A.P. Human Geography Europe Essay Overview: Over the next 7 weeks, in addition to everything else you’re working on, we’ll be writing an essay examining the population of a country in Europe. This essay will be very similar in scope to the first essay; however, we’ll add culture to the information needed. 1. This essay should answer the following questions about the country: What is the country’s location: absolute and relative? What kind of people live there? What physical features are important? How do the physical features affect the culture of the country? What is the culture like? What is movement like to and from the country: immigration, emigration, tourism, seasonal work…? What are the demographics of the population? How do the movement and demographics affect the culture? What are aspects of popular and folk culture? What religions are found in the country? What languages are spoken in the country? What ethnicities are found within the country? 2. 3. 4. Try to have a focused thesis: a main reason you are writing to inform people about this country. Use at least 5 concepts from unit one and 10 concepts from unit two and 10 concepts from unit 3 in your essay (please bold these concepts) Use evidence from at least 4 different sources for your essay: The main source for geography should be an encyclopedia article found on the Gale database: http://ic.galegroup.com/ic/suic/?userGroupName=rou1231. The password for this database is “panthers” if you’re accessing the information from a computer other than the school’s. or the CIA World Factbook: https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/ The main sources for population and migration should be the CIA World Factbook and the US Census bureau: http://www.census.gov/population/international/data/idb/informationGateway.php; Use an authored source from Gale, economist.com, slate.com, nationalgeographic.com, bostonreview.net. For culture, you can use any of the above sources. Be sure any source other than a Gale encyclopedia; CIA World Factbook, or US Census Bureau has an author Include two charts, maps, or graphs of some kind in your essay Essay should be typed in 12 point, Times New Roman or Calibri Font, Double Spaced(except for assignment information on first page) All outside information should be cited properly using MLA in-text citations and on a works-cited page. 5. 6. 7. Important Dates: 10/23 – Essay Introduction and Explanation/Choose a Country 11/25 – Outline Due 12/2 – Rough Draft Due 12/6 – Final Draft Due Sample Outline: III. I. II. Introduction. a. Thesis: Despite its problems, Jamaica’s vibrant population and culture make it a great place to visit and live. b. Main Points: i. Geography: As a Caribbean island, Jamaica offers a great combination of coastal environments and mountains. ii. Population and Migration: a. Made up mostly of ancestors of former slaves: heavy British influence iii. Culture a. Folk Culture b. Popular Culture c. Language d. Religion e. Ethnicity Section I: Geography a. What is the topography of the country like? Elevation, rivers, lakes, oceans, climate IV. b. How does topography affect culture? Section II: Population and Migration a. What is population like? Demographics b. Distribution c. Concentration d. Crude Birth Rate/Crude Death Rate/Fertility/Mortality e. Stage of Demographic Transition: Stage 1, Stage 2, Stage 3, Stage 4 f. Population Pyramid g. Health Threats h. Push and Pull Factors i. Distance: Internal vs. International Migration j. Characteristics: Gender, Family Status k. Immigration Policies l. Cultural Problems for Immigrants m. Urban/Rural Migration Section III: Culture a. Folk Culture i. What are some characteristics of folk culture in the country? ii. Has that folk culture diffused at all throughout the world? b. c. Popular Culture i. How has popular culture diffused to the country? ii. How has the country changed because of popular culture? iii. How has popular culture affected the folk culture of the country? Language i. What languages are spoken in the country? How do these languages affect culture? ii. How do local languages affect country as a whole? iii. Are there any interesting dialects? iv. How has diffusion affected the language/lingua franca of the country? v. What language branch is this language from? Essays will be graded using the following rubric. Component 4 Analysis Analysis of country is extensive. Student supports his/her thesis with relevant details from more than 3 sources. Organization Essay is organized according to outline above. Student may use more than two map, graph, or chart to illustrate analysis. Comprehension 25+ concepts are used correctly. Student demonstrates firm comprehension of major geographic themes through essay. Citation All citations are correct. Including a bibliography. d. Religion i. ii. iii. e. What is the majority religion in your country? How are the religions distributed in your country? What types of places of worship exist in your country? How does government interact with religion? Are there any conflicts among religious groups? iv. v. Ethnicities i. What ethnicities exist in your country? ii. Where are these ethnicities distributed? iii. How do the citizens of the country view their nationalities? iv. Are there any ethnic clashes? Conclusion. 3 Analysis of country is complete. Student supports his/her thesis with details from at 3 sources. 2 Analysis of country is incomplete. Thesis may be vague. Support may include less than 3 sources Essay is organized according to outline. Student uses at least one map, graph, or chart to illustrate analysis Essay may be missing some structure. Graph may not relate to essay. 25 concepts are used correctly. Student demonstrates adequate comprehension of major geographic themes. < 25 concepts are used correctly. Student demonstrates some understanding of major geographic themes. 1 Analysis of country is absents. Thesis may be absent or inconsequential. Sources do not add to essay. Essay not structured according to outline above. Map, graph, or chart is missing or is completely unrelated to topic. < 15 concepts are used correctly. Student demonstrates little understanding of major geographic themes. Some citations are incorrect.