Independent research on coal seam gas

Independent research on coal seam gas
February 2016
The following research papers provide useful information and perspectives on the key issues around coal
seam gas (CSG) in the community.
For information on the impacts of CSG on water, including flowback and produced water:
Khan, S & Kordek, G 2014, Coal seam gas: produced water and solids. Prepared for the Office of the
NSW Chief Scientist and Engineer, School of Civil & Environmental Engineering, UNSW, 28 May,
GasFields Commission Queensland 2014, CSG water treatment and beneficial use in Queensland,
Australia, Technical Communication 2, November 2014,
Fell, C 2014, Water treatment and coal seam gas: discussion paper for Office of NSW Chief Scientist
and Engineer, Fell Consulting, NSW,
Anderson, DJ, Rahman, PF, Davey, EK, Miller, BM & Glamore, WC 2013, Background paper on
groundwater resources in relation to coal seam gas production, WRL Technical Report 2013/09, Water
Research Laboratory, School of Civil and Environmental Engineering, UNSW, November 2013,
NSW Department of Primary Industries Office of Water 2013, Water and coal seam gas: frequently
asked questions, Fact sheet no. 5, April 2013
NSW Department of Primary Industries Office of Water 2013, Water and coal seam gas: managing
coal seam gas produced water, Fact sheet no. 4, April 2013
Independent research on coal seam gas
Fugitive emissions
For information on fugitive emissions and CSG:
GasFields Commission Queensland 2014, Historical evidence of landscape gas seeps in Qld coal
basins, April 2014,
Day, S, Connell, L, Etheridge, D, Norgate, T & Sherwood, N 2012, Fugitive greenhouse gas emissions
from coal seam gas production in Australia, CSIRO, Australia,
Day, S, Dell’Amico, M, Fry, R, Tousi, HJ 2014, Field measurements of fugitive emissions from
equipment and well casings in Australian coal seam gas production facilities, CSIRO, Australia, June
Department of Natural Resources and Mines, Queensland Government, Well head safety reports, (key
findings available online),
Department of Employment, Economics Development and Innovation 2010, Investigation report: Leakage
testing of coal seam gas wells in the Tara ‘rural residential estates’ vicinity, Queensland Government, 1 June,
Hydraulic fracturing
For information on hydraulic fracturing:
Cook, P 2013, The potential application of fraccing to coal seam gas production in New South Wales, draft
letter and report for the Office of the Chief Scientist and Engineer of NSW,
Department of the Environment 2014, Hydraulic fracturing (‘fraccing’) techniques, including reporting
requirements and governance arrangements, background review, Commonwealth of Australia,
Jeffrey, R 2012, Hydraulic fracturing for coal seam gas (CSG) stimulation in NSW, prepared for the
NSW Office of the Chief Scientist and Engineer, CSIRO Australia, Report EP122949,
Leusch, F & Bartkow, B 2010, A short primer on benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene and xylenes (BTEX) in the
environment and in hydraulic fracturing fluids, Griffith University,
Office of the NSW Chief Scientist & Engineer 2014, Fracture stimulation activities: information paper,
Independent Review of Coal Seam Gas Activities in NSW, 30 September,
Independent research on coal seam gas
For information on the causes of, hazards relating to, and monitoring of earthquakes in Australia:
Geoscience Australia, Earthquakes,web page,
Gibson, G., & Sandiford, M 2013, Background paper: seismicity and induced earthquakes, report
commissioned for the Independent Review of Coal Seam Gas Activities in NSW by the NSW Chief Scientist &
Engineer: Melbourne Energy Institute, The University of Melbourne,
Risks and management
For information on the risks and management of CSG:
Adam, Keith 2013, Health effects of coal seam gas – Tara, Medibank Health Solutions Pty Ltd, 19
Carter, John 2013, Background paper on horizontal drilling, report commissioned for the Independent
Review of Coal Seam Gas Activities in NSW by the NSW Chief Scientist & Engineer, Report No. AGR-1721,
23 October, Advanced Geomechanics,
Office of the NSW Chief Scientist & Engineer 2014, Environmental risk and responsibility and
insurance arrangements for the NSW CSG industry, 30 May,
Office of the NSW Chief Scientist & Engineer 2014
— Abandoned wells, Information paper, Independent Review of Coal Seam Gas Activities in NSW,
30 September,
— Final report of the Independent Review of Coal Seam Gas Activities in NSW, 30 September,
— Managing environmental and human health risks from CSG activities, Independent Review of Coal
Seam Gas Activities in NSW, 30 September,
— On managing the interface between coal seam gas activities and other land uses (setbacks),
Information paper, Independent Review of Coal Seam Gas Activities in NSW, 30 September,
Taylor, M, Sandy, N & Raphael, B 2013, Background paper on community concerns in relation to coal
seam gas, Disaster Response and Resilience Research Group, School of Medicine, University of Western
Sydney, 11 June,,-Sandy-and-Raphael_UWS.pdf
© State of New South Wales through the Department of Trade and Investment, Regional Infrastructure and Services 2015. You may copy, distribute
and otherwise freely deal with this publication for any purpose, provided that you attribute the NSW Department of Trade and Investment, Regional
Infrastructure and Services as the owner.
Disclaimer: The information contained in this publication is based on knowledge and understanding at the time of writing (February 2016). However,
because of advances in knowledge, users are reminded of the need to ensure that information upon which they rely is up to date and to check currency
of the information with the appropriate officer of the NSW Department of Trade and Investment, Regional Infrastructure and Services or the user’s
independent advisor.