Resources for GATE Parents Title Re-Forming Gifted Education How Parents and Teachers Can Match the Program to the Child Your Gifted Child How to Recognize and Develop the Special Talents in Your Child From Birth to Age Seven Genius Denied Author Synopsis Karen Rogers Dr. Rogers describes various types of gifted children as well as options for school enrichment and acceleration. She reports the effectiveness for each option according to the research. She shows parents and teachers practical ways to design ongoing programs that best meet the needs of bright children. Contents include: Types of giftedness, gifts versus talents, assessment tools, a parent inventory for finding talent, type of acceleration, enrichment and group learning, independent study, negotiating with schools, monitoring progress and provisions outside of school. Joan Smutny, Kathleen Veenker, and Stephen Veenker Jan and Bob Davidson Research-based advice on all the major issues that arise for gifted children and their parents from birth to age seven. The authors have combined their years of experience studying gifted children, raising their own, and conducting research for families. They share knowledge on how to recognize the early signs of giftedness, stimulate curiosity and creativity, choose the right books and science projects, foster sound social and moral development, evaluate preschool and primary school programs, develop language skills and more. The Davidsons, who are founders of a nonprofit institute that provides assistance to gifted children, offer practical advice to parents and students alike. Through their own How to Stop experiences and hose of the families that have worked with, the Davidsons show Wasting our parents how to find an appropriate education for their children, when to go outside of Brightest Young the school system, and how to create a support network with school authorities and Minds other parents. The Gifted Kids’ Judy Galbraith Written with help from hundreds of gifted teenagers, this is a guide to surviving and Survival Guide and thriving as a gifted teenager. Includes facts, step-by-step strategies, practical how-tos, Jim Delisle and inspiring quotations. Some of the topics include: what giftedness means and A Teen Handbook doesn’t mean, the truth about IQ test, how to take charge of your life (including The Survival Guide for Parents of Gifted Kids How to Understand, Live With, and Stick up for Your Gifted Child Parenting Gifted Kids Tips for Raising Happy and Successful Children Expert Approaches to Support Gifted Learners Professional Perspectives, Best Practices and Positive Solutions Guiding the Gifted Child A Practical Source Sally Yahnke expectations, perfectionism, multipotential, goal setting, time management, gender issues, and more), how to take charge of your education, how to find friends who are right for you, how to talk to parents, how to handle teen angst, how to be “net smart”, and additional resources. Topics include: what it means to be gifted )and what it doesn’t’ mean), what makes gifted kids so special, how kids are identified as gifted (and how some gifted children slip through the cracks of the system), what is good and not so good about being identified as gifted, how to make sure that your child gets the learning opportunities he or she needs, how to cope with the unique challenges of parenting a gifted child, how to handle specific problems such as super-sensitivity, perfectionism, and much more. James Delisle This book provides a humorous, engaging and encouraging look at raising gifted kids today. Dr. Delisle offers practical, down-to-earth advice on topics of interest such as: examining “overexcitabilites”, understanding a child’s giftedness, working with the school system, dealing with perfectionism in kids, being adult role models, building a child’s character and helping kids achieve their goals and dreams. Done in Collaboration with the California Association of Gifted (CAG) Contains fresh ideas, up-to-date research and fundamental facts about the needs of gifted children of all ages. 36 different articles and authors on topics such as: understanding and nurturing gifted children, making gifted education work, seeking and serving special populations, educators and parents working together, and more. James Webb and Elizabeth Meckstroth This handbook focuses more on the social and emotional needs and characteristics of our gifted children. Topics include: motivation, discipline, peer relationships, tradition breaking, sibling rivalry, stress management, depression, communication of feelings, parenting strategies and more. for Parents and Teachers You Know Your Child Is Gifted When….. A Beginner’s Guide to Life on the Bright SIde Barefoot Irreverence Judy Galbraith Humorous cartoons blend with solid information of giftedness – its characteristics, challenges, and joys. First-person stories from parents who have been there offer reassurance and insights. Answers questions such as: Are gifted children really that different? How are kids selected for the gifted program? And How can I help my child make the most of his or her abilities? James Delisle Delisle tackles tough issues such as standardized testing, differentiation, the theory of multiple intelligences, the social and emotional lives of gifted children, character education, and the portrayal of gifted children in the media. A Collection of Writings on Gifted Education Raising Gifted Barbara Klein Described as a “powerful, but accessible resource” this guide shows you how to: