List of Independent Studies Projects

DST 99A/B List of Independent Study Projects
Year 2003
Chega, Carrie:
A Dialogue on Citizenship
Danilko, Diane:
The Direct Funding Formula: Review and Reconsideration for
Policy and Program Extensions to Families of Intellectually
Disabled Persons – Women with Disabilities and Abuse
A Workshop Manual to Guide Facilitators
Duhasky, Cori:
Peer Support – Empowerment Through Information Sharing
Gionet, Ronnie:
Workshop on the Design of Barrier-Free Access to the Built Urban
Environment (DBFABUE)
Herniman, Sue:
Creating Disability Awareness in the Field of Early Childhood
MacKinnon, Donna: Portfolio for Madness and Arts Festival
Mulchand, Amrita: Indo-Guyanese Canadians with Disabilities: A Study of how
Societal Attitudes Affect their Lives
Poirier, Terry:
Special Education Technology Opportunities
Sheikh, Saima:
Graduate Employment in the Cice Program
Year 2004
Balanzin,Ilda M.:
Disability Arts & Theatre of the Oppressed: A Liberating Theatre
Berry, Cathy:
The Link Between Disability, Technology and Literacy
Beck, Tracy:
Towards Inclusive Children’s Literature
Burns, Amy:
Community Services and the Value of Inclusion
Cayen-Mah, Wendy: The Provision of Services to Parents with Developmental
Daley, Betty:
The Effects of Physical and Mechanical Restraints on People with
Disabilities, their Families and Friends
Fordyce, Nicole:
Intelli Tools Software: Training for the Inclusive Classroom
Lockhart, Carla:
The L.S. Penrose Center: A Transition Process
MacKenzie, Lisa:
Leading out Community to an Inclusive Society
Marsch, Kali:
Poverty and Disability: Examining the Intersections
Mitchell, Jennifer:
EA Forum: A Web Forum for Education Assistants
Phillips, Sandra:
Citizenship Rights Project
Powell, Kristina:
Issues Facing Ageing Parents in Essex County who Fulfill a
Caregiving Role for an Adult Son or Daughter who has and
Intellectual Disability
Smith, Brenda:
Job Coaches
Year 2005
Biesenthal, Julie:
Self Advocacy: Voices of the Past, Present, and Future
Brown, Serena:
Fruits of Knowledge: Shaking the Tree
Curry, Heather:
Do Women with Physical Disabilities feel Supported by their
Medical Doctors in their Decision to Maintain Sexual
Donaldson, Teresa: Disability Studies Community Project Portfolio
Fiddy, Dale:
Research Project Deinstitutionalization and College Institutional
Fitzpatrick, S.:
Disability & Media: Community Project
Gallinger, K.:
Disability Perspective and the Community College
Garvey, Nicole:
Autism in the Classroom: Teaching Children with Autism – A Look
at the Physical Classroom Environment and its Effect on
Communication and Inclusion – A Qualitative Comparison
Between a Specialized and Regular Classroom
Gerber, Sarah:
A Shareholder Corporation
Hall, Karen:
Stories of Women with Disabilities Pursuing Employment in
Guyana: As Employees or as Entrepreneurs
Hamelin, Kelly:
Inclusion, where do we go from here?
Hubbard, Rick:
Barrier Elimination in Ontario: The ODA and AODA
Kupchand, Nalini:
Teachers’ Attitudes Towards Inclusion in Pre-Schools
Liolis, George:
What’s all the H.Y.P.E. About? Helping Young Performers Excel
McKenna, Karen:
Genetics and Disability Issues: Researched Opinions of Disability
Studies Students
Millin, Nola:
AAC Users’ Experiences with AAC Use
Mortlock, Linda:
Ability, Disability, and Aging
O’Hagan, Kim:
Beyond Ramps
Ososki, Jennifer:
A Qualitative Analysis of Job Actions and their Effects on Students
with Disabilities and Inclusive Education
Paterson, Jennifer: Queer Women with Disabilities: An Exploration of Issues Related
to Identify Construction, Sexuality, Disability Centered Support
Services, and Community Issues
Pieterse, Lynn:
A Colourful Palette – Through a Disability Lens
Richards, Deborah: “Intimacy, Sexual Relationships, & People with Intellectual
Sabourin, K. Grace: The Sibling Experience and Disability: a Research Study
Sauder, Jana:
The Action Committee of People with Disabilities: Community
Sheldrick, Dawn:
Building Awareness by Understanding Disability
Schives, Diane:
From a Mother’s Perspective, how does the Labelling of a Child
Affect the Family?
