Ministry of Healthcare of Ukraine Ukrainian Scientific and Research Institute of dermatology and venereology Manuscript copyright Poberezhnik Olga Yurievna Polymethylsiloxane sorbents in the complex treatment of allergodermatoses 14.01.19 Dermatology and venereology diseases Thesis synopsis of a dissertation for scientific degree of PhD in Medical Sciences Kharkov, 1996 General characteristics Problem relevance Recent studies show a significant role of allergic diseases in the structure of diseases, while, according to the forecast of WHO, they will be the first by 2000 (Ado A.D., 1978; Sidorenko E.M., 1991; G.Coqqeyk, 1985). That is why the problem of allergodermatosis is of high importance. The use of different sources of energy, urbanization, widespread use of chemical products contributed to the change in reactivity, reduction and growth of immune-resistant allergization of population. Various environmental factors (physical, chemical, infectious and others) to some extent have an impact on people, especially on her skin and mucous membranes, causing under certain conditions, a number of responses and depending on the degree of exposure to an irritant causing allergic Development (A.K.Bajaj, 1985). It is known that in the pathogenesis of allergic leading role belongs to immune disorders that manifest themselves in the form of dis-function cell-humoral factors. There heterogeneity changes related to the disorder of the functional activity of lymphocytes, immunoglobulins and other immune cell populations, and the nature of their response to various stimuli classified as an imbalance of the immune system by many authors (L.D. Kalyuzhna, 1990; I.I. Moors, 1990; E.M. Soloshenko, 1991; H.S. Tserayidys, 1990, E.Silverberg, 1987, R. Ambbard, 1985). Allergic reactions associated with these disorders are often accompanied by disorders of neurohumoral and endocrine regulation, metabolic changes and chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, upper respiratory tract, etc. (Yu.M.Halperin, 1986; L.D.Kalyuzhna, 1987 ; M. Capran, 1985; N.Lizko, 1987). Due to multiple-factor pathogenesis of allergic dermatoses, use of traditional therapy not always provides normalization of immune homeostasis in patients (H.M. Byelyayev, 1990; I.D. Mavrov, 1991; Ya.F. Kutasevych, 1995; E.M. Soloshenko, 1991; H.S.Tserayidys, 1991; Z.O.Tkachuk, 1990; Z. Norn , 1988; L. Peyzet, 1986). Currently glucocorticoid drugs are recognized as the most effective, but their use is limited to phenomena that develop in the process and after treatment. Negative impact on the treatment of allergic dermatoses and prolonged use of hormonal external means (L.P.Tsyrkunov, 1987; L.Hallberg, 1987). In the recent years in the medical science and practice are widely used various absorption materials because of their physical and chemical properties, they not only absorb abnormal metabolites, but also can be a matrix for production of complex immobilized drugs (enzymes, anesthetics, antibiotics, herbal remedies etc.), (H.M. Byelyayev, 1990; M.O. Byelyakov, 1990; D. Carmelio, 1989; Ya.F. Kutasevych, 1995; Yeitamo, 1986). Accumulation of free radicals, aldehydes, ketones and other toxic substances in the body of patients with allergic dermatosis causes damage to cell membranes. Use in these cases of sorbents greatly improves the patient's condition, but long-term results are good, along with sorbents and means of metabolic therapy: phytomedications, antibiotics and other drugs. In ntoxication of the body sorbogels facilitate interaction of biologically active compounds from plants to phramcoreceptors of organs and tissues, are adsorbed from the intestinal contents and blood of toxic substances and adsorb products of incomplete metabolism. Sorbogels of phytomedications improve renal function, protect intestines and liver, thus enveloping the intestinal mucosa and stomach, from erosive processes. Additionally, herbal remedies have a general stimulating and adaptogenic effect. The use of sorbents with immobilized by application based on them antibiotics contributes to seizure of toxic metabolites of microbial cells and bacterial toxins from inflamed surfaces by direct contact of sorbent (O.M.Hrytsenko, 1992; I.I.Mavrov, 1995; Ya.F.Kutasevych, 1995; Yu.M.Shevchenko, 1993; R.Baiker, 1988; L.L. Woods, 1987). Use of soprbogel phytomedications, antibiotics and other substances are more effective in combination with conventional drug therapy because it promotes rapid disappearance of the various manifestations of allergic reactions. With ample range of vehicles, we can individualize treatment, taking into account the peculiarities of the disease and the presence of accompanying diseases. All of the foregoing has defined goals and objectives. Purpose. Development, justification and implementation of comprehensive treatment of allergic dermatoses using