Grammar EXTRA CREDIT! 10 points Part One NEW Parallel

Part One
10 points
Parallel Structure
To improve the clarity of your writing, it is important to remember the equality of your sentence
Parallel Structure means using the same construction for sentence elements that are the same in
function. Below are THREE rules to consider when checking for parallel structure in your writing:
Parallel structure should be used when elements are joined by coordinating conjunctions:
Incorrect: I am allergic to the dog’s hair and how it smells.
Correct: I am allergic to the dog’s hair and its smell.
Parallel structure should be used when writing elements in the form of a list or a series:
Incorrect: The class valued respect, honesty, and being on time in a teacher.
Correct: The class valued respect, honesty, and promptness in a teacher.
Parallel structure should be used when comparing or contrasting elements (A is better than
Incorrect: James enjoys reading more than to write.
Correct: James enjoys reading more than writing.
(notice how the first sentence uses a gerund and an infinitive phrase – wrong, the second
one uses two gerunds – correct – the phrase types should match in parallel structure)
In the exercise below, circle the correct word or phrase that gives the sentence correct parallel
Justin was excited about inviting friends over, eating a good meal, and
…a game of cards.
…to play cards.
…playing a game of cards.
I have always enjoyed reading the book more than
...I watched the movie version
…watching the movie
…to watch the movie
When the weather ouside is cold and __________________, I like to be indoors.
…starting to get windy
…getting windy
Running, lifting, and ____________ are three of Ashley’s favorite exercises.
…a spinning class
He asked me to return his bike…
…and lock it up
…and to lock it up
…and I should lock it up
6. Jane is tall, blonde, and…
…she has blue eyes
…with blue eyes
Fill in the blanks in the sentences with parallel words or phrases of your own.
1. Riding the bus is _________________________, _________________________, and
2. If you ______________________________ and __________________________________, you will feel
3. It is much harder to ________________________________________ than to
4. At those parties, we had a lot of fun. We ________________________________,
___________________________________________, and
Part Two Review
Pick the best answers for the questions below:
1. Barbara’s favorite activity was playing hockey.
In the sentence above the phrase “playing hockey” is a/an
a. Appositive phrase
b. gerund phrase
c. participial phrase
d. prepositional phrase
2. After the end of the movie, we drove through town until we came to the river.
This sentence has:
a. three clauses
b. three verbs
c. three prepositional phrases
d. one subject and one predicate
3. Shattered by events in her traumatic childhood, Tammy tried to still her demons with
The phrase “shattered by events in her traumatic childhood” …
a. is a past participial phrase functioning as the subject of the sentence.
b. Is a past participial phrase modifying “Tammy”
c. Sounds like bad reality TV writing
d. b and c
4. My sister, the martyr, feels that she does all the chores.
The phrase “the martyr”…
a. is a noun phrase functioning as the subject of the sentence
b. is an appositive phrase
c. is a prepositional phrase
d. is a gerund