Taylor, Mardi:
Transportation in Georgina
Willis, Heather:
Wheel of Misfortune?: An Installation – Tragedy vs. Freedom
Year 2006
Adams, Michelle:
Empowerment of Personal Narratives
Anderson, Sandra: Just Like me
Bettencourt, M.:
Promising Futures? Looking into the Education System
Clarke, Anne:
Mothering Experiences
Crow, Jaime:
Disabling Practices in Human Services Toward Individuals with
Learning Difficulties
Hodges, Wanda:
The Grass is not Always Greener: The Experiences of Mentally Ill
Knox, Kristy:
Caring Alone
Lalonde, Suzanne:
Making a Mark – Not Disappearing
Longo, Loretta:
Windows to Learning
Murphy, Paula:
Leadership Development Workshops
Ming, Khadijah:
Oral Health
Runstedler, Robin: A Journey to Mobility: Tracing the Path of my Chair
Schock, Robin:
Voices that Count
Swanton, Jill:
The Process of Genetic Counselling
Vroom, John:
Nowhere to go…
Watson, Louise:
Women with Learning Disabilities who have Experienced
Academic Success
Weber, Eva Marie: Intertwined Lives of Independent Living. Challenges and
Dilemmas of Supporting People with Disabilities in Stories of
Personal Attendants
Wrigley Archer, K: Infusing a Disability Studies Perspective into Human Resources
Courses at Ryerson
Year 2007
Arndt, Laura:
Bridging Feminist Scholarship through Activism in
Disability Studies: A Portrait of a Canadian Disability
Baker, Erica:
Engaging Youth in Social Change: Strategies that address
Buttegieg, Carrie:
The Innocent Question
Gauthier, Deana:
Barriers to Learning within the Army Cadet Program
Hendrickson, Ivy:
Fear and disABILITY
Hiott, Kara:
Awesome Connections: The Ethos of Support
Julien, Brigitte:
Working in the Social Model
Loginow, Marissa:
One Person’s Journey through Vocational Development
Machado, Kira:
Trying to Walk in His Shoes
McPhail, Colleen:
Experiencing ABI: How people with acquired brain
injuries feel about the services they receive
Mirza, Davis:
Canadian Disability Arts & Culture: An Examination of
the Creative “I” at Bloorview Kids’ Rehab
Mohammed, Sohrab:
An Oral History of George Daniel: How I Became a
Disability Activist
Ng, Steven:
Volunteers and Survivors Working Together to Promote
Mental Health
Pearce, Sandra:
Is Leamington Really The Best Place To Live In Canada?
A Disability Perspective
Racco, Rosetta:
The Mosaics of Mothers and Children with Special Needs
Living in Regent Park
Regier, Louissa:
Women’s Experiences with Prenatal Screening During
Rozema-Seaton, Roberta:
Here Today Gone Tomorrow: The Impact of and Acquired
Disability in Mid-life
Russ, Danielle:
Oral History: The Unspoken Story of Parent Activists
Simpson, Mayianne:
Murky Waters: Managerial Perspectives on Ethical and
Boundary Issues in Personal Support
Smith, Victoria:
The Lived Experience of Mothers with Disabilities
Smith, Zoie:
“What’s So Special about Special Education?”
The Lived Experience
Snyder, Angela:
Sunday Night Dinners
Stawarz, Maggie:
On the Edge
Tassone, Christina:
Disability and the Media
Tudos, Venessa:
Narrating Disability in Life Writing
Tuplin, Linda:
Beyond the Box: Restoring Lives Through Personal
Virgin, Melissa:
Making Tomato Butter
Year 2008
Banfield, Christina:
Fido and Me: Relationships between People with
Disabilities & their Pets
Barton, Kendra:
Between these Four Walls: From patient to volunteer at a
rehabilitation centre.
