[TH]Note 3.1

1 Preserving Anonymity of Recurrent Location-based Queries - Daniele
Riboni, Linda Pareschi, Claudio Bettini
1.1 Key ideal
o 1 user – n similar request
o N service parameters (ex. kind of restaurant) in a request
Solution: mixed
o Anonymity generalizing STdata.
 K-anonymity
 L-diversity[1]: each sensitive attribute has at least l values
 “Equivalence class(EC) of an anonymized table to be a set of
records that have the same values for the quasi-identifiers. For
example in Table 2 has three “equivalence class”.
Definition: An “equivalence class” (EC) is said to have l-diversity if
there are at least l “well-represented” values for the sensitive
attribute. A table is said to have l-diversity if every equivalence
class of the table has l-diversity.
For example: the second EC of table 2 is 3-diversity => can be
background knowledge attack – if attacker knows the target has
very low risk for Flu & Heart Disease then the target must has
Cancer. Table 2 is 1-diversity (the first EC is 1-diversity =>
homogeneity attack - the target belong this EC then the target
must has Heart Disease).
Limit: it does not take into account the semantically closeness of
the values in an EC (l-diversity only care about the quantity of
values) => Skewness and Similarity Attack.
For ex: the first EC of Talbe 4 => all disease is stomach problem.
 Definition: An equivalence class is said to have t-closeness if the
distance between the distribution of a sensitive attribute in this
class and the distribution of the attribute in the whole table is no
more than a threshold t. A table is said to have t-closeness if all
equivalence classes have t-closeness.
o Obfuscation generalizing SSdata.
1.2 Adversary’s model
Service Request (R) has 3 part:
o ID data – identification data
o ST data – spatial(location) and time data
o SS data – service parameters (ex object - China Restaurant, Café, Bookstore;
speed; interest – play tennis).
Context Assumption
o Generalization algorithm is public.
o At each time-granule a group of generalized requests is forwarded to the SP.
Only one request per time granule can be issued by each user.
o The adversary may obtain the generalized requests issued in one or more time
o The adversary may observe or obtain from external sources the position of
specific individuals at given times.
o Correlation of requests at different time granules can only be done by analyzing
o The adversary has no specific prior knowledge about the association between
individuals and sensitive service parameters.
o Definition
 AC(r) is the anonymity set of potential issuers of request r identified on
the basis of r and of context C. Ex: AC(r) = {Alice, Bea, Carl, Dan, Eric}.
 R(A) = (r1,r2,….,rn) is the set of generalized requests issued by users in
anonymity set A. Ex: R(A) is the set composed of requests issued by
Alice, Bea and Carl during TG1
 Θ(v1,v2,….,vn) is the set of values of SSdata included in the set R of
generalized requests
 Mv,R is the number of requests in R which include the SSdata v; this value
is called the multiplicity of v in R. Ex: Mv1,R(A1)= 2
 Given posterior knowledge Kpos(u, TG) = (p1,…, pn) => K(i) pos(u, TG) = pi.
Similarly, given Kpri(u) = (p1,…, pn), K(i) pri (u) = pi. For all user in U, Kpri(u) =
{1/n, …., 1/n} if having n SSdata.
o A1, A2, A3 and A4 are 5-anonymity set. Set SSdata has 12 service parameters
Θ(v1,v2,….,v12) => Kpri(u) = 1/12.
o TG1:
 A1(the left anonymity set) has 3 requests
 2 requests ask for v1 (included Alice)
=> probability Alice request for v1 is 2/5
 One for v2
=> probability Alice request for v2 is 1/5
 A2 has 1 request ask for v3
o TG2
 A3 has 2 request ask for v1 and v2
 A4 has 1 request (from Alice) for v1, the adversary know Alice in A4. The
adversary can notice that the presence of Alice in a given anonymity set
is correlated with a frequency of the private value v1 that is higher than
the average frequency of the same value in the whole set of requests.
Hence, he can conclude that probably Alice issued requests for v1.
o Inference Method
If user u does not belong to any anonymity set at TGm, the adversary
knowledge is the same.
Otherwise, new knowledge can be inferred with
 βi is the probability the user request for vi. Ex: in (TG1, A1) β1 =
2/5 with Alice.
 α is the probability the user issued the request. Ex in (TG1, A1) α
= 3/5.
 K1pos(Alice, TG1) = 2/5 + (1-2/5)*K0pos(Alice, TG0) = 0.4 + 0.4 *
Kpri(Alice) = 0.4 + 0.4 * 1/12 = 0.43
 K2pos(Alice, TG2) = 1/5 + (1-1/5)* K1pos(Alice, TG1) = 1/5 +
4/5*0.43 = 0.546
 For other users in A4 like Hal, K2pos(Hal, TG2) = K1pos(Hal, TG1) =
1/5 + (1-1/5)*1/12 = 0.267
=>the associates Alice to v1 is considerably higher than the value
for the other users belonging to the same anonymity set as Alice.
Hence, he can conclude that probably Alice issued requests for
o Defend Technique
 In particular, for each anonymity set A we ensure that the distance
between the distribution of SSdata in requests originating from A and
the distribution of SSdata in the whole set of requests issued during the
same time granule is below a threshold t.
 A different value of t must be used for each SSdata generalization level.
If it does not exist an SSdata generalization level satisfying both kanonymity and t-closeness (lines 13 to 15), requests are discarded and
their potential issuers are removed
Otherwise (lines 17 to 21), the generalization level j of SSdata
maximizing the QoS is chosen
1.3 Reference
[1] N. Li, T. Li, and S. Venkatasubramanian, t-closeness: Privacy beyond k-anonymity and ldiversity.” in ICDE. IEEE, 2007, pp. 106–115.