Transportation and Land Use Break out Dan - intro - brainstroming ideas, obstacles, solutions; ultimately reduction of ghg. then prioritize Terry Bateman specific modes - rapid bus transit, conversion to electrict major transit issue funding Patrick Bogs - Nationwide industry electric car; truck stop electrification equipment - 1000 freight plug ins - not utilized; need to publish and educate the industry to use them also builds electric cars and pick ups Eric world view - individual cars a thing of the past - maybe need to push that concept only 1% need of larger vehicle and infrastructure; minimizing the work flow accros the board Dan - ODOT report 23% less vehicle trips; different vehicles for different purposes Paige Townsend SOU has two zip cars now RVTD has been trying to help with this for a while one or two at a time and then in the fleet are the larger vehicles most people only use the car 2 hours a day - 22 hours sitting need to address amount of land being used for parking codes in place that allow the developers to reduce parking and they are not educated about it or incentivized to use them - ____ ? what to do about the heat created by parking tree cover; materials reflective surface Al Densmore Most important item is funding for ghg reducing transportation at all levels - state and fed support all modes - no fighting on it Dan one of the problems of Edwards bill - all money has to go into the highway by Constitution Al need to have a generl fund allocation Kay need to deal with how we move freight - took money away from rail systems - they are more efficient Tom agrees transportation funding is the key thing. fed govt not coming to the rescue; fed does not pay operation costs - 90% is generated locally - set back - cut service Tina Hwy 99 - several bus stops; hardly any have any bench or cover - no shade or protection from the weather; is there funding for that at least? Paige - in 96 ADA - 3/4 mile of each route; not able to approve stops unless ADA sidewalk available; but if there is place to move the stop to a sidewalk; clearance is 4 foot and most sidewalks are 4 feet so need 8 - 12 feet sidewalks to put a shelter; or we can pour it but need the space Joe zagster - united way project; ap and 20 a year; Dan - ours are diff from big cities - its just a place to lock - not the huge amount of infrastructure; actionable item - expand project - grant funded - need stable funding; they are tied to RVTD structure Tamsin paid parking can fund good projects ____ getting youth involved; how to create sense of urgency in Salem; what did not work is talking about the impacts; youth advocates can make the difference; strategizing about getting youth (erase student debt); AirBNB for activists Paige demonstration project affordable housing and multimodal tansit center CP or Ashland - feeder areas (not on 99) multistory with transit - the transit center funding available HUD and __ ; public/private partnership - transit owns the property and obtains fees Daniel making public transit more frequent and convenient Al additional local revenue - more extensive service and ___ - RVTD levy Tamsin a project abandoned - drivers need a place REACH Housing/slots for veterans - transit people rest center Kay RV commuter line - GP to Ashland 80 a day; funding up in 3 years Ashl to MFR - 7000 a day during school year. Patrick what about electric buses; Paige Ashland project - RVTD has offered assistance fleet is ICNG; some diesel just built a roof on maintenance - solar ready - to eventually power electric Helga how about small vans/buses Dan -Montreal - smaller buses Kay need diverse sources of fuel but they have to be efficient Aaron addresses Paige’s timing discussion - climate change makes it urgent and we may need to think that we can accomplish this with greater frequency. Helga funding source - sell our cars Terry chicken and egg issue - Europe could not accommodate cars - so they turned to transit model - one car for a community or group - they use transit otherwis Joseph Regional planning - all but Ashland wants increased UGB; skipped density. Dan bike connectivity is similarly impacted by that - old neighbor hoods - can use but newer subdivisions - culdesacs - no connectivity Kay have to have job centers, density Dan ODOT report - whole list of things - potential to get to 40% would have to adopt in order to get to Terry integrating functions project in Denver in the 70s - forming clusters and within residential/commercial/industry and transit and computerized rapid transit connecting it chance for federal funding was not there Tom TOD (transit oriented development) - yes Twin Creeks but no transit to it Tamsin PDX - new no car/multimodal bridge - tillicum bridge need to have business community advocating Al tillicum bridge funded by state general fund need to advocate to urban legislators - we need source out side urban areas most outside state use sales tax - don’t have that we need a state source Tom much can be accomplished - technology and creative people - get around old ways of thinking youth involvement - school kids will keep it rolling into future - need to inspire (they can focus and build careers even while in HS) Kay two systems - rvtd, school buses; practical reasons to look at barriers to overcome that Paige separated bike paths - off roadway Dan - none of them are legal County transportation plan Jenna Stenke - 2016 start - can look at links, connectivity greenway - skeptical about its completion - but it has been done some have the separation by a small curb Tamsin Mountain meadows - eco cab - negotiated rate share Al retrofitting old neighborhoods - sidewalks (first and last mile) 20 minute neighborhood Daniel Feasibility study - ex on interconnected opportunities - ad hoc group Dan - ODOT redo on report - public hearings etc Paige RVTD exposing kids to rides to get over fear factor; been trying to get into the high schools but principals reluctant - can talk about Cchange and can do some education there. Need help getting in Aaron can develop educational outreach Joseph - need action items or the education does not nec. produce Tom goals should be political active actions; land use and public revenue Modes Rapid Bus transit Electric Funding for RVTD Education for Truckers, (don’t idle, plug in Vehicle share Down Sizing infrastructure Land Use - Parking Flexible Requirements Materials Parking tree cover; reflective surface Transportation funding for transit, multi modal back transportation plan - all modes other freight options other than trucks trains - yes Better Bus Stops - cover and benches Zagster bike share - publicity paid (fee based) parking to fund transit, etc. Youth Involvement Demonstration Project affordable housing multimodal transfer center Reach housing in PDX More frequent mass transit - RVTD Levy Bus rapid transit Ash-CP Smaller electric buses Maintain redundancy for natural disasters faster move to electric buses/vehicles etc Education on Urgency plan for Transit, multi-modal, jobs, etc. Build ties to business community buy in General fund priority school buses bike paths - separated county Trans Plan Prioritized List Funding for Transit and Multimodal - local and state Education (related to transportation) and Youth involvement [Minimize Land Use and infrastructure barriers to use of transit and multi modes working group - rewritten:] Maximize integration of land use and transportation - all modes (advocacy) [sub goals listed in the brainstorm list]