Bordon, Graceila:
Historias de Corazon – Stories from the Heart;
A Mother-Daughter Journey through Oppression
Cameron, Keri:
Too Much Baggage! Unpacking Disability through Health
The Three R’s of Education- Reading, Writing… Diversity?
Charbonneau, Casey:
Cheyne, Danielle:
The Anatomy of a Black Hole: Searching for Wages in
Community Support Agency Policy
Gallego Hope, Grace:
Rewriting Disabilities in Children’s Literature: “Gigi and
the Missing Golden Marble”
Gaughan, Diana:
“Let’s Ask the Experts”: Single Mothers
Children with Disabilities
Grande, Vince:
How Families of Different Cultural Backgrounds View
Harris, Jill:
Gut Reaction
Hodder, Phyllis:
The Girl I Used to Be
Holland, Maria:
“Get Me to the Church on Time?” Discovering how church
participation occurs for people with disabilities
Hunt, Amber:
What Comes Next: cutting ribbons or walking dogs?
Jessup, Sherry:
From the Couch to the Barn: What’s Up with Animal
Assisted Therapy?
Jones, Lerin:
Riding Along with Smith: A Journey into the Organization
Driving for Wheel-Trans
Jolicoeur, Brian:
Life on the Edge: Masculinity as Caring – Caring as Masculinity
Lewis, Shay:
Apron Strings and Hard Helmets
MacNeil, Alan:
Phenomenology Behind the Mask, Madness, and Recovery
Mitchell, Cindy:
'Off the Couch & Into the Community' A
Participatory Pedagogical Mother & Daughter Learning
Wake-up! We're staying home today!
Moffatt, Rhonda:
Munro, Stace:
Radical Voices SPEAKing Up! Transformation through
Collective Action
Pekalska, Olga:
Looking UP at the World While It Continues to Look Down
Reed, Stephanie:
Is there real life in the Northern Life?
Reynolds-Ifill, Portia:
Roe, Jennifer:
The House on the Beach: Life History of an Institution
Sound Barriers: Breaking the Silence
Steen, Christa:
Life through a Lens: University Students Experience their
Walsh, Rodney:
“Slam Dunking in a Wheelchair” How Paralympic Athletes
Do Disability and Sport
White, Scott:
Pain in the Rear: Voices of people with disabilities on
complementary and alternative medicine
Year 2009
Appiah, Abigail:
Biblical Narratives and Disability
Balogun, Abiola:
Disability in Nigeria: Using On-line Accounts to Explore
Bergeron, Shaunessey:
“Watching others be chosen": The policies and procedures
surrounding the adoption of a child with a disability
Betzner-Massana, Amy:
“I E-mailed the Vatican but They Never Got Back To Me"
Brown, Christina:
Such a Predictable Life? Trisha’s Story
Byrne, Joanne:
The Push to Mad Pride: A Brief History of the Bed Push
Parade in Toronto
Campbell, Megzie:
Searching for Mad People’s History: Hidden stories of a
mental hospital in Jamaica
Clarke, Kendra:
Zoomin' (In): Discovering Children's Perceptions of
Storybook Characters with Disabilities
Curry-Roy, Jennifer:
The Film Club : Uncovering Persuasive Portrayals of
Disability in Film
De Pauw, Danine:
Uncovering The Hidden Warriors:
An Advocate Mother's Journey
Faria Da Silveira, Karen:
All Talk and No Action: An Ethnographic Study of
the Social Organization of Door Plates in a Suburban Mall.