Children develop your child’s potential and self-esteem without applying pressure, plan your child’s education, work optimally with schools and teachers, solve family conflicts over Everything You parenting issues, avoid the dangers of living vicariously through your child’s Need to Know to accomplishments and more. Help Your Exceptional Child Thrive Parents’ Guide to James Alvino Practical and informative and authoritative primer for raising and education your gifted Raising a Gifted children. Starts with strategies to determine whether – and in which areas – your child Child is gifted. Advices parents on things such as selecting an appropriate day-care center, a school, and a reference library. Includes a recommended reading list, a special section Recognizing and on the roles of the computer and television in your gifted child’s life and more. Developing Your Child’s Potential Best Practices in Ann Provides concise, up-to-date, research-based advice to educators, administrators, and Gifted Education Robinson, parents of gifted and talented children. 29 practices are included. Each practice is Bruce Shore, divided into a chapter containing two sections – What We Know and What We Can Do. An Evidence Based Guide Perfectionism and Donna Enersen Miriam Adderholdt and Jan Goldberg Explores topics such as: the difference between perfectionism and the healthy pursuit of happiness, how to identify what perfectionism is and what it can do to your mind and What’s Bad About body, learning about what perfectionism can do to your relationships, how to set Being Too Good? reasonable goals, how to take positive risks, how to break free from procrastination, how to talk to teachers, family members, and others, and how to know when and where to reach out for help. A Student’s Brain: Kathie Nunley This book answers: The Parent and How can I increase my child’s IQ? Teacher Manual Why is the adolescent brain so unique? What can be done about reading problems? What causes ADD and what can be done for it? How can I improve my child’s memory? And more…………………….. Title Author Synopsis Why Bright Kids Get Poor Grades and What You Can Do About It Infinity and Zebra Stripes Life With Gifted Children Raisin’ Brains: Surviving My Smart Sylvia Rimm Dr. Sylvia Rimm is well known in the field of gifted education – especially when it comes to understanding the social and emotional needs of gifted children. In this book. Dr. Rimm provides a six-step program for parents and teachers to use when working with underachieving bright students. The author shares her experiences raising two highly gifted children, including conversations with school staff and efforts to provide social and emotional support. Parents of gifted children will identify with the mixed emotions in this heartwarming story. Karen includes real-life anecdotes that will “keep readers chuckling from cover to cover.” She shares unique insights about giftedness, motivation, perfectionism, Wendy Skinner Karen Isaacson Family Life in the Fast Karen Isaacson Brain: Keeping Up With Gifted Minds Helping Gifted Carol Strip and Children Soar: A Gretchen Hirsch Practical Guide for Parents and Teachers 21st Century Skills: Bernie Trilling Learning for Life in Charles Fadel Our Times The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens Sean Covey The NAGC Mile Marker Series (DVD) National Association of the Gifted Understanding Gifted Children The Social and Emotional Lives of Gifted Kids Brock and Fernette Eide Tacy Cross Models of Counseling Sal Mendaglio and Jean Peterson acceptance, and survival! A sequel to Raisin’ Brains: Surviving My Smart Family. A user-friendly guidebook that highlights important gifted issues such as working together, evaluating school programs, forming parent support groups, choosing appropriate curriculum, meeting the social and emotional needs of gifted children and more. The authors provide a framework for a 21st century education – one that will prepare children to successfully meet the challenges of the new world. Authors describe the why and how the global landscape for learning is reshaping itself, and what this global transformation may bring to our schools. The author applies the wisdom of the 7 Habits to teens and the tough issues and life-changing decisions they face. The book is a step-by-step guide that will help teens focus on their journey toward self-discovery by improving their self image, building friendships, resisting peer pressure, achieving their goals, getting along with their parents and more. This CD-ROM is a visual and multi-dimensional navigational toolbox that can be used for building and maintain a GATE program. The series is designed as a map around five “Mile Markers” that represent the different aspects of nurturing gifted children. Includes about 300 resources compiled from other sources. This DVD is a live recording of an online webinar hosted by the Gifted Online Conferences. The author uses a conversational style to offer an in-depth look at the social and emotional issues faced by gifted children. The book offers tools needed to: understand the gifted child, support a gifted child’s talents, guide a gifted child’s development and encourage their successes and happiness. The authors share in detail their approaches to counseling gifted and talented children. The book provides expert guidance from a set of international contributors. The book contains introductory chapters that discuss the traditional for the book and take a critical look at the literature related to gifted education.