enterosorptioin, with application of sorption products based on polymethylsiloxane sorbents. Study objectives: To investigate the dynamics of immune homeostasis in patients with allergic dermatosis. To identify these patients in the most dynamic indices of functional state of the liver and kidneys. To study the dynamics of qualitative and quantitative composition of microflora in the lesions of patients with microbial eczema. To explore enterosorbogels’ therapeutic efficacy in treatment of patients with allergic dermatosis. To study the therapeutic efficacy of the drugs: imosgent in the external treatment of microbial eczema. Materials and methods. Under our supervision were 248 patients, including 108 patients with microbial eczema, 72 - true eczema, 68 - allergic dermatitis. Before treatment complaints, case histories, clinical examinations were conducted in patients. According to the testimony, they consulted a physician, neurologist, gastroenterologist, pulmanologist, gynecologist and surgeon. Residents of the city as a whole were 90.4%, countryside residents - 9.6%. By occupation dominated industrial workers -59%, employees and pensioners 17%, pupils and students - 14%. According to the history of the chemically hazardous substances in manufacturing contacted 25%. At the time of inspection dermatosis in all patients acute dermatitis was observed. 60% of them had rashes common in nature, 40% - localized. Depending on the treatment patients were divided into the following groups: 58 of 108 patients with microbial eczema receiving conventional treatment with sorption, were experimental group, the rest 50 patients - control group who underwent only conventional therapy. Of 72 patients with true eczema 25 receiving treatment with sorbogels, were the first research group, and 25 people, which, received treatment with phytosorbogels (polymethylsiloxane sorbent with an extract of licorice by enterosorption) - the second experimental group and 22 patients - control group - were receiving only traditional treatment. Of 68 patients with atopic dermatitis 24 subjected to traditional treatment using sorbogel and enterosorption, were the first research group among patients dermatitis. 24 patients treated using enterosorption sphytosorbogels were research group, among these patients 20 - control group -received only traditional treatment. Control group included 7 healthy persons. According to the medical history of all patients microbial eczema was caused by trauma or surgery, complicated with pyococcus infection. The disease onset was expressed with eczema and dermatitis in 29.4% associated with psychotrauma, 15.7% -with the influence of household and industrial chemicals, 7.0% - from hypothermia, 5.1% - with administration of medicines, 57 5% - with alimentary errors, in 37.1% there was no visible reasons of dermatosis. Aggravation and relapses occurred in patients annually or several times a year, mostly in cold seasons. The causes of aggravation, and a history in 30.0% of patients were negative psycho-emotional conditions, in 21.0% - hypothermia, in 37,0% - impact of allergic food, medicines, domestic and industrial allergens). Often relapses occurred for no apparent reason. In 30.1% of patients, in addition to allergic dermatoses, additional pathology was marked, including chronic bronchitis, diseases ENT-organs, gastritis, cholecystitis, stomach and duodenal ulcer, gynecological and endocrine diseases. In addition, 12% of patients with microbial eczema, 27.4% - with eczema and 32.4% - with allergic dermatosis had some definite form of allergic diseases (hay fever, urticaria, exudative diathesis) . Research methods. To solve the tasks of the study, it included hematologic, chemical, immunological, bacteriological methods. Exploring immunological reactivity, the number and functional activity of T-lymphocytes, the number of B-lymphocytes, CIC and immunoglobulins A, M, O, E (R.V.Petrov, 1984; HE.Frymel, 1982) were determined. Hematological studies were performed, given the international system units and determined the following indicators: ESR, number of erythrocytes and leukocytes, leukocyte formula, the amount of hemoglobin (I.A.Kasyrskyy, 1970). In biochemical tests determined the functional state of the liver and kidneys (bilirubin, creatinine, urea, total protein concentrations and protein fractions - albumin and globulin) (V.H.Kolb, 1988). Bacteriological studies were performed in patients with microbial eczema accordance with the "Guidelines for the use of standardized microbiological research methods in clinical diagnostic laboratories " Order of the Ministry of Health №3 from 04.22.1985; "Methodological recommendations on the use of bacterial biological agents in the treatment of patients with intestinal infections, diagnosis and treatment of intestinal dysbiosis" Order №10-11 / 31, the Ministry of Health from 