Fyfe, Carrie:
Wii Want To Play Too
Grant, Patricia:
Cleanup in Aisle 3: The Not So Visible Mess in the Mall
Haans, Nancy:
Finding My Sweetgrass Roots: Aboriginal families and their
children with autism spectrum disorder in the Ottawa
James, Michelle:
The Trauma of Testing
Julien, Jeanelle:
Temporarily Out of Service
Liberty, Jennifer:
Looking Beyond Bad Apples: The Elusive Policies and
Procedures Manuals
Malette, Julie:
People Planning Together - We're just getting started
Morneau, Stephanie:
War and Disability: The Effects of War on People with
Mullings, Donna:
Race, Gender, Disability: A Critical Autobiography of
Bodily Transition
Oberoi, Paul:
How do we grow from here? A Phenomenological Study
focusing on the Bachelor of Arts Disability Studies
Program at Ryerson University
Pellett, Daniel:
Pieced Together: An Exploration into ‘How’ MultiplyEngaged Support Providers ‘Do’ What We do
Shelvey, Michelle:
Searching for a ‘Sign’ of Citizenship: The Social Impact of
Signing the National Anthem
Year 2010
Ali, Ryan:
Walking into the World of Psychiatric ConsumerSurvivors: An Ethnographic Study Exploring the Social
Barriers that Survivors Challenge
Alves, Nichol:
Ableism and Self-Advocacy: Teaching for Diversity
Anderson, Hugh:
Prostate Cancer and Erectile Dysfunction: A Social
Boyle, Deirdre:
“Sorry, The Elevator is Still Out of Service” How Women
with Disabilities Experience Homelessness
Cadenhead, Jasmine:
Rude Interruptions: Down the Rabbit Hole: How Blogging
in Affecting Social Relations of People with Disabilities
Cook, Melodie:
Finding Normal: Revealing Institutional Ideology
Separating House and Home
Glynn-Williams, Sarah:
Through a Mother’s Eyes: Christina’s Story
Kazda, Jenn:
At the Heart of Community: An Ethnographic Study of How
an Intentional Community Responded to the Expectation of
Livingston, Kelly:
Pockets and Progress: A Narrative History of Shifts in
Special Education
Martin, Meaghan:
Casting Lines
Ritchie, Karen:
From Client to Colleague
Rivard, Sarah:
Emerging from the Shadows: A Siblings Journey through
Disability and into the Light
Serafin, Nicole:
Failure to Launch: Planes, Trains and Automobiles (and
Taylor, Tricia:
Grandparents Raising Grandchildren with Disabilities:
What Five Grandma’s Have to Say
Thibodeau-Jones, Rachel: Closing the Gap: Understanding Families’ Experiences
with Inclusive Child
Van de Klippe, April:
Unspoken Conversations
Wardell, Sara:
She Doesn’t Really have a Daughter Does She? Exploring
Experiences of Parenthood
Wilcox, Donna:
Moore vs British Columbia: How do Stories of Parent
Advocacy Get Told?
Young, Jodie:
Accessible to Whom?
Year 2011
Albernaz, Jennifer:
Speechless..When Words are not Enough? An
Ethnographic study of Maria
Allen, Leanne:
He Who Holds the Power has the Control: A Critical
Discourse Analysis of Newspaper Representations of
Methadone Maintenance Treatment
Andrews, Ashley:
Disability Awareness: A Workshop for Foster Families
and Youth Workers
Baird, Ashley:
Beyond the Mechanics: Sex Education for People with
Intellectual Disabilities
Barnes, Heather:
Beyond our Case History: An Auto-ethnographic Account
of the Impact of Labeling
Beischlag, Donna:
Narratives from Mothers: Real Experiences with Institution
Bennett, Ryan:
Smooth Sailing for Disabled People in Canada? An
Ethnographic Study of the History of Disabled Sailing
Brown, Christine:
Rage Against the Machine: Attendance Management
Programs and Employees with Disabilities
Burns, Sandra:
Inclusive Program Planning with a Social Model Frame
Carrington, Caroline:
The Child Against the Wall: ‘Is There A Problem Here?’
