Academic Discourse Sentence Starters * Secondary Grades

Academic Discourse Sentence Starters – Secondary Grades
Unpacking Your Thinking
 I think/believe…because…
 It seems to me that ___
 My partner/group and I
determined that_____
because _____.
 I/We concluded that ____
because ______.
 My perspective is ______
because _______.
 I approached it by _____
because _______.
 In my opinion ______
because ________.
Comparing Contributions
 I went about it somewhat
 I agree with ___, but I
don’t agree with ___
because ____________.
 My perspective is similar
to _____’s in that _____.
 You might consider trying
 My idea builds upon
 Have your thought
Paraphrasing Contributions
 If I understand you correctly,
your opinion is _______.
 Let me see if I have this right.
You think/believe ________.
 In other words, you are
saying __________.
 So, you are recommending
that ____________.
 In other words, you
think/believe/feel that _____.
 So your opinion is _________.
Affirming Contributions
 I agree that ___________.
 I see what you mean
by ______.
 Now I understand your
perspective on ________.
 I share your point of view
on _______________.
 My thinking is similar to
yours because ________.
 Your explanation helped
me understand ______.
 I noticed that _______.
Asking For Clarification
 I have a question about ___.
 I wonder about ________.
 Can you say more about __?
 What do you mean by ____?
 Will you explain ____ again?
 I don’t quite understand
 Could you elaborate on ___?
 Would you mind explaining
that in another way?
Critiquing Others’ Reasoning
 What evidence do you have
that supports your claim of
 It doesn’t appear that you
have sufficient evidence to
claim _________.
 I don’t believe your argument
is viable because _______.
 Could you please give me an
example to support your
 There was no proof when you
said, “_____” so please
elaborate on ___________.
Drawing Conclusions
 Based on _______, my
hypothesis/conjecture is
 I can conclude ________
because ___________.
 I predict ____ because ___.
 The evidence that supports
my conclusion is _______.
 My argument is viable
because ____________.
 I can justify my conclusion
by ____________.
 Upon analysis of the text, I
can conclude __________
Interjecting an Idea
 May I say something?
 May I add an idea?
Holding the Floor
 As I was saying…..
 What I was trying to express
was __________________.
 If I could finish my thought…
 I would like to complete my
thought please.
Academic Discourse Sentence Starters – Secondary Grades