The Paulding Vine A Publication of the Paulding County Master

The Paulding Vine
A Publication of the Paulding County Master
Gardener Association
Fall 2014
Volume 9, Issue 4
Inside this Issue:
President’s Corner
Hello, fellow Master Gardener volunteers.
We all became interested in the program and became
University of Georgia Master Gardener Extension
Volunteers for a variety of reasons. Many want to
continue to learn more and really enjoy sharing our
knowledge with others, young and old. I am so
pleased with the projects we have been involved
with this year and the way there is always someone
who steps up when we present a project or
activity. It has been wonderful getting to know
other Master Gardeners better through our work
helping our neighbors be more informed of soil and
water conservation, be better fed from our garden,
and be educated and entertained on a variety of
And you know what, it's been fun. If YOU have
any ideas for programs or activities for next year
please let me know. So let’s all curl up with a seed
catalog, pot a few more plants in preparation for
next Spring's Plant Sale, and eagerly wait for the next
clip board Mary Carol presents for us to sign up for
Milkweed Plants donated to UGA
Extension and 4-H
MGs of the Month
Winners of Home Garden Vegetable
Plant Swap
Excellence in 4-H Forestry
MG Demonstration Garden
MG Favorite Plant
6, 7
MG Picnic
Arrangement from October
Calendar of Events
Arrangement by Jack
Driscoll from October
Milkweed Plants donated by Monarch Watch to UGA Extension and
Paulding County 4-H
The 30 Free Milkweed plants that the UGA Extension and Paulding County 4-H received in
June were distributed to 3 separated gardens. Two of those gardens are located at schools. One
is at an elementary school and one is at a Middle school. They are both being cared for by
teachers who are certified as Master Gardeners and who lead a Jr. Master Garden Club at each
of the schools. Currently, their milkweed plants are in the ground and taking root. The third
garden is located at the Extension office and is maintained by Master Gardeners. This week,
four monarch larva were spotted on these plants. We are all very excited about this and we will
be monitoring their progress closely.
Submitted by Chantal Senra
Master Gardeners recognized for their contributions in 2014
August – Judy Howd
September – Bob Banks
October – Susan Breen
Winners of 2014 Best Home Vegetable Garden Contest
Pictured L to R Earl Cosgrove and John Shipley, Adult Best Medium Garden, Jesse Evans, Adult Best Small
Garden, Jacqueline Frost, Adult Large Garden, Charles Bice and Tommy Abston, Betty Cosgrove, Sam Elrod of Elrod
Garden Center, and Tracy Grice, Paulding County Farm Bureau Office Manager.
The Paulding County Farm Bureau in cooperation with Elrod Garden Center and Paulding County Master
Gardener Extension Volunteers recently sponsored the 2014 “Best Home Vegetable Garden Contest.” The
categories were: Adult Large Garden, Adult Medium Garden, Small Adult Garden, and Youth Garden.
Gardens were judged in early July by Paulding County Farm Bureau’s Young Farmer Jason Cook and Master
Gardener Extension Volunteers. First place entrant in each category received $100.00 and a plaque engraved
with their name.
Youth Garden winners, siblings, Charlotte, Calvin, Kassie, Victoria and Sarah Milanese with their Mom, Tracy Milanese,
Betty Cosgrove, John Shipley, Earl Cosgrove and Sam Elrod.
Photos by Nanci Shipley.
The September Plant Swap
The September plant swap was an unqualified success. What fun to share plants with each
other and the public. Because of all those great articles announcing the plant swap we had good
public participation (about 12 people) who shared this event.
Thanks to all the Master Gardeners who took the time to chat with and help people in picking
out plants to take home. Some of the guests expressed interest in coming to other meetings
open to the public.
We never know, the person we help today could very well be a member down the road.
Thanks to all who helped to make this a most successful PLANT SWAP.
Submitted by Judy Howd
Paulding County 4-H Is Proud To Recognize Excellence in
4-H Forestry Judging!
Senior 4-H’ers who spent 12 weeks preparing for the competition by learning to identify seventy-five Georgia
trees, forty diseases and insects of forest trees and learning how to conduct wood volume estimation and
orienteering in forest stands. More than 100 4-H’ers from 9 counties in the state competed in the Forestry Field
Day event.
