Yr 10 RE MARY AND THE SAINTS GUIDED INQUIRY SCAFFOLDS SCHEDULE: Lesson Focus Resources/Activities 1 Introduction Guided Inquiry Open ● ● Mary and the Saints PowerPoint Seven Sorrows of Mary (TB Resources) 2 Open ● ● The Story of Mary: What Did a Young Virgin Mary Look Like? 8min 28 http://abcnews.go.com/Nightline/video/young-virgin-mary14067645 The Story of Mary (TB Resources) 3 Open ● ● Finding Good Role Models Today - Modern Family 1min23 Mary a Model of Discipleship (TB Resources) 4 Immerse ● ● Mary - Pilgrimage In Search of the Virgin Mary - Pt 1 http://abcnews.go.com/Nightline/video/search-virgin-mary-14067578 6min 53 ● Wisconsin Boy's Family Claims He Was Cured of Leukemia After Praying to First Official U.S. Virgin Mary Shrine http://abcnews.go.com/US/wisconsin-boys-family-claims-curedleukemia-praying-official/story?id=13993653 5 min 36 ● ● Appearances of Mary (TB Resources) Marian Apparitions (TB Resources) 5 Immerse ● Traditional Feast Days of Mary (TB Resources) 6 Immerse ● ● ● ● ● Communion of Saints Who or What is a Saint? Think-Pair-Share Saints (TB Resource) Patron Saints (Research) 7 Immerse ● ● What is Discipleship Modern Day Disciples (Research) ● Saints and Heroes DVDs 8/9 10 Immerse ● ● ● Guided Inquiry PowerPoint Mary MacKillop Mary MacKillop Brainstorm 11 Explore ● Constructing Meaningful Choice Scaffold - Choose a Saint 12 Explore ● Constructing Meaningful Choice Scaffold - Choose a Topic 13 Identify ● ● Background Building Scaffold Developing Your Topic Scaffold 14 Gather ● ● Referencing Your Topic Scaffold Defining Your Topic Scaffold 15 Create ● Create Product/Weebly Page 16 Create ● Create Product/Weebly Page 17 Create ● Create Product/Weebly Page 18 Create ● Create Product/Weebly Page 19 Share ● Praise, Question, Polish (PQP) Peer Evaluation Worksheet 20 Evaluate ● Reflection Worksheet 21 Review ● Review class products Year 10 Guided Inquiry: Mary and the Saints - Choosing a Saint Explore: Constructing Meaningful Choice Scaffold Instructions: Record the names of 3 saints you are interested in. Make a note of the things that intrigue you about each saint. Think about the potential positives and negatives of developing this choice for your task. Rank your choices on a scale of 1-3 (1 of little interest, 3 very interesting) Brief: Complete some basic research to identify 3 saints who you are interested in finding out more about in responding the the focus question. Then complete some more in-depth research on your 3 possible saints: Focus Question: “How can the lives of the saints challenge the way you live out your relationships?” Focus ● ● ● ● Areas: Relationships Struggles Encountered - Inwardly Struggles Encountered – Externally Significant Contribution to Catholic Tradition (Belief/Practices) Saints of Interest to Me St Joan of Arc Mary Mackillop Intriguing factors Positives Negatives -poor, uneducated -led the French army -ended a lot of the persecution in French -changed the course of France’s history -as a woman led the French Army -Untrained soldier yet won many battles -Australian -formed her own order of nuns: sisters of St Joseph of Sacred Heart -Australias first saint -Mary brought -more of an about education for advocate for all Aussie kids women than men -Australia’s own born and bred Saint -Pioneer for Australian women Rank 1-3 -died at a very young age 2 1 St Maximillian -saved 2000 jews from persecution -was killed in a prison camp -a Catholic priest who saved those of other religion -was a working example of eradicating religious barriers -died in a wellknown German prison camp -saved thousands in a time of fear and persecution -was caught helping Jews Chosen Saint: Mary Mackillop 3 Year 10 Guided Inquiry: Mary and the Saints - Choosing a Topic Explore: Constructing Meaningful Choice Scaffold Chosen Saint: Instructions: Record 5 topics you are interested in. Make a note of the things that intrigue you about each topic. Think about the potential pluses and minuses of developing this topic for your task. Rank your topics on a scale of 1-5 (1 of little interest, 5 very interesting) Brief: Complete some basic research to identify 5 topics related to your chosen saint that you are interested in exploring further in responding the the focus question. Then complete some more in-depth research on your 5 possible topics: Focus Question: “How can the lives of the saints challenge the way you live out your relationships?” Focus ● ● ● ● Areas: Relationships Struggles Encountered - Inwardly Struggles Encountered – Externally Significant Contribution to Catholic Tradition (Belief/Practices) Topics of Interest to Me Intriguing factors Positives Negatives Rank 1-5 Education -bringing about education for many -one of her main focuses was on educating all children despite