Carnan School 1930 to 1939

Biographies of Pupils of Carnan Public
School 1930 – 1939
Dolina MacDonald (Dolaidh Sheonag Dhomnaill Mhor)............................................................................... 3
Robert Maclntyre (Robert Aonghais Alein Bhig) ........................................................................................... 3
Ewen MacDonald (Eobhann Sheonaidh Dhomhnaill Mhoir) ........................................................................ 4
Donald MacKillop (Domhnall Sheonaidh Uilleam) ........................................................................................ 5
Donald MacCormick (Domhnall ach Charmaig) ............................................................................................ 5
Colin Archie Johnson (Cailean Archie Rhuairidh Chailein) ............................................................................ 5
Angus MacLean (Aonghas Lachlainn Dhomhnaill) ........................................................................................ 6
Magnus MacRae (Magnus Iain Bhig ach Chradh) ......................................................................................... 7
William MacKillop (Uilleam Sheonaidh Uilleam) .......................................................................................... 9
Mary MacLean (Mairi Lachlainn Dhomhnaill) ............................................................................................. 12
Flora MacKillop (Florag Sheonaidh Uilleam) ............................................................................................... 13
Mary Johnson (Mairi Rhuairidh Chailein) ................................................................................................... 16
Margaret MacKillop (Mairead Sheonaidh Uilleam) .................................................................................... 16
Mary Alexandrina Johnson (Mairi Alex Rhuairidh Chailein) ....................................................................... 16
Robert Maccallum (Rob Ruadh) .................................................................................................................. 17
Ronald Johnson (Raonull Rhuairidh Chailein) ............................................................................................. 18
John Joseph Johnson (lain Mor Ruairidh Chailein) ..................................................................................... 19
Samuel MacLellan (Somhairle lain Shomhairle) ......................................................................................... 19
Andrew MacKillop (Andra Sheonaidh Uilleam) .......................................................................................... 20
Ronald Joseph Maccormick (Raonull ae Charmaig) .................................................................................... 21
Effie Johnson (Oirig Rhuairidh Chailein) ..................................................................................................... 21
lain and Isabel MacGibbon.......................................................................................................................... 23
Dolina MacDonald (Dolaidh Sheonag Dhomnaill Mhor)
Dolly was a daughter of Joan MacDonald and she was born in Lochcarnan on 7 August 1930.
Dolly was brought up by her grandmother, Mary MacDonald. She learned to use the weaving loom and
was a noted weaver. She commenced a correspondence with an Irish man, Alex Cook who was a ship
mate of Donnie MacInnes’ on board the “Pacific Reliance”, and they eventually married. The wedding
took place in the autumn of 1950 in Carnan School. Dolly and Alex went to live in County Wexford in
Ireland and Dolly’s grandmother went with them too. Dolly had one daughter and a son. She died in the
early sixties.
Robert Maclntyre (Robert Aonghais Alein Bhig)
Robert was born in 1930, he was the adopted son of Annie Campbell and Angus MacIntyre who lived in
Sandivaig and he came to live with them when he was six years old.
After leaving school Robert worked locally for a few years. He was working at building lochdar School
when he had an accident something fell him and his leg was broken. He was in Daliburgh Hospital for
quite a while and got compensation for his injuries. Afterwards he was in the army for two years
National Service. When he left the Army he worked on the mainland, mostly down south. Sadly Robert
died in Sheffield in February 1968 at the age of thirty seven years.
Robert MacIntyre
Ewen MacDonald (Eobhann Sheonaidh Dhomhnaill Mhoir)
Ewen was born in Ardmore on 31 March 1931, the oldest son of Ann MacInnes and John Macdonald.
After leaving Carnan School Ewen worked on the croft for a few years before going off to the mainland
to seek employment.
Donald MacKillop (Domhnall Sheonaidh Uilleam)
Donald’s parents were Jessie Wilson and John MacKillop of Rhudhgashernish, he was born on 11 May
After he left school Donald was fishing locally before he was called up to do National Service. He joined
the Army and was known as a good piper. After his two years National Service Donald went to Glasgow
to work for the Clyde Trust. He married May Macdonald from Bemeray, North Uist in Glasgow where
they lived for many years and raised a family of one girl and three boys. Donald has now retired and
lives in Dunbeath, Caithness with his family.
Donald MacCormick (Domhnall ach Charmaig)
Donald was a son of Mary MacRae and Angus MacCormick of Rhudhgashernish, he was born on 28 May
Donald left home quite young and, after doing National Service, he went to sea. He married and settled
on the mainland though he often came back to the old family home for holidays. Sadly Donald passed
on some years ago.
Colin Archie Johnson (Cailean Archie Rhuairidh Chailein)
Colin Archie was born on 28 June 1931, he was the third child of Mary MacPhee and Roderick Johnson.
His mother died shortly after he was born and his father married Isa Johnson. After he left Carnan
School Colin Archie worked at crofting and fishing before he left home to join the Navy. Colin Archie did
not marry. He worked at sea for a good number of years before retiring to Glasgow where he now lives,
though he is a frequent visitor to Uist.
