeological Project
Vonore, Tennessee
Phase III Data Recovery
Tomotley (40MR5)
Historic Period (18th Century Overhill Cherokee Town)
Tennessee Valley Authority
University of Tennessee, Knoxville
Dr. Alfred K. Guthe/Dr. Gerald F. Schroedl
Archaeological Laboratory Operations
Project Name:
Project Location:
Project Type:
Site Designation:
Site Description:
Principal Investigator:
Assistant Field Director (Laboratory Phase)
State Route 705 Right-of-Way
Hamblen County, Tennessee
Phase II Testing
Marshall Site (40HB9)
Late-Terminal Archaic and Mississippian Periods
Tennessee Department of Transportation
University of Tennessee, Knoxville
Dr. Charles H. Faulkner
Project Name:
Laboratory Location:
Project Type:
Site Designation:
Site Description:
Principal Investigator:
Laboratory Supervisor
Averbuch Archaeological Project
University of Tennessee, Knoxville
Phase III Data Recovery
Averbuch Site (40DV60)
Large Mississippian Period Settlement
National Park Service
University of Tennessee, Knoxville
Dr. William M. Bass/Dr. Walter E. Klippel
Project Name:
Laboratory Location:
Project Type:
Site Description:
Principal Investigator:
Laboratory Technician
Columbia Archaeological Project
University of Tennessee, Knoxville
Phase III Data Recovery
Various Sites (Paleo-Indian to Historic Period)
Tennessee Valley Authority
University of Tennessee, Knoxville
Dr. D. Bruce Dickson/Dr. Walter E. Klippel
1974-1975 and 1979-1981
Project Name:
Laboratory Location:
Project Type:
Site Description:
Principal Investigator:
Laboratory Technician
Tellico Archaeological Project
Frank H. McClung Museum of Natural History and Culture
Phase III Data Recovery
Various Sites (Paleo-Indian to Historic Period)
Tennessee Valley Authority
University of Tennessee, Knoxville
Dr. Alfred K. Guthe/Dr. Jefferson Chapman/Dr. Gerald F. Schroedl
Project Name:
Laboratory Location:
Project Type:
Site Description:
Principal Investigator:
Laboratory Technician
Normandy Archaeological Project
University of Tennessee, Knoxville
Phase III Data Recovery
Various Sites (Paleo-Indian to Mississippian Period)
Tennessee Valley Authority
University of Tennessee, Knoxville
Dr. Charles H. Faulkner/Dr. Major C. R. McCollough
Oak Ridge Archaeological Research Institute, Oak Ridge, Tennessee
VETCO, LLC/Restoration Services, Inc., Oak Ridge, Tennessee
Enercon Services, Inc., Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
Shaw Environmental, Inc., Knoxville, Tennessee
Enterprise Advisory Services, Inc., Oak Ridge, Tennessee
Battelle Memorial Institute, Oak Ridge, Tennessee
Science and Technology, Inc., Oak Ridge, Tennessee
East Tennessee Human Resource Agency, Knoxville, Tennessee
Anderson County Job Training Office, Clinton, Tennessee
Economic System Analysis, Inc., Oak Ridge, Tennessee
Oak Ridge Associated Universities, Oak Ridge, Tennessee
University of Tennessee, Department of Anthropology, Knoxville, Tennessee
M.A. Degree, Anthropology/Archaeology, University of Tennessee, Knoxville,
B.A. Degree (Summa Cum Laude), Anthropology, University of Tennessee, Knoxville,
Minor (32 hours), Geology, Austin Peay State University, Clarksville, Tennessee
Roane State Community College, 40-Hour OSHA Hazardous Waste Operations Training
DOE Q Clearance (inactive)
Enercon Comanche Peak COLA Award
Enercon Bellefonte COLA Award
Battelle Key Contributor Award
Battelle Recognition Award
Graduate Research Assistant
Dean's Student Academic Council
Roddy Memorial Scholarships
Dean’s List (all quarters)
Congenial. Honest. Versatile. Works well alone or on a team. Highly detailed. Comprehensive.
Follows through on assignments. Willing to work late and go the extra mile to get the job done.
Described by former employers as “extremely reliable” and “the best employee I have.”