SECURE E-BANKING SECURITY Abstract Aim: As we are talking about the secured bank login over here so we need to consider and include some factors which can secure the bank account login process. So what is that we are going to do here, encrypt the passwords? Yes that could be the only thing we can do to save our lives from the hackers who try hacking our bank accounts. So now the question is how, how exactly and appropriately are we going to do this? Here in our application we provide a security for the user password. Each time when user wants to login in the site a new password is generated for him and that password is encrypted and sends to user mail id. User has to decrypt the encrypted password with a private key owned by user. Decrypted password is sent to user mobile( this is done in application). Now user can login using his decrypted password. Existing System: The first step of preliminary study in the system analysis process involves the identification of needs for computerization. The motivation behind this project is to overcome all the defects in the existing system. Some defects in existing system are: • Actual password sending to mail • Permanent storage of passwords in Database • No usage of Cryptography techniques Proposed System: Further Details Contact: A Vinay 9030333433, 08772261612 Email: | Features of proposed system: Changing Password Regularly Password Encryption using RSA algorithm Asymmetric key encryption technique(public key and private key) Secure login process(password send to only personal mobile) Secure logged out process(used password deactivated) Modules: Module Description In this we have five modules Registration Module Encryption and Decryption Module Mail Module Mobile Module Login and Transactions Module Registration Module : This module provides the Registraion form for Customers to Register for online Transaction. Customer has enter his account details and his personal details. The account Number of customer is treated as primary key for all customers so account number must be unique. Duplicate account numbers are not allowed. We can place various constraints to secure usernames and passwords like encryption and uniqueness etc., Encryption And Decryption Module: Further Details Contact: A Vinay 9030333433, 08772261612 Email: | In this module, When customer registered with registration form after successfully registration a key pair is generated for each customer key pair contains public key and private key. These key pair is generated using RSA algorithm. When customer wants to login into online banking he has to request for new password. Application will provide new random password which is encrypted by public key and that will sent to his mail. Customer has to decrypt his password using his private key , that decrypted password will send to his mobile. Email Module : In this module For sending and Receiving Email from the application we are using Apache James mail Server as the local SMTP server. When user request a new password that new password will encrypt and sent to customer Mail. When we create account with James mail server, James server will provide all mail services like inbox, outbox, spam . All received mail will stored in inbox folder of registered user. Mobile Module: When the user logs in to the system by entering his mobile number, it is verified whether he is an authorized user or not. If he is an authorized user then the corresponding page is displayed. If he is authorized user then his new password will displayed which is sent form the application . Using this new password customer can login to the banking application for further transactions . Login And Transaction Module: When custormer logged with his account number and his new password, customer can do following operations. Further Details Contact: A Vinay 9030333433, 08772261612 Email: | 1. View his balance 2. Fund Transfer 3. Mini Statement or Previous Transactions 4. logout Hardware And Software Requirements Hard Ware Requirements Processor:: Pentium-III (or) Higher Ram:: 254MB (or) Higher Cache:: 512MB Hard disk:: 40GB Soft Ware Requirements Tools:: Micro Soft Front Operating System:: WindowsNT/2000 Server Side:: JSP with Tomcat Server Client Side:: HTML ,JavaScript Services:: JDBC Database:: My SQL J2ME tool kit Apache James Mail Server Integrated Development Environment: Elipse Further Details Contact: A Vinay 9030333433, 08772261612 Email: | Further Details Contact: A Vinay 9030333433, 08772261612 Email: |