location, race, socio-economic status -information is limited and basic 2 Australian -lots on info on young woman dealing with harshness in Australia at that time -lots of reliable sources and modern accounts due to recent canonisation as Australia’s first saint -she grew up in a time of inequality towards Australian women 4 Miracles for canonisation -an amazing side to every saint -well accounted and documented as they were used for her canonisation -don’t elaborate so much on Mary’s life encounters 5 Challenges -many challenges encountered by Mary and portrays her strength as she overcame them -Mary faced many challenges in her life and these are well accounted -affected her image in the public eye 1 Areas influenced -she affected Australian education nation wide Chosen Topics: -will inform me of how widely Mary’s work spread nil 3 1. Challenges faced externally 2. Contribution to education Year 10 Guided Inquiry: Mary and the Saints Identify: Background Building Scaffold Chosen Saint: Instructions: Complete the table below as you explore the first two topics you found the most interesting. Topic 1: Challenges faced externally Statement Information I want to know more about … What caused Mary to encounter so many challenges and how did she go about overcoming them I wonder if … Mary ever faced discrimination for the fact she was a woman Good point I hadn’t thought of... Was she alone in facing these challenges Questions I have... If she wasn’t alone in facing these challenges who helped her overcome them (besides God) Ideas where to find more information... http://www.marymackillop.org.au/index.cfm Topic 2: Contribution to Education Statement Information I want to know more about … To what extent did she educate people I wonder if … She educated the Aboriginals as well Good point I hadn’t thought of... Did she educate beyond a basic level Questions I have... Did she teach any students who went on to highschool Ideas where to find more information... http://www.marymackillop.org.au/index.cfm Selected Topic: Challenges Faced Externally Year 10 Guided Inquiry: Mary and the Saints Identify: Developing Your Topic Scaffold Saint: Mary Mackillop Chosen Topic: Challenges Faced Externally Instructions: Begin to develop your topic and establish a focus. Select your favourite topic and write it here Broad Topic Selected: Challenges Faced Externally Select the areas of your topic that you will focus on Sub Categories of Topic Men preventing her from doing her good deeds Excommunication Loss/gain of support Summarise the topic and subcategories into a paragraph Research Focus Mary Mackillop underwent many challenges in her quest to educate the lowly Australian citizens, those men higher above her in the Church did their best often to prevent her from doing her work. Ye she overcame them with a growing swarm of supporter yet she also lost some of those close to her, forcing her face these emotional battles outside those of her vocational battles Year 10 Guided Inquiry: Mary and the Saints Gather: Referencing Your Topic Scaffold Name: Mary Mackillop Chosen Topic: Challenges faced externally Focus: How she overcame these challenges Topic Author (s) Complete Name: Sisters of St Joseph of the Sacred Heart Year Date: 2005 Title: Saint Mary Mackillop Publisher: fraynework Place of Publishing: internet Date of Viewing Site: 20/08/14 URL: http://www.marymackillop.org.au/legacy/dsp-default.cfm?loadref=150 Author (s) Complete Name: Mary Cresp Year Date: 2005 Title: One of Us Is a Saint Publisher: PDF Place of Publishing: Mary Mackillop website Date of Viewing Site: 20/08/2014 URL: http://www.marymackillop.org.au/_uploads/rsfil/001156_dcae.pdf Author (s) Complete Name: Trustees of the Sisters of St Joseph Year Date: 2005 Title: Mary MacKillop’s Story Publisher: Trustees of the Sisters of St Joseph Place of Publishing: Mary Mackillop Website Date of Viewing Site: 20/08/2014 URL: http://www.marymackillop.org.au/_uploads/rsfil/000395_baba.pdf Author (s) Complete Name: Year Date: 2006 Title: Background to the Foundation of the Sisters of St Joseph & the Establishment of the Woods/MacKilop System of Catholic Education Publisher: Sr Marie Therese Foale Place of Publishing: Mary Mackillop website Date of Viewing Site: 20/08/2014 URL: http://www.marymackillop.org.au/_uploads/rsfil/000441_ffda.pdf Author (s) Complete Name: Year Date: 2005 Title: The Australian People’s Saint Publisher: Mary Mackillop place museum Place of Publishing: Mary Mackillop website Date of Viewing Site: 20/08/2014 URL: http://www.marymackillop.org.au/_uploads/rsfil/000443_cabb.pdf Year 10 Guided Inquiry: Mary and the Saints Gather: Defining Your Topic Scaffold Name: Mary Mackillop Chosen Topic: Challenges faced externally Focus: How did she overcome these challenges Interesting