04.14.1986. In selected strains, antibacterial activity to 17 antibiotics was studied that are widely used in clinics under the "Methodological recommendations for determining susceptibility to antibiotics by agar diffusion using disks", 1983. Of particular importance was attached to clinical observation of disease. For this purpose, conducted repeated examination of the patient. Statistical analysis of research materials by conventional methods (Yu.V.Urbach, 1975; E.V.Hubler, 1978), the average number of comparisons were made using Student's t test, with the significant difference of average values at p <0.05. Study results. In all patients the clinical picture was marked by clear polymorphism and diversity rash. Patients worried about itching of varying intensity, which contributed to the development of neurotic disorders with symptoms of sleep disorders up to insomnia. Inflammatory foci were the site erythema, exudative papules microvesicules, pustules, erosion. With time on their surface appeared serous exudate, forming areas of weeping macerated horny layer that peeled. In patients with allergic dermatitis such phenomena arose under the influence of some factors or after contact with some substances. The prevalence of morphological elements in patients with eczema allowed to diagnose forms of the disease: pruriginous (23.6%), dyshidrotic (6.9%), seborrheic (16.6%), pediatric (11.1%) and professional (41.8%). Of the 68 patients in 59 patients with allergic dermatitis was associated with repeated contacts with chemicals, medicines, substances of plant and animal origin. Microbial eczema usually began with pustules, acute inflammatory exudative erythema or papule in the areas of injury to the skin. Virtually all 248 patients observed had different degrees of disturbances in immune status, biochemical tests, hemogram, in qualitative and quantitative composition of microflora. All patients received complex wide-ranging therapy. The results were evaluated with regard to clinical data, the dynamics of immunological and biochemical tests, etc. This takes into account: the length of stay of patients in hospital, taken into account the duration of remission and relapse severity of manifestations, dynamic changes of the skin. Focused complex therapy, including various treatments affect both the mechanisms that determine the development of allergic inflammatory reactions, and central nervous system. A significant role was assigned to a alimentary diet: exclusion of limited or completely prohibited substances. Much attention was payed to the digestive tract and treatment of intercurrent diseases. The traditional complex treatment was conducted in the control and experimental groups using nonspecific hyposensitization (calcium chloride, solution hyposulfite, etc.). Antihistamine drugs were intended to reduce the excitability of the nervous system as sedatives. Vitamin were appointed. Some of the patients underwent reorganization of focal infection. Additionally physiotherapy was prescribed. With a durable and long flow process administered biosty-mulyatory, with large lesions, intoxication carried detoxification therapy. The treatment plan was individual for the specific dermatosis forms, presence of concomitent diseases, susceptibility to relapse, the general state of the patient's tolerability of therapy. Patients in the first experimental group with eczema and atopic dermatitis were treated simultaneously with conventional treatment and polymethylsiloxane sorbent Enterosgel as follows: one tablespoon (15g) of enterosorbent in a double volume of water and after dissolution (approximately 10-15 minutes) the mixture was thoroughly stirred to obtain a homogeneous mass, and taken inside with water. The daily dosage for adults was 45 g, for children - 30 g. The sorbent was taken 2 hours before or 2 hours after a meal or medication. The duration of treatment was 7-14 days. In severe disease forms double dose was used, and the rate increased. Patients of the second experimental group received phytosorbogel - polymethylsiloxane enterosorbent "Enterosgel" with immobilized licorice root extract. The misture was administered by the same scheme as Enterosgel. Patients with microbial eczema received the sorbogel Imosgent with aminoglycoside antibiotics gentamicin. The drug was used by the application. The technique was as follows: imosgent was applied to the inflamed surface after pretreatment - washing with antiseptic required and covering with drying cotton swabs. The dose was chosen so as to evenly cover all the lesion: Imosgent was applied daily. After the reduction of inflammation, granulation and boundary epithelialization appeared treated with neutral ointment. Duration of treatment - 10-12 days. The complex included antibiotic gentamicin, which had a strong antibacterial effect. About 90 % of selected strains in patients