Student Research Symposium 2015 Researching the World: Performance, Adaptation, and Impact School of Education and Social Work, University of Sussex Thursday 18 June 2015 Call for Proposals We are delighted to announce the Call For Proposals for this year’s student research symposium, “Researching the World: Performance, Adaptation, and Impact,” taking place on Thursday 18 June 2015 at the University of Sussex. The schedule of the day is designed to be engaging, to be dynamic, and to generate discussions about social science research in the present and in the future. Additionally, the second half of the day will be set up as workshops in which participants can actively create impact around their research. The symposium committee invites submissions of brief 50 word abstracts for dynamic, engaging, unique presentations on the topics of Performance, Adaptation, and Impact (select just one) from postgraduate researchers across the social sciences. We are seeking creative presentations, such as Pecha Kucha style or Ted Talk style or unique performance interpretations (such as spoken word/slam poetry, music, dance, comedy, drama based, interactive or immersive theatre), of the three topics. Presentations are limited to 10 minutes and time will be strictly kept. Only three presentations will be chosen for each topic and the purpose is for those presentations to generate spirited discussions about social science research and the ways by which we are encouraged to perform, adapt, and create impact as researchers. We invite proposal submissions from researchers at any stage in their doctoral or master’s research process. If you had just ten minutes to cover the topic of Performance, Adaptation, or Impact, what would you do or say? How would you make those minutes count? What is the lasting impression you want to leave? Proposals could speak to, but are not limited by, subthemes such as: Performance within academia (e.g. presenting, teaching, job searching, networking) Performance within the research process (e.g. data collecting, analysing, theorising, writing) Adaptation within academia (e.g. presenting or writing for different audiences, adaptation within the process of becoming a researcher and a scholar) Adaptation to technology (e.g. research in the world of smart phones and social media) Creating Impact (e.g. using new and innovative ways to reach different audiences) Critiquing Impact (e.g. challenging the impact agenda) The symposium committee also invites poster submissions for display on the day. Posters can be focused on your research methods or findings. If you would like to give a presentation about Performance, Adaptation, or Impact or display a poster about your research, please complete and return the form included with this CFP to by 1st May 2015. Please register for the conference online by 1st June 2015 Twitter hashtag: #SussexSRS15 Facebook event: Supported by the Doctoral School’s Researcher-Led Initiative (RLI) Fund: Student Research Symposium 2015 Researching the World: Performance, Adaptation, and Impact School of Education and Social Work, University of Sussex Thursday 18 June 2015 Presentation and Poster Proposal Submission Form Name University Department E-mail Telephone Mailing Address Additional Presenters If you are presenting collaboratively, please list the names and universities of additional presenters Preference Presentation ☐ or Poster ☐ Note: Presentations are only ten minutes. Posters will be on display in the social room throughout the day Select one: Performance ☐ or Adaptation ☐ or Impact ☐ Presentation Title Poster Title Abstract 50 words maximum If you choose to include in text citations, they will count towards the word count If you choose to include a bibliography or reference list it will not count towards the word count Key Words (3 to 5) Tech Requests All rooms will be set up with a screen, computer, and projector. If you would like to give a presentation about Performance, Adaptation, or Impact or display a poster about your research, please complete and return this form to by 1st May 2015 with the following subject line: Proposal Submission 2015 Decisions on proposal submissions will be communicated no later than 15th May 2015.