20 Years of Waterwatch photo competition entry

20 Years of Waterwatch
Photo Competition
Entry form
Name of photographer
Name of parent/guardian
(if under 18)
(Parent/guardian if participant under 18)
Email Address:
Telephone number:
Image title:
Image caption:
Location where image taken:
 I have read and understand the Privacy Statement.
 (Tick if you agree) I agree to my personal information being used to send me information
about this and other Melbourne Water programs.
Please email this form, along with your image to Waterwatch@melbournewater.com.au
before 5.00pm on Monday 21st of October 2013.
1. ELIGIBILITY: Entrants must live within the Melbourne Water Service Boundary. Persons under 18years of age must have consent to enter the competition from a Parent or Guardian. The competition is
not open to anyone connected to the competition or employees of Melbourne Water. Photographs
must be original and have been taken by the entrant listed on the registration form. There is no
restriction on the number of entries by any one person.
2. SUBMISSION: Please email your images and entry form to Waterwatch@melbournewater.com.au
3. FORMAT: Electronic image, JPEG format, Maximum file size of 5MB (winners will be contacted
regarding larger file size if required)
4. OPEN AND CLOSING DATE: Submissions open Monday 30 September, 2013. Entries close at
5.00pm Monday, 21 October, 2013.
5. IDENTIFICATION: An Entry Form must be submitted with each photograph.
6. JUDGING: Selection of winning entries will take place after the closing date and prior to the
community barbeque. The judge’s decision in all respects will be final and no correspondence will be
entered into.
7. COPYRIGHT: By submitting your photograph to the 20 years of Waterwatch Photography
Competition, the entrant gives Melbourne Water permission to use, modify, adapt, disclose
communicate and reproduce the work in any publication in any format including electronic publications.
The purpose of such reproduction, communication, public display or publication, is for educational,
resource or publicity purposes. Melbourne Water reserves the right to edit or crop images for the
purposes of promotion and publicity on the internet, social media, events and other formats. All
photographers will be acknowledged for their work at all times.
includes the image of a person or people whose image/s is used must have given you
permission/consent to submit their image into this competition. This consent is the responsibility of the
entrant and by agreeing to these terms and conditions the entrant agrees that they have obtained this
consent. Melbourne Water will not be held responsible/accountable for promoting/displaying personal
images of people/persons who have not agreed to their images being used in the public domain.
9. PRIZES: All winners will be notified by telephone or email by Monday 28th October 2013. There will
be 12 winners who will be contacted to select a prize from: annual Zoos Victoria Membership, Arts
Centre Melbourne membership, Introduction to digital photography weekend course or a native plant
hamper. Prizes are not transferable and cannot be taken as cash.
10. CONSENT: By signing the entry form, I give permission to Melbourne Water and other
organisations authorised by Melbourne Water to use, by means of any media and in any way, the
images I submit to the 20 years of Waterwatch Photography Competition. Unless payment to me has
been expressly authorised by Melbourne Water, I will not make any claim for payment against
Melbourne Water or any organisation authorised by Melbourne Water for its use of the images,
11. PRIVACY STATEMENT: Melbourne Water is committed to protecting personal information we
collect in the course of our business, so we want you to know how we will be handling the information
you provide when you enter this competition and let us know if you agree or if you have any concerns.
The personal information Melbourne Water collects when you complete this entry form will be used
primarily to administer the ‘20 Years of Waterwatch Photo Competition’. Incomplete entry forms may
not be considered eligible.
Winning photographs and other photographs entered in the competition may be published in
accordance with the Conditions of Entry, with the name of the person who submitted the photograph.
We will make all reasonable attempts to seek your permission to include your name and suburb/town
before publishing them.
If you or other people appear in a photograph you submit in this competition, and that photograph is
selected for publication, Melbourne Water understands that:
 You and others who appear consent to Melbourne Water publishing the photograph on our
websites or in other publications in accordance with the Conditions of Entry, and
 You understand that others may identify you from the photograph and the name and location
published with it.
De-identified information from entry forms may be used by Melbourne Water to prepare reports on the
Melbourne Water may use your contact details in the future to send you information about this and
other Melbourne Water programs.To access your personal information, contact Melbourne Water’s
Privacy Advisor by calling 131 722 or emailing enquiry@melbournewater.com.au. Our Privacy Policy is
available on our website (melbournewater.com.au) or by contacting us as above.