surveyed were sensitive to this antibiotic. In addition, when applied to the skin surface it had no significant allergenic action. Figures 1 and 2 show the dynamics of clinical manifestations in patients with eczema and allergic dermatitis of three groups: control and two experimental groups. Use of sorbogels and phytosorbogels in the treatment led to much faster disappearance of rash elements compared with the control group, which only drugs used. Thus, rash in the first experimental group disappeared at 6-8 days of treatment in most patients, in the second experimental group of patients with eczema and allergic dermatitis, this figure was somewhat better - 5-7 days from the moment of treatment. In the control group termination of rash was noted on days 9-11. Figure 1. Efficiency of sorbogels and fytosorbogels compared with conventional treatment in patients with eczema. Figure 2. Efficiency of sorbogels and fytosorbogels compared with conventional treatment in patients with allergic dermatitis. Application of Imosgent in the treatment of microbial eczema was more effective only compared with conventional therapy. Already in the first days of use of Imosgent perifocal inflammatory soft tissue swelling begin to decrease, the circulation improved. On 3-5 day redness and pain of the wound edges disappeared, well-being of patients improved. Figure 3 shows the dynamics of clinical manifestations in conventional treatments in patients with microbial eczema. Figure 3. Efficiency of sorbogels and fytosorbogels compared with conventional treatment in patients with microbial eczema Use of the drug made it possible to reduce the number of microorganisms in the inflammation by 1001000 times, i.e. by 2-3 times. Influence of the sorbent greatly increased sensitivity of microorganisms to antibiotics, because the use of normal hentamycin ointment in the control group led to disappearance of inflammatory lesions of the skin in the longer term. Figure 4 shows the impact of Imosgent in inflammatory foci. Figure 4. Treatment mechanisms of Imosgel The highest therapeutic efficacy was in the experimental groups, especially in the second (phytosorbents). Clinical remission was observed in experimental groups of patients with eczema and allergic dermatitis, 20 and 24 people, respectively, a significant improvement - in 16 and 15, improvement - in 11 and 7 patients. Patients whose treatment did not produce any significant changes in the experimental groups were 3 and 2. In the control group clinical remission was observed in 4 and 5 people, a significant improvement - in 4 and 4, improvement - in 10 and 10, no changes were observed in 2 patients. The deterioration of patients due to the therapy was indicated only in the control group, in 2 patients eczema and in one – with allergic dermatitis. Among patients with microbial eczema therapeutic efficacy in patients research group included the following parameters: clinical remission - in 25 persons, a significant improvement - in 22, improvement – 8, unchanged - 3 men. In the control group, respectively - 7, 18, 20, 2. As a result of the treatment, general condition worsened in three patients. These treatment data are present in Table 1. Table 1 Evaluation of treatment using different methods of treatment according to clinical observations of patients with allergic dermatitis Treatment results Clinical remission Significant improvement Improvement Without changes Worsening Microbial eczema, n=108 Control Study group, group, n=59 n=58 7 25 Eczema, n=72 Allergic dermatitis, n=68 Control group, n=22 4 Study group I, n=25 8 Study group II, n=25 12 Control group, n=20 5 Study group I, n=24 10 Study group II, n=24 14 18 21 4 8 8 4 7 8 20 2 6 6 10 2 7 2 4 1 10 - 5 2 2 - 3 - 2 - - 1 - - Integrated treatment conducted both in control and experimental groups contributed to the normalization of immune status and biochemical tests, which determine the functional indices of liver and kidneys. There have been changes to the clinical urinalysis and CBC. In patients with eczema and atopic dermatitis the number of T-lymphocytes was 30,1 ± 2,1% and 32,1 ± 1,9% before treatment, after treatment in the control group the figure was 36,5 ± 3,7% and 37,5 ± 2,4% in the first experimental groups receiving additional sorbogel - 42,9 ± 3,5% and 39,9 ± 3,5%, in the second experimental groups receiving additional phytosorbogel - 44.6 ± 4,2% and 44,1 ± 3% (at a rate of 52,1 ± 10,8%). Indicators that determine the functional activity of lymphocytes respectively were: before treatment , 5 ± 2,1% and 41,7 ± 4,8%, after treatment in the control groups -39,2 ± 2,6% and 48,7 ± 5.4% in the first research groups - 44,8 ± 2,8% and 51,5 ± 5,1%, in the second experimental groups - 47,8 ± 3,1% and 52,2 ± 5,3% (at a rate of 58,4 ± 6,8%). A similar pattern was marked in the other immunological parameters. The level of