Colin Archie Johnson (middle, bottom row) and Donald MacLean (right, bottom row) on board the ‘Laconia’
Angus MacLean (Aonghas Lachlainn Dhomhnaill)
Angus’ birth was 31 July 1931, his parents were Margaret Mathie and Lachlan MacLean of
Angus remained on the island living in the family home above Bagh na Creige Loisgte, Rhudhgashernish.
He worked the croft and was the post man for Rhudhgashernish for quite a number of years. Sadly he
died a couple of years ago.
Angus MacLean
Magnus MacRae (Magnus Iain Bhig ach Chradh)
Magnus was eleventh and youngest child of Christina MacCormick and John MacRae of Ard na Laogh,
While he was a pupil at Carnan School, Magnus won a bursary to go to Daliburgh School.
When his school days were over Magnus worked in Uist for a few years before he did his National
Service in the Army. When he left the Army he worked as a light house keeper in Orkney for a few years,
then moved to Birmingham to work in an office. Magnus is married with two girls; and still lives in
Magnus MacRae outside the MacLellan’s house at Sanivaig
William MacKillop (Uilleam Sheonaidh Uilleam)
William was the third child of Jessie Wilson and John MacKillop of Bagh na Creige Loisgte,
Rhudhgashernish, he was born on 7 October 1932.
After he left Carnan School William worked at the Lochboisdale Hotel as a ghillie until he joined the
Army to do his National Service. Like his two brothers, Donald and Andrew, he is a noted piper. When he
left the Army he went to Elgin in Sutherland and worked as a bar man in a hotel there. He married Katy
Mary Morrison from Loch Eynort, South Uist and they had a family of two girls and a boy. Donald moved
to England after he married. He has now taken early retirement and lives in Dewsbury, West Yorkshire.
Katy Maggie Beaton (Ceitag Niall Pheutan)
Katy was the eleventh and youngest child of Mary MacKay and Neil Beaton of Rhudhgashernish, she was
born on 18 March 1933.
When Katy left Carnan School she worked for Dr MacKinnon in Griminish, Benbecula for several years.
She married Archie MacRury from Nunton and she has lived there ever since, bringing up a family of
three boys and three girls.
Katy Beaton
Mary MacLean (Mairi Lachlainn Dhomhnaill)
Mary was born on 22 November 1933, the youngest child of Margaret Mathie and Lachlan MacLean of
Bagh na Creige Loisgte, Rhudhgashernish.
After she left Carnan School Mary stayed at home for a while then she went to work in Glasgow for a
few years. She had several jobs including working in a factory making spectacles and working in the civil
service. She got married on the mainland to Angus MacInnes from East Gerinish, South Uist and had one
daughter. Mary and Angus returned to live in East Gerinish after Mary Margaret was born. For a long
time Mary looked after both her parents and Angus’s parents. She has been working for the Army for a
number of years now and she was widowed a couple of years ago.
The wedding of Mary MacLean her brother Donald gave her away
Flora MacKillop (Florag Sheonaidh Uilleam)
Flora’s parents were Jessie Wilson and John MacKillop of Bagh na Creige Loisgte, Rhudhgashernish, she
was born on 19 April 1934.
Flora should have left school in April 1949 when she was 15 years old, however her mother broke her
ankle in the January and Flora had to stay off school to look after her. John MacInnes, the Education
Officer gave word for her to return to school, which she did in May and she finally left Carnan School on
1 July 1949.
Flora remained at home looking after her parents until May 1954 when she went to work in Ganavan
Sands Tea Room near Oban. She returned to South Uist later that year and went to work in Dougie
Morrison's house in West Gerinish and then, in 1955, in Donald John MacDonald‘s house also in West
Flora married Alex MacLeod and they lived in Flora’s family home on the shore of Bagh an Creige Loisgte
bringing up a family of five girls and two boys. She now lives at Rhubha Doigheag in Iochdar.
Mary Alec Johnson and Flora MacKillop
Annabella MacCormick (Anna ach Charmaig)
Anna was born at Rhudhgashernish on 8 June 1934, the sixth child Mary MacRae and Angus
After leaving Carnan School Anna went to Strathpeffer to work in Ben Wyvis Hotel where she met her
husband Alan MacDonald from Strathpeffer. Anna and Alan lived the rest of their lives in Strathpeffer,
they had one son. Sadly Anna died suddenly a few years ago.
Anna MacCormick
Mary Johnson (Mairi Rhuairidh Chailein)
Mary was born on 21 July 1934 at Holmar, Lochcarnan, her parents were lsa Johnson and Roderick
Mary was exempted from her last months at school because her mother was ill. Later she worked in
domestic service locally before going to the mainland to do nursing. She married Neil MacRury from East
Gerinish, where she now lives, and brought up a family of seven boys and two girls. Mary has a
considerable and encyclopedic local knowledge. She is a co-researcher (with Jane Twelves) of the
“Lochcarnan Schools” project and, through the auspices of “Ancestor Research — Uist” she is
documenting her knowledge of local families and places.