Facts, Quotes, Observations Research Thinking Connections, Inferences, Patterns Questioning Who? What? When? Where? How? Why? Should? Would? Could? How will I use this information? What do I need to do now? Research and develop how she overcame this How she overcame this challenge and what traits does she possess to do so Mary was excommunicated as she repelled the changes the Bishop made to her newly found order and was excommunicated Link it in as another challenge that Mary faced and link it to her faith as she remained faithful in God Fill in the gaps to link the actions of Fr Woods, the Bishop and Mary’s excommunication together Mary was often opposed by two Bishop Quinn’s Link this in as another challenge faced by Mary Found out she dealt with them and also why they opposed her Mary travelled to Rome to the seek official approval for a central Governing force to control her order nation-wide in Australia Use it to display her outgoingness and courage to do whatever has to be done for her Congregation The implications of having a central Governing order Bishop Quinn in Queensland only wanted the her sisters but they act under his authority or be shifted out despite Mary having sought approval for a central Governing body To display another challenge present in Mary’s life and what seems to be a recurring one: Bishop Quinn Develop her efforts to solve and the result of this predicament Another Bishop Quinn in the diocese of Bathurst wished to have her sisters removed from his diocese unless they were under his control Add another dimension to Mary’s challenging life and her efforts to overcome this Establish to family connection between the Quinns and the difficulty that they put Mary in Mary was appointed head of the central governing body numerous times but she was also pulled from this position numerous times This also displays another of Mary’s “saintly” characteristic, persistence her unfailing efforts to keep going, so shall tie that in again with her other characteristics that helped her to Link to question to help prevail how she overcome her life challenges Mary’s sisters in Adelaide where misguided by Mary’s good friend Fr Woods overcome her challenges Mary lost many love ones through her trials in the Church. Including her mother Flora and her good Fr Tenison Woods who helped Mary establish the order in the first place I will use this information as a display of another aspect of challenges that Mary had to face Any other love ones she lost and also how did it affect her Share: Praise, Question, Polish (PQP) Peer Evaluation Worksheet Your Name: Sam Byrnes Your PQP Peer’s Name: Dyl Morton INSTRUCTIONS: As you begin to peer review your classmates’ product, you will want to pursue the “PRAISE, QUESTION, POLISH” technique of editing. · PRAISE: Find at least one thing (and preferably more) that you think is good about the product. Was it wellwritten or presented? Was it logical and on subject? Did they use good word choices/images and engage their audience? · QUESTION: Point out at least one thing in the product about which you may have a question. Was there something you didn’t understand? Were there places where the product wandered off topic? Was there room to better explain an idea or give examples? · POLISH: Point out at least one thing that could make the product better. Be positive and be sure to give some examples of how you think the product could be improved. Praise I think that the idea of a wristband is good and simple. Also the information is extensive and detailed, giving a lot of information about Mary Mackillop and what she’s done for Australia. Question How will the wristband be designed and will you have an actual model to show. Could break up information with images and slideshows, etc Polish Some other form of texts, eg) video, music, images, posters, etc Evaluate: Reflection Worksheet · Include a Reflection on the inquiry process which summarises the following regarding your product: a. Which quality/aspect of their life have you focussed on and why? I focused on the challenges that St Mary Mackillop faced, because it really advocates her strength and grit that she showed to overcome all the obstacles in her way, sparking the idea to base my product around the idea of Mary’s resilience. b. Evidence of information relied on to make your choice The http://www.marymackillop.org.au/legacy/dsp-default.cfm?loadref=150 website provided extensive and informative information, and set it out in an engaging manner making the inquiry process a lot less painful. c. Justification of the product I chose to do the power band to advertise and promote forth Mary Mackillop’s powerful attributes and display them in useful way, displaying how her characteristics helped her overcome her lifes challenges.