Coady, Siobhan:
Contested Illness: A Narrative Study of a Friend’s
Experience Legitimizing Lyme Disease
Da Silva, Angela:
Welcome Home, Buddy! An Ethnographic Study of the
World of Autism Service Dogs and the Families they Join
Derstine, Sandy:
Making Things “Right”: Sharing Forbidden Secrets
DiPietro, Jennifer:
Inclusion in Daycare, is it façade? Two Community
Daycares and Their Policies on Inclusion
Hutchins, Ryan:
Everything for a Dollar + Shipping: A Discourse Analysis
of Blog Responses to eBay Disability Artifacts
Kobelka, Jeanette:
Fun for All or Fun for Some? An Arts-informed Inquiry of
Accessible Public Playgrounds
Lamond, Stefanie:
There is a Void Here: The Realities of Before and After
School Care Options for Children with Developmental
Lee, Donna:
Taking Charge: An Ethnographic Case Study of a Disabled
Teenage Girl and Self-determination
Leo, Carrie:
Reel Life Learning
Lougheed, Wanda:
“Ya Know..You Don’t Have too..You Have Rights”
Mackenzie, Mary Jane:
Time to Move Out, Nowhere to Go: A Participatory Action
Research Study Involving Parents Caring for their
Disabled Adult Children
Massie, Sarah:
Finding Life in the Classroom” An Ethnographic Study of
Inclusive Education
Mathew, Shyla:
Two Sides of the Same Coin: Raising my Son is a Blessing
in Disguise
McCumber, Jennifer:
Piecing our Lives Together One Vertebra at a Time: Life
Before, During, and After Spinal Cord Injury
Nagel, Maureen:
For Whom the Town Ticks: Life History of a Small Town
Through a Disability Lens
Nelson, Trisha:
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder: ‘Trauma-ism’
Norton, Jamie:
Full Day Kindergarten: Good for Children with
Notice, Kemoy:
Do You Know Me: Profiling and Documentation of
Individuals with Disabilities
Pritchard, Christopher:
Shot Rocks Curling – ‘Don’t Call Us “Special”’ – An
Ethnographic Study of How People with Mental
Impairments Participate in Curling
Scriver, Jamie:
Getting on the Ice: Hockey and Inclusion
Shaw, Carolyn:
Preserving Memories, Breaking Barriers: Exploring the
Identity Reconstruction of Mothers of Disabled Children
through Scrapbooking
Silvera, Isabel:
Navigating Without a Compass
Singh, Simrat:
They Call us Pagal (Crazy): An Ethnographic Study of
South Asian Women who have Accessed the Mental Health
System in Ontario
Stachhouse, Ruth:
Talking About the Social Model of Disability: A
Participatory Theatre Project with the Friendly Spike
Theatre Band
Streeter, Paula:
Welcome to Our World: Stories of Disability and the Birth
Switzer, Jewel:
‘To Be or Not To Be’: A Narrative Inquiry into Labeling at
Tarbett, William:
Care Beyond Training: The Care of Temporary Staffing
Tiffany, Steve:
The Call to Action: An Institutional Ethnography of
Citizens Against Restraints and Disability Activism in
Williams, Sabrina:
Disabled Women’s Experiences Around Childbirth
Wozniak, Sandra:
Life Inner Rupture: A Look at the D-i-s (Disease-illnesssickness) of Disability from the Outside In and from the
Inside Out
Wynter, Sherwin:
Ordinary Women who become Extraordinary Mothers:
Parenting a Child with Autism and Navigating the IPRC
Year 2012
Coady, Patricia:
Contested Illnesses: A Narrative Inquiry, Sharing a
Friend’s Experience and Exploration Legitimizing Chronic
Lyme Disease.
Pol, Neeta:
I Feel Like a Puppet! An Institutional Ethnographic Study
of the Work of Educational Assistant
Schmitz, Pixie:
“Just Because I Have Gray Hair Doesn’t Mean I’m Deaf!”
Exploring the ways in which age and preconceptions of age
disables people
Year 2013
Allsop, Ben:
All Grown Up and Still Scared: Fear From Within
Bossie, Katie:
Out with the old; In with the New: A Community Workshop
on Universal Design
Mary Ann:
The Importance of Coalitions: A Qualitative Study on the
Effects of Coalitions on Safeguarding
Burnie, Velvet:
“Far from the Tree of Identity”
Chambers, Stephanie:
Supporting Self-Determination: The Group Home Worker’s
Demacio, Lisa:
Stigma, Speeding Tickets and the State To the Archive and
Beyond: Searching for the Chosen
Dial, Lisa:
East Indian Families and Long term Care Homes (Cultural
Beliefs vs. Present Reality)
Elsadr, Sally:
The Deepening Effects of Social Inequalities in the
Workplace: A Career Based on Volunteer Work
Figliomeni, Carmela:
Using CDA to explore “Inclusive Education” in Ontario
Florence, Rosemary:
Opening Doors and Minds: A Critical Ethnography of
Environmental Barriers that Shape a Student’s Experiences
within Community and Agency Schools
Grieve, Katie:
Social Model Stories: Writing and Reviewing Children’s
Hishon, Kate:
How Just One Teacher Can Change a Life
Hooker, Candace:
Seeking Sexuality: The Missing Link in Inclusive Education
Hurst, Lisa:
Looking Towards the Future: Sibling Experiences with
Disability and Future Caregiving Expectations
Izzo, Teresa:
“A Day in the Life”: An Ethnographic and Arts Informed
Inquiry of L’Arche Ottawa and Mutuality from Sunrise to
Jensen, Ulrik:
All Aboard! : Exploring the Issue of Parental and SelfAdvocate Involvement on a Board of Directors
Kanth, Sundip:
Real Inclusion: Incorporating Disabilities Studies into the
Ontario Curriculum
Karachalios, Vikie:
Disability and the Greek Community
Kelly, Taryn:
Disability and Travel: The World is Your Oyster OR Is It?