Paulding County 4-H Seniors placed 2nd in the Northwest District competition while Paulding County 4-H
Juniors placed 1st in the Northwest District competition. Juniors Erin Kenney was awarded the individual high
score award and Lydia Kenney brought home 3rd highest individual score of the competition. Paulding County
4-H Forestry Judging Team members competing were (Front, left to right) Griffin Clark, Ashley Heerlein, Will
Culpepper, (Second Row, left to The Paulding County 4-H Forestry Judging team competed at the Northwest
District Forestry Judging Competition in Rockdale County on September 9, 2014. The team consisted of Junior
and right) Tyler Clark, Kimberly Hadaway, Madison Thomason, Aaren Schertler, Jack Derochers, (Third Row,
left to right) Mary Carol Sheffield, Erin Kenney, Caiti Schertler, Hayden Schertler, Lydia Kenney, and Bob
Adult Volunteers Glenn Derochers and Paula Hayes accompanied the team to field day along with Paulding
County 4-H Forestry Judging Team coaches Master Gardener Extension Volunteer, Bob Banks and County
Extension Coordinator Mary Carol Sheffield. Master Gardener Extension Volunteer Rachel Dutton also
coached the team this season. Congratulations to this outstanding group of 4-H’ers on a job well done!
Submitted by Mary Carol Sheffield
Master Gardener’s Demonstration Garden
We had a total of 776 pounds of produce taken to Helping Hands through this week. All the summer crops
have been removed with the exception of the Peppers and Okra and Sweet Potatoes. Sweet Potatoes have not
produced this year due to the problem with rabbits eating the foliage and blooms. We should remove the okra
this coming week. We planted winter crops of collards, broccoli, radishes and cabbage. Collards are being
harvested at about 20 pounds each of the past three weeks. The last planting of collards was this week when
John and Robbie planted and additional 27 plants to be ready for Christmas and New Year’s eating. We now
have 157 collards in the ground and 18 large cabbage growing profusely. Great year for the Demonstration
Submitted by Earl Cosgrove, Photos by Rachel Dutton
Master Gardener’s Favorite Flower - Pulmonaria
My favorite flower in my garden is actually a rather quiet, unimposing, little plant with variegated spotted leaves
and tiny purple flowers in the spring. It doesn’t scream “LOOK AT ME”, but is like a tiny surprise when it
comes back each spring.
It is a pulmonaria or lungwort passed along to me by a dear friend from her garden. I met this person at the
Master Gardener Classes in Carrollton, GA. We hit it off instantly sharing our Yankee heritage as well as our
love of gardening. Lucille Buter was nearing age 80, when she took on this new challenge. But Lucille was feisty
and not easily deterred whether by taking a new class or driving a tractor. She was ready for what life had to
offer. Soon she and I finished our classes and joined the Paulding County Master Gardeners sharing many fun
Lucille has since passed away but she is often in my thoughts and when this feisty, quiet little plant awakens each
spring, I feel her presence in my garden and I smile.
Article by Judy Howd
Master Gardener Picnic
We had a fun picnic in July, with some really good food! It is always great to meet the extended families of
Master Gardeners and to have relaxing casual time together.
We also got to celebrate a milestone birthday with Mary Carol and her children.
Thank you to all of the organizers, cooks, and set up and clean-up crews.
Photos and article submitted by Marsha Rauscher
2014 Paulding County Master Gardener Officers
President – Marsha Rauscher
Vice-Presidents – Rachel Dutton & Judy Howd
Secretary – Anne Thompson
Treasurers – Carol Corbett
Calendar of Events
November 13 – 6:30pm Harvest Dinner, First
Baptist Church Fellowship Hall
The Paulding Vine is a publication of the Paulding
County Master Gardener Extension Volunteers and is
edited by Rachel Dutton.
There are many colorful wildflowers this time of year
,but to me one of the most colorful can be found near
streams or in moist, shaded areas and at our own White
Oaks Park – Jewelweed. Jewelweed is also a favorite of
Dew or rain will bead up on the leaves forming
sparkling droplets which gave rise to the common name
of Jewelweed.
Submitted by Rachel Dutton
Another Fall Arrangement from our October
Paulding County Cooperative Extension
530 West Memorial Drive
Dallas, Georgia 30132
The University of Georgia and Ft. Valley State
University, the U.S. Department of Agriculture, and
counties of the state cooperating. An Equal
opportunity/affirmative action organization
committed to a diverse work force. Cooperative
Extension offers educational programs, assistance and
materials to all people without regard to race, color,
national origin, age, gender or disability.