1 1 The impacts of different meteorology data sets on nitrogen fate and transport in the SWAT 2 watershed model 3 4 Supporting Information Section 5 6 7 Authors: Mark Gabriel1*, Christopher Knightes1, Ellen Cooter2, Robin Dennis2 8 (1) USEPA/Office of Research and Development(ORD)/National Exposure Research Laboratory 9 (NERL)/Ecosystem Research Division (ERD), 960 College Station Rd., Athens, GA, 30605, 10 USA 11 (2) USEPA/ORD/NERL/Atmospheric Modeling and Analysis Division (AMAD), 109 T W 12 Alexander Drive, Research Triangle Park, NC, 27711, USA 13 *Corresponding Author- email: gabriel.mark@epa.gov, phone: 706-355-8349, fax: 706-355- 14 8326 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 1 2 23 1.0 SWAT Nitrogen Cycle Simulation 24 25 SWAT simulates nitrogen cycles in the soil profile and groundwater [1]. Within both 26 media, nitrogen is highly reactive and exists in many forms. Nitrogen may be added to soil 27 through fertilizer and manure application, atmospheric deposition (dry and wet) and biological 28 fixation [2]. Nitrogen may be removed from soil through plant uptake, soil erosion, leaching, 29 volatilization, denitrification and through runoff [2]. In SWAT, there are five different pools of 30 nitrogen in the soil: two pools are inorganic forms (ammonium [NH4+] and nitrate [NO-3]), while 31 the other three are organic (fresh, active, and stable). Fresh organic nitrogen is associated with 32 crop residue and microbial biomass, and the active and stable organic nitrogen pools are 33 associated with the soil humus. The fresh component is much more bioavailable than humus. 34 Organic nitrogen associated with humus is partitioned into two pools (active, stable) to account 35 for variations in availability of humic substances to mineralization. Humus is a complex mixture 36 of organic substances that have been significantly modified from their original form over time, 37 and contains other substances that have been synthesized by soil organisms [2]. Typically, 38 humus represents the majority of total soil organic matter and plays a major role in the ability of 39 a soil to retain nutrients and water. Inorganic nitrogen may be transported with runoff, lateral 40 flow or soil percolation. Inorganic nitrogen entering shallow groundwater in recharge from soil 41 percolation may remain in groundwater, move into the main channel, or move into the soil zone 42 in response to water deficiencies [2]. Inorganic nitrogen may also move from the shallow soils to 43 deep groundwater. For low-lying areas, groundwater flow is the primary transport pathway and 44 plays an important role in the delivery of inorganic nitrogen to the main channel or to the soil 45 zone. 2 3 46 2.0 SWAT Model Input Data 2.1 Data Input and Processing 47 48 49 50 The Soil Survey Geographic Database (SSURGO) (National Resources Conservation 51 Service [NRCS]; http://soils.usda.gov/survey/geography/ssurgo/) was the source of soil input for 52 the studied watersheds. SSURGO soil data was available for all necessary counties (Wayne, 53 Johnson, Greene, Durham, Orange, and Person) within and surrounding both watersheds. These 54 data represent surveys and compilations between 1990 and 2009. A digital elevation model 55 (DEM) (http://www.mapmart.com/Products/DigitalElevationModel/USGSNED.aspx) at 30 m 56 resolution was used to represent surface elevation within each watershed. For the Nahunta 57 watershed, the 2009 Crop Data Layer (CDL: http://datagateway.nrcs.usda.gov) and 2001 58 National Land Cover Data Layer (NLCD: http://www.epa.gov/mrlc/nlcd-2001.html) were used 59 for land cover characterizations. For the Little River watershed, the 2009 CDL and 2006 NLCD 60 (http://www.mrlc.gov/nlcd06_data.php) were used. The 2006 NLCD was used because we 61 suspect the Little River watershed experienced clear-cutting for an area approximately 0.6 km2 62 near the watershed outlet that was not captured in the 2001 NLCD. Using the EPA’s landscape 63 characterization program (http://www.maps6.epa.gov) the phenological record shows a sharp 64 drop in normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) after 2006 near the watershed outlet and 65 a gradual increase in NDVI which likely indicates clear cutting (R. Lunetta pers. comm.). 66 Therefore, to help account for this disturbance the 2006 NLCD was used instead of the 2001. 67 The hydrologic response units (HRU) in each watershed were defined on the basis of soil, land 68 use, and topographic characteristics. The following HRU threshold limit delineation scheme was 3 4 69 applied: 5% land use, 10% soil, 5% slope. Under this scheme, HRUs were not developed from 70 land uses, soil types or surface slopes that were less than these percentages compared to the total 71 areas of each. This scheme was developed to negate the consideration of numerous small HRUs 72 that, if considered, would have negligible impacts on flow and nitrogen transport. 