First-Exam - Philadelphia University

Philadelphia University
Faculty of Information Technology
: Dr. M. Maouche
: Dr M. Maouche
Internal Examiner : Prof.Dr. M. Mahafzah
Examination Paper
Department of Computer Science
Course Name: Computer Design and Organization (750233)
Section: 1
First Exam
First Semester
Academic Year: 2014/15
Date: November, 27th, 2014
Time: 50 minutes
Information for Candidates
1.This examination paper contains 3 questions, totaling 22 marks.
2.The marks for parts of questions are shown in round brackets.
Advice to Candidates
1. You should write your answers precisely, clearly and to the point .
I. Basic Notions
Objectives. The aim of the question in this part is to evaluate the required minimal student
knowledge and skills. Answers in the pass category represent the minimum acceptable standard.
Question1: (8 marks)
1. Name the three basic components of every computer. (2 marks)
2. Name the characteristics present in a Von Neumann architecture. (2 marks)
3. How are sequential circuits different from combinational circuits. (2 marks)
4. What kind of circuit selects binary information from one of many input lines and
directs it to a single output line? (2 marks)
II. Familiar Problems Solving
Objectives. The aim of the question in this part is to evaluate that the student has some basic
knowledge of the key aspects of the lecture material and can attempt to solve familiar
Question2: (10 marks)
The details of all calculations must be shown:
1. Convert the following decimal fraction to binary with a maximum of six places to
the right of the binary point (fixed point representation): 57.55
(3 marks)
2. Show how the following floating point value would be represented using IEEE754 single precision (exponent: 8bits , significand: 23 bits): −1.5
(3 marks)
3.Perform the following addition using a (8 bits) two complement
representation : (4 marks)
+ -34
Comment the final obtained result.
III. Unfamiliar Problems Solving
Objectives. The aim of the question in this part is to evaluate that the student has some basic
knowledge of the key aspects of the lecture material and can attempt to solve unfamiliar
Question3 : (4 marks)
65 is the decimal ASCII code for the letter “A”;
code for the letter “a”.
97 is the decimal ASCII
1. Compare the (binary) ASCII code of both letters. (2 marks)
2. Draw a practical conclusion on the way capital and small letters are
represented in digital computers. (2 marks)