Doctors. Diseases. Treatment.

Медулич Людмила Миколаївна,
вчитель англійської мови
НВК № 10 м. Хмельницького
7 клас. Третій урок з теми "Medicine".
Биркун Л. В. Наша англійська: Підручник для 7 кл. загальноосвіт. навч. закл. (6-й рік
навчання) – К.: Освіта, 2007. – 224 с.
Тема уроку: Doctors. Diseases. Treatment.
Мета :
вивчити додаткову лексику з теми “Medicine”
вдосконалювати лексико-граматичні навички учнів з теми;
навчити дітей правильно вживати нові ЛО у власних
висловлюваннях,мовленнєвих штампах,
закріпити навички вживання модального дієслова should,
розвивати навички непідготовленого монологічного і діалогічного мовлення,
вміння вести бесіду , обговорення та дискусію по проблемних завданнях,
розвивати аналітичне мислення,
формувати навички групової та парної роботи, почуття колективізму,
виховувати прагнення до здорового способу життя, стійкість до незгод.
Хід уроку.
І. Підготовка до сприйняття іншомовного мовлення:
1. Вітання, бесіда (слайд 1).
T.: - Good morning, children. How are you? How do you feel?
(Учні відповідають по черзі).
T.: It’s nice to see you in good health today. Let’s say something good to each other. Turn
to your partner and wish him or her something good. May I start?
- Natasha, I wish you to be active at the lesson and get a good mark.
( Учні виконують завдання).
2. Фонетична зарядка.
T.: What do we begin each our lesson with? Working with English sounds, and tongue
twisters help us to do this work interesting and useful. Today we have a new tongue twister.
Look at the screen (слайд 2 ). There you can see two English words someone can thing of the
same meaning, but there is a great difference between them:
a doctor
to doctor
Imagine you are dictionary makers and you have to explain these words to dictionary
users. What do you begin with? Yes, “a doctor” is a noun, it has an article “a”, “to doctor” has
“to” so it’s a verb.
“a doctor” is a profession or a person who treats other people;
“to doctor” is an action, it means” to treat “.
Now let’s look for these words in famouse Collins dictionary (слайд 3 ):
So, you are right.You are good dictionary makers.
T.: Our today’s tongue twister is connected with our following work. Look at the screen
(слайд 4):
-If one doctor doctors another doctor does the doctor who doctors the doctor doctors the
doctor the way the doctor who doctors doctors?
Translate it. What is it about? Recite it.
3. Мовленнєва розминка.
To prepare for English speaking let’s recite a chant (слайд 5):
Every time I get a headache
Mama takes me to the doctor
Every time I get a fever
Mama takes me to the nurse
Every time I get a toothache
Mama takes me to the dentist
Every time I see a dentist
I come home feeling worse.
ІІ. Основна частина.
1 Повідомлення теми й мети уроку
According to our main topic “Medicine , our today’s tongue twister and this chant we can
guess that our today’s topic is “Doctors.( What is connected with doctors?) Diseases. (What is
connected with diseases?) Treatment.” (слайд 6, 7, 8, 9) Take it down into your exercise books.
We shall talk about (слайд 10):
- different kinds of doctors,
- different diseases and treatment,
- we shall refresh our knowledge about modal verb “should”.
By the end of the lesson you will be able (слайд 11):
- to give recommendations about kinds of doctors,
- to talk about symptoms of some diseases,
- to give advice about healthy way of life,
-to know exactly when and how to use the modal verb “should”.
2. Перевірка домашньої роботи
T.: What was your homework for today? Yes, you had to write some sentences about
health and what we have to do to be fit. You had to use the verb “should”.
Who isn’t ready? Why? So, let’s begin.
Look at the screen. I want you to use Introductory phrases (слайд 12, 13): you can see
them on the screen. They add colour to our expressions.
(on the screen:
To my mind…
I am sure…
I think…
I agree with… that…
It’s known…
No doubt…)
(Орієнтовні відповіді:
-I think we should do morning exercises to be fit.
-I am sure young people shouldn’t drink and smoke.
-To my mind I should do sports.
-It’s known we should eat right food.
- No doubt we should spend time outdoors, it is very useful for our health.
-I agree with my mum that physical activity is very important for our body and brains, we
should do it.)
( Учні відповідають)
T.: Two pupils had a special homework (слайд 14). They had to make up a dialogue. Are
you ready? We have to listen to it attentively and decide if the girls are right or wrong. Tell
them your opinion.