73 74 2.2 Observed Flow and Nitrate Data 75 Stream flow (m3 s-1) and nitrate (NO-3-N, mg/L) data were retrieved for both watersheds 76 77 from 1990 to 2009. 78 Geological Survey (USGS) gauging station 208521324: Little River at SR1461 near Orange 79 Factory, NC. Flow for the Nahunta watershed was retrieved at the USGS gauging station 80 2091000: Nahunta Swamp near Shine, NC. The USGS, National Weather Information Service 81 (NWIS) (http://waterdata.usgs.gov/nwis) was the source of all surface flow data. Observed flow 82 data was calculated on an average monthly basis from daily data. Observed nitrate data was 83 retrieved from USEPA STORET (Storage and Retrieval) (http://www.epa.gov/STORET/). The 84 frequency of collection for the nitrate concentrations was approximately monthly to bimonthly. 85 Missing values for nitrate concentration data were determined using the USGS Estimator 86 protocol [3]. For information on field data retrieval and analytical quality assurance/control 87 (QAQC) measures for the NWIS flow and USEPA STORET data, refer to the respective web 88 links. Watershed flow for the Little River watershed was retrieved at US 89 90 91 4 5 92 2.3 Atmospheric Deposition of Nitrogen for Calibration 93 94 Observed dry (kg/ha-yr) and wet (mg/L) atmospheric deposition data (ammonium [NH4+] 95 and nitrate [NO3-]) were obtained from the USEPA Clean Air Status and Trends Network 96 (CASTNET; http://java.epa.gov/castnet/) and the National Atmospheric Deposition Program 97 (NADP; http://nadp.sws.uiuc.edu/). Yearly dry deposition data was obtained from CASTNET 98 and weekly wet deposition data from NADP. The stations used were: NC41, NC03 (NADP) and 99 CDN125 (CASTNET). SWAT only allows one constant value for dry and wet deposition; 100 therefore, average values were used for the nine year period. CASTNET dry deposition does not 101 include NH3 (ammonia), PAN (peroxyacetyl nitrate), NO2 (nitrogen dioxide) and NO (nitrogen 102 monoxide). 103 104 2.4 Agricultural Land Practice and Soil Geochemical Information 105 106 Several sources of information were used to represent actual agricultural practices and 107 soil nitrogen levels for the studied watersheds (see Table S1). For agriculture, the modifications 108 involved crop rotations and nitrogen applications; in both watersheds, corn-soybean rotations 109 were applied for both corn and soybean crop layers. Both watersheds contained varying numbers 110 of concentrated feeding operations (CAFOs), poultry and swine operations which were 111 represented through published values for fertilizer and manure applications on crop land [4]. 112 Specifically, two different fertilizer/manure application schemes were applied -- one for urban 113 land uses and one for cropland/agricultural lands. Fertilizer and manure application rates varied 114 per year for each watershed. Fertilizer application for urban land uses was evenly delivered as 5 6 115 urea (CO (NH2)2), and ranged from 0.07 to 1.37 kg/ha-yr. Agricultural land received nitrogen 116 application through fresh swine manure application and ranged from 8.2 to 8.93 kg/ha-yr. 117 Fertilizer application to agricultural land uses was as elemental nitrogen, ranging form 5.50 to 118 38.0 kg/ha-yr. Overall, more nitrogen was applied to the Nahunta agricultural land uses. In all 119 cases, fertilizer application decreased from the first year (1998) to the last year (2009) as 120 estimated from [4]. Crop turn-over for all agricultural layers was managed through heat units. 121 Soil geochemistry data was obtained from published values for organic and inorganic nitrogen 122 concentrations for the top three soil layers (Table S1). 123 124 3.0 Parameter Sensitivity Analysis 125 126 Following data collection and SWAT initialization, we performed parameter sensitivity 127 analysis. The most sensitive model input parameters for flow and nutrient loading were identified 128 with an automated sensitivity analysis procedure in SWAT. This sensitivity analysis was 129 performed for flow and nutrient loading for the sub-watersheds that contained the outlet for the 130 entire watershed. Latin Hypercube (LH) sampling and the one-factor-at-a-time (OAT) method 131 was applied [5] to determine parameter sensitivity for flow and nutrient loading. Ten LH 132 intervals and an OAT parameter change value of 0.05 were applied. Under LH, samples were 133 chosen across the full range of values (SWAT default) for each parameter assuming a uniform 134 distribution. Following simulation, the overall effect of each parameter is ranked highest to 135 lowest. The top 10th percentile of all parameters for each category (flow, nutrients) was used for 136 the next step, calibration and validation. 