Khan, Farkhanda:
Exploring Friendship among Adolescents with Invisible
Lajoie, Danielle:
Individualized for Whom? An Exploration of Individualized
Funding Models of Support
MacDonald, Kaydee:
“Walking through Transition”
Obasi, Veronica:
From Local to Global
Osei, Margaret:
“Shoes and Footwear”: A Narrative Inquiry of Disabled
and Non-Disabled People
Osoria, Ese:
Increased Choice-making for Adults with Developmental
Disabilities in Group Homes
Perveen, Nusrat:
Where East Meets West, Finding the Truth, Filling the
Ridolfo, Katherine:
“Unheard and Silenced Voices”
Sciba, Rhea:
Proud to be Me: Disability, Impairment and Identity
Teppo, Stephanie:
Bitchy, Whiny, Lazy and Hysterical: Why is a Diagnosis
Needed to Legitimize a Woman’s Experience of Chronic
Warne, Tracy:
A Lot Like Ashley: Why Representations of Disability (Still)
Watkins, Kristin:
Playing on Equal Grounds: Can we Create Inclusion that
the World Can See?
Winter, Kailha:
Living with Learning Disabilities in the Inclusive
Classroom: Through observations and personal experience
in Letter Writing
Year 2014
Ahee, Nadee:
How We See It: Narratives from above the Big E
Alucema, Flavia:
Invisible Workers: A Documentary Study of the
Representation of Educational Assistants
Beausoleil, Simone:
A Stalking Narrative: The Discovery of Accessibility in My
Branch-Spadaro, Carolynne: “Who’s going to cut your toenails?” Questioning ClientCentered Practice in Occupational Therapy
Copeland, Margaret:
Sitting with my Grandmother’s Psychiatric Records: Sorting
through Intergenerational Trauma
Fabrychnova, Natalia:
Plenty of Fish? Disability and Online Dating
Franklin, Kendall:
Drop-In Made Accessible Through Redesign
Little, Alex:
Finding Your Wings of Independence: Out in the
Field of Orientation and Mobility
Annie Lok:
East Asian Immigrant’s View of Disability
Manalac, Jennifer A. P.:
Living the Caregivers Life
Patterson, Joanne:
In the Place of Trees, in the Paradise of the
Imperfect: Entwining Deaf Lives Past and Present
Picklyk, Cherish:
It’s a Revolution, I suppose: Tracing the Movement
of Disability Arts
Rickards, Laura:
Talking to Black Women about Depression
Scourfield-Thomas, Olivia:
Is There a Home for Me? Exploring the Housing
Crisis in Ontario
Siegel, Stephanie:
Any Excuse to Talk about Comics: An Exploration of
the Portrayal of Disability in Science Fiction,
Fantasy, and Comic Books
Simmons, Stacey:
What I Really Want to Say Is… Who the Hell is
Smeets-Ruml, Patricia:
Santiago de Queretaro: Deconstructing Disability
through Advocacy and Social Change in Mexico
Stokes, Anna:
So Close and Yet, So Far: An (Auto)biographical
account of reconnection
Teves, Sandra:
Divided We Stand
Wilson, Jennifer Marie Elyse:
AODA Compliance: A Narrative Inquiry into the
Stories Behind Organizational Implementation
Vert, Sheena:
Disappearing Act? The Invisible Work of Sign
Language Interpreters