(Орієнтовний діалог:
-Hello, Kate! How are you?
- Hello, Lera! I am not well.
-What’s happened?
- I am ill. I’ve got high temperature and an awfull headache. I think I need doctor’s help.
-Don’t be silly. My mum has a lot of different medicine. I’ll come to you and bring them
all with me.
- That’s good! I am sure it will help me! I’ll take different medicine and we’ll go for a
- Hurry up!
-OK! )
T.: Are the girls right? Why? Tell us your opinion. Please use the same phrases ( слайд
15): ( on the screen):
To my mind…
I am sure…
(Орієнтовні відповіді:
-I think the girls aren’t right because the patient should call a doctor.
-I agree with … that we should call or visit a doctor in case of illness.
-To my mind it’s dangerous to take medicine without doctor’s prescription.
-I am sure we should call a doctor.
-It’s known medicine can be poison.
-No doubt we should listen to doctor’s advice (слайд 16).)
T.: You must remember that medicine can be poison without doctor’s prescription.
3. Активізація лексичного матеріалу до теми.
I suggest to refresh our knowledge about different kinds of doctors and which cases of
diseases they can help in. And ex. 1 on page 60 will help us. I give you 1 minute to prepare. Pay
attention to the example. I begin:
-When I have a stomachache I go to a pediatrician.
(учні виконують завдання).
T.: Now let’s transform our sentences using the verb “should” (слайд 17). I begin:
-If I have a stomachache I should go to a pediatrician.
(учні виконують).
4. Вивчення і закріплення додаткової лексики з теми.
T.: Now let’s widen our vocabulary with new words. Ex. 3 on page 61 gives us new words
the meaning of which you can guess about ( слайд 18).
Now, repeat after me:
( на дошці)
common cold – проста застуда
runny nose - нежить
sneezing - чхання
flue - грип
coughing - кашляти
pneumonia - пневмонія
allergies - алергія
rash - висип
watery eyes - сльозотеча
T.: You have to read the text to yourselves and try to guess about the meaning of new
words. Your time is 1 minute. (Переклад слів з’являється на екрані після виконання учнями
(діти читають і перекладають текст мовчки , потім вголос).
( слайд 19)
Please make up your own sentences with new words. One minute more.
(діти виконують завдання, читають вголос).
(Орієнтовні відповіді:
-A common cold is very bad.
-My friend has a runny nose.
-Sneezing is a symptom of flue.
-He has a rash because he likes sweets.
-Last year she had pneumonia.
-Yesterday he started coughing.
-You should go to an eye doctor when you have watery eyes.
-A common cold is a wide spread illness.
-A common cold brings a runny nose and sneezing.
-Sneezing is an unpleasant thing.
-Flue is not easy.
-I have coughing and high temperature.)
5. Фізкультхвилинка. (слайд 20)
T.: And now we‘ll do a kind of physical exercises, that will help us in our following work.
Let’s form new pairs to work. We’ll do it in such way: I give you pieces of paper with parts of
proverbs about health. Finding another part you find a new partner for work. ( вправа 2 а), б) на
стор. 63). From this moment we work in pairs.
(діти отримують папірці з половинками прислів’їв , шукають по класу учнів з
іншими половинками, сідають разом).
Let’s check your work (кожна дитина читає свою половинку (слайд 21)).
7. Активізація додаткової лексики.
T:. Now let’s practice new vocabulary. Look at the pictures (слайд 22). (малюнки з
підручника для 6 класу, стор.58, автор Біркун Л.)
Are the children happy? What problems have they got? Match the pictures with one of the
dialogues from the cards.
(діти відповідають).
(Варіанти діалогів:
1.-Hello, Jack. Why weren’t you at school today?
-Hello, John. I am not well today. I’ve got a terrible headache and watery eyes.
-You shouldn’t watch TV late. You should go to bed earlier.
2.-Hello, Mary. How are you?
-I am bad. Maybe I’ve caught a cold. I start coughing.
-Take the temperature. Maybe you’ve got pneumonia or flue. You should stay in bed and
call your pediatrician.
3.-Hi, Steve! Let’s go to our sport club together!
-Oh, no. I am not well. I’ve got an awful stomachache and rash.
-Maybe you eat much unhealthy food and now you’ve got allergies. You should eat only
right food and you should go to a pediatrician.