6 7 137 Table S2 shows calibrated parameter values for both watersheds. The top 10th percentile 138 of the most sensitive input parameters (identified in the parameter sensitivity analysis) was used 139 for calibration. In all, the input parameters found to be most sensitive, as indicated by those with 140 p<0.001 in Table S2, closely agrees with past studies, in particular, Rouhani et al. [6], Sexton et 141 al. [7], Lam et al. [8],Wang et al. [9] Masih et al. [10]. Several other input parameters were used 142 to fine tune the calibration: Gw_Delay.gw, Gw_Revap.gw, Surlag.bsn, AI1.wwq, Sol_No3.chm, 143 Sol_Orgn.chm, Shallst_N.gw, Biomix.mgt, Sdnco.bsn, Cdn.bsn and Rsdco.bsn (see Table S2 for 144 a description of each parameter). 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 7 8 160 Table S1: Source information for land cover and soil data input categories 161 Category Fertilizer and manure applications Soil geochemical properties Surface and groundwater chemistry Agricultural management practices (e.g. soil tillage, contouring, filter strip and tile drain practices) Locations and characteristics for confined feeding operations (CAFOs), swine and poultry operations Surface flow and precipitation Atmospheric nitrogen deposition Information Source(s) -NCDAC [11] -NASS [12] -NCSU [13] -Ruddy et al. [4] -NRCS [14] -Ibendahl and Fleming [15] -Chistensen and MacAller [16] -Roelle and Aneja [17] -NCDENR [18] -NCSU [13] -USGS NWIS [19] -USEPA STORET [20] -NC Cooperative Extension [21] -NC Department of Agriculture [22] -Folle et al. [23] -Spruill et al. [24] -NC One map [25] -USGS NWIS [19] -USEPA CASTNET [26] -NADP [27] 8 9 Table S2: Input parameter values for flow and nitrate loading: Under Parameter Name, italicized input parameters were only used for nitrate load calibration. Non-italicized input parameters were only used for flow calibration. Parameter Description SCS runoff curve number for moisture condition II Baseflow alpha factor Manning's “ n” value for main channel Surface runoff lag coefficient Soil evaporation compensation factor Threshold depth of water in the shallow aquifer required for return flow to occur Maximum canopy storage Available water capacity of soil layer Groundwater “revap” coefficient Threshold depth of water the shallow aquifer for “revap” or percolation to the deep aquifer to occur Groundwater delay time Deep aquifer percolation fraction Fraction of algal biomass that is nitrogen Nitrate percolation coefficient Phosphorous percolation coefficient Initial nitrate concentrations in soil layers one, two an three Initial organic nitrogen concentrations in soil layer one, two and three Nitrate concentration in shallow aquifer Biological mixing efficiency Average slope length Residue decomposition coefficient Denitrification threshold water content Denitrification exponential rate coefficient Phosphorus soil partitioning coefficient Parameter Name CN2.mgt* ALPHA_BF.gw CH_N2.rte SURLAG.bsn ESCO.hru GWQMN.gw CANMX.hru SOL_AWC1.sol* GW_REVAP.gw REVAPMN.gw GW_DELAY.gw RCHRG_DP.gw AI1.wwq NPERCO.bsn PPERCO.bsn SOL_NO3.chm SOL_ORGN.chm SHALLST_N.gw BIOMIX.mgt SLSUBBSN.hru* RSDCO.bsn SDNCO.bsn CDN.bsn PHOSKD.bsn Mode of Change During Calibration# r v v v v v v r v v v v v v v v v v v r v v v v Little River Parameter Sensitivity Indicated by the SUFI-2 pvalue Nahunta Uncalibrated value 55.0-84.0 0.048 0.014 4.0 0.95 Final calibrated value 63.8-98.6 0.19 0.19 4.51 0.89 Uncalibrated value 31-92 0.048 0.014 4.0 0.95 Final calibrated value 31.1-92.9 0.95 0.094 8.75 0.96 0 69.1 0 0 0.11-0.2 0.02 92.6 0.134-0.244 0.10 1 31 0.05 0.08 0.2 10 6.25†. 3.0†, 1.5† 25.0†, 12.5†, 6.25† 1.5† 0.20 60.9-121.9 0.05 1 1.4 175 Little River Nahunta 0.6162 0.9072 0.9486 0.7552 0.0363 <0.0001 0.7378 0.3498 0.8346 <0.0001 254.2 <0.0001 <0.0001 0 0.07-0.7 0.02 45.2 Not changed Not changed 0.5392 0.1994 0.8954 <0.0001 - 403.3 1 Not changed 0.0011 - 60.7 0.072 0.072 0.50 16.0 31 0.05 0.08 0.2 10 13.46†, 6.73†, 3.3† 50.0†, 25.0†, 12.5† 7.75† 0.20 60.8-121.8 0.05 1 1.4 175 Not changed 0.028 0.087 0.10 13.43 0.264, 6.73, 3.3 19.19, 25.0, 12.5 419.9 0.655 59.7-119.5 Not changed 0.99 0.01 Not changed <0.0001 <0.0001 0.5749 0.6572 0.0433 <0.0001 0.4346 <0.0001 0.9713 0.3979 0.0003 0.9965 0.0540 0.6735 0.1491 0.7458 No data‡ No data‡ 0.9675 0.3652 0.5470 0.4190 No data‡ No data‡ - 0.01, 0.01,0.01 10.43, 12.5, 6.25 178.3 0.03 Not changed 0.03 0.80 0.10 152.1 *varies by watershed/HRU; values shown are the minimum and maximum value †values determined from literature review ‡ No sensitivity data is available as manual calibration was used, # “r” refers to application by multiplication and “v” refers to application by replacement 9 - 10 1 References: 2 [1] Neitsch, S.L., Arnold, J.G., Kiniry, J.R., Williams., J.R., (2005). 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