immunoglobulin E before treatment in patients was 113,4 ± 11,7 ng / ml, in patients with atopic dermatitis -117,5 ± 5,7nh / ml. After treatment, its level in the control groups was 101.2 ± 7,9 ng / ml and 102,4 ± 4,7 ng / ml, the first research groups - 97,5 ± 5,8 ng / ml and 99,5 ± 4,5 ng / ml, the second experimental groups receiving additional sorbogel - 94,2 ± 5,3 ng / ml and 96,5 ± 4 1 ng / ml (at a rate of 99,4 ± 5,1 ng / ml). A characteristic feature is that the most notable were the results of the second research groups of patients, including patients with eczema and allergic dermatitis. Good results were seen in the first study groups of patients. In the control group, although performance had improved, it not reach the standards. As shown in Table 2, among other research groups of patients more pronounced improvement was noted in other indicators, particularly in biochemical tests, scan, clinical urinalysis so on. Table 2. General characteristics (general changes) in immune status values in patients with allergic dermatosis before and after treatment T-lymphocyte system, % E-ROC ↓ ↓ ↓ Control group, n=50 ↗ ↗ ↗ Study group, n=58 → → → Control group, n=22 ↗ ↗ ↗ First study group, n=25 ↗ → → Second study group, n=25 ↗ → → Control group, n=22 ↗ ↗ ↗ First study group, n=24 → ↗ ↗ Second study group, n=24 → → → B-lymphocyte system, % Blast EA-ROC Immunoglobulins, g/l transformation A M G ↓ ↗ ↗ Before treatment ↑ → → Patients with microbial eczema, n=108 ↘ → → → Patients with eczema, n=72 CIC, U E, ng/ml → ↑ ↓ → → ↘ ↗ → → → ↗ ↗ ↘ → → → ↘ ↗ ↗ ↘ → → → → → → → → Patients with allergic dermatitis, n=68 → ↘ → → ↗ ↘ → → → ↘ ↗ → ↘ → → → ↘ → → → → → → ↘ → Almost all indicators after the therapy using phytosorbents returned to normal. Expressed positive results occurred in patients of the first research groups receiving Enterosgel. In patients with control groups that used traditional treatments improvement was achieved, but indicators of immune status, biochemical tests etc. were not sufficiently stabilized, which required continuing treatment or correction. The use in the treatment of sorbents, including phytosrobents having detergent, anticoagulant, hyposensitization and antiallergic properties, provided the overall detoxification of the body, Sorbent pathogenic metabolites and other toxic substances. The use of sorbents accelerated the emergence of suspension of the rash elements. Length of hospital stay in the control group of patients with eczema and allergic dermatitis was equal to 19.5 ± 1.8 days, the first experimental groups (complex therapy with sorbogel) reduced to 16.8 ± 1.4 days, and the second experimental groups (treatment with phytosrobents) – 15.7 ± 1.5 days, indicating the high efficiency of enterosorption methods in the treatment of allergic patients. These clinical and laboratory studies in patients with microbial eczema showed: feasibility of use of imosgent in the treatment. Before treatment about 119 strains of staphylococci, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Escherichia was selected, as well as Candida yeast fungi. In 15.9% of cases combination of microorganisms was discovered. The number of organisms in the lesion focus was quite high and amounted to 105-106 CFU / ml, and most strains are resistant to many antibiotics, except gentamicin, tarivid and rifampicin. After treatment in the experimental group microflora was not allocated or single colonies were found. At the same time, the level of microbial culture in the control group was on the average 102-103 CFU / ml. The treatment helped to normalize immune status in patients with microbial eczema, which observed reduction of immunoglobulin E, level indicators of sensitization to microbial antigens; improved functional activity and quantitative content of T and B-lymphocytes. Indicators in the experimental group were much better compared with the control: the number of T-cells in the control group was 36,5 ± 2,7%, in the research - 39,7 ± 3,6%, theophylline- resistant lymphocytes - 38,4 ± 2,7% and 40,5 ± 3,2%, respectively, theophylline-sensitive - 10,4 ± 1,9% and 12,5 ± 2,1%. This was also the case of other factors: biochemical, determining the functional state of the liver and kidneys, hemogram, urine clinical analysis and more. Figures 5 and 6 show some dynamic changes in laboratory of microbial eczema patients. Figure 5. Dynamics of biochemical values of functional status of liver and kidneys in patients with microbial eczema in various treatment schemes Figure 6. Hemogram of patients with microbial eczema before and after treatment Length of hospital stay of patients was 19,4 ± 1,3 days in the control group, in the experimental group 15,2 ± 1,7 days. Application: imosgent application in the treatment method made it possible to reduce the duration of patient hospital stay, therefore, reduced the days. Conclusions 1. In patients with dermatosis, accompanying pathology of internal organs is often found, together with significant disturbance in the immune status. Thus, in 30.1% of patients chronic bronchitis, upper respiratory tract disease, gastritis, stomach and duodenal ulcer and cholecystitis were found. In 95% of patients functional activity of T-lymphocytes decreased, in 75% - the number of B-lymphocytes increased, in 46% - immunoglobulin A, M, O reduced, in 80% - a significant increase in the concentration of immunoglobulin E was observed. 