4.-Hello, Anna. What’s happened with your voice?
-I’ve got a sore throat and a headache.
-I’m sure you ate too much ice-cream. You should drink warm tea.
5.-Hello, Maria.
-I can’t hear you well. I’ve got an earache.
-You should wear a cap. It’s cold now. And you should visit an ear doctor.
6.-Hi, Mike! How are you?
-I am not well. I’ve got a toothache.
-You shouldn’t eat too much sweets and chocolate. And you should go to a dentist.
T.: Thank you. You are good actors or these situations are familiar for you when you don’t
want to do anything or to go anywhere.
8. Самостійна робота.
And now one part of pupils go to computers for doing tests another part of pupils stays at
their places to do a very interesting work. Imagine you are experts of healthy life. Your work is
to find the reasons of some problems with health. Take cards and be ready to help every person
who needs your help (слайд 23).
Fill in the gaps.
(Варіанти тестів:
Test 1
Dentist is a doctor who treats:
a) teeth b) heart c)eyes d)throat
2. Pediatrition treats:
a)teeth b)headache c)pain in one’s knee d)eyes
3. Surgeon treats:
a)eyes b)broken arm c)stomach d)teeth
4.Eye doctor treats:
a)headache b)stomachache c)eyes d)teeth
1.Symptoms of common cold are
a)runny nose a)toothache c)pain in one’s knee d)rash e)high temperature
2.Symptoms of allergies are
a)broken leg b)pain in one’s heart c)headache d)rash e)watery eyes
3.Symptoms of pneumonia are
a)rash b)watery eyes c)high temperature d)broken finger e) coughing
4.Symptoms of flue are
a) runny nose b)toothache c)pain in one’s knee d)high temperature e) earache
Robert hasn’t got a healthy life. He doesn’t do sports. He goes to bed very late. In his free
time he watches a lot of TV. Why does he feel unhappy?
Mark has got quite an unhealthy life. He likes eating healthy food. He eats some fruit or
green vegetables every day. But he likes his computer and usually gets 5 hours sleep at night and
he cannot understand what teachers say at the lessons. Maybe he isn’t clever enough to study
Ann doesn’t feel happy. She eats a lot of fruit but she doesn’t like vegetables. She eats
chocolate or sweets three or five times a day. Very often she catches a cold. Why?
Paula isn’t happy. She likes junk food: crisps, hot dogs, burgers and biscuits. Very often
she’s got a stomachache. She wants to know what to do.
(орієнтовні відповіді:
… should sleep 8-9 hours at night. He should go in for sport-it will help him become fit
and sleep better.
… has to do sports. He must go to bed earlier. In his spare time it’s better for him to go out
with his friends. At home he can listen to music
It’s very dangerous often eat junk food. Maybe it’s tasty but it seriously hurt s human’s
body. Try to eat right food-it will help you to be healthy,…).
It’s very important to eat vegetables every day, they make body stronger. But sweets must
be eaten only two or three times a week,… .
(якщо залишився час:
To make our knowledge stronger let’s do one more exercise. It will help you to speak
English better. Please answer the questions. Be attentive while forming right answers (слайд 24).
1. What can happen if you eat too much chocolate and sweets?
Орієнтовна відповідь:
If I eat too much chocolate and sweets I can get a stomachache.
2.What can happen if you play computer games long?
3.What can happen if you drink cold water?
4.What can happen if you eat unhealthy food?
5.What can happen if you don’t wear a hat in cold weather?
6.What should you do if you catch a cold?
7. What should you do to keep your teeth healthy?
8.What should you do not to have a stomachache?
9.What should you do to have good eyesight?
ІІІ. Заключна частина уроку.
1. Підсумок уроку.
T.: Now our lesson is over. All of you worked very good. (Слайд 25)
Was the lesson interesting and useful for you?
What was the main topic to discuss at the lesson?
Do you find it actual?
Have you learned anything new today?
What exactly?
What was the most interesting stage for you?
Your marks are…
2. Домашнє завдання. (Слайд 26)
Your hometask for the next lesson will be of some levels:
-to take down new words into your vocabulary books-it’s for everybody
-for mark “twelve”-to make up your own dialogue on the topic.
-for mark“nine”- to learn by heart the dialogue from the book (ex.4,p.62).
-for mark “seven”- to read and translate the dialogue from the book.
T.: Stand up. Thanks a lot for your work. Goodbye.