Margaret MacKillop (Mairead Sheonaidh Uilleam)
Margaret’s Parents were Jessie Wilson and John MacKillop of Bagh na Creige Loisgte, Rhudhgashernish,
she was born on 26 September 1935. Margaret worked locally before going to the mainland where she
later met Alasdair MacKay from North Uist. They settled in Oban and brought up a family of two boys
and a girl. Margaret still lives in Oban.
Mary Alexandrina Johnson (Mairi Alex Rhuairidh Chailein)
Mary Alex was a daughter of Isa Johnson and Roderick Johnson of Holmar, Lochcarnan. She was born on
5 January 1936.
Mary Alex was the first pupil from Carnan School to pass the eleven plus examination and go to
Lochaber High School in Fort William. She then trained as a nurse in Glasgow and did district nursing.
She married Ronald MacAleese from Kilmun. They emigrated to New Zealand in 1985.
Three girls who all passed the 11+ exam: Angela MacEachen (Lochboisdale), Ena MacDonald (Iochdar) and Mary
Alec Johnson (Holmar)
Robert MacCallum (Rob Ruadh)
Robert was born on 22 March 1936, a son of Flora Bryceland.
Robert married Agnes MacAskill of Berneray, North Uist and they had three daughters. After a spell of
living in Glasgow the family returned to live in Lochcaman and Robert worked for the Army. Sadly Robert
died in 1994.
Robert MacCallum at a dance
Ronald Johnson (Raonull Rhuairidh Chailein)
Ronald was born at Holmar, Lochcaman on 26 February 1937, his parents were lsa and Roderick
Ronald remianed on the family croft, where he still lives, and worked locally. He married Christina
MacRury from Caolas and brought up a family of two girls and three boys.
Ronald Johnson, Sarah May Johnson, Colin Archie Johnson and Annie MacPherson
John Joseph Johnson (lain Mor Ruairidh Chailein)
John was born on 13 March 1938, a son of lsa Johnson and Roderick Johnson of Holmar.
John worked locally for a while after he left school then, like all young lads of his age, he went to the
mainland. He did his two years National Service in the Army and then joined the Merchant Navy. John
settled in Wellington, New Zealand where he works as second-in-charge in a factory. In Wellington he
met and married Mary Morrison who has Uist and Barra connections. They have three boys.
Samuel MacLellan (Somhairle lain Shomhairle)
Samuel was born on 18 January 1939, his parents were Margaret MacDonald and John MacLellan of
Sam left Carnan School at the age of twelve and went to Gerinish School. He stayed at home for several
years after leaving school working at fishing and weaving. He moved away for a while and worked for
the Northern Lighthouse Board. He returned to South Uist and worked locally. Sammy married Ann
from Poolewe and lived in Sandivaig for a while before moving to Torlum, Benbecula. They had four
Sammy was tragically drowned whilst out fishing in the South Ford in 1972, he was 31 years old.
The wedding of Sammy MacLellan
Andrew MacKillop (Andra Sheonaidh Uilleam)
Andrew is the youngest child of Jessie Wilson and John MacKillop of Bagh na Creige Loisgte,
Rhudhgashernish; he was born on 22 January 1939.
When he left school Andrew went to work in Lochboisdale Hotel for a few years before he joined the
Army. He served for 22 years with the Queens Own Cameron Highlanders and was a Pipe Major. He
travelled all over the world. When he retired from the Army he settled in Harrogate and was a postman
there for a few years, he now works in a hotel in Harrogate.
Ronald Joseph Maccormick (Raonull ae Charmaig)
Ronald was born on 20 July 1939, the youngest and seventh child of Mary MacRae and Angus
MacCormick of Rhudhgashernish.
Ronald left home quite young to seek employment on the mainland. He settled in Cheshire where he is
married and had a family. Ronald and his wife Ann often visit South Uist.
Effie Johnson (Oirig Rhuairidh Chailein)
Effie was born on October 1939, a daughter of Isa Johnson and
[Bit missing]
pneumonia and then she broke her leg. It was a long way to school and her older sister Mary remembers
having to carry Effie on her back quite often!
Effie left Carnan School when she was eleven to attend Lochaber High School on the mainland. When
she finished her schooling she returned home to Holmar to look after her mother as her father had died.
She worked in Balivanich for the Department of Agriculture and Fisheries. She married Gordon Tuslin
from Stafford and they emigrated to Canada, where they still live. They started a silver smith’s business
and Effie did some teaching as well as working in the family business. Effie has a family of three boys.
Effie Johnson
lain and Isabel MacGibbon
lain and Isobel were the children of Mary MacEachen of Rhudhgashernish and John MacGibbon. They
were evacuated to Rhudhgashernish during the Second World War and attended Carnan School.
Other pupils born in the thirties :
Alecina Colhoun
Clann Sheonaidh Dhomhnaill Mhoir :
Jessie MacDonald
Mary MacDonald
Donald MacDonald
Angus John MacDonald
Alecina Colhoun
Alecina Colhoun
Alecina’s great grandmother outside her home in Rhudhgashernish