2. In patients with microbial eczema, more than one hundred strains of pathogenic organisms were selected. Among them the most often were staphylococci (at 68.9%), followed by streptococcus (at 12.6%), enterococci (10.9%), Escherichia coli (2.5%), Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Proteus (0, 8% and 0.8%, respectively), Candida fungi (in 3.5% of patients). In 15.9% of patients combinations of microorganisms were allocated. The microorganisms marked sensitivity to aminoglycosides (gentamicin), rifampicin and fluoride quinolones (tarivid). 3. In the examined patients with chronic disease the disease course was accompanied by frequent relapses. Hypersensitivity to food was noted in 2.8.5% of patients, to industrial and household substances - in 49.8%, to drugs - in 18.9%, to substances of plant and animal origin - 3.1%. In 40% professional dermatosis was detected. 4. Using method of treatment of allergic dermatitis using sorbent Enterosgel and licorice extract immobilized on its base, high therapeutic efficiency has been achieved: full clinical remission in patients who received sorbogel and phytosorbogel in 13% and 18%, significant improvement – in 11% and 11.5% respectively. Treatment duration was reduced to 2.7 ± 0.4 and 3.8 ± 0.3 days. Clinical improvement was accompanied by normalization of most indicators of immunological reactivity and functional activity of internal organs. 5. The use of enterosorption methods in the treatment contributed to the reduction of terms of treatment, length of stay of patients receiving Enterosgel and phytosorbogel did not exceed 16.8 ± 1.4 and 15.7 ± 1.5 days, while in patients who received only conventional medicines, the figure was 19.5 ± 1.8 days. 6. Application method with Imosgent in the treatment of microbial eczema allows to reduce the number of strains at the lesion site by 100-1000 times and shorten treatment time by 4 days. Practical recommendations The treatment scheme of allergic dermatitis has been developed using new synthetic sorbents phytomedications and immobilized on their basis (phytosorbogel): sorbogel stirred with water 1: 2 and administered or 2 hours after meals and other medicines. The duration of treatment is 7-14 days. Integrated use of enterosorption method greatly reduces hospital stay of patients and promotes more rapid normalization of clinical and laboratory parameters. Use of imosgent (polymethylsiloxane sorbent with immobilized antibiotic gentamicin) by application of sorption in complex treatment of microbial eczema leads to faster reduction of inflammation that eventually leads to a shortening of treatment: after pre-treatment the drug is applied evenly to the entire inflammatory surface daily for 10 -12 days until the granulation and epithelialization boundary appears. After inflammation reduction – neutral ointment. List of published works 1. Use of sorbogels with phyto-elements in the treatment of allergic dermatosis. - / Ya.F.Kutasevych, O.M.Hrytsenko, Yu.M.Shevchenko, T.P.Osolodchenko et al / Pharmacy, 1995; 5-6: 90-91. 2. Efficiency in the integrated Impact laser therapy of patients with allergic dermatosis. - Article coll. Intl. Confer. and seminar "Laser in biology and medicine." 1995: 170-174. 3. Application of poliorgansiloxane sorbogels in the integrated treatment of patients with allergic dermatosis. - Inform. bulletin, No. 1, Kharkov, 1996: 43-44. 4. Method of treatment of allergic dermatosis - Help from Pryorytetnaya 5. Integrated Treatment of patients with eczema //. Scientific and practical. conf "Scientific achievements and problems of medical production assets." Kharkov, 1995 - p. 226 / Ya.F.Kutasevych, O.M.Hrytsenko, T.P.Osolodchenko /. ABSTRACT Peculiarities of allergodermatoses of different origin have been studied. Using the obtained results and taking into account clinical the characteristic, complex technique for allergodermatoses treatment with the use of enterosorption and application sorption with new preparations based on polymethyloxane sorbing gels and immobilized on their basis phytopreparations and antibiotics was developed. The new method proved to be highly effective for the treatment of the patients. Keywords: polymethylsiloxane sorbents, allergic, enterosorption, application sorption, sorbogel, Enterosgel, phytosorbogel, microbial eczema, immobilized Imosgent.